2025 Annual Meeting

August 2-6, 2025

Chicago, Illinois


We invite you to join your AAA community at the in-person 2025 Annual Meeting to be held in Chicago, Illinois. The meeting will take place at the Hyatt Regency with a focus on “Boldly Building our Future.” If you have any questions during the submission process, please email SubmissionsSupport@aaahq.org .

General Information!

The Annual Meeting is sure to be a large, dynamic meeting that encourages participation through a wide range of session types designed to support members with different interests. You can learn more about the session types below, and you can submit to each through the links provided for each type. To submit, you will use your AAA username and password on our submission system website. If your submission is accepted, all participants and presenters must register for the meeting which includes both meeting registration and membership fees.

Important! If you need to apply for a visa to attend in person, it's important to start your country's visa application process today. Click here to request your visa letter for the 2025 Annual Meeting and secure your opportunity to connect and share your work!

Click on the tabs below for information regarding each submission category:

Annual Meeting

Accounting Pipeline Research

Submission Deadline:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Submission Fee:
$50 per submission

Payment Portal

Submissions Closed

Given the AAA’s three-year focus on the accounting pipeline, a number of sessions will be dedicated to the accounting pipeline at the AAA Annual Meeting.

Academic research on this topic is beneficial in informing the academy and the profession on important aspects of the accounting pipeline (i.e., current status, progress on increasing enrollment, areas of success and areas of challenge, insights into how other disciplines have addressed the issue, and perspectives from various stakeholders on the issue). Given the potential value of academic research to inform stakeholders on essential aspects of the pipeline, we- encourage rigorous and relevant research on this issue.

Paper and panel proposals are welcome and selected high-quality papers will be recognized at the 2025 Annual Meeting.

Important! If you need to apply for a visa to attend in person, it's important to start your country's visa application process today. Click here to request your visa letter for the 2025 Annual Meeting and secure your opportunity to connect and share your work!

Concurrent Paper and Research Forum Sessions

Submission Deadline:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Submission Fee:
$50 per submission

Payment Portal

Submissions Closed

Papers are sought for presentation on topics of interest to accounting researchers, educators and practitioners. Submissions are made by section/topic area.

NOTE: To ensure the quality of submissions and to support the technology costs related to the meeting, there is a non-refundable submission fee of $50. The fee is required and must be paid before submitting a paper to this category. If submitting more than one paper, you may pay for all at one time. Please follow instructions on the Submission payment form.

Authors may submit more than one paper to the Annual Meeting. However, it is considered an abuse of valuable reviewer and liaison time to submit the same paper to more than one Section Designation. Submitting the same paper to multiple Sections will disqualify your submission from consideration. Questions about your submission should be directed to the appropriate Section Chair.

Important! If you need to apply for a visa to attend in person, it's important to start your country's visa application process today. Click here to request your visa letter for the 2025 Annual Meeting and secure your opportunity to connect and share your work!

More Submission Information
  • Submissions must be designated to one of the AAA Sections. [Required]
  • The person submitting the paper will receive all communications including decision notices and any communications about the presentation during the Annual Meeting. If the paper is accepted and the submitting author is not the presenting author, submitting author must forward communications to the presenting author.
Submission Limitations
  • Papers should not be submitted that have been published, accepted for publication, or that will have been presented at more than one AAA Section or Regional Meeting.
  • Submission of a paper implies a commitment by at least one author to be a reviewer for another paper, register for and attend the meeting to present the paper at the assigned time.
Multiple Submissions
  • AAA policy limits an individual to one personal appearance on the Annual Meeting program as a presenting paper author. A presenter may be a non-presenting co-author on additional papers. This policy allows multiple paper submissions but excludes acceptance for more than one paper presentation. Please be mindful of the impact of multiple submissions make on reviewers and liaisons valuable time, especially when submitting to multiple sections.
  • Authors cannot submit the same paper to more than one section, it will disqualify your submission from consideration.
  • The complete submission process must be repeated each time you submit a paper.


Additional information about the sessions that research papers may be assigned to:
Concurrent Paper Sessions

Concurrent paper sessions will have multiple paper presentations. Each presenter will have an allotted amount of time to present their paper. Discussants are responsible for preparing feedback on the author presentation. The Moderator is responsible to keep the schedule for each paper presentation and discussion on time, as well as ensuring the session starts and ends punctually.

