Press Releases for the 2022 AAA Award Recipients







T. Jeffrey Wilks, Guido L. Geerts, and Sidney Askew to receive the 2022 American Accounting Association/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 12, 2022- The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate T. Jeffrey Wilks, Guido L. Geerts, and Sidney Askew as recipients of the 2022 AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize. T. Jeffrey Wilks is the recipient of the graduate award, Guido L. Geerts is the recipient of the undergraduate award, and Sidney Askew is the recipient of the two-year college award. The awards will be presented to each recipient in the form of a solid silver medal and a monetary prize of $27,500 at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA at the Monday, August 1st plenary session.

T. Jeffrey Wilks is the EY Professor at Brigham Young University's School of Accountancy. He previously served as a Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) academic fellow and a consultant to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), co-authoring the 2008 FASB/IASB Discussion Paper on Revenue Recognition. Jeff has served as a consultant to Connor Group, providing GAAP/SEC reporting guidance to IPO firms. He has served as a consulting expert for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC), and as a member of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants' (AICPA) Revenue Recognition Task Force. He is currently a member of Deloitte's Center for Controllership and serves on the audit committee of Deseret Management Corporation. He has served as co-Senior Editor at Accounting Horizons and published in various journals. He is also the founder of RevenueHub®, which has published over 100 articles on ASC Topic 606, Revenue Recognition, and has had over a million unique readers. Jeff and his wife Melinda have five children and one grandson.

Guido L. Geerts is a professor of accounting and EY Faculty Scholar at the Lerner College of Business, University of Delaware, where he teaches accounting information systems and data analytics. He received a Ph.D. in accounting information systems from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium in 1993. Guido has published more than twenty articles in accounting and information systems journals. He has received numerous teaching, research, and service awards, including the 2015 University of Delaware's Excellence in Teaching Award and the 2018 American Accounting Association Outstanding Service Award. Guido is the former chair of the Technology Task Force for the Pathways Commission Recommendation 4 (Curriculum and Pedagogy) and currently serves as a Trustee on the AICPA Foundation Board.

Sidney Askew, CPA, MBA, is a professor of accounting at the Borough of Manhattan Community College–CUNY with a teaching and research focus in accounting information systems (AIS). He also teaches in the areas of Intermediate Accounting and Financial Literacy and has served in several advisory roles such as Treasurer and Board Member for Carter G. Woodson Foundation of Newark; President of the American Accounting Association Two-Year College section; a former member of the Academic Executive Committee of the AICPA and is currently a member of the Board of Governors of the Accountants Club of America. A member of several systems implementations, Sidney has worked in areas of public, corporate and regulatory accounting in government as well as the private industry. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and Cornell University.

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize serves to recognize, inspire, and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher. For 2022, up to three awards of $27,500 each can be made in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. More information about this award is available at For 2022, the AAA is honored to bestow this award to T. Jeffrey Wilks, Guido L. Geerts, and Sidney Askew.




Vernon J. Richardson and Marcia Weidenmier Watson to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Vernon J. Richardson and Marcia Weidenmier Watson as the recipients of the 2022 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award for their paper “Act or Be Acted Upon: Revolutionizing Accounting Curriculums with Data Analytics,” published in the June 2021 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon during the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Vernon J. Richardson is a Distinguished Professor of Accounting and the W. Glezen Chair in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. He received his B.A., MAcc, and MBA from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a visiting professor at Baruch College–CUNY. He has served as an editor at The Accounting Review and is currently an editor at Accounting Horizons and associate editor at MIS Quarterly. He has published in a wide range of premier accounting and systems research journals and is widely cited. Dr. Richardson has authored the very first two textbooks in accounting data analytics with McGraw Hill titled, Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting (with Katie Terrell and Ryan Teeter) and has also published Accounting Information Systems textbook (with Janie Chang and Rod Smith).

