Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

AICPA and CIMA Thank you to the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants for generously supporting the Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award!

Previous Award Recipients


2024 Award
Press Release

Michelle Nessa, Casey M. Schwab, Bridget Stomberg, and Erin M. Towery
"How do IRS Resources Affect the Corporate Audit Process?"
The Accounting Review, March 2020, Volume 95, Issue 2: pp. 311–338.

2023 Award
Press Release

Lauren A. Cooper, D. Kip Holderness, Jr., Trevor L. Sorensen, and David A. Wood
Robotic Process Automation in Public Accounting.” 
Accounting Horizons, December 2019, Volume 33, No. 4, pp: 15–35.

Matthias Breuer
How Does Financial-Reporting Regulation Affect Industry-Wide Resource Allocation?” Journal of Accounting Research, March 2021, Volume 59, No. 1, pp: 59-110.

2022 Award
Press Release

Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel, and Partha Sarathy Mohanram
Can Twitter Help Predict Firm-Level Earnings and Stock Returns?” 
The Accounting Review, May 2018, Volume 93, Issue 3, pp. 25-57.

2021 Award
Press Release

Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi
"Toward Blockchain-Based Accounting and Assurance.
Journal of Information Systems, Fall 2017, Volume 31, No. 3, pp. 5-21.

2020 Award
Press Release

Mary E. Barth, Wayne R. Landsman, and Daniel J. Taylor
"The JOBS Act and Information Uncertainty in IPO Firms.
The Accounting Review, November 2017, Volume 92, No. 6, pp. 25-47.

2019 Award
Press Release

Yaniv Konchitchki and Panos N. Patatoukas
"Accounting Earnings and Gross Domestic Product
Journal of Accounting and Economics, February 2014, Volume 57, No. 1, pp. 76-88, 


"Taking the Pulse of the Real Economy Using Financial Statement Analysis: Implications for Macro Forecasting and Stock Valuation"
The Accounting Review, March 2014, Volume 89, No. 2, pp. 669-694

2018 Award
Press Release

Urooj Khan, Bin Li, Shivaram Rajgopal, Mohan Venkatachalam

"Do the FASB's Standards Add Shareholder Value?” 
Accepted by The Accounting Review, June 2017 as Online Early-Preprint of Accepted Manuscript.
Publishing update: This paper has since been included in the following issue: The Accounting Review, March 2018, Volume 93, No. 2, pp. 209-247.

2017 Award
Press Release

    Panos N. Patatoukas
    “Customer-Base Concentration: Implications for Firm Performance and Capital Markets”
    The Accounting Review. March 2012, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 363-392

2016 Award

Press Release

Ilia D. Dichev, John R. Graham, Campbell R. Harvey, and Shivaram Rajgopal
"Earnings quality: Evidence from the field"
Journal of Accounting and Economics. Volume 56, Issues 2–3, Supplement 1, December 2013, pp. 1–33

2015 Award
Press Release

Rajiv D. Banker, Dmitri Byzalov, and Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich
"Demand Uncertainty and Cost Behavior"
The Accounting Review. May 2014, Vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 839-865

2014 Award
Press Release

S.P. Kothari, Susan Shu, and Peter D. Wysocki
"Do Managers Withhold Bad News?"
Journal of Accounting Research. Volume 47, Issue 1, pages 241-276, March 2009.

2013 Award
Press Release

Karen M. Hennes, Andrew J. Leone and Brian P. Miller
"The Importance of Distinguishing Errors from Irregularities in Restatement Research: The Case of Restatements and CEO/CFO Turnover"
The Accounting Review.  Volume 83, Issue 6 (November 2008) pp. 1487-1519.

2012 Award
Press Release

Mary Barth, Wayne Landsman, Mark Lang
"International Accounting Standards and Accounting Quality"

2011 Award
Press Release

Joni Young
"Making Up Users"
Accounting, Organizations and Society, v. 31, n. 6, 579-600 (2006).

