Press Releases for the 2024 AAA Award Recipients
- AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize
- AAA-AACSB-RRBM Award for Research Impacting Societal Challenges
- Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
- Competitive Manuscript Award
- Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award
- Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award
- Innovation in Accounting Education Award
- Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
- Lifetime Service Award
- Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award
- Outstanding Accounting Educator Award
- Outstanding Service Award
- The Accounting Review Outstanding Reviewer Award
Kimberly Swanson Church, Jennifer M. Cainas, and Carolyn Christesen to receive the 2024 American Accounting Association/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize
Lakewood Ranch, FL – May 1, 2024 – The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Kimberly Swanson Church, Jennifer M. Cainas, and Carolyn Christesen as the recipients of the 2024 AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize. Kimberly Swanson Church is the graduate award recipient, Jennifer M. Cainas is the undergraduate award recipient, and Carolyn Christesen is the two-year college award recipient. The awards will be presented to each recipient in the form of a solid silver medal and a monetary prize of $30,500 at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC during the Monday, August 12, 2024, plenary session.
Kimberly Swanson Church is the FORVIS Professor of Leadership & Director for the School of Accountancy at Missouri State University. Her primary teaching roles include managerial and accounting information systems with an emphasis in data analytics and emerging technologies. She is an award-winning educator for her many classroom innovations using experiential learning techniques that best reflect real-world application, including the George Krull/Grant Thornton, Jim Bulloch, Mark Chain/FSA and Bea Sanders/AICPA (honorable mention) teaching innovation awards. She served as the CPA Evolution BAR taskforce co-chair to lead the integration of data analytics onto the exam. She has published many academic and practitioner articles and won several best paper awards. Her articles have appeared in Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, and Journal of Accounting Education. Most recently, she was named the 2021 MOCPA [Missouri] Educator of the Year. Anyone that has met Kim knows her successes are attributed to the unconditional support of her spouse, children, parents, and collaborator friends.
Jennifer M. Cainas is a Professor of Instruction at the Lynn Pippenger School of Accountancy and serves as the Associate Dean for Financial Management at the University of South Florida. She earned her undergraduate and master’s degrees from the University of South Florida and her DBA from the University of Florida. Dr. Cainas currently teaches large, mass lectures classes for introductory financial and managerial accounting, but has also taught upper-level and graduate accounting courses. During her teaching career, Jennifer has taught and mentored over 25,000 business students and has received numerous teaching awards at the college, university, state, and national level. She has also received the Beta Alpha Psi Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award in 2013 and 2023. Jennifer has published articles and teaching cases in journals such as Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Emerging Technologies, and Strategic Finance. Most importantly, she is grateful for the love and unwavering support of her family.
Carolyn Christesen is a professor and department chair at SUNY Westchester Community College (WCC) where she has been since 1998. She received her BBA and MBA degrees from Pace University and MS in Educational Technology from Eastern Connecticut State University. She is a New York CPA and won the Gold Award for her CPA exam performance when the exam was paper and pencil. She received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Teaching and the WCC Foundation’s Teaching Excellence Award. Carolyn began her career at KPMG, worked at a local CPA firm, and started her teaching career at Pace University. She has volunteered with numerous organizations, including the New York State Society of CPAs and the Teachers of Accounting at Two Year Colleges (TACTYC) where she currently serves as Vice President of Conference Administration. She is happily married and mother to three married daughters who have brought her much joy and four grandchildren (with one on the way)!
The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize serves to recognize, inspire, and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher. For 2024, up to three awards of $30,500 each can be made in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. More information about this award is available at The AAA is honored to bestow this award to Kimberly Swanson Church, Jennifer M. Cainas, and Carolyn Christesen for 2024.