Marcia Weidenmier Watson is the Jesse H. Jones Distinguished Professor of Accounting at Trinity University. She received a B.B.A. in accounting from William & Mary, and an MBA in accounting and information systems management as well as a Ph.D. in accounting from The University of Texas at Austin. Prior to receiving her Ph.D., she was a financial systems consultant. Dr. Watson served as Newsletter Editor from 2005 through 2021 for the American Accounting Association Accounting Information Systems (AAA AIS) Section. She was recognized for outstanding service to the AAA AIS Section in 2008 and 2019. She served as guest co-editor of a 2017 Special Issue of Journal of Accounting Education on Big Data. Dr. Watson has published over thirty articles in a variety of accounting and systems research journals. She is also co-author of a forthcoming book, Introduction to Business Analytics (with Vernon J. Richardson and Katie Terrell).

The Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. The award recipient is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to bestow this award to Vernon J. Richardson and Marcia Weidenmier Watson.


Patrick J. Ferguson and Venkat R. Peddireddy to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Competitive Manuscript Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – May 26, 2022- The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Patrick J. Ferguson and Venkat R. Peddireddy as the recipients of the 2022 Competitive Manuscript Award. Professor Ferguson's manuscript is “Do Managers Distinguish Between Effects of Luck and Effort on Employees' Performance Outcomes? Evidence of Outcome Bias in a High-Stakes Field Setting.” Professor Peddireddy's manuscript is entitled “Estimating Maintenance CapEx.” This AAA award will be presented to them in the form of a unique glass art pieces at the Wednesday, August 3 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Dr. Patrick J. Ferguson is tenure-track faculty at The University of Melbourne, where he teaches undergraduate- and graduate-level management accounting. He uses field experiments and observational data to research how firms measure, report on, evaluate and reward employees' performance. Professor Ferguson's dissertation exploits data from professional sports to study how organizations design and administer contests for control and contests for consumption. His work has been published in leading academic journals including the Journal of Accounting Research. Professor Ferguson holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University, as well as bachelor's degrees in Arts (English and history) and Commerce (economics and finance) from The University of Melbourne.

Venkat R. Peddireddy is an assistant professor at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai. He received his Ph.D. in accounting from Columbia University and M.S. in finance from London Business School. Prior to his academic career, he worked in the banking industry in India and the United Kingdom. His research interests include financial reporting and regulations, financial institutions, earnings management, and debt contracting. His recent work examines measurement issues in earnings quality, systemic risk in financial institutions, and excess executive compensation.

The Competitive Manuscript Award was created to encourage research among members of the AAA who have earned their Ph.D. within the past five years. The recipient is chosen annually in a blind review by the Competitive Manuscript Award Committee. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to Patrick J. Ferguson and Venkat R. Peddireddy for their exceptional work.


Jeffrey Cohen, Greg Trompeter, and Kim Westermann to receive the 2022 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Jeffrey Cohen, Greg Trompeter, and Kim Westermann as the recipients of the 2022 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award (“AAA award”) for their paper, “PCAOB Inspections: Public Accounting Firms on Trial" published in the Summer 2019 issue of Contemporary Accounting Research. The AAA award will be presented to Professors Cohen, Trompeter, and Westermann in the form of a medal and monetary prize at the Monday, August 1 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Jeffrey Cohen, PhD, CMA is a professor at Boston College where he has been for over 35 years, ever since earning the PhD. His major research streams are in the areas of corporate governance, auditor independence, and corporate social responsibility. His work focuses primarily on behavioral and qualitative approaches and just since 2010, he has had over 20 LFT (London Financial Times) ranked publications. He has twice been a recipient of the Notable Contributions to Auditing Literature Award as well as twice receiving the Innovations in Auditing and Assurance Education Award. In 2017, he was recognized as the outstanding auditing educator by the American Accounting Association's Auditing Section. He was the Senior Editor of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT) and served as an Associate Editor at Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education. He is currently an Editor at Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR).

Greg Trompeter is the C.G. Avery Professor of Accounting in the University of Central Florida's Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting. Prior to entering academia, he was an auditor for Price Waterhouse & Co. His research interests focus on analytical review and internal controls as well as issues related to multi-national group audits and the regulation and economics of the auditing profession. He has published his work in a variety of outlets including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research and Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. He earned his doctorate and MBA degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his undergraduate degree in accounting from Illinois State University.