2010 Award
Press Release

Luzi Hail and Christian Leuz
"International Differences in the Cost of Equity Capital: Do Legal Institutions and Securities Regulation Matter?"
Journal of Accounting Research Volume 44 2006

2009 Award
Press Release

Scott Richardson, Richard Sloan, Mark Soliman and İrem Tuna
“Accrual Reliability, Earnings Persistence and Stock Prices”
Journal of Accounting and Economics (Vol. 39, 2005)

2008 Award
Press Release

Brian P. West
“Professionalism and Accounting Rules”
(New York: Routledge, 2003)

2007 Award

Erik Lie
"On the Timing of CEO Stock Option Awards"
Management Science (May, 2005)

2006 Award

Shannon W. Anderson, Rice University, and S. Mark Young, University of Southern California
"Implementing Management Innovations: Lessons Learned from Activity Based Costing in the U.S. Automobile Industry"
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001

John H. Evans III, University of Pittsburgh; Rebecca L. Hannan, Georgia State University; Ranjani Krishnan, Michigan State University; and Donald V. Moser, University of Pittsburgh
"Honesty in Managerial Reporting"
The Accounting Review, (October 2001)

John R. Graham, Duke University; Campbell R. Harvey, Duke University/National Bureau of Economic Research; and Shivaram Rajgopal, University of Washington-Seattle
"The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting"
Journal of Accounting and Economics, (Vol 40, 2005)

2005 Award

April Klein, New York University
"Audit Committee, Board of Director Characteristics, and Earnings Management"
Journal of Accounting & Economics (2002) and
"Economic Determinants of Audit Committee Independence"
The Accounting Review (April 2002)

2004 Award

Mark W. Nelson and John A. Elliott, Cornell University
Robin L. Tarpley, George Washington University

"Evidence from Auditors about Managers' and Auditors' Earnings Management Decisions"
The Accounting Review (Supplement 2002)

2003 Award

Richard Frankel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
Charles Lee, Cornell University

"Accounting Valuation, Market Expectation, and Cross-Sectional Stock Returns"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (June 1998)

2002 Award

David Burgstahler and Ilia Dichev
"Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (December 1997)

2001 Award

Christine A. Botosan, University of Utah
"Disclosure Level and the Cost of Equity Capital"

Richard G. Sloan, University of Michigan
"Do Stock Prices Fully Reflect Information in Accruals and Cash Flows about Future Earnings?"

2000 Award

James A. Ohlson, New York University

1999 Award

Krishna Palepu, Victor Bernard, and Paul Healy
"Business Analysis and Valuation"
Published by South-Western College Publishing (1996)

1998 Award

Shyam Sunder
"Theory of Accounting and Control"
Published by South-Western College Publishing
ISBN 0-5388-6686-1 (June 1997 Hardbound 212 pgs.)

1997 Award

Marc. J. Epstein
"Measuring Corporate Environmental Performance: Best Practices for Costing and Measuring an Effective Environmental Strategy"
ISBN 0-7863-0230-5 (Out of print)

1996 Award

Robert Libby and Joan L. Luft
"Determinants of Judgment Performance in Accounting Settings: Ability, Knowledge, Motivation and Environment"
Accounting Organizations and Society 1993, 18, p. 425

1995 Award

James A. Ohlson

"A Syntheses of Security Theory and the Role of Dividends, Cash Flows, and Earnings"
Contemporary Accounting Research (Spring) 1990 and

"The Theory of Value and Earnings, and an Introduction to the Ball-Brown Analysis"
Contemporary Accounting Research (Fall) 1991

1994 Award

Baruch Lev
"On the Usefulness of Earnings: Lessons and Directions from Two Decades of Empirical Research"
Journal of Accounting Research 1989 Supplement

1993 Award

Victor L. Bernard and J.K. Thomas

"Evidence That Stock Prices Do Not Fully Reflect the Implications of Current Earnings for Future Earnings"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (December) 1990 and

"Post-Earnings Announcement Drift: Delayed Price Response or Risk Premium?"
Journal of Accounting Research

1992 Award

Mark A. Wolfson and Myron S. Scholes
"Taxes and Business Strategy: A Global Planning Approach"

1991 Award

Jane Ou and Stephen H. Penman
"Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Stock Returns"
Journal of Accounting and Economics 1989 and

"Accounting Measurement, Price-Earnings Ratio, and the Information Content of Security Prices"
Journal of Accounting Research 1989 Supplement

Victor L. Bernard
"Cross-Sectional Dependence and Problems in Inference in Market-Based Accounting Research"
Journal of Accounting Research (Spring) 1987

1990 Award

Paul M. Healy
"The Effects of Bonus Plans on Accounting Decisions"
Journal of Accounting & Economics 1985

1989 Award

Mark A. Wolfson
"Empirical Evidence of Incentive Problems and their Mitigation in Oil and Gas Tax Shelter Programs"
Principles and Agents: The Structure of Business, Pratt & Zeckhauser (eds) in 1985 by Harvard Business School Press

