The Glen McLaughlin (Endowed) Prize for Research in Accounting and Ethics Call for Papers

20th Anniversary Commemorating Conference

(April 5 and 6, 2018 at the University of Oklahoma)

John T. Steed School of Accounting invites scholars to submit their unpublished papers (at the time of submission) examining the implications of ethics in any area of accounting. The winning paper selected for the conference will receive a prize of $10,000. The second place paper will receive $5,000 and the remaining two papers will receive $1,000 each. All winners will also receive a plaque. The development of the ethical concepts in the paper may be rooted in ethical philosophy, but authors should feel free to draw upon ethical insights from other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, biology, economics and humanities. The paper is best viewed an interdisciplinary work, contributing to the understanding of ethical concepts and then applying this understanding to accounting issues in an effective way.

Papers must be submitted by October 1, 2017 for consideration for the conference. Papers selected for the conference will be announced by December 1, 2017. Papers selected for the prizes will be recognized at the conclusion of the conference. All expenses will be paid for one author per paper selected for conference presentation.

Please email your paper (title page and manuscript excluding the title page or other identifying information in pdf format) to In case of any questions, please contact: Dipankar Ghosh, David Ross Boyd and David C. Steed Professor of Accounting; Chair, Glen McLaughlin Research Prize Committee; Steed School of Accounting; Price College of Business; University of Oklahoma; Norman, OK 73019. Office: + 1(405) 325-5777; Cell: + 1(405) 312-9520.