AAA Awards

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize

The Accounting Hall of Fame
Established at The Ohio State University

AAA Presidential Scholars

Press Releases for the 2022 AAA Award Recipients


The call for nominations for 2023 AAA awards will open in September 2022.
Please check back this fall for more details.

Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Awards - awards are given for the best paper published each calendar year for either publication.    No Stated Deadline  go to page



Competitive Manuscript Award - to encourage research by new PhDs   January 31  go to page



Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award - for results or application of research that advances the practice of public accountancy   January 31 go to page



Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award - to recognize research of exceptional merit published more than five years but not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award   January 31 go to page



Innovation in Accounting Education Award - to encourage and recognize innovation in accounting education   January 31 go to page



Lifetime Service Award - to recognize service contributions to accounting education over a sustained period of time   January 31 go to page



Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award - to recognize research of exceptional merit published in the most recent past five years   January 31 go to page



Outstanding Accounting Educator Award - to recognize educators whose careers have been sustained and substantive   January 31 go to page



Outstanding Service Award - to recognize outstanding services to the Association other than educational and research contributions   No Stated Deadline go to page



Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award - to recognize seminal research   January 31, 2022 go to page

AAA Section Awards

2020 AAA Annual Meeting Section Award Recipients
2019 AAA Annual Meeting Section Award Recipients

2018 AAA Annual Meeting Section Award Recipients
2017 AAA Annual Meeting Section Award Recipients
2016 AAA Annual Meeting Section Award Recipients
2015 AAA Annual Meeting Section Award Recipients
2014 AAA Annual Meeting Section Award Recipients


AAA Section Awards Details

Accounting Behavior and Organizations      
ABO Notable (Lifetime) Contribution Award in Behavioral Accounting Literature - a Lifetime Contribution Award given to an individual who has contributed substantially to the theory and practice of behavioral accounting research during the individual's academic career.   May 28 go to page
ABO Outstanding Dissertation Award - to recognize outstanding doctoral dissertation on a behavioral or organizational topic.   May 28 go to page
BRIA Best Paper Award - to recognize annually a paper published in BRIA with the greatest impact or potential impact on behavioral and/or organizational research in accounting.   June 10 (yearly) go to page

Accounting Information Systems Section      
Notable Contribution to Accounting Information Systems Literature Award - to recognize outstanding contributions to the literature in accounting information systems.   March 15 (yearly) go to page
Outstanding Dissertation Award - to recognize outstanding dissertations in the field of accounting information systems.     go to page

American Taxation Association      
ATA Tax Manuscript Award - an annual award for a significant contribution to the tax literature published during the prior three years.   January 15 (yearly) go to page
ATA Teaching Innovation Award - an annual award for an innovative teaching technique or method in an undergraduate or graduate tax course.   January 15 (yearly) go to page
The Ray M. Sommerfeld Outstanding Tax Educator Award - awarded by the ATA Section to recognize, honor and reward outstanding contributions by a faculty member teaching taxation at a recognized academic institution.   January 31 (yearly) go to page
ATA/PricewaterhouseCoopers Outstanding Dissertation Award - an annual award for the Outstanding Tax Dissertation at the annual ATA luncheon.   February 3 (yearly) go to page
ATA Outstanding Service Award - to recognize an ATA member who has provided outstanding service to the ATA for an extended period of time.   January 31 (yearly) go to page

Auditing Section      
Distinguished Service in Auditing Award - to recognize exemplary career service to the Auditing profession or the Section and scholarly contributions to the field of Auditing.   July 15 go to page
Innovation in Auditing and Assurance Education Award - to encourage innovation and improvement in auditing and assurance education.   July 15 go to page
Outstanding Auditing Dissertation Award - to recognize most outstanding contribution to auditing knowledge.   July 15 go to page
Outstanding Auditing Educator Award - to recognize significant achievements in research or teaching in the field of Auditing.   July 15 go to page
Notable Contributions to the Auditing Literature Award - to recognize research works of exceptional merit that make a direct contribution to auditing or assurance education, practice, or research.   July 15 go to page
A Journal of Practice and Theory Best Paper Award - to recognize a paper published in AJPTthat has had a significant influence on, or the potential to significantly influence, auditing research or practice.   July 15 go to page

Diversity Section      
Research Excellence Award and Service Excellence Award - To recognize outstanding achievements in research and service to the Diversity Section by a member or an officer.      