Bianca Beyer, Rico Chaskel, Simone Euler, Joachim Gassen, Ann-Kristin Großkopf, and Thorsten Sellhorn to receive the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB)-sponsored 2024 AAA-AACSB-RRBM Award for Research Impacting Societal Challenges
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Bianca Beyer, Rico Chaskel, Simone Euler, Joachim Gassen, Ann-Kristin Großkopf, and Thorsten Sellhorn as the recipients of the 2024 AAA-AACSB-RRBM Award for Research Impacting Societal Challenges for their paper “How Does Carbon Footprint Information Affect Consumer Choice? A Field Experiment,” first published online August 14, 2023, and in the March 2024 issue of Journal of Accounting Research. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the AACSB, will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces, certificates, and a $5,000 prize at the Tuesday, August 13 luncheon during the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Bianca Beyer is an Assistant Professor of Financial Accounting at Aalto University School of Business in Finland and a Research Fellow at the German trans-regional Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency, which aims to help develop effective regulation for firm transparency. In her research, she examines the effects of disclosure and transparency on the users of firm information, such as consumers and financial analysts, as well as issues revolving around corporate governance and CEO compensation. Prior to joining Aalto in 2022, Bianca was a postdoctoral researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin. She holds her PhD in economics and business administration from the University of Oulu.
Rico Chaskel is managing director at the German Economic Association (Verein für Socialpolitik) and guest researcher at Humboldt University of Berlin. In his research, he mostly concentrates on experimental accounting research with a focus on human behavior and decision-making. He obtained his PhD from Humboldt University of Berlin in January 2023.
Simone Euler is a PhD candidate at Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany, specializing in the impact of sustainability reporting on non-financial stakeholders and private firm transparency. As part of the Collaborative Research Center “TRR266: Accounting for Transparency,” she is currently engaged in projects that study NGO advocacy for mandatory sustainability reporting and analyze the relationship between NGOs' campaigning activities and corporate transparency. She is also assessing the effects of mandatory electronic business registers on private firm transparency. Simone holds both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in business administration from Humboldt University. Her studies included time abroad in Montpellier, Toulouse, and Singapore. Additionally, she has teaching experience in auditing, cost accounting, and managerial accounting.
Joachim Gassen holds the chaired professorship for financial accounting and auditing at Humboldt University of Berlin, is a distinguished affiliated professor at ESMT Berlin and the deputy speaker of the nationally financed research network TRR 266 “Accounting for Transparency”. He graduated in economics from Westfälische-Wilhelms Universität Münster and obtained his doctoral degree in Business Economics at Ruhr-Universität Bochum. His work centers on corporate transparency, disclosure, and open science-related topics and has been published in leading accounting journals. He is an associate editor of the European Accounting Review and a co-chair of the European Doctoral Colloquium. His advisory work includes services for national regulatory bodies and a seat on the academic advisory panel of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group.
Ann-Kristin Großkopf is a post-doctoral researcher at LMU Munich School of Management in Germany and the trans-regional Collaborative Research Center TRR 266 Accounting for Transparency. In her research, she focuses on corporate sustainability, climate transparency, and their impact on firm behavior and various stakeholder groups like NGOs and customers. She holds a PhD in economics from the University of Goettingen, Germany.
Thorsten Sellhorn is Full Professor of Financial Accounting and Auditing at Ludwig Maximilian University of Germany. His research on financial accounting, auditing, and sustainability reporting topics has appeared in the Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Management Science, Review of Accounting Studies, and European Accounting Review. He co-authored a textbook on International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Thorsten serves on several editorial boards and has been a visiting scholar at University of Wisconsin-Madison, Boston University, Harvard Business School, and The University of Arizona. He contributes to financial accounting and sustainability reporting standard setting and enforcement as a member of advisory bodies to the IFRS Foundation, the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), and the German Institute of CPAs. He is Past President (2019-2021) of the European Accounting Association.
The AAA-AACSB-RRBM Awardfor Research Impacting Societal Challenges is given annually to recognize work based on its impact to society of responsible research in accounting. Responsible research is defined as research that produces both useful and credible knowledge addressing problems important to policy-setters, organizations, and society. Selected works must have been published in the previous three years. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the American Accounting Association and the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business are honored to be able to bestow this award to Bianca Beyer, Rico Chaskel, Simone Euler, Joachim Gassen, Ann-Kristin Großkopf, and Thorsten Sellhorn.
