12/17/2018- MERRY CHRISTMAS, SOX 404(b): Notwithstanding the vehemence of its critics, federal rule on corporate audits is valued by investors, study finds
Read the article abstract

 11/29/2018- Role of credit agencies in determining firms' interest costs on bank loans leaves much to be desired, new study finds
Read the article abstract

 10/23/2018- Accounting expertise in the executive suite is not necessarily a virtue, study finds, especially in firms with excess pay at the top
Read the article abstract

 10/8/2018- Take heed when companies flaunt strong numbers in headlines of earnings announcements, new study warns
Read the article abstract

 8/31/2018- Wondering how your favorite NFL team will do this year? Check the tax rates of its home state, study suggests

 8/2/2018- Swelled by non-GAAP metrics, company earnings surprises have grown greatly in size in recent decades, study finds

 7/16/2018- Firms that refer in annual reports to their trade secrets markedly increase risk of cyber-attacks, study suggests

 6/22/2018- The disclaimers that firms issue with forward-looking statements do little to protect investors, study finds
Read the article abstract

 6/6/2018- For CFOs, adoption of clawbacks means stronger link between firm performance and their pay, study finds
Read the article abstract

 5/21/2018- As lengthy tenures with clients boost profits of the Big 4, new study questions effect of this on auditor independence
Read the article abstract

 4/25/2018- Does requiring firms to reveal audit engagement partners benefit investors? A novel experiment raises doubts
Read the article abstract

 4/12/2018- Frustrated by indecipherable tax footnotes? Investors like them that way for low tax-paying firms, study finds
Read the article abstract

 3/16/2018- Study of earlier tax holiday suggests that new tax break on repatriated foreign earnings will spur increased R&D
Read the article abstract

 2/26/2018 - U.S. and E.U. mandates fail to eliminate ill effect of long auditor tenures with corporate clients, study finds
Read the article abstract

 2/8/2018 - Familiarity may breed contempt, but between CFOs and auditors it is more likely to breed coziness, study finds
Read the article abstract

 1/22/2018 - In what they believe a first, researchers provide evidence that quarterly financial reporting breeds corporate myopia
Read the article abstract
  12/14/2017 - CEOs are at risk not only if their firms pay a lot more tax than peers but also if they pay a lot less, study finds
Read the article abstract

 11/28/2017 - Investors punish companies for late financial statements then see share prices decline further anyway, study finds
Read the article abstract

 11/1/2017 - Longstanding mandate on corporate audit committees yields no benefit for investors, new research finds
Read the article abstract

 10/5/2017 - Is the JOBS Act bad for investors? Study raises doubts about the law and the idea of extending its provisions
Read the article abstract

 9/5/2017 - Much criticized though it has been, this financial rule provides early warning of corporate fraud, study finds
Read the article abstract

 8/1/2017 - Will ending federal tax on US multinationals' profits abroad boost shareholder payouts? Effect likely to be modest, new study suggests
Read the article abstract

 7/7/2017 - Reviled through they may be, big CEO-worker pay gaps generally signal good company performance, study finds

 6/14/2017 - More than helpful to investors, presenting financial results readably pays off for companies too, study suggests
Read the article abstract

 5/15/2017 - Firms meet or slightly beat analysts’ revenue forecasts in conformity with investors’ priorities, study finds
Read the article abstract

 4/17/2017 - Omnibus survey of auditors and their clients raises doubts about the value of mandatory rotations
Read the article abstract

 3/14/2017 - More than a decade after Enron and WorldCom, industry ethics still lag, survey of CPAs suggests
Read the article abstract

 2/23/2017 - Proxy advisors are a weak link in ratification of corporate auditors, new research finds
Read the article abstract

 2/1/2017 - Stock Ownership By Institutional Investors Spurs Company Tax Avoidance, New Research Finds
Read the article abstract

 1/9/2017 - Are a firm’s low taxes a sign of risky management? They’re more a matter of skill, new research suggests
Read the article abstract
 12/14/2016 - New rule requiring disclosure of audit engagement partners should be solid plus for investor and regulators, study says

 11/21/2016 - The aim of SEC comment letters on taxes is to improve info for investors, but they hike firms’ tax-paying too, study finds

 10/25/2016 - More firms would shift income abroad under proposed tax reform, but amounts would likely be modest, study suggests

 10/3/2016 - How a simple, trusting practice fosters worker honesty

 08/30/2016 - Transparency in financial restatements becomes less likely as more pay of top execs is linked to stock price, study finds

 08/02/2016 - Launch of academic research summaries database will enhance audit practitioner knowledge of latest research and the current state of the art