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section      
Best Dissertation Award - to recognize the author of an outstanding financial accounting/reporting dissertation.   March 1, 2018 go to page
Best Paper Award - to enhance interaction among academic and practicing members and provide an incentive for researchers to focus their efforts on topics relevant to the practicing profession and standard-setters.   March 1, 2018 go to page
 Best Midyear Meeting Paper Award- to recognize the paper presented at the Midyear Meeting that has the most potential to advance our understanding of financial accounting and reporting    March 1, 2018 go to page
Distinguished PhD Mentoring Award- to recognize an individual's distinguished efforts in teaching and mentoring doctoral students in the financial accounting research area over the course of his career    March 1, 2018  go to page
Excellence in Reviewing Awards- to recognize reviewers that demonstrate excellence in reviewing papers as part of the paper selection process for the FARS Midyear meeting and AAA Annual Meeting    March 1, 2018  go to page
Lifetime Achievement Award - to recognize an individual’s achievements in outstanding thought leadership in financial accounting research over the course of his/her career.     go to page
 Lifetime Service Award-  to recognize distinguished service contributions to the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section    March 1, 2018  go to page
Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award - To recognize the paper presented at the Midyear Meeting that has the most potential to advance our understanding of financial accounting and reporting.    March 1, 2018 go to page
 Outstanding Discussion Award- to recognize discussants that provide outstanding discussions of papers presented at the FARS Midyear meeting   March 1, 2018  go to page
 Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award- to recognize effort to develop something new or different that increases student interest in the study of financial accounting or that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of financial accounting education    March 1, 2018 go to page

Forensic Accounting Section      
Forensic Accounting Section Best Research Paper Award    April 29 go to page
Forensic Accounting Section Best Teaching Innovation Award    April 29 go to page
Forensic Accounting Section Dissertation Paper Award   April 29 go to page

Gender Issues and Worklife Balance Section      
KPMG Mentoring Award Gender Section - A Mentoring Award will be awarded each year to a special mentor (female or male) who has affected the lives of students in accounting.   March 1 (yearly) go to page
KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award Gender Section - awarded each year to the outstanding manuscript selected from submitted published articles published in the prior calendar year.   March 1 (yearly) go to page
KPMG Outstanding Dissertation Award Gender Section - awarded each year to the outstanding dissertation selected from dissertations submitted for consideration that were completed in the prior calendar year.   March 1 (yearly) go to page
KPMG Best Paper Award Gender Section - awarded each year to one of the papers presented at the Annual Meeting.   Same as Annual Meeting Paper Submission Deadline go to page

Government and Nonprofit Section      
Outstanding Dissertation Award in Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting - to recognize the best contribution to governmental and nonprofit accounting research.   April 15 (yearly) go to page
Government and Nonprofit Section Doctoral Dissertation Grants - a competitive dissertation grant program to help defray certain costs for individuals conducting dissertation research on governmental and nonprofit topics.   April 15 (yearly) go to page

International Accounting Section      
Outstanding International Accounting Service Award    February 15, 2017 go to page
Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award    February 28, 2018 go to page
Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award   February 25, 2018 go to page

Management Accounting Section      
Management Accounting Section Dissertation Award - to recognize outstanding dissertation research in the field of management accounting.   February 15 (yearly) go to page
Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award - Consideration is given to books, monographs, and journal articles on management accounting topics published within the past five calendar years.   February 15 (yearly) go to page
The Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education - to recognize an outstanding teaching or curriculum contribution to the area of management/cost accounting education.    February 15 (yearly) go to page
Lifetime Contribution to Management Accounting Section Award - to recognize individuals who have made significant contribution to the Management Accounting Section.   October 7(yearly) go to page
JMAR Best Paper Award - presented annually to the JMAR paper deemed to have the greatest potential impact on management accounting research.   October 1 (yearly) go to page
Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting   March 1 (yearly) go to page
Greatest Impact on Practice   August 31 (yearly) go to page

