Welcome to the Global Gathering Homepage
Current news and upcoming events
Welcome to the Global Gathering website. We hope that it will become a valuable resource for you. Please share your ideas on what you'd like to have included!
AAA provides opportunities for accounting academic associations to add and maintain information on this website. AAA is not responsible for updating the content of other associations.
Thank you for attending the January 2025 Virtual Global Gathering.
The recording of the meeting is available here:
January 22, 2025 Global Gathering Meeting
Password: 9!B5ap9z
Potential Predatory Journal Acceptance Notices
Please note: it has been brought to our attention that authors are receiving acceptance notices for AAA journals that are not from the American Accounting Association.
These acceptances are purportedly from a third party, ARDA ( Academic Research and Development Association), which AAA is not affiliated with. Please note that legitimate acceptances for AAA journals will only come from an AAAHQ.org email domain. For more information, click HERE.
Call for Submissions
Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop to be held on Sunday, August 3, 2025, in conjunction with the 2025 AAA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.
Submission Deadline: May 14, 2025
As Global Thought Leaders in Accounting, the American Accounting Association is pleased to announce the Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop to be held on Sunday, August 3, 2025, in conjunction with the 2025 AAA Annual Meeting. The Workshop will be held for scholars who are in the early stage of their research careers and is primarily focused on helping early career stage accounting faculty based in emerging countries.
Read the full Call for Submissions HERE.
- Current Issues in Sustainability: Human Capital, AI, Disclosure Quality, and More!
- Arlington, Virginia
- 03/28/2025 - 03/29/2025
- 4th International Conference of the Journal of Information Systems
- Turin, Italy
- 05/30/2025 - 05/31/2025
- 2025 Data Analytics and Technologies in Accounting Workshop
- Dallas, Texas
- 06/02/2025 - 06/05/2025
- Call for Submissions - DEADLINE: February 03, 2025
- 2025 Spark Meeting
- Virtual Meeting
- 06/16/2025 - 06/18/2025
- Call for Submissions - DEADLINE: February 17, 2025
- The Twelfth International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR)
- Casablanca, Morocco
- 06/30/2025 - 07/03/2025
- Call for Submissions - DEADLINE: February 15, 2025
Additional Research & Teaching Resources
- The International Accounting Research Webinar Series
- Recordings of prior Section Sponsored webinars
- AAA Podcast Series
- White Paper on the key skills students are lacking when entering the workforce
weARE Webinars
Upcoming AAA Annual Meetings
Other AAA Resources
- Visa Letter Requests
- AAA International Accounting Section
- Annual Yuji Ijiri Lectures on Foundations of Accounting
- Information for Scholars
- Digital Library
- AAA Learning Management System
- AAA Bookstore
- AAA Foundation
- AAA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Belonging Website
- The Architecture of Inclusion - AAA's DEIB Certificate Training Module
- The Inclusive Classroom Series
Welcome Message from Cristina Florio, Director-Focusing on International

Dear Presidents of the Accounting Academic Associations worldwide,
Dear AAA Members,
Dear Visitors of the Global Gathering website,
I am pleased and honored to serve the American Accounting Association (AAA) as the Director – Focusing on International for 2023-2026.
As you might know, the Global Gathering brings together the presidents of accounting academic associations worldwide. The Global Gathering’s primary purpose is to allow its members to share experiences, resources, and initiatives related to topics they consider important and worthy of attention nowadays.
Twenty Associations have joined the Global Gathering since the AAA established it. In 2023, the Global Gathering welcomed the Bangladesh Accounting Association. We all look forward to expanding the network further in the future!
The Global Gathering offers its members several opportunities to share experiences, resources, and initiatives. First, the website is a repository where all Global Gathering members can upload and share information with academics worldwide. If you are interested in teaching or research in Accounting, please scroll down the Global Gathering Homepage and find the list of the Associations that are current members of the Global Gathering. Clicking on the links provided, you will learn more about them, the national and international conferences and workshops they organize, and the resources they eventually offer access to.
Moreover, the Global Gathering meets a couple of times a year, usually once in person at the end of the AAA Annual Meeting and once online at the beginning of a new year. These are unique opportunities to collaborate, share initiatives of the several Academic Accounting Associations, and provide feedback on relevant topics and activities.
