1. The name of the organization shall be Northeast Region, American Accounting Association (hereinafter, the Northeast Region).

2. The principal office shall be located at the current Regional President’s place of employment. The permanent address shall be Regional President; Northeast Region, American Accounting Association as its current address.


1. The Northeast Region shall be subject to all policies of the American Accounting Association (hereinafter, the Association). In that context, it ascribes to the same purposes and objectives as expressed in Article II of the Association by-laws. In meeting Regional needs, the Northeast Region will: a) strive to facilitate a broad based member participation in the activities and programs of the Association; b) endeavor to sponsor broad based research and educational programs for the benefit of its members, and c) offer continuing education programs which shall be coordinated with the Association'’ Director of Education.

2. Participation and sponsorship in the Northeast Region shall be primarily achieved through the annual meeting at a location that is accessible by the members of the Region. The meeting shall be tailored to the specific needs and desires of the Regional members and shall strive to draw on the talents of a broad spectrum of members in the Region.

3. The Region is encouraged to utilize the existing Association journal, monograph, and newsletter outlets.

4. The Northeast Region shall encourage the attendance of its officers as representatives to governing bodies of the Association.


Membership in the Northeast Region shall consist of those members of the Association who are in good standing and who are employed or reside in the states that are part of the Region as defined by the Association.


In accordance with Association policy, the Northeast Region shall not charge dues.


The Northeast Regional Steering Committee shall consist of a) the Regional President; b) the immediate Past Regional President; c) the Regional President-Elect and, d) nine other members, as elected by the Region. Nominations shall be in accordance with Section VII. Their terms shall begin at the end of the annual meeting in which they are elected, and conclude when their successors are elected. Members will normally serve on staggered three-year terms. The Steering Committee shall meet at least once a year at the Northeast Regional Meeting, with a majority of its members constituting a quorum. 

There should be at least one member from each of the member states: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. In addition to any other duties specified herein, the Northeast Regional Steering Committee shall:

1. Coordinate the activities of the Region.

2. Assist the President of the Association in the conduct of the Region’s business.

3. Designate a Program Chairman – generally to be the President-Elect.

4. Act as a broad based Program Committee to assist the Program Chairman.

5. Act as a Nominating Committee in accordance with Section VII.


1. Northeast Regional President

The Northeast Regional President shall serve for a term of one year – beginning at the close of the annual meeting following the annual meeting at which he or she was designated Northeast Regional President-Elect and ending at the close of the next annual meeting. In addition to duties specified elsewhere herein, the Northeast Regional President shall:

a) Preside over the annual business meeting;

b) Appoint any special committees;

c) Serve on the Advisory Council of the Association as a representative of the Northeast Region. In the event that he or she is unable to represent the Northeast Region is such capacity, then he or she shall designate a replacement;

d) Act as Chairman of the Northeast Regional Steering Committee;

e) Act as Treasurer of the Region. In that capacity, he or she shall maintain financial records for the Region and prepare periodic financial reports as indicated elsewhere in these by-laws;

f) Consider the need for the Steering Committee to meet and shall call for meetings upon request of a majority of the Steering Committee.

2. The Northeast Regional President-Elect

The Northeast Regional President-Elect shall serve for a period of one year – beginning at the close of the annual meeting at which he or she is designated Northeast Regional President-Elect and ending at the next meeting. In addition to duties specified herein, the Regional PresidentElect shall:

a) Serve on the Northeast Regional Steering Committee;

b) Succeed the Northeast Regional President immediately should the President be unable to fulfill his or her ordinary term for any reason;

c) Serve as the Program Chairman for the next annual meeting if so voted by the Steering Committee. This responsibility shall include but is not restricted to the following:

1) Working with the Regional Steering Committee which will act as a broad based Program Committee;

2) Establishing, with approval of the Steering Committee, the Annual Meeting date with an attempt to maximize participation in the Region. The dates, whenever possible, should not conflict with those of other Regions;

3) Providing the Executive Director of the Association with timely information regarding a “Call for Papers” to be published in Accounting Education News;

4) Mailing to members of the Northeast Region a “Call for Papers”, should it be deemed advisable;

5) Selecting papers, speakers, and others to appear on the program at the meeting;

6) Mailing program information to members of the Northeast Region;

7) Coordinating the proceedings of the annual meeting, if applicable.

