The Third International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR)

July 20 and 21, São Paulo, Brazil

Submission Deadline: February 15, 2015 (early submission is encouraged)

Theme: Increasing the Scope and Impact of International Accounting Research
The goal of this conference is to expand the scope and impact of international accounting research, through increased understanding and awareness of the challenges and opportunities of international accounting. Original and rigorous research work will provide academics, practitioners and regulators with deeper insights into international accounting issues. While the journal continues to welcome innovative and high quality research that examines how accounting data affects capital market participants, one of the goals of the 3rd Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) conference is to increase the scope and impact of international accounting research. We hope by having the conference in Latin America, we will receive high quality research from that area, as well as other areas of the world. Papers that address interesting and innovative research questions in all areas are welcomed. Papers addressing issues such as the following are particularly welcomed for plenary sessions:

1. How and why the contractual and regulatory uses of accounting data vary across countries.
2. The use of accounting data in international trade and cross-border mergers.
3. The effects of IFRS adoption on uses of accounting data in transitional and emerging economies including, but not limited to, capital markets and contracts.
4. How and why the effects of IFRS adoption on uses of accounting data varies across countries.
5. The challenges of management and control in a global world.
6. The relevance of methods and paradigms from cross-cultural psychology and international business to international accounting.
7. The development of accounting academics throughout the world and their challenges.
8. The development of an international accounting profession and it challenges; including ethics, education, enforcement, language, etc.

Papers can be submitted for consideration in one of two tracks: Plenary Session submissions or Concurrent Session submissions. For the Plenary Sessions, please submit papers that are on international accounting issues (suitable for JIAR). We accept papers in all areas of accounting for the Concurrent Sessions. Papers can be submitted in English, Portuguese or Spanish.

Plenary Session Submission: 

Accepted Plenary Session papers will be published in the Journal of International Accounting Research (conditional on satisfactory responses to reviewers’ and discussant’s comments). Additionally, the conference will waive the registration fee and pay for airfare (up to $1,400 US) and three nights’ stay in the conference hotel for one presenter. Please follow the regular submission procedure for JIAR outlined at:

Concurrent Session Submission:

Papers submitted to the Concurrent Session will be considered for presentation at the conference and publication in the Accounting & Finance Review - USP (Revista Contabilidade & Finanças - USP) or the International Journal of Auditing Technology but not for publication in the Journal of International Accounting Research. Please submit three files: the cover page and the remaining of your manuscript (PDF files), full paper (Words file) to Kindly indicate in the email whether you wish your paper to be considered for publication in any of the three journals mentioned above.

Program Organizer:
American Accounting Association, International Accounting Section

Local Organizer and Financial Sponsors:
The School of Economics, Business and Accounting at the University of Sao Paulo (FEA-USP).For questions and suggestions, please email, or contact any of the IAS JIAR Conference Planning Committee members: Ervin Black, Greg Burton, C.S. Agnes Cheng (co-chair), Elizabeth Gordon (chair), Joanna Ho, Tony Kang, and Samir Trabelsi; or the Organization Committee Members: Bruno Meirelles Salotti, Edgard B. Cornacchione Jr., Fábio Frezatti, Fernando Dal-Ri Múrcia, Gerlando Augusto Sampaio Franco de Lima, Guillermo Braunbeck, Joshua Onome Imoniana , Lucas Ayres Barreira de Campos Barros, Luiz Nelson Guedes de Carvalho, and Tânia Regina Sordi Relvas.