Kim Westermann, Ph.D., CPA (inactive) is an associate professor at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. She holds a Ph.D. in Accountancy from Bentley University. Prior to her doctoral studies, she was a senior auditor at EY in San Jose, California and subsequently worked at PwC in New York, ending her career in public accounting as a manager in the firm's Learning and Education division. She is interested in qualitative methods and conducts research rooted within sociology and organizational behavior literatures, examining both audit practitioners and clients about their perspectives on current global issues (e.g., group audits, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) inspections, international licensure) in auditing. She has published in Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, and Issues in Accounting Education. She serves as an editor for Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory and serves on the editorial board of Contemporary Accounting Research.

The Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award was founded in 1978 to commemorate John Wildman and to encourage research relevant to the professional practice of accounting to which much of Mr. Wildman's life was devoted. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the AAA is honored to be able to present this award to Jeffrey Cohen, Greg Trompeter, and Kim Westermann.


Daniel A. Cohen, Aiyesha Dey, and Thomas Z. Lys and Dan S. Dhaliwal, Oliver Zhen Li, Albert Tsang, and Yong George Yang to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2022 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award will be presented to Daniel A. Cohen, Aiyesha Dey, and Thomas Z. Lys for their work “Real and Accrual-Based Earnings Management in the Pre-and Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Periods,” published in the May 2008 issue of The Accounting Review, and to Dan S. Dhaliwal (1945-2016), Oliver Zhen Li, Albert Tsang, and Yong George Yang for their work “Voluntary Nonfinancial Disclosure and the Cost of Equity Capital: The Initiation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting,” published in the January 2011 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a monetary prize at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Daniel A. Cohen is a professor of accounting in the Owen School of Management at Vanderbilt University. He previously taught at Texas A&M University, The University of Texas at Dallas, New York University and USC. He received a B.A. in economics and statistics as well as an M.B.A. from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and a Ph.D. in accounting from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Professor Cohen's research focuses on the relation between corporate governance mechanisms and financial reporting & disclosure decisions. He has published in leading accounting journals, including Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, and Contemporary Accounting Research. He currently serves as an Editor for Contemporary Accounting Research and has served in the past on the editorial boards of Journal of Accounting and Economics, and The Accounting Review. He teaches various courses in cost accounting and financial statement analysis.

Aiyesha Dey is an associate professor at Harvard Business School. She started her academic career at University of Chicago and moved to University of Minnesota in 2010. In 2017, just prior to joining Harvard University, she visited the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission where she was involved in several policy initiatives. Her educational background includes a bachelor's degree in mathematics, for which she received the National Scholar Award from the government of India. She continued her graduate studies by pursuing an MBA specializing in Accounting and Finance, followed by a Ph.D. in accounting from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She conducts research in the areas of corporate governance, behavioral finance, and financial reporting and disclosures. She serves on the Editorial Advisory and Review Boards of The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, and the Review of Accounting Studies and is a reviewer for several leading journals.

Thomas Z. Lys is the Eric L. Kohler Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in Accounting and Finance and an undergraduate degree in economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Berne, Switzerland. He joined the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management in 1981, rising from assistant professor to the Eric L. Kohler Chair in Accounting, and transitioning to emeritus in 2018. He won their Outstanding Professor of the Year Award six times and the Sidney J. Levy Teaching Award twice. For his contributions to Kellogg's Ph.D. program (he served on 36 Ph.D. dissertation committees, chaired 22 of them, and coauthored 31 of his 57 academic publications with his students) Kellogg established the Thomas Z. Lys Ph.D. Fellowship, with an endowment of $500,000. Finally, Professor Lys served as one of the editors of the Journal of Accounting and Economics for eleven years.

Dan S. Dhaliwal was the Frances McClelland Endowed Professor of Accounting, and head of the Department of Accounting at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona until his death in 1996. He went to the University of Arizona from California State University to complete his master's and doctoral degrees in accounting. After his graduation in 1977, he served as an assistant professor of accounting at the University of Iowa; in 1979, he joined the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as a visiting research fellow. He returned to Arizona in 1980 as an associate professor of accounting. He served as acting head of the accounting department in 1984-1985 and was promoted to full professor in 1986. He was appointed department head in 1996. Dhaliwal was a frequent contributor of articles to top accounting journals and served on numerous editorial boards, including The Accounting Review and Journal of Accounting Research, the former of which he also edited from 2005-2008. He was ranked first in the nation among authors contributing to accounting literature in the areas of tax and archival tax, and he ranked No. 2 for archival financial and No. 6 for financial. In 2004, he was named the AAA's Outstanding Accounting Educator Award.