3. Past Northeast Regional President The Past Northeast Regional President shall serve for a period of one year beginning at the close of the annual meeting at which his or her term as Regional President expires and ending at the close of the next annual meeting. In addition to duties specified elsewhere within, the past Regional President shall:

a) Serve on the Northeast Regional Steering Committee;

b) File with the President and Executive Committee of the Association (through the Association Executive Director) a report on the activities during his or her term as Regional President. This report shall be filed no later than the June 30 following the end of his or her term as Regional Vice-President.

4. Next President-Elect a.) Serve on the Northeast Steering Committee at least one year prior to hosting meeting.

b.) Serve on the Advisory Council of the Association as a representative of the Northeast Region. In the event that he or she is unable to represent the Northeast Region is such capacity, then he or she shall designate a replacement

5. Other Northeast Regional Steering Committee Members Committee members are expected to attend all meetings of the Steering Committee. When circumstances prevent a member from attending a majority of meetings, that person should normally resign from the Committee. Other specific duties will be determined by the Steering Committee or by the Northeast Regional President.

VII. THE NORTHEAST REGIONAL NOMINATING COMMITTEE The Regional Steering Committee shall act as a Nominating Committee for new three year membership terms on the Steering Committee. The nominations are to be presented at the annual business meeting. Additional nominations shall be accepted from the floor. A simple majority of those present and voting shall elect.

VIII. REPLACEMENTS Committee members who are unable to complete their three year term will be replaced, for the remainder of that term, by an individual who is elected by a majority of the Steering Committee members present and voting at a regular or special meeting.


1. The Northeast Regional annual meeting of not less than one day shall be held at a time and place which will not detract from the annual meeting of the Association. Generally, the Region’s annual meeting shall be held during the first half of the calendar year.

2. Although Regions are generally proscribed by Association policy from affiliating with other organizations without prior approval, they may affiliate with other organizations for the purpose of holding joint regional meetings.

3. A quorum shall be constituted by the members present. Except as otherwise noted herein, a majority of the members present and voting shall be sufficient for any motion to be effected. Agenda for the business meeting should be distributed at the time of program registration.

4. The conduct of meetings shall normally follow “Robert’s Rule of Order” unless in conflict with these by-laws or unless waived by a majority of members present and voting.


1. In accordance with Association policy, the Region itself shall not charge membership dues. Any accumulated surpluses (as well as deficits) from regional meetings or other activities are the sole province of the Region. Likewise, any surplus (or deficit) generated by the Regional annual meeting accrue to the Region, not to the host institution (assuming the host institution will properly apply all direct costs against the meeting’s revenues in determining the surplus (or deficit).

2. The Northeast Region, at the discretion of its Steering Committee, is entitled to raise funds through the following means:

a. Regional annual meeting registration fee;

b. Sale of annual meeting proceedings (which may be included as an integral part of the meeting registration fee);

c. Sale of advertising and promoting space to publishers and others at the annual meeting;

d. Solicitation of contributions for purposes of supporting the annual meeting and its accompanying activities and outputs. Further, solicitation unrelated to the annual meeting must receive prior approval by the Association’s President in order to enhance the welfare of the Association as a whole.

3. The Northeast Region shall expend funds to accomplish the stated objectives herein.

4. The President shall be responsible for the maintenance of funds for ordinary purposes.

5. In order to advise the Association Executive Committee of the actual sources and used of funds, the Regional President shall provide Association Secretary/Treasurer with a financial statement no later than July 31st. The Regional President shall also maintain reasonable documentation supporting the actual sources and application of funds from the annual meeting and operations of the Steering Committee. The Regional President shall also report to the region’s Steering Committee and the Association Secretary/Treasurer of any commitments of a substantial or continuing nature not associated with the Regional meeting. These reports should be signed by the Regional President.

6. The fiscal year for the Northeast Region shall end on June 30th of each year.

XI. AMENDMENTS These by-laws may be amended or adopted by majority vote of the members present and voting at the annual meeting of the Northeast Region.

XII. A copy of these by-laws shall be provided to all new members of the Northeast Region Steering Committee, and to any other regional member upon request.