Kevin Hale and J. Mike Truelson to receive the American Accounting Association 2024 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Kevin Hale and J. Mike Truelson as the recipients of the 2024 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award for their paper “Client Acquisition Following an Auditor’s Unethical Behavior: An Examination of Reputational Consequences Following KPMG’s “Steal the Exam” Scandal,” published in the June 2023 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the Tuesday, August 13 luncheon during the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Kevin Hale is an Assistant Professor of Accounting and a FORVIS faculty fellow at the University of North Carolina Wilmington (UNCW), where he teaches a variety of undergraduate and graduate financial accounting courses. His research focuses on different aspects of the financial reporting environment, with an emphasis on auditor-client interactions. His research has been published in various journals, including Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education. In his time at UNCW, Kevin has supervised several honors thesis projects and has received recognition in his role as a student mentor. Kevin received his PhD in accounting from Virginia Tech, and prior to this, he oversaw financial reporting for athletics at East Carolina University. He is a licensed CPA in North Carolina, and in his free time, he enjoys reading, being outside, and spending time with his (growing) family.
J. Mike Truelson is an Assistant Professor in the Adkerson School of Accountancy at Mississippi State University, where he teaches accounting information systems and data analytics. His research interests focus on audit firms, auditor reputation, and factors that impact audit quality. He has published in prestigious journals such as Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting Horizons, and Current Issues in Auditing. He earned his PhD in accounting from Virginia Tech and his undergraduate and master’s degree from Louisiana State University. Prior to entering academia, Mike worked in the assurance practice for EY and KPMG. He has experience auditing both public and private companies, primarily in manufacturing, banking, and healthcare. Mike is a member of the American Accounting Association and a licensed CPA in the states of Texas and Mississippi.
The Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. The award recipient is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to bestow this award to Kevin Hale and J. Mike Truelson.
Jen Choi and Gurpal S. Sran to receive the American Accounting Association 2024 Competitive Manuscript Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Jen Choi and Gurpal S. Sran as the recipients of the 2024 Competitive Manuscript Award. Jen Choi’s manuscript is “Sales-Based CEO Incentive and Its Effect Across the Supply Chain.” Gurpal S. Sran’s manuscript is “Disclosing Labor Demand.” This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces at the Wednesday, August 14 plenary session at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Jen Choi is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at the Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. She studies how incentive systems are designed, how people react to these systems, and how their reactions change firm performance. Her research explores how incentive systems interact with the supply chain, technological changes, and other factors outside of the firm. She holds a PhD in business administration from Emory University, a Master of Science in business administration from Seoul National University, and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Korea University.
Gurpal S. Sran joined New York University Stern School of Business as an Assistant Professor of Accounting in July 2022. His research primarily examines (i) the transparency and risk-taking incentives that shape the nature of firms’ disclosure and investment decisions and (ii) the impacts of those decisions on various stakeholders. Prior to pursuing his graduate studies, he was a Research Fellow at Stanford Graduate School of Business and an investment banking summer analyst in public finance at Barclays. He received his MBA and PhD from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business and his BA from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.
The Competitive Manuscript Award is intended to showcase the highest quality solo work by junior researchers—those who are current PhD students or have earned their PhD within the past five years. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to Jen Choi and Gurpal S. Sran for their exceptional work.
Preeti Choudhary, Kenneth Merkley, and Katherine Schipper to receive the 2024 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Preeti Choudhary, Kenneth Merkley, and Katherine Schipper as the recipients of the 2024 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award (“AAA award”) for their paper, “Auditor’s Quantitative Materiality Judgments: Properties and Implications for Financial Reporting Reliability," published in the December 2019 issue of the Journal of Accounting Research. The AAA award will be presented to Professors Choudhary, Merkley, and Schipper in the form of a medal and monetary prize at the Monday, August 12 plenary session at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Preeti Choudhary is a full professor at the Dhaliwal-Reidy school of Accountancy at the University of Arizona. Her prior professional experience includes roles as a senior economic research fellow in the Office of Economic Risk and Analysis at the PCAOB, as an assistant professor at Georgetown University, as an IT auditor at Deloitte and Touche LLP in enterprise risk services and in internal audit at Graham Holdings Company. She is currently a member of the PCAOB Standards and Emerging Issues Advisory Group (SEIAG) and leader of the subcommittee on emerging issues. Her research interests include capital market effects of financial reporting, financial reporting reliability, and audit quality. Her work has been published in many leading accounting journals and cited in regulatory rulemakings and comment letters. She is on the editorial board of The Accounting Review. She earned her BS in commerce and MS in accounting from the University of Virginia and her PhD from Duke University.
