Annual Meeting Videos

Videos hosted by the American Accounting Association have been authorized by their respective presenters / rightsholders. Access to presentation video content from the 2018 Annual Meeting is a Member Benefit.

Plenary Speakers

Opening Remarks, Awards, and Shelterbox

Bruce Mau

Freeman and Massive Change Network

Opening Remarks and Awards


Speaker Christine Botosan

Financial Accounting Standards Board

Pathway to an Integrated Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting

This content will be available until Feb 3, 2019

Speaker Lillian F. Mills

University of Texas at Austin

Pursuing Relevant (Tax) Research

Opening Remarks and Award Presentations


Speaker: Don Reed, Reediculous/Media

3 Feet Past the Finish Line: Utilizing Your True Story

Opening Remarks and Award Presentations


Speaker: Richard Howitt

International Integrated Reporting Council

Integrated Reporting - Building the Evidence-Base Towards Global Adoption

Speaker: Baruch Lev

New York University

Restoring the Relevance and Viability of Accounting and Financial Reporting

Speaker: Marc Rubin

President-Elect, American Accounting Association, Miami University

Bold Transformations Toward A Prosperous Society