Educating the Future Accounting Professional: Actively Shaping Professional Identities for a Rapidly Changing World

Guest Editors

Dr. Sandy Hilton
University of British Columbia, Canada

Associate Professor Nicholas McGuigan
Monash University, Australia

Economic, technological, ecological, and sociological factors are disrupting and impacting the accounting profession and challenging the current business environment. The future of work, climate change, innovation, sustainability, political instability, and over-consumption of resources represent systemic factors, which will reshape the types of business decisions that professional accountants are called on to make. New technologies are set to transform the information available to accounting professionals making business decisions. The accounting profession will continue to be transformed whilst new professions may be created to fill the need produced by the disruptive forces.

Issues in Accounting Education invites submissions for a themed issue on “Educating the Future Accounting Professional: Actively Shaping Professional Identities for a Rapidly Changing World. This themed issue welcomes all views on educating the future accounting professional with all types of articles, empirical, theoretical, case studies, autobiographical, or opinion pieces being considered. Submissions should be original work, which investigates an aspect of accounting education for the future professional.  The themed issue will focus primarily on the impacts to education rather than focusing on the disruptive forces themselves.

The following list is indicative of topics of interest but is not intended to be exhaustive:

  • Educating for future economies and alternative ways of measuring
  • Developing future professional identities of accounting graduates
  • Assessment and Evaluation of skills and/or attributes development for an ambiguous world
  • Embedding new models of corporate reporting, governance and accountability in curricula design
  • Creating a systems design approach in accounting education
  • Developing creativity and innovation attributes in accounting curricula
  • Accounting Student co-creation of learning and assessment design
  • Emotional intelligence, empathy, and the impact it has on learning accounting
  • Enhancing interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary perspectives
  • Professional development of Accounting educators for the professions of the future
  • Future governance and accountability measurements and frameworks
  • Developing integrated curriculum that introduce new skills/attributes with traditional accounting technical knowledge
  • Designing courses that help accounting students develop resiliency, adaptability, innovation, and other skills/attributes necessary to be successful in the future profession

Please email the Guest Editors regarding any queries or if you would like to discuss an idea you may have in relation to the themed issue.

Submissions should be prepared in accordance with Issues in Accounting Education’s policies and style guide, submitted by June 30, 2019, via the journal’s normal submission process. During submission, please select the ‘Other’ manuscript type and indicate in your cover letter that your manuscript is in consideration for the special issue.

Issues in Accounting Education publishes research, commentaries, and instructional resources that assist accounting faculty in teaching and address important issues in accounting education. It is published quarterly in February, May, August, and November and is a top international journal indexed in both Scopus and ESCI (Web of Science). For more information on the journal and how to submit manuscripts, visit the Issues in Accounting Education page.

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