Kenneth Merkley is the Conrad Prebys Professor of Accounting at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business. He received a PhD from the University of Michigan and a Master of Accountancy from Brigham Young University. Prior to joining Kelley, he was a member of the faculty at Cornell University’s Johnson Graduate School of Business. His research focuses on the role of information in capital markets and the importance of information intermediaries such as analysts, auditors, and lawyers. His work has been published in top scholarly journals and featured in popular media outlets including: The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, Yahoo Finance, Bloomberg, BBC World Service, Forbes, and Reuters. He is also an award-winning teacher and was named to Poet & Quants’ Top 40 Business School Professors Under 40 in 2014.
Katherine Schipper is the Thomas Keller Professor of Business Administration at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business. She holds a BA degree summa cum laude from the University of Dayton; MBA, MA and PhD degrees from the University of Chicago; and honorary degrees from Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Notre Dame University, Norwegian School of Economics, Singapore Management University and Stockholm School of Economics. She has been a Board member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and a faculty member at Carnegie Mellon University and the University of Chicago. Ms. Schipper has published research papers on topics in auditing, financial reporting and corporate finance. She has served the AAA as President, as Director of Research and as President of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section. She has served the International Association for Accounting Education and Research as Vice-president for Research and as President. She is a member of the Accounting Hall of Fame.
The Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award was founded in 1978 to commemorate John Wildman and to encourage research relevant to the professional practice of accounting to which much of Mr. Wildman's life was devoted. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the AAA is honored to be able to present this award to Preeti Choudhary, Kenneth Merkley, and Katherine Schipper.
While the Deloitte Foundation is a proud sponsor of the Wildman Medal Award, the Deloitte Foundation or Deloitte & Touche LLP does not endorse individual recipients or the associated articles, monographs, books, or other works.
Jessen Hobson, William Mayew, and Mohan Venkatachalam to receive the American Accounting Association 2024 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2024 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award will be presented to Jessen Hobson (1974-2023), William Mayew, and Mohan Venkatachalam. Professors Hobson, Mayew, and Venkatachalam will be recognized for their work “Analyzing Speech to Detect Financial Misreporting,” published in the May 2012 issue of Journal of Accounting Research. Professors Mayew and Venkatachalam will also be recognized for their work “The Power of Voice: Managerial Affective States and Future Firm Performance,” published in the February 2012 issue of The Journal of Finance. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the Tuesday, August 13 luncheon at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Jessen Hobson was the director of the University of Illinois Deloitte Foundation Center for Business Analytics and the co-director of the Gies Behavioral Research Lab. He was described as "a tireless researcher who cared deeply about students, and a colleague who was a joy to work with every day." He had been a member of the American Accounting Association (AAA) and was a member of several AAA sections including the Accounting, Behavior and Organizations, Accounting Information Systems, Auditing, and Financial Accounting and Reporting Sections. He was a recipient of the AAA's 2021 Innovation in Accounting Education Award. In 1999, Jessen graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor's and master’s degree in accounting. He graduated in 2006 from The University of Texas at Austin with a PhD in accounting. He worked as a professor of accountancy at Florida State University in Tallahassee, FL, from 2006 to 2009 and then at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in the Gies College of Business from 2009 until 2023.
Bill Mayew is the Martin L. Black Jr. Distinguished Professor of Business Administration at the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University. Professor Mayew received his PhD from The University of Texas at Austin in 2006. His research agenda focuses on how managers communicate firm performance, including both voluntary disclosures made outside of the financial reporting system and mandatory financial disclosures in financial reports. He has received numerous research and teaching awards, including the Glen McLaughlin Prize for Research in Accounting Ethics in 2013 for his work on measuring CEO integrity from corporate communication in shareholder letters and again in 2017 for his work on auditor deception detection capabilities from earnings conference calls. In 2014, he was named one of the top 40 business school professors in the world under 40 years old by Poets & Quants. Professor Mayew also served as an editor at The Accounting Review.