Paper Dialogue Sessions

The paper dialogue sessions are designed for authors to solicit broad feedback and audience participation in a workshop style format. Multiple papers will be grouped together where each presenter will have time to present the paper followed by input and questions from session attendees before the next paper is presented. No formal discussants will be assigned to papers. Those attending these sessions are expected to actively provide input to authors. Authors are encouraged to prepare a list of topics or items for audience comment.

Research Forum (Interactive Session)

Authors are given space to provide graphical representations and displays to highlight key findings and research methods in a shared interactive forum that is designed for one on one interaction with attendees.

Panel Sessions

Submission Deadline:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Submissions Closed

There is NO submission Fee.

Panel session submissions are sought that address issues of practice, scholarly projects and findings, teaching and curriculum approaches and initiatives. Panel proposals are submitted to section/topic area. Section leaders are encouraged to consider developing panel sessions addressing linkages between the private and public sector as they relate to issues affecting their members.

Section-Sponsored Concurrent Panel Sessions

Panel session proposals are sought that address current issues of practice, scholarly projects and findings, teaching and curriculum approaches and initiatives.

Submission Guidelines

When submitting a proposal for a panel session, your responsibilities include:

  • The person submitting the proposal is considered the "Session Organizer” and may also serve as a panelist or session moderator.
  • If the proposal is accepted, all communication will be with the Session Organizer.
  • The Session Organizer responsibilities include:
    • Recruiting/confirming panelists and a moderator for the session and add their names and affiliations to the submission before the confirmation cut-off date (date will be given if panel is accepted for presentation).
    • Inform all panelists the AAA guidelines require them to register for the meeting and pay the appropriate fees.
      • If a panelist or moderator (AAA member or accounting academic) is not planning on registering for the meeting, as the panel organizer, you should consider another individual to fill the role. The panel organizer can check with the Section if the cost of the Annual Meeting registration fee could be covered for the individual.
      • If the panel is accepted for presentation, the Session organizer will receive instructions for an invited, non-AAA member, non-academic panelist to be considered for a day pass.
    • Confirm the panelists have not accepted more than three panel presentations.
    • If the panel is accepted for presentation, communicate day and time of session to the panelists and moderator.

Questions about your submission should be directed to the appropriate Section Chair.

Effective Learning Strategies Interactive Session (ELS)

Submission Deadline
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Submission Portal

There is NO submission Fee.

Members interested in sharing learning-related interests and projects, scholarship of teaching projects, and educational innovations are encouraged to submit proposals that showcase ideas, research, strategies and education innovations that support learning in accounting.

More Information
Effective Learning Strategies Interactive Session (ELS)

Members interested in sharing learning-related interests and projects, scholarship of teaching projects, and educational innovations are encouraged to submit proposals that showcase ideas, research, strategies and education innovations that support learning in accounting.

Emerging and Innovative Research Interactive Session

Submission Deadline:
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Submit Here

There is NO submission Fee.

Submission Limitations
  • Authors will submit a short abstract of three to four pages that describes their work in progress or a planned proposal that will bring ideas currently outside accounting to the attention of accounting scholars.
  • Papers should not be submitted that have been published, accepted for publication that will have been presented at more than one AAA Section or Regional Meeting, or have been submitted to Effective Learning Strategies Sessions.
  • Submission of a paper implies a commitment by at least one author to register for and attend the meeting to present the paper at the assigned time.
  • Only a limited number of submissions can be accepted. Preference will be given to doctoral students and international academics.
  • Authors are given space to provide graphical representations and displays to highlight key findings and research methods in a shared interactive forum that is designed for one on one interaction with attendees. Presentation format guidelines are available.

Questions can be directed to info@aaahq.org.

Global Emerging Scholar Research Workshop

Submission Deadline:
May 14, 2025

Submission Portal

There is NO submission Fee.

Call for Submissions
Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop to be held on Sunday, August 3, 2025, in conjunction with the 2025 AAA Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL.

As Global Thought Leaders in Accounting, the American Accounting Association is pleased to announce the Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop to be held on Sunday, August 3, 2025, in conjunction with the 2025 AAA Annual Meeting. The Workshop will be held for scholars who are in the early stage of their research careers and is primarily focused on helping early career stage accounting faculty based in emerging countries.