1988 Award

No Winner Selected

1987 Award

Robert S. Kaplan
"Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Managerial Accounting Research"
The Accounting Review, October 1983

1986 Award

Carl T. Devine
"Essays in Accounting Theory"
American Accounting Association, 1985

1985 Award

Robert Libby
"Accounting and Human Information Proceeding: Theory and Applications"
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1981

William R. Kinney, Jr. and William L. Felix, Jr.
"Research in the Auditor's Opinion Formulation Process; State of the Art"
The Accounting Review (April) 1982

1984 Award

Richard Leftwich
"Evidence of the Impact of Mandatory Changes in Accounting Principles on Corporate Loan Agreements"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (March) 1981

1983 Award

William H. Beaver
"Financial Reporting: An Accounting Revolution"
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1981

George J. Foster
"Financial Statement Analysis"
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1978

1982 Award

Nicholas Dopuch and Shyam Sunder
"FASB's Statement on Objectives and Elements of Financial Accounting: A Review"
The Accounting Review (January) 1980

Michael W. Maher
"The Impact of Regulation on Controls: Firms' Response to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act"
The Accounting Review (October) 1981

1981 Award

Leo Herbert
"Auditing the Performance of Management"
Wadsworth, Inc., 1979

George Foster
"Accounting Policy Decisions and Capital Market Research"
Journal of Accounting and Economics 1980

1980 Award

Eldon S. Hendriksen
Accounting Theory
Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1977

Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman
"The Demand for and Supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excuses"
The Accounting Review (April) 1979

1979 Award

William H. Beaver
"Current Trends in Corporate Disclosure"

Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman
"Towards a Positive Theory of the Determinants of Accounting Standards"
The Accounting Review (January) 1978

1978 Award

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
"Research Opportunities in Auditing"

Thomas Dyckman, David Downes and Robert Magee
"Efficient Capital Markets and Accounting"

1977 Award

Robert G. May and Gary L. Sundem
"Research for Accounting Policy: An Overview"
The Accounting Review (October) 1976

1976 Award

Yuji Ijiri
"Theory of Accounting Measurement"
Studies in Accounting Research No. 10 1975

1975 Award

Nicholas Gonedes and Nicholas Dopuch
"Capital Market Equilibrium, Information Production, and Selecting Accounting Techniques: Theoretical Framework and Review of Empirical Work"
The Journal of Accounting Research Volume 12 Supplement 1974

1973 Award

Robert R. Sterling
"Accounting Research, Education and Practice"

The Journal of Accountancy (September) 1973

1972 Award

Richard Mattessich
"Methodological Preconditions and Problems of a General Theory of Accounting"
The Accounting Review (July) 1972

1971 Award

C. West Churchman
"On the Facility, Felicity, and Morality of Measuring Social Change"
The Accounting Review (January) 1971

Yuji Ijiri and Robert S. Kaplan
"A Model for Integrating Sampling Objectives in Auditing"
Journal of Accounting Research (Spring) 1971

1970 Award

Robert K. Mautz
"Financial Reporting by Diversified Companies"
New York: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1968

Joel S. Demski and Gerald Feltham
"The Use of Models in Information Evaluation"
The Accounting Review (October) 1970

"The Allocation Problem in Financial Accounting Theory - Studies in Accounting Research #3"
Chicago, American Accounting Association 1969

1969 Award

Jack Gray and John K. Simmons
"An Investigation of the Effects of Differing Accounting Frameworks on the Prediction of Net Income"
The Accounting Review October 1969

David Solomons
"Divisional Performance: Measurement and Control"
Financial Executives Research Foundation, Inc., 1965 - later published by Richard D. Irwin

1968 Award

Robert R. Sterling
"The Going Concern: An Examination"
The Accounting Review (July) 1968

William H. Beaver
"Market Prices, Financial Ratios, and the Prediction of Failure"
The Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn) 1968

1967 Award

Yuji Ijiri
"The Foundation of Accounting Measurement"
Prentice Hall, 1967

Joel S. Demski
"An Accounting System Structured on a Linear Programming Model"
The Accounting Review (October) 1967

1966 Award

R. J. Chambers
"Accounting, Evaluation and Economic Behavior"
The Accounting Review (July) 1966

Y. Ijiri and R. K. Jaedicke
"Reliability and Objectivity of Accounting Measurements"
The Accounting Review (July) 1966

W. J. Vatter
"Accounting for Leases"
Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn) 1966

Thomas R. Dyckman
"One the Effects of Earnings-Trend, Size and Inventory Valuation Procedures in Evaluating a Business Firm"
Research in Accounting Measurement 1966

Previous Winners

2021 Winners
Press Release

Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi
"Toward Blockchain-Based Accounting and Assurance.
Journal of Information Systems, Fall 2017, Volume 31, No. 3, pp. 5-21.