Mohan Venkatachalam is the R.J. Reynolds Professor of Business Administration at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and has served as the Senior Associate Dean for Executive Programs. Prior to his tenure at Duke, Professor Venkatachalam was a faculty member at Stanford University. His teaching portfolio includes courses on Financial Accounting, Financial Analysis, Equity Valuation, and Executive Compensation. Professor Venkatachalam’s contributions to research cover a wide array of topics such as nonverbal managerial communication, firm valuation, nonfinancial performance measures, accounting disclosures, derivatives, and corporate governance. Furthermore, Professor Venkatachalam has held editorial positions, including serving as an Editor of The Accounting Review, and has been on the Editorial Boards of prominent journals including The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, and Contemporary Accounting Research.
The Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is presented annually to that work or related works published more than five years but not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award and recognizes accounting research based on its potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice, and future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the AAA is honored to be able to bestow this award to Jessen Hobson, William Mayew, and Mohan Venkatachalam.
A. Faye Borthick and Lucia N. Smeal to receive the Ernst & Young Foundation-sponsored 2024 Innovation in Accounting Education Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2024 Innovation in Accounting Education Award will be presented to A. Faye Borthick and Lucia N. Smeal for their innovation, “Data analytics in tax research: Analyzing worker agreements and compensation data to distinguish between independent contractors and employees using IRS factors” published in the August 2020 issue of Issues in Accounting Education. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Ernst & Young Foundation, will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $5,000 prize at the Tuesday, August 13 luncheon at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
A. Faye Borthick, Professor of Accountancy, Georgia State University, specializes in accounting information systems and IT auditing. Her research concerns the development of expertise for querying databases to solve business problems, representing business processes and making inferences from them, and designing and evaluating internal control in highly automated settings. To enable her research and teaching, she has created data analytic learning experiences for database querying, IT auditing, and taxation. Her data analytic cases have received numerous international awards. She has been the director of a campus center for teaching and learning with technology. Her articles have appeared in Accounting, Organizations and Society, The Accounting Review, the Journal of Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, and Issues in Accounting Education. She has been the senior editor of the Journal of Information Systems and an editor for Issues in Accounting Education. She gardens with her flocks in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
Lucia Nasuti Smeal is an attorney, retired Clinical Assistant Professor, and current Adjunct professor of taxation at the School of Accountancy at Georgia State University's J. Mack Robinson College of Business and at Franklin University. Smeal’s research interests include data analytics in tax research. She is the former editor of Tax Notes Today, published by Tax Analysts. Earlier in her career, Smeal worked as a legislative analyst for the Congressional Research Service at the Library of Congress and was a member of the U.S. House Periodical Press Corps. She is a frequent writer and speaker on current tax developments and is a presenter for CPE courses.
The annual Innovation in Accounting Education Award is intended to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education. It recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials. Submissions are judged by their innovation, demonstrated educational benefits or value, and adaptability by other academic institutions or to other situations. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the American Accounting Association and the Ernst & Young Foundation are very pleased to give this award to A. Faye Borthick and Lucia N. Smeal.
Erin E. Jordan, Steven E. Kaplan, and Janet A. Samuels to receive the American Accounting Association 2024 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to congratulate Erin E. Jordan, Steven E. Kaplan, and Janet A. Samuels as the recipients of the 2024 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award. Their paper “Accounting or Finance? The Role of Differential Career Beliefs on Undergraduate Students’ Choices of Major,” was published in the August 2023 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the Tuesday, August 13 plenary session at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Erin E. Jordan is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Accountancy at the W.P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. She is a proud Double-Devil, having earned an MBA and PhD in accounting from Arizona State University. Prior to graduate school, Erin worked for large multinational pharmaceutical companies in research and development. Erin teaches financial accounting to undergraduates and MBAs and has been nominated for and won multiple teaching and mentoring awards. In addition, Erin serves as the Faculty Director for MBA programs at W.P. Carey where she focuses on providing support, advice, and guidance to students, while developing impactful and distinctive student experiences to a truly transformative MBA.
