The Section shall serve the following purposes:
- To encourage, support, and promote interest in all aspects of international accounting through the American Accounting Association, both in the United States and throughout the rest of the world;
- To provide means of communication among AAA members, other academicians, and professional accountants interested in international accounting through:
- Regional and national Section meetings (held concurrently with meetings of the AAA or other organizations) as well as international meetings;
- An annual Section Midyear Conference;
- Publication of a newsletter (International Accounting Forum);
- Preparation of publications relevant to international accounting, particularly the Section journal (Journal of International Accounting Research);
- Collection and dissemination of information about international accounting courses taught throughout the world;
- Publication of a Section membership list (with indication of special interest areas); and
- Support of international liaison activities conducted by the AAA administrative office or other AAA committees, and the encouragement of international faculty exchanges;
- To encourage international accounting research by Section members and to provide a forum for exchange of research findings through:
- Appropriate programs at annual Section Meetings and Regional Meetings;
- Assisting AAA research committees and providing advisory groups for international accounting projects; and
- Monitoring of important international accounting events and foreign research;
- To facilitate, as far as feasible, special research, teaching, or information needs of Section members as they arise-
President F. Greg Burton Brigham Young University School of Accountancy 540 TNRB Provo, UT 84602 Phone: 801-422-8767 fgb@byu.edu | Past-President Elizabeth Gordon Temple University 453 Alter Hall 1801 Liacouras Walk Philadelphia, PA 19122 Phone: 215-470-8915 egordon@temple.edu |
President Elect Giorgio Gotti University of Texas - El Paso Acctg Dept/Col of Business Admin 500 W University Avenue El Paso, TX 79968 Phone: 915-747-7762 ggotti@utep.edu | Vice President — Practice Jeri Calle KPMG 303 E Wacker Dr. Ste. 1800 Chicago, IL 60601 Phone: 312-665-1390 jcalle@kpmg.com |
Treasurer Chris Skousen Utah State University School of Accountancy 3540 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322 Phone: 435-797-2429 chris.skousen@usu.edu | Secretary Carolyn Callahan University of Louisville College of Business Louisville, KY 40292 Phone: 502-852-6443 cmcall04@louisville.edu |
Council Representative Ervin L. Black The University of Oklahoma Phone: 405-325-2401 ervblack@ou.edu | |
Journal Editor (Journal of International Accounting Research) Ervin Black University of Oklahoma Phone: 405-325-2401 erv_black@ou.edu | Newsletter (International Accounting Forum) Gia Chevis Baylor University Phone: 254-710-1328 gia_chevis@baylor.edu |
Communications Director Helen Kang University of New South Wales Phone: 61 2 9385 5824 helen.kang@unsw.edu.au | AAACommons Editorial Board Members Helen Kang University of New South Wales Phone: 61 2 9385 5824 helen.kang@unsw.edu.au |
Committee Chairpersons
Advisory Board Chair Susan Hughes University of Vermont Phone: 802-656-0504 shughes@uvm.edu | Annual Program Co-Chair Ling-Tai (Lynette) Chou National Chengchi University Phone: 01188629387326 lynettechou1@gmail.com |
Annual Program Co-Chair Thomas Lechner Eastern Michigan University ProfLechner@Yahoo.com | CPE Committee Co-Chair Eva Jermakowicz Tennessee State University Phone: 615-963-7052 ejermakowicz@tnstate.edu |
CPE Committee Co-Chair Mark Holzblatt Cleveland State University Phone: 216-875-9711 m.holtzblatt@csuohio.edu | |
International Relations Victoria Krivogorsky San Diego State University Phone: 619-594-7189 vkrivogo@mail.sdsu.edu | Membership Committee Co-Chair Elaine Henry Fordham University Phone: 718-817-2008 ehenry777@gmail.com |
Membership Committee Co-Chair Wendy Wilson Texas Christian University Phone: 817-257-7571 wendy.wilson@tcu.edu | |
Midyear Conference Co-Chair Stephen Lin Florida International University Phone: 786-210-3688 lins@fiu.edu | Midyear Conference Co-Chair Mahendra Gujarathi Bentley University Phone: 781-891-3408 MGUJARATHI@bentley.edu |
Midyear Conference Doctoral Consortium Hollis A. Skaife University of California-Davis Phone: 530-752-6997 haskaife@ucdavis.edu | Nominations Committee Stephan Salter University of Texas- El Paso Phone: 915-747-7755 sbsalter@utep.edu |
Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee Wayne Thomas University of Oklahoma Phone: 405-325-5789 wthomas@ou.edu | Outstanding Educator Award Committee Sudipta Basu Temple University Phone: 215-204-0489 Sudipta.Basu@temple.edu |
Outstanding Section Service Award Committee Co-Chair Jeannie Harrington Middle Tennessee State Phone: 615-898-2038 Jeannie.Harrington@mtsu.edu | |
Practice Issues Committee Co-Chair Don Hermann Oklahoma State University Phone: 405-744-8602 don.herrmann@okstate.edu | Practice Issues Committee Co-Chair Jeri Calle KPMG Phone: 312-665-1390 jcalle@kpmg.com |
Publications Committee Chair Wayne Thomas University of Oklahoma Phone: 405-325-5789 wthomas@ou.edu | Research Committee Chair Donal Byard CUNY- Baruch College Phone: 646-312-3187 Donal.Byard@baruch.cuny.edu |
Section Historian Robert Larson University of Dayton Phone: 937-229-2497 rlarson1@udayton.edu | Strategic Planning Committee Wolfgang Schultze University of Augsburg Phone: 498215984130 wolfgang.schultze@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de |
Teaching and Curriculum Committee Judy Beckman University of Rhode Island Phone: 401-874-4321 iswim100im@mail.uri.edu | |
Regional Coordinators
Regional Coordinator Chair Mark Myring Ball State University Phone: 765-285-5100 mmyring@bsu.edu | Midwest Region Regional Coordinator Chair Mark Myring Ball State University Phone: 765-285-5100 mmyring@bsu.edu |
Mid-Atlantic Region Minna Yu Monmouth University Phone: 732-263-5543 miyu@monmouth.edu | Ohio Region Mark Holtzblatt Cleveland State University Phone: 224-392-7030 m.holtzblatt@csuohio.edu |
Northeast Region Norbert Tschakert Salem State University Phone: 619-200-9852 ntschakert@salemstate.edu | Southwest Region Co-Coordinator Kean Wu Rochester Institute of Technology Phone: 585-475-2102 kwu@saunders.rit.edu |
Southeast Region Murphy Smith Murray State University Phone: 270-809-4297 Msmith93@murraystate.edu | Western Region Cecilia Lin University of Portland Phone: 503-943-7195 lin@up.edu |
International Coordinators