2020 Winners
Press Release

Mary E. Barth, Wayne R. Landsman, and Daniel J. Taylor
"The JOBS Act and Information Uncertainty in IPO Firms.
The Accounting Review, November 2017, Volume 92, No. 6, pp. 25-47.


2019 Winners
Press Release

Yaniv Konchitchki and Panos N. Patatoukas
"Accounting Earnings and Gross Domestic Product
Journal of Accounting and Economics, February 2014, Volume 57, No. 1, pp. 76-88, 


"Taking the Pulse of the Real Economy Using Financial Statement Analysis: Implications for Macro Forecasting and Stock Valuation"
The Accounting Review, March 2014, Volume 89, No. 2, pp. 669-694

2018 Winners
Press Release

Urooj Khan, Bin Li, Shivaram Rajgopal, Mohan Venkatachalam

"Do the FASB's Standards Add Shareholder Value?” 
Accepted by The Accounting Review, June 2017 as Online Early-Preprint of Accepted Manuscript.
Publishing update: This paper has since been included in the following issue: The Accounting Review, March 2018, Volume 93, No. 2, pp. 209-247.

2017 Winner
Press Release

    Panos N. Patatoukas
    “Customer-Base Concentration: Implications for Firm Performance and Capital Markets”
    The Accounting Review. March 2012, Vol. 87, No. 2, pp. 363-392

2016 Winner

Press Release

Ilia D. Dichev, John R. Graham, Campbell R. Harvey, and Shivaram Rajgopal
"Earnings quality: Evidence from the field"
Journal of Accounting and Economics. Volume 56, Issues 2–3, Supplement 1, December 2013, pp. 1–33

2015 Winner
Press Release

Rajiv D. Banker, Dmitri Byzalov, and Jose M. Plehn-Dujowich
"Demand Uncertainty and Cost Behavior"
The Accounting Review. May 2014, Vol. 89, No. 3, pp. 839-865

2014 Winner
Press Release

S.P. Kothari, Susan Shu, and Peter D. Wysocki
"Do Managers Withhold Bad News?"
Journal of Accounting Research. Volume 47, Issue 1, pages 241-276, March 2009.

2013 Winner
Press Release

Karen M. Hennes, Andrew J. Leone and Brian P. Miller
"The Importance of Distinguishing Errors from Irregularities in Restatement Research: The Case of Restatements and CEO/CFO Turnover"
The Accounting Review.  Volume 83, Issue 6 (November 2008) pp. 1487-1519.

2012 Winner
Press Release

Mary Barth, Wayne Landsman, Mark Lang
"International Accounting Standards and Accounting Quality"

2011 Winner
Press Release

Joni Young
"Making Up Users"
Accounting, Organizations and Society, v. 31, n. 6, 579-600 (2006).

2010 Winner
Press Release

Luzi Hail and Christian Leuz
"International Differences in the Cost of Equity Capital: Do Legal Institutions and Securities Regulation Matter?"
Journal of Accounting Research Volume 44 2006

2009 Winner
Press Release

Scott Richardson, Richard Sloan, Mark Soliman and İrem Tuna
“Accrual Reliability, Earnings Persistence and Stock Prices”
Journal of Accounting and Economics (Vol. 39, 2005)

2008 Winner
Press Release

Brian P. West
“Professionalism and Accounting Rules”
(New York: Routledge, 2003)

2007 Winner

Erik Lie
"On the Timing of CEO Stock Option Awards"
Management Science (May, 2005)

2006 Winner

Shannon W. Anderson, Rice University, and S. Mark Young, University of Southern California
"Implementing Management Innovations: Lessons Learned from Activity Based Costing in the U.S. Automobile Industry"
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001

John H. Evans III, University of Pittsburgh; Rebecca L. Hannan, Georgia State University; Ranjani Krishnan, Michigan State University; and Donald V. Moser, University of Pittsburgh
"Honesty in Managerial Reporting"
The Accounting Review, (October 2001)