Oliver Zhen Li graduated from the University of Arizona in 2003 with a Ph.D. in Management. He has worked for the University of Notre Dame and the University of Arizona and is currently affiliated with National University of Singapore and Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance. His research interests include financial accounting, corporate finance, taxation, and various China related issues.

Albert Tsang is a chair professor of the SUSTech Business School of Southern University of Science & Technology. Before joining SUSTech, he worked in Canada and Hong Kong. He is passionate about capital market implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices of global corporations. He earned his Ph.D. at The University of Texas at Dallas. Professor Tsang’s research interests include CSR, ESG, disclosure, and financial analysts. He has published more than 20 CSR-related articles and has received numerous best paper awards for his works on CSR. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling with his wife and two daughters.

Yong George Yang is currently a full professor in accounting (with tenure) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in financial management and master’s degree in macroeconomics from Peking University and Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University. Professor Yang’s research interest covers information disclosure, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and financial intermediaries. His research is published in various top journals including The Accounting Review, Management Science, and Review of Accounting Studies.

The Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is presented annually to that work or related works published more than five years but not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award and recognizes accounting research based on uniqueness and magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the AAA is honored to be able to bestow this award to Daniel A. Cohen, Aiyesha Dey, and Thomas Z. Lys, and to Dan S. Dhaliwal (posthumously), Oliver Zhen Li, Albert Tsang, and Yong George Yang.


Vernon J. Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie Lynette Terrell to receive the Ernst & Young Foundation-sponsored 2022 Innovation in Accounting Education Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2022 Innovation in Accounting Education Award will be presented to Vernon J. Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie L. Terrell for their innovation, Data Analytics for Accounting (DAA) and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting (IDAA). This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Ernst & Young Foundation, will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces and monetary prizes at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

Vernon J. Richardson is the Distinguished Professor of Accounting and the W. Glezen Chair in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. He received his B.A., MAcc, and MBA from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a visiting professor at Baruch College-CUNY. He has served as an editor at The Accounting Review and is currently an editor at Accounting Horizons and associate editor at MIS Quarterly. He has published in a wide range of premier accounting and systems research journals and is widely cited. Dr. Richardson has authored the very first two textbooks in accounting data analytics with McGraw Hill titled, Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting (with Katie Terrell and Ryan Teeter) and has also published Accounting Information Systems textbook (with Janie Chang and Rod Smith).

Ryan Teeter is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. He has worked with internal auditors at Siemens and Procter & Gamble and conducts research in audit automation and data analytics. He is a co-author (with Vernon J. Richardson and Katie Terrell) of the textbooks Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, published by McGraw-Hill.

Katie Lynette Terrell is an instructor in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. In addition to teaching at the University of Arkansas, she has taught students around the world, including at Soochow University in China, University College Dublin in Ireland, and Duoc UC, a branch of the Catholic University of Chile. Named the 2019 Business Professional of the Year (Education) by the national Beta Alpha Psi organization, she was also the recipient of the Mark Chain/FSA Teaching Award for innovative graduate-level accounting teaching practices in 2016. She has worked with Tyson Foods, where she held various information system roles, focusing on business analysis, project management for ERP implementations and upgrades, and organizational change management. She is a co-author (with Vernon J. Richardson and Ryan Teeter) of the McGraw Hill textbooks Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, and a forthcoming textbook, Introduction to Business Analytics.

The annual Innovation in Accounting Education Award is intended to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education. It recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials. Submissions are judged by their innovation, demonstrated educational benefits, and adaptability by other academic institutions or to other situations. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association and the Ernst & Young Foundation are very pleased to give this award to Vernon J. Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie L. Terrell.