Janet A. Samuels is a clinical professor in the School of Accountancy at Arizona State University's W.P. Carey School of Business. She has a PhD in accounting from Arizona State University and a BBA in accounting from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. Prior to her doctoral program, she was an auditor with Arthur Andersen and owned her own accounting practice. Janet has taught over 20 different accounting courses and won teaching awards. Currently, she teaches data analytics to graduate accounting students and financial accounting to MBAs. Janet has published education research, cases, and learning strategies. In addition, her research also examines performance measurement and whistleblowing. Her work has been published in Accounting, Organizations, and Society, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Business Ethics, and others. Janet currently serves as senior editor of Issues in Accounting Education.
Steven E. Kaplan is the KPMG Professor of Accountancy at Arizona State University (ASU). Before joining the faculty at ASU, he received his MAS and Ph D degrees from the University of Illinois and his BS from ASU, all in accounting. His research interests are broad, including auditor judgment, auditor legal liability and reporting, financial reporting, managerial decision-making, and tax compliance. He has published in a variety of academic journals, including the Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Accounting, Organizations & Society, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and others. Steve has been an active member of the AAA and has served on the Council and Board of Directors. Within the Accounting, Behavior, and Organizations (ABO) Section of the AAA, he has served as President and editor of the section’s journal, Behavioral Research in Accounting. He received a lifetime achievement award from the ABO Section.
The Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. The award recipients are selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to present this award to Erin E. Jordan, Steven E. Kaplan, and Janet A. Samuels.
Quiester Craig and Robert J. Swieringa to receive the
American Accounting Association 2024 Lifetime Service Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Quiester Craig and Robert J. Swieringa as the recipients of the 2024 Lifetime Service Award. This AAA award will be presented in the form of unique glass art pieces at the Tuesday, August 13 luncheon at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Quiester Craig is a trailblazing academic with an extraordinary record of service advancing the accounting profession. Dr. Craig received his undergraduate degree from Morehouse College, an MBA from Atlanta University, and a Ph.D. from the University of Missouri. As only the 10th African American PhD in accounting, he became Dean of the School of Business and Economics at North Carolina A&T State University in 1972, where he served for 42 years. Under his leadership, the accounting program was the first program at a Historically Black College and University (HBCU) to receive AACSB International accreditation in 1986. Dr. Craig worked tirelessly in different ways to advance diversity in accounting and has received many different awards. For example, he became the first African American President of the AACSB in 1992 and received the AACSB International Distinguished Leadership Award in 2013. Dr. Craig was also instrumental in the formation of The PhD project and an inaugural member of The PhD project Hall of Fame in 2011.
Robert J. Swieringa is the Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean Emeritus and Professor Emeritus of accounting at the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. He earned a BA in economics from Augustana College, an MBA in accounting and economics from the University of Denver, and a PhD in accounting and complex organizations from the University of Illinois. His teaching and research interests are in the areas of corporate financial reporting, corporate governance, and the use of accounting information for decision making and performance evaluation.
Swieringa was a member of the accounting faculties at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and the SC Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell. He was a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) from 1986-96. He was the Anne and Elmer Lindseth Dean and professor of accounting at Cornell from 1997-2015. An outstanding teacher and lecturer, Swieringa received the Justice Foundation Award for Outstanding Teaching at Cornell. He is a past chair of the board of directors of the Graduate Management Admissions Council that provides the GMAT.
The Lifetime Service Award recognizes service contributions to accounting education over a sustained period of time through service to the AAA, service with the education efforts in the profession through involvement with the AICPA, IMA, and other accounting professional organizations, and service with the education efforts of public accounting firms, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations, and AAA members whose career contributions have made a significant impact beyond their own institutions. More information about this award is available at For 2024, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to honor Quiester Craig and Robert J. Swieringa for their dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.