John R. Graham, Duke University; Campbell R. Harvey, Duke University/National Bureau of Economic Research; and Shivaram Rajgopal, University of Washington-Seattle
"The Economic Implications of Corporate Financial Reporting"
Journal of Accounting and Economics, (Vol 40, 2005)

2005 Winner

April Klein, New York University
"Audit Committee, Board of Director Characteristics, and Earnings Management"
Journal of Accounting & Economics (2002) and
"Economic Determinants of Audit Committee Independence"
The Accounting Review (April 2002)

2004 Winner

Mark W. Nelson and John A. Elliott, Cornell University
Robin L. Tarpley, George Washington University

"Evidence from Auditors about Managers' and Auditors' Earnings Management Decisions"
The Accounting Review (Supplement 2002)

2003 Winner

Richard Frankel, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and
Charles Lee, Cornell University

"Accounting Valuation, Market Expectation, and Cross-Sectional Stock Returns"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (June 1998)

2002 Winner

David Burgstahler and Ilia Dichev
"Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (December 1997)

2001 Winner

Christine A. Botosan, University of Utah
"Disclosure Level and the Cost of Equity Capital"

Richard G. Sloan, University of Michigan
"Do Stock Prices Fully Reflect Information in Accruals and Cash Flows about Future Earnings?"

2000 Winner

James A. Ohlson, New York University

1999 Winner

Krishna Palepu, Victor Bernard, and Paul Healy
"Business Analysis and Valuation"
Published by South-Western College Publishing (1996)

1998 Winner

Shyam Sunder
"Theory of Accounting and Control"
Published by South-Western College Publishing
ISBN 0-5388-6686-1 (June 1997 Hardbound 212 pgs.)

1997 Winner

Marc. J. Epstein
"Measuring Corporate Environmental Performance: Best Practices for Costing and Measuring an Effective Environmental Strategy"
ISBN 0-7863-0230-5 (Out of print)

1996 Winner

Robert Libby and Joan L. Luft
"Determinants of Judgment Performance in Accounting Settings: Ability, Knowledge, Motivation and Environment"
Accounting Organizations and Society 1993, 18, p. 425

1995 Winner

James A. Ohlson

"A Syntheses of Security Theory and the Role of Dividends, Cash Flows, and Earnings"
Contemporary Accounting Research (Spring) 1990 and

"The Theory of Value and Earnings, and an Introduction to the Ball-Brown Analysis"
Contemporary Accounting Research (Fall) 1991

1994 Winner

Baruch Lev
"On the Usefulness of Earnings: Lessons and Directions from Two Decades of Empirical Research"
Journal of Accounting Research 1989 Supplement

1993 Winner

Victor L. Bernard and J.K. Thomas

"Evidence That Stock Prices Do Not Fully Reflect the Implications of Current Earnings for Future Earnings"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (December) 1990 and

"Post-Earnings Announcement Drift: Delayed Price Response or Risk Premium?"
Journal of Accounting Research

1992 Winner

Mark A. Wolfson and Myron S. Scholes
"Taxes and Business Strategy: A Global Planning Approach"

1991 Winner

Jane Ou and Stephen H. Penman
"Financial Statement Analysis and the Prediction of Stock Returns"
Journal of Accounting and Economics 1989 and

"Accounting Measurement, Price-Earnings Ratio, and the Information Content of Security Prices"
Journal of Accounting Research 1989 Supplement

Victor L. Bernard
"Cross-Sectional Dependence and Problems in Inference in Market-Based Accounting Research"
Journal of Accounting Research (Spring) 1987

1990 Winner

Paul M. Healy
"The Effects of Bonus Plans on Accounting Decisions"
Journal of Accounting & Economics 1985

1989 Winner

Mark A. Wolfson
"Empirical Evidence of Incentive Problems and their Mitigation in Oil and Gas Tax Shelter Programs"
Principles and Agents: The Structure of Business, Pratt & Zeckhauser (eds) in 1985 by Harvard Business School Press

1988 Winner

No Winner Selected

1987 Winner

Robert S. Kaplan
"Measuring Manufacturing Performance: A New Challenge for Managerial Accounting Research"
The Accounting Review, October 1983

1986 Winner

Carl T. Devine
"Essays in Accounting Theory"
American Accounting Association, 1985

1985 Winner

Robert Libby
"Accounting and Human Information Proceeding: Theory and Applications"
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1981

William R. Kinney, Jr. and William L. Felix, Jr.
"Research in the Auditor's Opinion Formulation Process; State of the Art"
The Accounting Review (April) 1982