F. Greg Burton, Scott L. Summers, T. Jeffrey Wilks, and David A. Wood to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to congratulate F. Greg Burton, Scott L. Summers, T. Jeffrey Wilks, and David A. Wood as the recipients of the 2022 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award for their paper “Do We Matter? Attention the General Public, Policymakers, and Academics Give to Accounting Research,” that was published in the February 2021 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the Tuesday, August 2 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

F. Greg Burton is the KPMG Professor of Accounting at Brigham Young University. His research spans fraud, audit, ethics, market behavior, accounting information systems (AIS), and international accounting. He received a B.A. and MAcc in accounting from Utah State University and his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina. He teaches auditing, financial accounting, international accounting, and AIS. He has been honored with several teaching awards. He is the past president of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association. In 2008-2009, he was appointed the Academic Fellow in the Division of Corporation Finance at the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prior to receiving his Ph.D., he was a senior manager with KPMG and spent two years on an international rotation living and working in Southeast Asia. He is the founder of, an organization designed to provide students with mentored research and scholarship opportunities.

Scott L. Summers is the Andersen Foundation Professor at Brigham Young University having joined the faculty in 1999. He is active in the accounting information systems (AIS) and the strategic and emerging technologies (SET) communities, having served as the AAA AIS Section, as well as the AAA SET Section presidents among other roles. He focuses on accounting information systems processing and controls, with specific expertise in database and internal control. He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. His research has been published in many journals including: The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Information Systems, Information Science, IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Issues in Accounting Education and Behavioral Research in Accounting. Scott and his wife Kelly have eight children and sixteen grandchildren.

T. Jeffrey Wilks is the EY Professor at Brigham Young University's School of Accountancy. He previously served as a Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) academic fellow and a consultant to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), co-authoring the 2008 FASB/IASB Discussion Paper on Revenue Recognition. He has served as a consultant to Connor Group, providing GAAP/SEC reporting guidance to IPO firms. He has served as a consulting expert for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC), and as a member of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants' (AICPA) Revenue Recognition Task Force. He is currently a member of Deloitte’s Center for Controllership and serves on the audit committee of Deseret Management Corporation. He has served as co-Senior Editor at Accounting Horizons and published in various journals. He is also the founder of RevenueHub®, which has published over 100 articles on ASC Topic 606, Revenue Recognition, and has had over a million unique readers. Jeff and his wife Melinda have five children and one grandson.

David A. Wood is passionate about understanding new technologies and implementing them into the curriculum of Brigham Young University, where he works as the Glenn D. Ardis professor of accounting. He received his Ph.D. at Indiana University and his B.S. and MAcc degrees at Brigham Young University (BYU). At BYU, David teaches accounting data analytics and accounting information systems. He has published over 100 articles in a combination of respected academic and practitioner journals, monographs, books, and cases. His research has won multiple best paper awards. He is an editor at four journals and on the editorial board for six journals. He works with the EY ARC to develop curriculum that is provided for free to academics throughout the world. He is also a coauthor on the market-leading AIS textbook, Accounting Information Systems by Romney, Steinbart, Summers, and Wood and co-developer of materials published on the website.

The Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. The award recipient is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to present this award to F. Greg Burton, Scott L. Summers, T. Jeffrey Wilks, and David A. Wood.

Bruce K. Behn to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Lifetime Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Bruce K. Behn as the recipient of the 2022 Lifetime Service Award. This AAA award will be presented in the form of a unique glass art piece at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Bruce K. Behn Ph.D., CPA is the Associate Dean for Graduate and Executive Education and Deloitte LLP Professor at The University of Tennessee (UTK) Haslam College of Business. He joined the faculty in 1994 after completing his doctorate at Arizona State University. Dr. Behn has an MBA from Arizona State University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Behn is currently the chair of The Accounting Hall of Fame Committee, Vice-Chair of the AACSB Accounting Accreditation Policy Committee and is a Council Member for the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants. He was recently on the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants Board (AICPA), AICPA Foundation Board, International Accounting Education Standards Board and chaired the Pathways Commission (AAA/AICPA). He is a past president of the American Accounting Association (AAA), the International Accounting Section (AAA) and the Federation of Schools of Accountancy (FSA).

The Lifetime Service Award recognizes service contributions to accounting education over a sustained period of time through service to the AAA, service with the education efforts in the profession through involvement with the AICPA, IMA, and other accounting professional organizations, and service with the education efforts of public accounting firms, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations. More information about this award is available at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to honor Bruce K. Behn for his dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.


Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel, and Partha Sarathy Mohanram to receive the AICPA-sponsored 2022 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 20221 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel, and Partha Sarathy Mohanram as the recipients of the 2022 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their work entitled, “Can Twitter Help Predict Firm-Level Earnings and Stock Returns?,” that was published in the May 2018 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), will be presented in the form of unique glass art pieces, plaques, and a $2,500 prize at the Wednesday, August 3 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Eli Bartov is a professor of accounting at New York University's Stern School of Business (Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989). He teaches courses at the graduate and doctoral levels and served as the accounting department's doctoral program coordinator from 2001 to 2010. A popular professor with students, Professor Bartov is the recipient of numerous teaching awards. His research focuses on the role of social media in the capital market, executive compensation, earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, and various aspects of equity valuation and trading strategies. He has published extensively in leading accounting and finance academic journals on both theoretical and empirical subjects. Professor Bartov has been invited to lecture before academic and professional audiences across the U.S. and around the globe. He has also testified on issues related to financial reporting, executive compensation, insider trading and equity valuation in securities fraud cases, contract disputes, and other litigation.

Lucile Faurel earned her bachelor's degree in international economics. After working in transfer pricing for Deloitte & Touche Paris, she earned her doctorate from New York University. She is currently an associate professor at Arizona State University. Prior to joining Arizona State University, she served on the faculty of the University of California, Irvine. Within capital markets research, her research interests include the role of social media in capital markets, the (mis)pricing of accounting information, voluntary disclosure choices, corporate innovation, and insider trading. Her research has been published in top accounting journals, including the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Accounting Research, and The Accounting Review. She teaches MBA-level courses in financial accounting and financial statement analysis and was recently selected as Poets & Quants' Best 40 Under 40 Business Professors.

Partha Sarathy Mohanram is the John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing at the Rotman School of Management - University of Toronto. He obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard University, MBA from the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad, and B. Tech in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology-Madras. Professor Mohanram has published extensively in fundamental analysis, valuation of growth firms, cost of capital and corporate governance. His numerous awards include the Haim Falk award from the CAAA (2017) and the Rotman research impact award (2018). He is the incoming Editor-in-chief of Contemporary Accounting Research and serves on the editorial boards of The Accounting Review and Review of Accounting Studies. His research has been featured extensively in The New York Times, Forbes, Business Week, CBC News and CNBC. His research has made a significant impact on practice, especially his work on growth investing and cost of capital. Professor Mohanram is an award-winning teacher who teaches advanced electives on financial statement analysis, business valuation and other areas at the undergraduate, MBA, Ph.D., and executive levels.

The Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is given annually to that work published within five years of the year of the award which has withstood a rigorous process of screening and scrutiny based on certain criteria, such as uniqueness and potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants are very pleased to give this award to Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel, and Partha Sarathy Mohanram.

Alan Sangster and Anne Wu to receive the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation-sponsored 2022 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very pleased to congratulate Alan Sangster and Anne Wu as the recipients of the 2022 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation, consists of a unique glass art piece, citation, and a $5,000 prize. There is also an additional $5,000 donation given to the AAA on behalf of the recipients which will be used according to Professor Sangster's and Professor Wu's wishes. This award will be presented at the Tuesday, August 2 plenary at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Alan Sangster is Professor of Accounting History at the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (UK). A chartered accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants - ICAS) with a Ph.D. from the University of Glamorgan and MSc from the University of Strathclyde, he is Editor-in-chief of Accounting Education, deputy chair of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Accounting History Special Interest Group (SIG), which he founded, and past chair of the BAFA Accounting Education SIG and the Expert Systems/Emerging Technologies section of the AAA. He was chair for Scotland, Ireland, and Northern England of the UK Board of Accreditation of Accounting Education Courses. Since 1983, he has taught in Australia, Brazil, England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland; and published 8 textbooks, 4 research books, 20 book chapters, and 80 refereed articles in journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Abacus, British Accounting Review, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Journal of Information Technology, Accounting History, Accounting Historians Journal, Accounting Business and Financial History, Business History, Accounting Education, Issues in Accounting Education, and Journal of Accounting Education.

