The 2015–2016 Nominations Committee and the Council Ballot Committee (CBC) announce the slate of officers for President-Elect, Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction, and Director-Focusing on Intellectual Property.


The 2015–2016 Council Ballot Committee created the slate for the Board position Director-Focusing on Intellectual Property. Through the work of the CBC, there are consistently three Board positions for which Council chose the candidates for the slate.


Candidates for the 2016–2017 Board of Directors positions are listed below. The election will take place in Spring 2016.


  • Gary C. Biddle - University of Hong Kong
  • Anne L. Christensen -  Montana State University - Bozeman

Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction

  • Margot Cella - Center for Audit Quality
  • Paul H. Munter - KPMG LLP

Director-Focusing on Intellectual Property

  • Martha M. Eining - The University of Utah
  • Elaine G. Mauldin - University of Missouri - Columbia


  • New officers will serve on the Board of Directors for three years beginning at the Annual Meeting in August 2016 in New York City.

Voting Process

  • Consistent with the AAA Bylaws, additional nominations may be made by a petition signed by not less than one hundred (100) members of the Association submitted to the Executive Director at the AAA headquarters office at 9009 Town Center Parkway, Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202, and received no later than 11:59 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) on Friday January 1, 2016. Persons so nominated must have previously agreed to serve if elected. The membership of the Association shall be notified prior to the election of the nominations made by petition.
  • A "Get to Know the Candidates" page will be posted on our website the week of  January 18, 2016, and will also be included in the Winter issue of the Accounting Education News.
  • According to the AAA Bylaws, the election shall take place by mail, facsimile, or electronic vote of the members.
  • Regular and Life members of the Association are eligible to vote in elections conducted by the Association; however, Student members are not eligible to participate in the Association election process.
  • Online voting shall take place between Monday, February 15,  2016 and Tuesday, March 15, 2016, at 11:59 pm Eastern Time. (Detailed voting instructions will be provided later via the AAA website and multi-topic emails.)
  • Paper ballots will be mailed to all members 1) without a valid email address and 2) who are on the AAA "do not email" list (who have opted out of receiving emails).

Nominations Committee (per AAA Bylaws)
The AAA Nominations Committee shall consist of the two most recent Past Presidents willing and able to serve and five members elected by Council. The five elected members cannot be current members of either Council or the Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the most senior, in service, of the Past Presidents serving. Members of the Nominations Committee are not eligible for nomination. Members of the 2015-2016 Nominations Committee are: Mary Barth, Chair, AAA Past President, Stanford University; Christine Botosan, The University of Utah, AAA Past President; Gail Hoover King, Purdue University Calumet; Robert Larson, University of Cincinnati; Nancy Nichols, James Madison University; Grace Pownall, Emory University; Naomi Soderstrom, The University of Melbourne-Australia, and Tracey Sutherland, AAA Executive Director, (ex-officio).

Council Ballot Committee (per AAA Bylaws)
In 2011, Council established the policy that the Council Ballot Committee (CBC) would function as a "committee of the whole." Each year the CBC will choose at least two names to appear on the ballot for one position on the Board of Directors ballot. The standing Council Ballot Committee, established with the Bylaws revision, comprises all Council members with the exception of the Board of Directors. David Stott, Bowling Green State University, chaired the 2015–2016 CBC.


Questions?  Please contact Barbara Gutierrez, Governance Manager, at or (941) 556-4117.