Public Interest Section      
Accounting Exemplar Award - awarded to an individual who has made notable contributions to professionalism and ethics in accounting education and/or practice.   April 01 (yearly) go to page

Strategic and Emerging Technologies      
SET Section Outstanding Dissertation Award - to recognize outstanding dissertations in the fields of artificial intelligence and/or emerging technologies.   March 31 go to page
SET Section Outstanding Educator Award - to recognize an educator for their outstanding education contribution in the field of SET.   March 31 go to page
SET Section Outstanding Researcher Award - to recognize a researcher for their outstanding published research in the field of SET.   March 31 go to page

Teaching, Learning & Curriculum Section      
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Outstanding Research in Accounting Education Award - to encourage and recognize excellence in accounting education research.   April 15 go to page
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section Hall of Honor Award - to recognize a TLC member who has provided outstanding service to the section for an extended period of time.   April 15 go to page
Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section Outstanding Instructional Contribution Award   April 15 go to page

Two-Year College Section      
Two-Year College Section Educator of the Year Award - to recognize distinguished service in the field of accounting education.   No Stated Deadline go to page
Two-Year College Section Lifetime Achievement in Accounting Education Award - to recognize full-time college accounting educators who have distinguished themselves for excellence in teaching and for involvement in the accounting profession.   No Stated Deadline go to page

Other Accounting Awards/Grants

AICPA Accounting Education Center
The AICPA Academics Area calls for professors to submit their most innovative accounting course teaching techniques for the opportunity to earn an award.

Laurels Fund Scholarship
The Educational Foundation For Women in Accounting (EFWA) established the Laurels Fund in 1978 for the purpose of providing scholarships to female students who are pursuing advanced degrees in Accounting. Scholarships may be awarded up to $5,000 to deserving Ph.D. students.

AGA National Awards — These awards are presented at the annual Professional Development Conference and Exposition. In many cases, individuals do not have to be members of AGA to be eligible.

The IMA Foundation for Applied Research (FAR) Research Grant — In recognition of the vital role of IMA's research, The IMA Foundation for Applied Research, Inc. (FAR) was formed in 1994, IMA's 75th anniversary year. The founding trustee's intent was to ensure sufficient resources, both human and financial, to sustain and augment IMA's role as a valued center of research on the most important practice issues of the day while also identifying financial management trends to meet the challenges of the next millennium. The IMA's Foundation for Applied Research (FAR) is currently seeking research proposals in the following areas:

  • Applications of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) Measures
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
  • Business Intelligence (BI)

The Fulbright Scholar Program — Administered by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES). CIES annually recruits and sends nearly 800 U.S. faculty and professionals to 140 countries on its traditional program and brings 800 foreign faculty and professionals to the U.S.


Press Releases for the 2021 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2020 AAA Award Recipientss
Press Releases for the 2019 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2018 AAA Award Recipients

Press Releases for the 2017 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2016 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2015 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2014 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2013 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2012 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2011 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2010 AAA Award Recipients
Press Releases for the 2009 AAA Award Recipients

2008 AAA Inventory of Awards (PDF)

Awards Presented at the 2004 Annual Meeting
Awards Presented at the 2003 Annual Meeting
Awards Presented at the 2002 Annual Meeting
Awards Presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting
Awards Presented at the 2000 Annual Meeting
Awards Presented at the 1999 Annual Meeting

Auditor Independence: Grants for Research Proposals - (Fall 2000) The AAA received $500,000 to fund research dealing with the subject of auditor independence.

AAA/AICPA Collaborative Award Winners - Recipients 1996 - 2000.