The main objective of the Workshop is to help scholars who do not have local senior leadership to develop their research. The scholars who will attend the Workshop will present their papers and receive constructive feedback from senior mentors and their fellow scholars. Workshop attendees will have the opportunity to interact with renowned scholars of international standing and with fellow early career researchers. In addition, the Workshop will provide a platform for discussion of research ideas and issues that potentially lead to future collaboration among attendees.

Up to 8 papers will be selected for presentation at the Workshop. At the Workshop, each scholar will have 45 minutes to present their paper, where a senior researcher as mentor will provide constructive feedback, and facilitate Q&A among presenters, other senior scholars, and the other early career researchers. Written feedback will be provided to the presenters that summarize the comments and suggestions raised during the Workshop.

Important Information

  • Papers should be submitted by 11:59 pm EDT on May 14, 2025.
  • Papers should not exceed 50 pages (including tables and references). Submissions exceeding the specified length will be eliminated from consideration.
  • All submissions should be double spaced, utilize size 12 font, and be written in English. Each submission should include a brief (one page or less) bio and photo of each author including information regarding the scholars’ current employer (university) and the doctoral granting institution and the date the Ph.D. was received (or in the case of doctoral candidates anticipated).
  • Authors of papers selected to be presented at the Workshop will be notified about the selection of their paper no later than June 1, 2025. Scholars will need to confirm their participation by June 12, 2025

All participating Global Emerging Scholars Research Workshop participants will need to register for the AAA Annual Meeting, and they must attend the entire program on Sunday, August 3, 2025.

There is no additional fee for attending the workshop. However, space is limited.

Early application is encouraged!

Faculty-Student Collaborations in Accounting – FASTCA-25

Submission Deadline:
May 14, 2025

Submission Portal

There is NO submission Fee.

Encouraging exploration and discussion of collaborations between Accounting Faculty and undergraduate and Master’s students, this all-day conference recognizes the importance of these collaborations to creating important learning experiences for students, attracting students to the Accounting profession, and the Accounting academy – as well as connecting the community of faculty conducting collaborative research and teaching. The following are some examples of faculty-student collaborations: (1) Research: Students and faculty working together on a research paper. (2) Teaching: Joint development of teaching materials by students and faculty. (3) Practice: Students and faculty working together to solve a real-world problem.

More Information

The goal of this workshop is to explore and discuss collaborations between accounting faculty and undergraduate or master's students. The following are some examples of faculty-student collaborations:

  1. Research: Students and faculty working together on a research paper.
  2. Teaching: Joint development of teaching materials by students and faculty.
  3. Practice: Students and faculty working together to solve a real-world problem.
General Guidelines:
  1. Submissions from all accounting areas are encouraged.
  2. The students involved should be undergraduate or master's students in accounting.
  3. Submissions should have two parts:
    • Part 1: A discussion of the development and execution of the collaboration. Examples of discussion points include but are not limited to the origins of the project, how the student(s) became involved in the project, learning effectiveness, time requirements, and resources. Projects developed as part of a course should discuss grading and how other faculty members could integrate a similar project into their course.
    • Part 2: The output of the project (e.g. a research paper) and/or a discussion of its output (e.g. a report that discusses how a real-world problem was solved).
  4. Proposals are to be submitted via the workshop's submission form .
Project Selection and Presentation:

All submissions will be reviewed by two members of the Program Committee. Selected projects will be presented at the workshop. We expect at one the faculty members and at least one of the students involved to participate in the presentation.

Important Dates:

Deadline for Submission: 11:59 pm Eastern on Wednesday, May 14, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: Wednesday, June 4, 2025
Workshop: Wednesday, August 6, 2025


Please contact Marsha Huber at hubercpa@hotmail.com

Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA)

Submission Deadline:
Monday, February 10, 2025

Submission Portal

There is NO submission Fee.

Eighteenth Annual AAA Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd


What is CTLA?

The Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting is dedicated to improving faculty skills and expanding faculty resources with a goal of effective student learning. The Conference achieves these pursuits through presentations and panel discussions on instructional best practices, emerging technologies, and practitioner needs; sharing of creative classroom activities and cases; and networking opportunities with colleagues.

