2023-2024 AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize Committee

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize will serve to recognize, inspire and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher.

Previous Recipients


  • To annually select up to three prize recipients, one each in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. (These categories are based on the level at which the faculty member primarily teaches, not the degrees offered by their college.)

Prize Intent

  • The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is to honor current active faculty and is not for lifetime achievement or for retired or deceased faculty members.

Award Presentation

  • The prize will consist of a cash award, a silver medallion, and a certificate awarded at the Annual Meeting.  The cash portion of the prize is $30,500 in 2024.  The selection committee will review the award amount every five years to maintain a level in equivalent dollars to 2014 purchasing power based upon the U.S. CPI-U or similar measure.  After the Selection Committee has completed their review, they will make recommendations to the AAA CEO and the Deloitte Foundation Executive Director for their approval.


  • The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize Convener and Representatives of the Donors will be appointed each year by the Management Team.
  • The Selector Panel members will be appointed to serve staggered terms by the Management Team.
  • Ex-officio members of the Selector Panel will include representatives of the donors and a representative of the AAA professional leadership.
  • A team of Nominators will be chosen by the Selector Panel from AAA Segment leader recommendations or appointed at­ large to assure sufficient breadth and diversity of the nominee pool.


  • The Convener and Selector Panel meet twice per year.
  • Other meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Convener, and can be online, as appropriate.


  • Fulfill the charge as stated above.
  • Questions about the charge or responsibilities of the Convener or Selector Panel should be directed to Darlene Dobson, Staff Liaison at darlene.dobson@aaahq.org.
  • ​The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. A nominee must demonstrate a track record of significant achievement over at least ten years of teaching in higher education, and the promise for future contributions to the accounting education community- through their thought leadership in teaching and accounting education. First and foremost, nominees must have exhibited consistent excellence in the delivery of accounting education. Teaching excellence may have occurred in the traditional classroom, in an online environment, or in other learning environments. Such excellence may be evidenced by student evaluations, peer reviews, materials developed for classroom use, or other evidence of excellence in direct teaching. Not only must nominees be passionate, inspirational, innovative, and demand high standards in the classroom but the effects of their impact and generosity must also extend beyond the classroom as evidenced by their mentorship of others, their freely sharing of print-based or other media-based materials, and/or their willingness to take risks in their career to advance their and others' excellence as a teacher.

Eligibility for Award:

  • Nominee must be a current full-time faculty member in a U.S. accounting program or school with established record of at least ten years of teaching.
  • Nominee must be a member in good standing of the American Accounting Association who is not currently serving on the Board of Directors.
  • If selected for the award, nominee must agree to attend AAA Annual Meeting Award presentation in Washington, DC in August.
  • If selected for the award, nominee must agree to share their knowledge and approaches at various AAA venues and events, as available.
  • Be nominated by one of the AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize Nominators.
  • Members who are nominated in subsequent years will be asked to resubmit an application.
  • Nominee applications will be kept on file for one additional year.
    • Nominees in year two of their nomination cycle will be asked to resubmit an application.


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

Anne Christensen
Retired, Montana State University
Past President of AAA




Ex-Officio Member:
Representative of Donor
Robert D. Allen
Utah Valley University



Ex-Officio Member:
Representative of Donor
Kathy Shoztic
Deloitte Services LP



Ex-Officio Member:
Representative of AAA
Yvonne Hinson
Chief Executive Officer of the AAA




Selector Panel

George Gamble
University of Houston




Marc Rubin
Miami University




Wendy Tietz
Kent State University




Markus Ahrens
Saint Louis Community College




Brian Bushee
University of Pennsylvania




Elaine Mauldin
University of Missouri




Sidney Askew
CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College




Margarita Lenk
Retired, Colorado State University




2023-2024 AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize Committee

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize will serve to recognize, inspire and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher.

Previous Recipients


  • To annually select up to three prize recipients, one each in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. (These categories are based on the level at which the faculty member primarily teaches, not the degrees offered by their college.)

Prize Intent

  • The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is to honor current active faculty and is not for lifetime achievement or for retired or deceased faculty members.

Award Presentation

  • The prize will consist of a cash award, a silver medallion, and a certificate awarded at the Annual Meeting.  The cash portion of the prize is $30,500 in 2024.  The selection committee will review the award amount every five years to maintain a level in equivalent dollars to 2014 purchasing power based upon the U.S. CPI-U or similar measure.  After the Selection Committee has completed their review, they will make recommendations to the AAA CEO and the Deloitte Foundation Executive Director for their approval.


  • The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize Convener and Representatives of the Donors will be appointed each year by the Management Team.
  • The Selector Panel members will be appointed to serve staggered terms by the Management Team.
  • Ex-officio members of the Selector Panel will include representatives of the donors and a representative of the AAA professional leadership.
  • A team of Nominators will be chosen by the Selector Panel from AAA Segment leader recommendations or appointed at­ large to assure sufficient breadth and diversity of the nominee pool.


  • The Convener and Selector Panel meet twice per year.
  • Other meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the Convener, and can be online, as appropriate.


  • Fulfill the charge as stated above.
  • Questions about the charge or responsibilities of the Convener or Selector Panel should be directed to Darlene Dobson, Staff Liaison at darlene.dobson@aaahq.org.
  • ​The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. A nominee must demonstrate a track record of significant achievement over at least ten years of teaching in higher education, and the promise for future contributions to the accounting education community- through their thought leadership in teaching and accounting education. First and foremost, nominees must have exhibited consistent excellence in the delivery of accounting education. Teaching excellence may have occurred in the traditional classroom, in an online environment, or in other learning environments. Such excellence may be evidenced by student evaluations, peer reviews, materials developed for classroom use, or other evidence of excellence in direct teaching. Not only must nominees be passionate, inspirational, innovative, and demand high standards in the classroom but the effects of their impact and generosity must also extend beyond the classroom as evidenced by their mentorship of others, their freely sharing of print-based or other media-based materials, and/or their willingness to take risks in their career to advance their and others' excellence as a teacher.

Eligibility for Award:

  • Nominee must be a current full-time faculty member in a U.S. accounting program or school with established record of at least ten years of teaching.
  • Nominee must be a member in good standing of the American Accounting Association who is not currently serving on the Board of Directors.
  • If selected for the award, nominee must agree to attend AAA Annual Meeting Award presentation in Washington, DC in August.
  • If selected for the award, nominee must agree to share their knowledge and approaches at various AAA venues and events, as available.
  • Be nominated by one of the AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize Nominators.
  • Members who are nominated in subsequent years will be asked to resubmit an application.
  • Nominee applications will be kept on file for one additional year.
    • Nominees in year two of their nomination cycle will be asked to resubmit an application.


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

Anne Christensen
Retired, Montana State University
Past President of AAA




Ex-Officio Member:
Representative of Donor
Robert D. Allen
Utah Valley University



Ex-Officio Member:
Representative of Donor
Kathy Shoztic
Deloitte Services LP



Ex-Officio Member:
Representative of AAA
Yvonne Hinson
Chief Executive Officer of the AAA




Selector Panel

George Gamble
University of Houston




Marc Rubin
Miami University




Wendy Tietz
Kent State University




Markus Ahrens
Saint Louis Community College




Brian Bushee
University of Pennsylvania




Elaine Mauldin
University of Missouri




Sidney Askew
CUNY-Borough of Manhattan Community College




Margarita Lenk
Retired, Colorado State University