I hope you find this information and the Global Gathering’s website valuable. Please share your ideas on possible new content that you would like to see on the website and reach out to me (cristina.florio@univr.it) or Barbara Gutierrez (barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org) should you need further details. We will do whatever possible to serve your needs!
I hope to see many of you in Washington, D.C., in August 2024!
Cristina Florio
AAA Director-Focusing on International (2023-2026)
Advisory Board, AAA International Accounting Section (2022-2024)
Accounting Academicians' Research and Collaboration Foundation of Turkey - MODAV
Website: https://www.modav.org.tr/index.php?option=com_content&view=featured&Itemid=109&lang=tr
Resource Link: https://www.modav.org.tr/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=93&Itemid=135&lang=tr
President: Nuran Cömert
Term: 2021-2022
Email: nurancomert@gmail.com
Affiliation: Marmara University
President-Elect: Nur İrem Nuhoglu
Email: nuhoglun@boun.edu.tr
Affiliation: Bogazici University
Accounting & Finance Association of Australia & New Zealand (AFAANZ) (AUSTRALIA)
Website: https://www.afaanz.org/
Resource Link: https://www.afaanz.org/news-0
AFAANZ online Insight Series
Accounting & Finance journal
Accounting History journal
President: Marvin Wee
Term: 8/1/2023 - 7/31/2025
Email: marvin.wee@anu.edu.au
Affiliation: Australian National University
President-Elect: Yaowen Shan
Email: Yaowen.Shan@uts.edu.au
Affiliation: University of Technology Sydney
Accounting & Finance Association of Australia & New Zealand (AFAANZ) (New Zealand)
Website: https://www.afaanz.org/
Resource Links:
AFAANZ Conference
AFAANZ online Insight series
President: Nives Botica-Redmayne
Term: 8/1/2024 - 7/31/2026
Email: n.redmayne@massey.ac.nz
Affiliation: Massey University
President-Elect: Julie Harrison
Email: j.harrison@auckland.ac.nz
Affiliation: University of Auckland
African Accounting and Finance Association
Website: http://www.aafassociation.com/
Resource Link: http://www.aafassociation.com/news
President: Stephen Nkundabanyanga
Term: 10/1/2023-
Email: snkundabanyanga@gmail.com
Affiliation: Makerere University Business School
Past President: Mariaan Roos
Email: mroos@sun.ac.za
Affiliation: University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
American Accounting Association (AAA)
Website: https://aaahq.org/
Resource Link: https://publications.aaahq.org/
President: Audrey Gramling
Term: 9/01/2024 - 8/31/2025
Email: Audrey.Gramling@okstate.edu
Affiliation: Oklahoma State University
President-Elect: Mark Beasley
Affiliation: North Carolina State University
ANPCont - Brazilian Accounting Association
Resource Link: https://asaa.anpcont.org.br/index.php/asaa
President: Edilson Paulo
Term: 12/1/2021 -
Email: e.paulo@ufsc.br
Affiliation: Federal University of Santa Catarina
President-Elect: TBD
Bangladesh Accounting Association
Website: https://baa-bd.org/
Resource Link: https://baa-bd.org/about-us/
President: Prof. Dr. M. Harunur Rashid
Email: harun@bacbd.org and harunur.bacbd@gmail.com
Affiliation: University of Dhaka
President-Elect: TBD
British Accounting and Finance Association
Resource Link: http://bafa.ac.uk/events/upcoming-events.html
President: Stewart Smyth
Term: 5/1/2022-4/30/2024
Email: s.j.smyth@bham.ac.uk
Affiliation: University of Birmingham
Canadian Academic Accounting Association
Website: https://www.caaa.ca/
Resource Link: https://www.caaa.ca/en/journals-and-research/
President: Mark Andersen
Term: June 2024-July 2025
Email: mark.anderson@haskayne.ucalgary.ca
Affiliation: University of Calgary
President-Elect: Kim Trottier
Email: kim.trottier@hec.ca
Affiliation: HEC Montreal
European Accounting Association (EAA)
Website: http://www.eaa-online.org/r/eaa_home/
Resource Link: http://www.eaa-online.org/r/Annual_Congress/
President: Mark Clatworthy
Term: 05/28/2023 - 05/26/2025
Email: mark.clatworthy@bristol.ac.uk
Affiliation: University of Bristol
President-Elect: Araceli Mora
Affiliation: University of Valencia
French Academic Accounting Association (Association Francophone de Comptabilité (AFC))
Website: https://www.afc-cca.com/pages/lassociation
Resource Link: https://www.afc-cca.com/rubriques/colloques
President: Elisabeth Walliser
Term: 6/1/2024 -
Email: AFC.Walliser@gmail.com
Affiliation: University of the Côte d’Azur
Past President: Chrystelle Richard
Email: richard@essec.edu
Affiliation: ESSEC Business School, France
Hong Kong Academic Accounting Association Ltd.