Anne Wu is a chair professor at National Chengchi University in Taiwan and is the director of Integrative Strategic Value Management (ISVMS) Research Center. She received her Ph.D. from George Washington University. She has published articles in many journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting, Organization, and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Strategic Management Journal, Information Systems Research, Journal of International Business Studies, and Leadership Quarterly. She has been the editorial board member of several international journals and won several best paper awards from international conferences. In 2021, she received the "Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award” from the International Accounting Section of the AAA and the “Lifetime Contribution to Management Accounting Award” from the Management Accounting Section of the AAA. She has also received Academic Award from the Ministry of Education and Outstanding Research Awards thrice from the National Science Council (NSC) in Taiwan.

The Outstanding Accounting Educator Award is presented to educators with sustained and substantive contributions from a wide variety of academic institutions and whose career contributions include educational innovation, excellence in teaching, publications, research guidance to graduate students and significant involvement in professional and academic societies and activities. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation are very pleased to give this award to Alan Sangster and Anne Wu.

David Burgstahler and Ilia D. Dichev to receive the American Accounting Association's 2022 Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate David Burgstahler and Ilia D. Dichev as recipients of the 2022 Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their paper, “Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses,” published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics in December 1997. This AAA award will be presented to Professors Burgstahler and Dichev in the form of unique glass art pieces at the Tuesday, August 2 plenary session at the 2022 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

David Burgstahler is the Julius A. Roller Professor of Accounting at the University of Washington Foster School of Business where he has previously served as Acting Dean and as Associate Dean for Masters Programs and is currently Chair of the Department of Accounting. He graduated from the University of Iowa with a Ph.D. in accounting and econometrics. He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, and Journal of Accounting and Economics. He has been Editor of The Accounting Review, Associate Editor of Accounting Horizons, and on the Editorial Boards of The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and several other peer-reviewed journals. He has served as member or chair of multiple AAA committees, as Vice-President for Publications (2007-2009), and as President of the AAA (2016-2017).

Ilia D. Dichev is the Goizueta Foundation Chair in Financial Reporting and professor of accounting at the Goizueta Business School, Emory University. A native of Bulgaria, Professor Dichev received a B.S. in finance from Santa Clara University in 1991, and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1995. Professor Dichev's research includes issues in earnings management, earnings quality, dollar-weighted returns, and market efficiency. His research has been published in all top accounting journals, and in several leading journals in finance and economics. Professor Dichev is the recipient of several prominent research awards, including Notable Contributions to the Accounting Literature (twice), and Distinguished Contributions to the Accounting Literature. Professor Dichev teaches mostly financial accounting, and financial statement analysis and valuation at the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. level. He has been the director of the Ph.D. program in Accounting at University of Michigan and Emory University.

The Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is intended to recognize works that have stood the test of time and have contributed in a fundamental way to later research. Seminal is defined as "having the character of an originative power, principle or source; containing or contribution to the seed of later development." More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to David Burgstahler and Ilia D. Dichev for their exceptional work.

The Accounting Review Outstanding Reviewer Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate ten editorial board members and ad hoc reviewers of The Accounting Review (TAR) as recipients of the 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award for The Accounting Review. This TAR award will be presented to the recipients in the form of a unique wood and glass plaque at the Wednesday, August 3 plenary at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes truly outstanding reviewers who provided many high-quality and timely reviews to The Accounting Review during the second year of W. Robert Knechel's term as Senior Editor. Award recipients were nominated by journal editors and selected based on consideration of three key TAR reviewer performance metrics—number of completed reviews, average editor-rating of the quality of the reviews, and review timeliness. The recipients are a select group of individuals, who represent the very highest quality of TAR reviewers.