Michelle Nessa, Casey M. Schwab, Bridget Stomberg, and Erin M. Towery to receive the AICPA-sponsored 2024 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Michelle Nessa, Casey M. Schwab, Bridget Stomberg, and Erin M. Towery as the recipients of the 2024 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their paper “How do IRS Resources Affect the Corporate Audit Process?,” published in the March 2020 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), will be presented in the form of unique glass art pieces, certificates, and a $2,500 prize at the Wednesday, August 14 plenary session at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Michelle Nessa is an Associate Professor and the Main Street Capital Corporation Endowed Faculty in Business Fellow in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems of the Eli Broad College of Business at Michigan State University. Her research interests include the taxation of multinational corporations, tax enforcement, and the effects of taxes on businesses’ decisions. Her research has been published in The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, and National Tax Journal. She has served on the editorial advisory and review boards of The Accounting Review and The Journal of the American Taxation Association and has received The Accounting Review’s Outstanding Reviewer Award. She received her PhD in Accounting from the University of Iowa.
Casey M. Schwab joined the Ryan College of Business as the Ryan Professor of Taxation in 2020. He previously held faculty positions at Indiana University and The University of Georgia. He obtained his PhD in accounting from The University of Texas in 2009 and his BBA and MSA in Accounting from Texas Tech University in 2002. His research focuses on the determinants and consequences of corporate tax behavior and on issues related to financial reporting quality. His research has been published in The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Accounting, Organizations and Society, and The Journal of the American Taxation Association. His research has been cited by numerous media outlets, including USA Today, The Hill, The New York Times, Accounting Today, and Business Insider.
Bridget Stomberg is Professor of Accounting and the Chairperson of the Undergraduate Program at the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. Her research, which examines the intersection of tax and financial reporting regulation as well as the effects of tax policies and enforcement on corporate activities, has been published in The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, and Contemporary Accounting Research. Prior to joining Kelley, she spent four years on the faculty of the Tull School of Accounting at The University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in accounting from The University of Texas at Austin, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in accounting from the University of Florida. Before entering academia, she worked in public accounting and served as the director of tax for Insight Enterprises and P.F. Chang's China Bistro. She co-hosts a podcast called “Taxes for the Masses” with Professor Lisa De Simone.
Erin M. Towery is the KPMG-Atlanta Partners’ and Employees’ Professor at The University of Georgia’s Terry College of Business. Her research focuses on the interplay between corporate tax and financial reporting incentives. Erin’s work has been published in The Accounting Review, Journal of Financial Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Review of Finance, National Tax Journal, and The Journal of the American Taxation Association and has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, CBS News, USA Today, NBS News, and The Boston Globe. Erin serves on the Editorial Board for Contemporary Accounting Research and as a Board Member for the National Tax Association. Erin has taught both undergraduate and graduate classes at The University of Georgia. She recently won the Terry College of Business Outstanding Teacher Award and was named a Senior Teaching Fellow. She earned her BS in accounting from Auburn University, and her Master of Professional Accounting and PhD from The University of Texas at Austin.
The Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is given annually to that work published within five years of the year of the award and recognizes accounting research based on its potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice, and future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the American Accounting Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants are very pleased to give this award to Michelle Nessa, Casey M. Schwab, Bridget Stomberg, and Erin M. Towery.
Dale L. Flesher and Vernon J. Richardson to receive the PwC US Group LLP-sponsored 2024 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very pleased to congratulate Dale L. Flesher and Vernon J. Richardson as the recipients of the 2024 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the PwC US Group LLP, consists of a unique glass art piece, citation, and a $5,000 prize. There is also an additional $5,000 donation given to the AAA on behalf of the recipients which will be used according to Professor Flesher’s and Richardson’s wishes. This award will be presented at the Tuesday, August 13 plenary at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in Washington, DC.
Dale L. Flesher has been a faculty member at The University of Mississippi since 1977 and previously taught for nine years at three other schools. A native of Indiana, Dale received bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Ball State University and a PhD from the University of Cincinnati. He holds CPA, CMA, CIA, CGMA, CGFM, and CFE certificates. He has authored over 400 articles for more than 100 journals. He also published 52 books (in 102 editions) and 100 encyclopedia articles. He has served as editor of the Accounting Historians Journal and the Accounting Historians Notebook. Flesher has won numerous research and teaching awards, including the 2011 AICPA Distinguished Accounting Educator Award, the 2011 Distinguished Research and Creative Achievement Award from Ole Miss, the 2017 SEC Faculty Achievement Award, and the 1990 Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Leon R. Radde Educator of the Year Award. He received the Thomas Burns Biographical Research in Accountancy Award in 2005 from The Academy of Accounting Historians and The Academy’s 2014 Hourglass Award. His wife, Tonya, is also an accounting professor and former dean at Ole Miss. They have two children: a son and a daughter.