Resource Link:
President: Pingyang Gao
Email: pgao@hku.hk
Affiliation: The University of Hong Kong
President-Elect: TBD
Indian Accounting Association (IAA)
Website: https://indianaccounting.org/Aboutus.aspx
Resource Link: https://indianaccounting.org/currentissues.php
President: V. Appa Rao
Term: 10/31/23-10/30/2024
Email: varakalaapparao@gmail.com
Affiliation: Osmania University
Past President: Jasraj Bohra
Email: jasraj40@yahoo.com
Affiliation: Jai NarainVyas University
Indian Accounting Association Research Foundation (IAARF)
Website: http://www.iaarf.in/
Resource Link: https://journal.iaarf.in/
President: Bhabatosh Banerjee
Email: bhabatosh.commerce@gmail.com
Affiliation: University of Calcutta, Retired
President-Elect: TBD
International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER)
Website: https://www.iaaer.org/
Resource Link: https://www.iaaer.org/calendar/current
President: Elizabeth Gordon
Email: egordon@temple.edu
Affiliation: Temple University, United States
President-Elect: TBD
Irish Accounting & Finance Association
Website: http://iafa.ie/
Resource Link: https://iafa.ie/events/
President: Stuart Henderson
Term: 2024 to 2026
Email: s.henderson1@ulster.ac.uk
Affiliation: Ulster University
Out-Going President: Michael Hayden
Term: President 2022 to 2024
Out-Going President 2024 to 2025
Email: michael.hayden@mu.ie
Affiliation: Maynooth University
Italian Society of Professors of Accounting and Business Administration (SIDREA)
Website: https://www.sidrea.it/
Resource Link: https://www.sidrea.it/category/pubblicazioni/pubblicazioni-sidrea/
President: Claudio Teodori
Term: 1/1/2025 -
Email: segreteria@sidrea.it
Affiliation: University of Brescia
Japan Accounting Association
Website: http://www.jaa-net.jp/
Resource Link: http://www.jaa-net.jp/en/index_main_en.html
President: Akira Usui
Term: 9/9/2021 - 9/8/2024
Email: ausui@jaa-net.jp
Affiliation: Waseda University
President-Elect: TBD
Korean Accounting Association (KAA)
Website: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ko&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kaa-edu.or.kr%2F
Resource Link: https://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=ko&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.kaa-edu.or.kr%2F
President: Jongsoo Han
Term: 7/1/2023-6/30/2024
Email: jhan@ewha.ac.kr
Affiliation: Ewha Womans University
Malaysian Accounting Association
Website: https://myaa.org.my/index.php
Resource Link: https://myaa.org.my/index.php/news
President: Susela Devi K. Suppiah
Term: 1/1/2020-12/31/2022
Email: suselas@sunway.edu.my
Affiliation: Sunway University
President-Elect: Sofiah Md Auzair
Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA)
Website: https://aeca.es/
Resource Link: https://aeca.es/publicaciones2/novedades/
President: Leandro Cañibano Calvo
Email: leandro.canibano@uam.es
Affiliation: Autonomous University of Madrid
President-Elect: TBD
Taiwan Accounting Association
Website: http://www.taiwanaa.org.tw/
Resource Link: http://www.taiwanaa.org.tw/photo/
President: Shuen Zen Liu
Term: 7/1/2023-6/30/2025
Email: szliu@ntu.edu.tw
Affiliation: National Taiwan University
Past President: Min-Jeng Shiue
Email: smj@gm.ntpu.edu.tw
Affiliation: National Taipei University