About the Journal

Potential Predatory
Acceptance Notices

The Journal of Financial Reporting (JFR) is the academic journal of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association. JFR’s target audience is financial reporting researchers. JFR will publish two regular issues each year. JFR will also occasionally publish themed issues dedicated to studies that launch a new question or move the literature forward in an existing area.

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Aims & Scope

The Journal of Financial Reporting (JFR) is the academic journal of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association. JFR’s target audience is financial reporting researchers. JFR will publish two regular issues each year. JFR will also occasionally publish themed issues dedicated to studies that launch a new question or move the literature forward in an existing area.

JFR is open to research on a broad spectrum of financial reporting issues related to the production, dissemination, and analysis of information produced by a firm’s financial accounting and reporting system. Appropriate topics include accounting standard setting, the production and dissemination of accounting information, the relation between financial information and firm policies such as compensation and corporate governance, the role of financial intermediaries, and analysis by decision-makers such as equity investors, creditors, and analysts.

JFR welcomes research that employs empirical archival, analytical, and experimental methods, and especially encourages less traditional approaches such as field studies, small sample studies, and analysis of survey data. JFR also especially encourages “innovative” research, defined as research that examines a novel question or develops new theory or evidence that challenges current paradigms, or research that reconciles, confirms, or refutes currently mixed or questionable results.

JFR has a wide-ranging definition of research that constitutes a high-quality contribution to a body of scholarly work and JFR is willing to give weight to innovation and thought-provoking ideas when evaluating papers. At the same time, JFR maintains the highest standards for execution quality.

To submit a manuscript, see the Guide for Authors here
A journal of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the American Accounting Association


AAA Member Submission Fee

82 days

Submission to First Decision Time

2 Issues Per Year

Publishing Schedule

20 days

Acceptance to Publication Time


Lead Co-Editor

Sam Bonsall
The Pennsylvania State University


Nicole L. Cade
University of Pittsburgh
Henry L. Friedman
University of California, Los Angeles
Alan Jagolinzer
University of Cambridge
Jayanthi Sunder
The University of Arizona

Editorial Office



SCOTT ASAY, The University of Iowa, Tripp College of Business, Iowa City, IA, USA
ANNE BEATTY, The Ohio State University, Fischer College of Business, Columbus, OH, USA
DARREN BERNARD, University of Washington, Accounting, Seattle, WA, USA
JENNIFER BLOUIN, University of Pennsylvania, Accounting Department, Philadelphia, PA, USA
NERISSA BROWN, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Accountancy, Champaign, IL, USA
JOHN CAMPBELL, University of Georgia, J.M. Tull School of Accounting, Athens, GA, USA
MARGARET CHRIST, University of Georgia, J.M. Tull School of Accounting, Athens, GA, USA
GREG CLINCH, Macquarie University, Dept. of Applied Finance, NSW, Australia
SHANA CLOR-PROELL, Texas Christian University, Accounting, Fort Worth, TX, USA
LISA DE SIMONE, The University of Texas at Austin, Dept. of Accounting, Austin, TX, USA
ESTER EINHORN, Tel Aviv University, Accounting, Tel Aviv, Israel
PAUL FISCHER, University of Pennsylvania, Accounting, Philadelphia, PA, USA
GILLES HILARY, Georgetown University, Dept. of Accounting, Washington, DC, USA
PATRICK HOPKINS, Indiana University Bloomington, Dept. of Accounting, Bloomington, IN, USA
BJORN JORGENSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Dept. of Accounting, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen, Denmark
MICHAEL KIMBROUGH, University of Maryland, Accounting and Information Assurance, College Park, MD, USA
LISA KOONCE, The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business, Austin, TX, USA
ALASTAIR LAWRENCE, London Business School, Accounting, London, UK
MIGUEL MINUTTI-MEZA, University of Miami, Accounting, Miami, FL, USA
SCOTT LIAO, University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management, Toronto, ON, USA
SARAH MCVAY, University of Washington, Accounting, Seattle, WA, USA
BEATRICE MICHAELI, University of California, Los Angeles, Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles, CA, USA
MARIA OGNEVA, University of Southern California, Leventhal School of Accounting, Los Angeles, CA, USA
GAIZKA ORMAZABAL, University of Navarra, IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain
ANDREA PAWLICZEK, University of Colorado Boulder, Accounting, Boulder, CO, USA
KRISTINA RENNEKAMP, Cornell University, Accounting, Ithaca, NY, USA
GIL SADKA, The University of Texas at Dallas, Naveen Jindal School of Management, Richardson, TX, USA
DELPHINE SAMUELS, The University of Chicago, Booth School of Business, Chicago, IL, USA
CATHY SCHRAND, University of Pennsylvania, Accounting, Philadelphia, PA, USA
ERIC SO, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Sloan School of Management, Cambridge, MA, USA
STEVEN STUBBEN, The University of Utah, Accounting, Salt Lake City, UT, USA
DAN TAYLOR, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School, Accounting Dept., Philadelphia, PA, USA
SARA TOYNBEE, The University of Texas at Austin, Accounting, Austin, TX, USA
ALFRED WAGENHOFER, University of Graz, Center for Accounting Research, Graz, Styria, Austria
ELAINE WANG, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Accounting and Information Systems, Amherst, MA, USA
BEN WHIPPLE, University of Georgia, Accounting, Athens, GA, USA
BRIAN WHITE, The University of Texas at Austin, Accounting, Ithaca, NY, USA
CLARE WANG, University of Colorado Boulder, Dept. of Accounting, Boulder, CO, USA
T. J. WONG, University of Southern California, Leventhal School of Accounting, Los Angeles, CA, USA
AMY J. N. YURKO, Duquesne University, Palumbo-Donahue School of Business, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Access Details

This journal can be accessed via the AAA's Digital Library. AAA Members receive full access as a benefit of their membership. Non-AAA Members can purchase articles for $25.

ISSN 2380-2154 / EISSN 2380-2146

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