Now Open! Board of Directors Election: Vote Today


The AAA office will be closed for the Thanksgiving Holiday until Monday November 27th. We will return any requests upon our return. Thank you, and have a Happy Thanksgiving!



About the American Accounting Association

The American Accounting Association is the premier community of accountants in academia. Founded in 1916, we have a rich and reputable history built on leading-edge research and publications. The diversity of our membership creates a fertile environment for collaboration and innovation. Collectively, we shape the future of accounting through teaching, research and a powerful network, ensuring our position as thought leaders in accounting.

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Accounting IS Big Data Tweets

 2/8/2018 - Familiarity may breed contempt, but between CFOs and auditors it is more likely to breed coziness, study finds
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AAA In the News


CFO: Auditor Independence Rule Isn’t Tough Enough

Related Press Release


Journal of International Accounting Research is Now Available to All AAA Members!

We are pleased to inform you that Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) is now accessible online to all AAA members. JIAR publishes articles that increase our understanding of the development and use of international accounting and reporting practices or attempt to improve extant practices. You can access the journal on the AAA Digital Library.

Issues in Accounting Education Call for Papers

Educating the Future Accounting Professional: Actively Shaping Professional Identities for a Rapidly Changing World

Issues in Accounting Education invites submissions for a themed issue on “Educating the Future Accounting Professional: Actively Shaping Professional Identities for a Rapidly Changing World”. This themed issue welcomes all views on educating the future accounting professional with all types of articles, empirical, theoretical, case studies, autobiographical, or opinion pieces being considered. Submissions should be original work, which investigates an aspect of accounting education for the future professional. The themed issue will focus primarily on the impacts to education rather than focusing on the disruptive forces themselves. Click here for more information.


Behavioral Research in Accounting is Now Available to All AAA Members!

Behavioral Research in Accounting (BRIA), the journal of the Accounting Behavior and Organizations Section, is now available to all AAA members! You can access the journal at the AAA Digital Library.

Journal of Management Accounting Research is Now Accessible to All AAA Members!

 Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR) is now freely accessible online to *all* AAA members rather than Management Accounting Section (MAS) members only. You can access the journal at the AAA Digital Library.

We encourage you to consider catching up with your colleagues and attending an upcoming meeting.

View More AAA Meetings   
As Thought Leaders in Accounting, the American Accounting Association and its members are engaged with practice and participation discussions of national concern.
The AAA’s strategic plan emphasizes our vision of Thought Leadership. We accomplish this through our research, education, and input on accounting policies and standard setting.

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In this video, AAA Past-President Karen Pincus hosts a panel of fellow AAA Past-Presidents to get insights on their experiences, and the changes, growth, and future of the Association. Past-Presidents include Nancy Bagranoff, Bill Beaver, Joel Demski, Kevin Stocks, Mary Stone, Gary Sundem, Pete Wilson, and Jan Williams.

Click Here to View

Robert S. Kaplan

Robert S. Kaplan, the Marvin Bower Professor of Leadership Development, Emeritus at the Harvard Business School, is the third in our series of Distinguished Scholar Videos.

Click Here to view the video of Professor Robert Kaplan.

Click Here to view the video of Professor Ron Dye.

Click Here to view the video of Professor William H. Beaver.