1984 Winner

Richard Leftwich
"Evidence of the Impact of Mandatory Changes in Accounting Principles on Corporate Loan Agreements"
Journal of Accounting and Economics (March) 1981

1983 Winner

William H. Beaver
"Financial Reporting: An Accounting Revolution"
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1981

George J. Foster
"Financial Statement Analysis"
Prentice Hall, Inc., 1978

1982 Winner

Nicholas Dopuch and Shyam Sunder
"FASB's Statement on Objectives and Elements of Financial Accounting: A Review"
The Accounting Review (January) 1980

Michael W. Maher
"The Impact of Regulation on Controls: Firms' Response to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act"
The Accounting Review (October) 1981

1981 Winner

Leo Herbert
"Auditing the Performance of Management"
Wadsworth, Inc., 1979

George Foster
"Accounting Policy Decisions and Capital Market Research"
Journal of Accounting and Economics 1980

1980 Winner

Eldon S. Hendriksen
Accounting Theory
Richard D. Irwin, Inc., 1977

Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman
"The Demand for and Supply of Accounting Theories: The Market for Excuses"
The Accounting Review (April) 1979

1979 Winner

William H. Beaver
"Current Trends in Corporate Disclosure"

Ross L. Watts and Jerold L. Zimmerman
"Towards a Positive Theory of the Determinants of Accounting Standards"
The Accounting Review (January) 1978

1978 Winner

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co.
"Research Opportunities in Auditing"

Thomas Dyckman, David Downes and Robert Magee
"Efficient Capital Markets and Accounting"

1977 Winner

Robert G. May and Gary L. Sundem
"Research for Accounting Policy: An Overview"
The Accounting Review (October) 1976

1976 Winner

Yuji Ijiri
"Theory of Accounting Measurement"
Studies in Accounting Research No. 10 1975

1975 Winner

Nicholas Gonedes and Nicholas Dopuch
"Capital Market Equilibrium, Information Production, and Selecting Accounting Techniques: Theoretical Framework and Review of Empirical Work"
The Journal of Accounting Research Volume 12 Supplement 1974

1973 Winner

Robert R. Sterling
"Accounting Research, Education and Practice"

The Journal of Accountancy (September) 1973

1972 Winner

Richard Mattessich
"Methodological Preconditions and Problems of a General Theory of Accounting"
The Accounting Review (July) 1972

1971 Winner

C. West Churchman
"On the Facility, Felicity, and Morality of Measuring Social Change"
The Accounting Review (January) 1971

Yuji Ijiri and Robert S. Kaplan
"A Model for Integrating Sampling Objectives in Auditing"
Journal of Accounting Research (Spring) 1971

1970 Winner

Robert K. Mautz
"Financial Reporting by Diversified Companies"
New York: Financial Executives Research Foundation, 1968

Joel S. Demski and Gerald Feltham
"The Use of Models in Information Evaluation"
The Accounting Review (October) 1970

"The Allocation Problem in Financial Accounting Theory - Studies in Accounting Research #3"
Chicago, American Accounting Association 1969

1969 Winner

Jack Gray and John K. Simmons
"An Investigation of the Effects of Differing Accounting Frameworks on the Prediction of Net Income"
The Accounting Review October 1969

David Solomons
"Divisional Performance: Measurement and Control"
Financial Executives Research Foundation, Inc., 1965 - later published by Richard D. Irwin

1968 Winner

Robert R. Sterling
"The Going Concern: An Examination"
The Accounting Review (July) 1968

William H. Beaver
"Market Prices, Financial Ratios, and the Prediction of Failure"
The Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn) 1968

1967 Winner

Yuji Ijiri
"The Foundation of Accounting Measurement"
Prentice Hall, 1967

Joel S. Demski
"An Accounting System Structured on a Linear Programming Model"
The Accounting Review (October) 1967

1966 Winner

R. J. Chambers
"Accounting, Evaluation and Economic Behavior"
The Accounting Review (July) 1966

Y. Ijiri and R. K. Jaedicke
"Reliability and Objectivity of Accounting Measurements"
The Accounting Review (July) 1966

W. J. Vatter
"Accounting for Leases"
Journal of Accounting Research (Autumn) 1966

Thomas R. Dyckman
"One the Effects of Earnings-Trend, Size and Inventory Valuation Procedures in Evaluating a Business Firm"
Research in Accounting Measurement 1966