 07/28/2016 - Activist investors are a plus for firms they target not just for days but for years, new research finds

 06/28/2016 - Does changing decision-makers in midstream inhibit initial cost underestimates for capital projects? Study raises doubts

 06/07/2016 - Shareholders may disapprove of firm’s audit committee, but staggered board elections stymie improvement: study

 05/02/2016 - As audit competition increases, so does corporate opinion-shopping with regard to a key aspect of financial reporting, new research finds

 04/11/2016 - Long-awaited Dodd-Frank regulation may very well turn out to be effective in restraining CEO pay, study suggests

 03/01/2016 - Yielding to corruption abroad boosts companies' local sales but not its profits, new research finds

 02/01/2016 - Though Regulators Frown On Accounting Firms Doing Taxes of Companies They Audit, Study Finds They Shun Tricky Ploys

 01/08/2016 - Scripted answers in earnings conference calls? Study raises red flags for managers and investors alike

 12/14/2015 - Companies that rank high in social responsibility prove more inclined than other firms to avoid taxes, study finds

 11/5/2015 - As SEC readies final rules for clawbacks, study suggests executives will stymie restatements that trigger them

 10/12/2015 - Painful though they are, company restatements spur similar misreporting by others, study finds

 09/24/2015 - Despised though they are, severance payouts to CEOs help prevent opportunistic management, study finds

 08/05/2015 - Willingness to manipulate company earnings key to success in corporate accounting, study suggests

 07/16/2015 - Mandatory rotation inhibits rather than encourages auditor skepticism, experiment suggests

 06/01/2015 - Two-tier wage structure not as profitable as widely assumed, new research suggests

 04/26/2015 - Now further reason for doubt about SOX 404: it is failing it to achieve its basic purpose, study finds

 04/12/2015 - Impose a national sales tax? Consumers may just shrug it off, new research suggests

 03/05/2015 - Audit reviews aren't as effective as generally thought in correcting for preparers' personal biases about clients

 02/17/2015 - Manipulation of benchmarks is a handy way for companies to mislead investors, study shows

 01/30/2015 - Executive-pay clawbacks mandated by Dodd-Frank may not be the boon to investors they were intended to be, new study says

 01/15/2015 - AICPA and AAA Announce Next Steps for Pathways Commission
12/17/2018- MERRY CHRISTMAS, SOX 404(b): Notwithstanding the vehemence of its critics, federal rule on corporate audits is valued by investors, study finds
Read the article abstract

 11/29/2018- Role of credit agencies in determining firms' interest costs on bank loans leaves much to be desired, new study finds
Read the article abstract

 10/23/2018- Accounting expertise in the executive suite is not necessarily a virtue, study finds, especially in firms with excess pay at the top
Read the article abstract

 10/8/2018- Take heed when companies flaunt strong numbers in headlines of earnings announcements, new study warns
Read the article abstract

 8/31/2018- Wondering how your favorite NFL team will do this year? Check the tax rates of its home state, study suggests

 8/2/2018- Swelled by non-GAAP metrics, company earnings surprises have grown greatly in size in recent decades, study finds

 7/16/2018- Firms that refer in annual reports to their trade secrets markedly increase risk of cyber-attacks, study suggests

 6/22/2018- The disclaimers that firms issue with forward-looking statements do little to protect investors, study finds
Read the article abstract

 6/6/2018- For CFOs, adoption of clawbacks means stronger link between firm performance and their pay, study finds
Read the article abstract

 5/21/2018- As lengthy tenures with clients boost profits of the Big 4, new study questions effect of this on auditor independence
Read the article abstract

 4/25/2018- Does requiring firms to reveal audit engagement partners benefit investors? A novel experiment raises doubts
Read the article abstract

 4/12/2018- Frustrated by indecipherable tax footnotes? Investors like them that way for low tax-paying firms, study finds
Read the article abstract

 3/16/2018- Study of earlier tax holiday suggests that new tax break on repatriated foreign earnings will spur increased R&D
Read the article abstract

 2/26/2018 - U.S. and E.U. mandates fail to eliminate ill effect of long auditor tenures with corporate clients, study finds
Read the article abstract

 2/8/2018 - Familiarity may breed contempt, but between CFOs and auditors it is more likely to breed coziness, study finds
Read the article abstract

 1/22/2018 - In what they believe a first, researchers provide evidence that quarterly financial reporting breeds corporate myopia
Read the article abstract
  12/14/2017 - CEOs are at risk not only if their firms pay a lot more tax than peers but also if they pay a lot less, study finds
Read the article abstract

