2024 Spark Meeting

June 3-5, 2024

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The AAA Regions and the Public Interest Section are meeting online!

On June 3-5, 2024, the AAA Regions and Public Interest Section will come together for a spring Spark meeting - a digital experience for our members and global community. Presentations will be “live” during the synchronous sessions, and paper presenters will get feedback through discussant presentations and audience engagement.
The virtual meeting will be accessible through the AAA virtual conference site. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn from presenters, and “chat” with colleagues. This structure preserves the key elements of traditional AAA meetings, while providing more opportunities to engage with colleagues, in the following ways:

  • Global research - We encourage all members — including our colleagues from outside of the US — to submit their research and teaching insights to the meeting. Submissions will be opening soon.
  • Global timeframe - To provide opportunities for global scholars to attend, we have “rotated” the meeting schedule from 11 AM — 6 PM Eastern Time, extending the session times to make some more convenient, regardless of where and when you live and work.
  • Community - We will have dedicated sessions that will combine the papers based on topical areas for traditional paper presentations with discussants. Dialogue sessions will combine the papers based on topical areas, providing more focused discussions of early-stage research.
  • Education and Teaching - Dedicated tracks are reserved for sessions focusing on education and teaching, providing opportunities to engage with and learn from your colleagues and refine your teaching skills.