ABO Notable (Lifetime) Contribution Award in Behavioral Accounting Literature

Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award






Nomination Process

Selection Committee

Nature of Award


Notable Contribution to the Auditing Literature

To recognize research
works of exceptional merit that make a significant contribution to auditing or assurance education, practice, or research.

To be eligible for submission, a work must have been published during the ten-year period ended December 31st of the year prior to the year of nomination (i.e., if nomination is made in July 20X2, then December 31, 20X1) and at least one of the authors of the published article, chapter, book, or monograph must be a current member of the Auditing Section. 

A maximum of one award may be made each year

Research that has
been published during the ten calendar years preceding the most recent Midyear
Meeting of the Auditing

Current members of the Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award Committee and the current President are ineligible for the award. Other Executive Committee members are eligible if the paper is co-authored.

To be eligible for consideration, at least one of the authors of the published article, chapter, book, or monograph must be current member of the Auditing Section.

The nominator is
required to submit a brief statement indicating how the nomination meets the qualifying criteria.

Nominations submitted that are not selected are to be carried forward as nominations for the next four subsequent years. Committee chair should forward those nominations to the next year’s Committee chair. 

The Section President serves as the EC liaison to the committee but is not a member of the committee.

The selection committee will be approved by the Executive Committee.


First awarded in 1999/2000

Please submit nominations to Keith Jones via email (keithjones@ku.edu) by the earliest possible date, but no later than August 15, 2021.

Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award Winners

Jeffrey Cohen, Boston College, Ganesh Krishnamoorthy, Northeastern University, Arnie Wright, University of Central Florida
"Corporate governance in the post-Sarbanes-Oxley era: Auditors’ experiences " CAR 2010

Notable Contribution Award Past Winners

2021 - Hun Tong Tan

2020 - Jean C. Bedard

2019 - Marlys Lipe

2018 - Steven E. Salterio

2017- Sarah Bonner

2016 - None Awarded

2015 - Arnie Wright

2014 - Tom Kida

2013 - Steve Kaplan

2012 - Joan Luft

2009 - Ken Trotman

2008 - Michael D. Shields

2007 - Mark Dirsmith

2005 - Theodore J. Mock

2004 - William S. Waller

2003 - Kenneth A. Merchant

2001 - Anthony G. Hopwood

2000 - Robert Libby

1999 - Jacob G. Birnberg

1995 - Robert H. Ashton


Behavioral Research in Accounting

A journal of the Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations Section of the American Accounting Association

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Midyear Meeting

2024 Accounting Behavior and Organizations Research Conference
October 18-19, 2024 • Montreal, QC, Canada

Join us for our Research Conference being held October 18-19 in Montreal, QC, Canada at the Delta Hotels by Marriott Montreal.

More details about the meeting to be posted soon.

We look forward to seeing you in Montreal!