Submit your proposals by Monday, February 10, 2025, for the American Accounting Association's Sixteenth Annual Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA) to be held August 2-3 as part of the AAA Annual Meeting (August 4-6) in Chicago, IL. Your proposals will be peer-reviewed, and you will be notified by Thursday, April 17, 2025, if you are selected to be one of the presenters. The CTLA steering committee reserves the right to assign acceptances to the CTLA final program based on where they fit best since the program is an amalgamation of accepted proposals.

Questions about CTLA submissions? Please contact Stephanie Glaser at stephanie@aaahq.org .

CTLA is designed for all interested in developing, refining, and perfecting their teaching strategies/materials and their craft of accounting education. New faculty and Ph.D. students, as well as experienced faculty, are encouraged to attend and participate. While submissions are welcome in all teaching- and learning-related areas, submissions are particularly encouraged in the following areas:

  • Integrating emerging technology resources and tools into accounting courses
  • Incorporating data analytics
  • Designing learning activities centered on Excel-based and other technology-based applications
  • Improving critical thinking skills
  • Improving professional skills and executive functioning
  • Promoting ethics in the classroom and profession
  • Using engaging strategies to increase student learning and retention
  • Broadening the range of student assessments (e.g. discussions, projects, and cases) and utilizing formative and summative assessments
  • Developing innovative course design and classroom techniques
  • Applying cognitive learning theories throughout the curriculum
  • Employing tips and techniques for varied classroom environments e.g., online asynchronous, remote synchronous, flipped classroom, and adaptive learning environments
Submission Session Types:
Concurrent Session

Description: Concurrent sessions may encompass any topical area of accounting, the latest trends in pedagogy or the profession, or emerging in-demand accounting skills (i.e., critical thinking, communication), teaching or technology topics, pedagogy, cases, or projects. Presentation length will either be 25 or 50 minutes.

Proposal should include:

  1. A brief description (250 words) of the session to include the learning outcomes of the proposed teaching and learning activity(ies).
  2. Select the course(s) in which the session would be most relevant (select all that apply).
    • Principles / Fundamentals / Intro
    • Financial
    • Managerial
    • Cost
    • Tax
    • Auditing
    • AIS
    • Analytics
    • Governmental/Non-Profit
    • Advanced
    • Ethics
    • Any/all accounting course(s)
  3. Selection from one or more session topic areas:
    • Critical Thinking
    • Data Analytics
    • Diversity
    • Emerging Technology
    • Engagement
    • Ethics/Fraud
    • Excel
    • Gamification
    • Instructional Design
    • Cognitive Learning
    • Licensure/Certification (CPA, CMA, CIA, CISA, etc. )
    • Lifelong Learning
    • Professional Skills
    • Teaching - Classroom
    • Teaching - Intro Courses
    • Teaching - Online
    • Teaching Research
    • Using Technology in the Classroom
    • Other
"ED" Talks

Description: These will be sequences of short plenary presentations offered in quick succession. Presenters will have twelve minutes to speak using PowerPoint-based “infographic posters” or several slides transitioning to the next presenter. Each of these sessions will be followed by a break, allowing attendees to speak with any or all presenters in more detail after the presentations.

Presenters will share teaching/technology ideas, strategies, cases, methods, and class activities to help attendees improve teaching, build student engagement, develop active classroom environments, and design other approaches to enhance their teaching. The “ED” talk sessions are designed to be dynamic and engaging. Note- presenters must commit to submitting their short PowerPoint presentations in advance to minimize transition time between presentations.

Proposal should include:

  1. A brief description (250 words) of the teaching/technology tip or assignment idea, and a brief statement about why you believe this is a unique and effective approach to include the learning outcome(s) of the presentation.
  2. Select the course(s) in which the session would be most relevant (select all that apply).
    • Principles / Fundamentals/Intro
    • Financial
    • Managerial
    • Cost
    • Tax
    • Auditing
    • AIS
    • Analytics
    • Governmental/non-profit
    • Advanced
    • Ethics
    • Any/all accounting course(s)
  3. Selection from one or more session topic areas:
    • Critical Thinking
    • Data Analytics
    • Diversity
    • Emerging Technology
    • Engagement
    • Ethics/Fraud
    • Excel
    • Gamification
    • Instructional Design
    • Cognitive Learning
    • Licensure/Certification (CPA, CMA, CIA, CISA, etc. )
    • Lifelong Learning
    • Professional Skills
    • Teaching - Classroom
    • Teaching - Intro Courses
    • Teaching - Online
    • Teaching Research
    • Using Technology in the Classroom
    • Other

Suggestions from the co-chairs for a well-written proposal:

  1. Design a title that gives as much information about the session as possible (vague titles such as Excel for First Year Students should be avoided).
  2. Use all of the 250-word count for your proposal. Submissions that are only two or three sentences usually do not contain sufficient information for a proper review.
  3. Please be clear in what attendees will take away and learn in your session

29th Annual Ethics Research Symposium

Submission Deadline:
Monday, February 10, 2025

Submission Portal

There is NO submission Fee.