Vernon J. Richardson is Distinguished Professor of Accounting and the Glezen Chair in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. He received his BA, MAcc, and MBA from Brigham Young University and a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He has also taught at Baruch College, The University of Kansas, Xi’an Jiaotong Liverpool University and China Europe International Business School. He is an editor at Accounting Horizons and former editor at The Accounting Review. He has published articles in The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting Research, MIS Quarterly, Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Operations Management, and Journal of Marketing. Dr. Richardson enjoys teaching at all levels and is passionate about revolutionizing accounting curricula with data analytics, as evidenced by his six coauthored McGraw-Hill textbooks all emphasizing analytics. But he is proudest of all of his wife and 12 children.
The Outstanding Accounting Educator Award is presented to educators with sustained contributions that have significantly impacted accounting education or accounting educators, with sustained and substantive contributions from a wide variety of academic institutions, and whose career contributions include educational innovation, excellence in teaching, publications related to the awards’ intent, research guidance and mentorship to students (at any level) and impactful service to the profession and/or academic community. More information about this award is available online at For 2024, the American Accounting Association and the PwC US Group LLP are very pleased to give this award to Dale L. Flesher and Vernon J. Richardson.
Monte R. Swain to receive the American Accounting Association's 2024 Outstanding Service Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Monte R. Swain as the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Service Award. This AAA award, which may be awarded at any time by the Board of Directors, will be presented to Professor Swain in the form of a unique glass art piece at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting during the Tuesday, August 13 Plenary in Washington, DC.
Monte R. Swain, PhD, CPA, CMA, CGMA, is recently retired as the Deloitte Professor in the School of Accountancy at Brigham Young University (BYU). He has researched and taught management accounting at BYU since graduating from Michigan State University in 1991. He is published in scholarly and practitioner journals, authors textbooks in management accounting, and consults on the effective use of strategic measurement systems. Throughout his career, Monte has been the recipient of a number of teaching awards, including the Brummet Distinguished Award for Management Accounting Educators from the Institute of Management Accountants (2016) and the MBA Core Professor of the Year at BYU (2021). He has served in advisory roles for the Institute for Management Accountants (IMA), the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA). Over the years, Monte has served in various roles with the AAA, specifically with the Management Accounting Section, the Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section, the AAA Council, and the AAA Executive Committee.
The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding services to the Association other than educational and research contributions. The prestigious award is intended only for rare events or milestones achieved. More information about this award is available at For 2024, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to be able to present this award to Monte R. Swain in honor of his dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.
The Accounting Review 2024 Outstanding Reviewer Award
Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 5, 2024 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate 15 reviewers as recipients of the 2024 Outstanding Reviewer Award for The Accounting Review (TAR). This TAR award will be presented to the recipients in the form of a monetary prize and certificate at the Wednesday, August 14 plenary at the 2024 AAA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC.
The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes truly exceptional reviewers who provided many high-quality and timely reviews to The Accounting Review during the first year of Kathryn Kadous’ term as Senior Editor. Award recipients were selected by general consensus of a representative committee of journal editors based on consideration of three key TAR reviewer performance metrics—number of completed reviews, average editor-rating of the quality of the reviews, and review timeliness. The recipients are a select group of individuals, who represent the very highest quality of TAR reviewers.
Matthew J. Beck, The University of Kansas
Clara Xiaoling Chen, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Brant E. Christensen, Brigham Young University
Christine Cuny, New York University
Peter R. W. Demerjian, Georgia State University
Atif Ellahie, The University of Utah
Elia Ferracuti, Duke University
Stephen A. Glaeser, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jonas Heese, Harvard University
Eric R. Holzman, Indiana University Bloomington
Michael J. Jung, University of Delaware
Bryce Schonberger, University of Colorado Boulder
Sarah B. Stuber, Texas A&M University
Ivo D. Tafkov, Georgia State University
Christina Zhu, University of Pennsylvania