Support the AAA’s
$8 Million DEIB Campaign!
To attain funding support for its DEIB Programs and Initiatives, the American Accounting Association’s (AAA) leadership team seeks to raise over $8 million dollars in external funding over the next five calendar years (2023-2027) from corporate, foundation, and private-sector organizations and individuals with mutually aligned diversity goals.
The AAA is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit, educational organization for tax purposes, and may accept charitable donations.
Sponsors and contributors will be recognized by the AAA as follows:
- All campaign contributors will be acknowledged on the AAA DEIB microsite, in informational and marketing materials for the programs they support, and at AAA Annual Meetings.
- Premier Sponsors, Gold Sponsors, Advocates, Champions, and Supporters will be recognized as exclusive sponsors if their funds cover total five-year program costs.
- Premier Sponsors, Gold Sponsors, Advocates, Champions, and Supporters will be recognized as co-sponsors if their funds cover one year or more of the cost of a program.
- Gifts at the Friend level of giving will be earmarked and directed to DEIB operations.

DEIB Programmatic Initiatives

The AAA’s leadership team has identified five categories of programmatic initiatives as vital to accomplishing the Association’s ambitious DEIB agenda and positioning the AAA as “Thought Leaders in Accounting DEIB.” During the planned five-year campaign, all implemented DEIB programs will be monitored and evaluated to assess their contribution towards measurable outcomes.
As a membership organization staffed to carry out its primary mission, the AAA is unable to implement these proposed diversity programs without added human resources. Therefore, the organization also is seeking support to build an effective DEIB infrastructure.
For each DEIB programmatic initiative, both the annual and total program funding needs over the five-year campaign period are cited to encourage sponsorship of a dedicated set – or sets — of work for one year, multiple years, or the entire duration of the campaign.

Read the AAA's Brochure:
Prioritizing and Advancing Diversity in Accounting
Help Advance Diversity in Accounting!