 11/28/2017 - Investors punish companies for late financial statements then see share prices decline further anyway, study finds
Read the article abstract

 11/1/2017 - Longstanding mandate on corporate audit committees yields no benefit for investors, new research finds
Read the article abstract

 10/5/2017 - Is the JOBS Act bad for investors? Study raises doubts about the law and the idea of extending its provisions
Read the article abstract

 9/5/2017 - Much criticized though it has been, this financial rule provides early warning of corporate fraud, study finds
Read the article abstract

 8/1/2017 - Will ending federal tax on US multinationals' profits abroad boost shareholder payouts? Effect likely to be modest, new study suggests
Read the article abstract

 7/7/2017 - Reviled through they may be, big CEO-worker pay gaps generally signal good company performance, study finds

 6/14/2017 - More than helpful to investors, presenting financial results readably pays off for companies too, study suggests
Read the article abstract

 5/15/2017 - Firms meet or slightly beat analysts’ revenue forecasts in conformity with investors’ priorities, study finds
Read the article abstract

 4/17/2017 - Omnibus survey of auditors and their clients raises doubts about the value of mandatory rotations
Read the article abstract

 3/14/2017 - More than a decade after Enron and WorldCom, industry ethics still lag, survey of CPAs suggests
Read the article abstract

 2/23/2017 - Proxy advisors are a weak link in ratification of corporate auditors, new research finds
Read the article abstract

 2/1/2017 - Stock Ownership By Institutional Investors Spurs Company Tax Avoidance, New Research Finds
Read the article abstract

 1/9/2017 - Are a firm’s low taxes a sign of risky management? They’re more a matter of skill, new research suggests
Read the article abstract
 12/14/2016 - New rule requiring disclosure of audit engagement partners should be solid plus for investor and regulators, study says

 11/21/2016 - The aim of SEC comment letters on taxes is to improve info for investors, but they hike firms’ tax-paying too, study finds

 10/25/2016 - More firms would shift income abroad under proposed tax reform, but amounts would likely be modest, study suggests

 10/3/2016 - How a simple, trusting practice fosters worker honesty

 08/30/2016 - Transparency in financial restatements becomes less likely as more pay of top execs is linked to stock price, study finds

 08/02/2016 - Launch of academic research summaries database will enhance audit practitioner knowledge of latest research and the current state of the art

 07/28/2016 - Activist investors are a plus for firms they target not just for days but for years, new research finds

 06/28/2016 - Does changing decision-makers in midstream inhibit initial cost underestimates for capital projects? Study raises doubts

 06/07/2016 - Shareholders may disapprove of firm’s audit committee, but staggered board elections stymie improvement: study

 05/02/2016 - As audit competition increases, so does corporate opinion-shopping with regard to a key aspect of financial reporting, new research finds

 04/11/2016 - Long-awaited Dodd-Frank regulation may very well turn out to be effective in restraining CEO pay, study suggests

 03/01/2016 - Yielding to corruption abroad boosts companies' local sales but not its profits, new research finds

 02/01/2016 - Though Regulators Frown On Accounting Firms Doing Taxes of Companies They Audit, Study Finds They Shun Tricky Ploys

 01/08/2016 - Scripted answers in earnings conference calls? Study raises red flags for managers and investors alike

 12/14/2015 - Companies that rank high in social responsibility prove more inclined than other firms to avoid taxes, study finds

 11/5/2015 - As SEC readies final rules for clawbacks, study suggests executives will stymie restatements that trigger them

 10/12/2015 - Painful though they are, company restatements spur similar misreporting by others, study finds

 09/24/2015 - Despised though they are, severance payouts to CEOs help prevent opportunistic management, study finds

 08/05/2015 - Willingness to manipulate company earnings key to success in corporate accounting, study suggests

 07/16/2015 - Mandatory rotation inhibits rather than encourages auditor skepticism, experiment suggests

 06/01/2015 - Two-tier wage structure not as profitable as widely assumed, new research suggests

 04/26/2015 - Now further reason for doubt about SOX 404: it is failing it to achieve its basic purpose, study finds

 04/12/2015 - Impose a national sales tax? Consumers may just shrug it off, new research suggests

 03/05/2015 - Audit reviews aren't as effective as generally thought in correcting for preparers' personal biases about clients

 02/17/2015 - Manipulation of benchmarks is a handy way for companies to mislead investors, study shows

 01/30/2015 - Executive-pay clawbacks mandated by Dodd-Frank may not be the boon to investors they were intended to be, new study says

 01/15/2015 - AICPA and AAA Announce Next Steps for Pathways Commission