In conjunction with the Public Interest, Ethics, and Sustainability Section, colleagues across the AAA who are engaged and interested in research and teaching related to Ethics are invited to submit papers, cases, and panel session proposals for presentation at the 29th Annual Ethics Research Symposium. The Symposium will be held in person in Chicago, IL, on Sunday, August 3rd before the 2025 AAA Annual Meeting.

The Symposium is a full day event including both a continental breakfast and the annual Accounting Exemplar award lunch. You do not need to register for the annual meeting to register for the Symposium. However, you do need to be an AAA member to register.

The theme of this year’s Symposium is “Building a Future for the Public Interest, Ethics, and Sustainability. We encourage a diverse set of research including, but not limited to, the following: accountability, AI and ethics in accounting, codes of conduct, accounting ethics education, compliance, corporate governance, DEI, ESG, fraud, and whistleblowing. We also encourage papers that address “Societal Impact” topics as identified by the AACSB.

As in previous years, we will have multiple concurrent research sessions throughout the morning and afternoon on a wide variety of topics, including a panel of editors on how to get your ethics research published. The Symposium will conclude with a panel organized and moderated by Steve Mintz.

We also want to inform you of two awards that will be given out at the luncheon: Accounting Exemplar Award and Excellence in Accounting Ethics Education Award. The deadline to apply is March 1. Additional details are provided on the AAA website link to the Public Interest Section.

The deadline for submitting papers is February 10th. We hope you can join us and look forward to learning about your research.

Thanks, and questions can be sent to the Ethics Research Symposium Co-Chairs:
Pat Kelly, Providence College (pkelly@providence.edu)
Mike Ruff, Northeastern University, (m.ruff@northeastern.edu)

Pre-Conference Workshops

Submission Deadline:
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Submission Portal

There is NO submission Fee.

The program of half and full day workshops provides opportunities for in-depth attention and study of more complex issues and topics. Subjects range from relevant issues in practice, to current standards activity, from teaching approaches and resources to current areas of scholarship. The symposia and workshops are held on the two days preceding the AAA Annual Meeting, this year that will be Saturday, August 2nd and Sunday, August 3rd. Submitted proposals will be reviewed and selected by members of the Pre-Conference Workshops Education Team appointed by the AAA President.

Education Team appointed by the AAA President. Thank you for your time and dedication to the AAA for submitting to the Annual Meeting Preconference Workshops If your proposal is accepted, part of the AAA’s continued commitment to providing top-tier meetings to our members, we are working to ensure compliance with the NASBA Statement on Standards for Continuing Professional Education Programs. This ensures that all CPE credits offered to our members have a tangible educational value in line with the AAA’s mission to further the discipline of accounting through education, research, and teaching.

To ensure that the standards are being met, the AAA is requiring from the Workshop Organizer, the following, listed below as part of the program development process and review:

  1. Program Development
  • For any workshop which offers credit in Accounting, Auditing, and Taxes , a licensed CPA must be involved in the development of the program.
    • For events which offer credit in Taxes , a tax attorney or IRS enrolled agent can be involved instead of a CPA.
  1. Program Content Reviewer
  • Program content reviewer must be “qualified in the subject matter.”  They do not need to be a CPA.
  • Content reviewers must review the final program (approximately 3 weeks prior to meeting) to ensure that the program is accurate and addresses the stated Learning Objectives. The content reviewer cannot be involved in the development of the program.
  • The final content review must occur before the first presentation of the materials and again after each significant revision of the CPE programs. 
  • The review consists of reviewing the individual sessions (session titles, papers to be presented and/or panels to be presented) against the learning objectives that have been provided.

If you have any questions please contact Stephanie Glaser, stephanie@aaahq.org.