Editorial Board Members:
Dirk E. Black, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Brant Christensen, The University of Oklahoma
Henry Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles
Stephen A. Glaeser, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Rebecca Lester, Stanford University
Brady J. Twedt, University of Oregon

Ad Hoc Reviewers:
Benjamin P. Commerford, University of Kentucky
Melissa Martin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kevin Smith, Stanford University
Christina Zhu, University of Pennsylvania


Last year's recipients


Press Releases for the 2022 AAA Award Recipients







T. Jeffrey Wilks, Guido L. Geerts, and Sidney Askew to receive the 2022 American Accounting Association/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 12, 2022- The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate T. Jeffrey Wilks, Guido L. Geerts, and Sidney Askew as recipients of the 2022 AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize. T. Jeffrey Wilks is the recipient of the graduate award, Guido L. Geerts is the recipient of the undergraduate award, and Sidney Askew is the recipient of the two-year college award. The awards will be presented to each recipient in the form of a solid silver medal and a monetary prize of $27,500 at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA at the Monday, August 1st plenary session.

T. Jeffrey Wilks is the EY Professor at Brigham Young University's School of Accountancy. He previously served as a Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) academic fellow and a consultant to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), co-authoring the 2008 FASB/IASB Discussion Paper on Revenue Recognition. Jeff has served as a consultant to Connor Group, providing GAAP/SEC reporting guidance to IPO firms. He has served as a consulting expert for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC), and as a member of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants' (AICPA) Revenue Recognition Task Force. He is currently a member of Deloitte's Center for Controllership and serves on the audit committee of Deseret Management Corporation. He has served as co-Senior Editor at Accounting Horizons and published in various journals. He is also the founder of RevenueHub®, which has published over 100 articles on ASC Topic 606, Revenue Recognition, and has had over a million unique readers. Jeff and his wife Melinda have five children and one grandson.

Guido L. Geerts is a professor of accounting and EY Faculty Scholar at the Lerner College of Business, University of Delaware, where he teaches accounting information systems and data analytics. He received a Ph.D. in accounting information systems from the Free University of Brussels, Belgium in 1993. Guido has published more than twenty articles in accounting and information systems journals. He has received numerous teaching, research, and service awards, including the 2015 University of Delaware's Excellence in Teaching Award and the 2018 American Accounting Association Outstanding Service Award. Guido is the former chair of the Technology Task Force for the Pathways Commission Recommendation 4 (Curriculum and Pedagogy) and currently serves as a Trustee on the AICPA Foundation Board.

Sidney Askew, CPA, MBA, is a professor of accounting at the Borough of Manhattan Community College–CUNY with a teaching and research focus in accounting information systems (AIS). He also teaches in the areas of Intermediate Accounting and Financial Literacy and has served in several advisory roles such as Treasurer and Board Member for Carter G. Woodson Foundation of Newark; President of the American Accounting Association Two-Year College section; a former member of the Academic Executive Committee of the AICPA and is currently a member of the Board of Governors of the Accountants Club of America. A member of several systems implementations, Sidney has worked in areas of public, corporate and regulatory accounting in government as well as the private industry. He is a graduate of Syracuse University and Cornell University.

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize serves to recognize, inspire, and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher. For 2022, up to three awards of $27,500 each can be made in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. More information about this award is available at For 2022, the AAA is honored to bestow this award to T. Jeffrey Wilks, Guido L. Geerts, and Sidney Askew.




Vernon J. Richardson and Marcia Weidenmier Watson to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Vernon J. Richardson and Marcia Weidenmier Watson as the recipients of the 2022 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award for their paper “Act or Be Acted Upon: Revolutionizing Accounting Curriculums with Data Analytics,” published in the June 2021 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon during the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Vernon J. Richardson is a Distinguished Professor of Accounting and the W. Glezen Chair in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. He received his B.A., MAcc, and MBA from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a visiting professor at Baruch College–CUNY. He has served as an editor at The Accounting Review and is currently an editor at Accounting Horizons and associate editor at MIS Quarterly. He has published in a wide range of premier accounting and systems research journals and is widely cited. Dr. Richardson has authored the very first two textbooks in accounting data analytics with McGraw Hill titled, Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting (with Katie Terrell and Ryan Teeter) and has also published Accounting Information Systems textbook (with Janie Chang and Rod Smith).

Marcia Weidenmier Watson is the Jesse H. Jones Distinguished Professor of Accounting at Trinity University. She received a B.B.A. in accounting from William & Mary, and an MBA in accounting and information systems management as well as a Ph.D. in accounting from The University of Texas at Austin. Prior to receiving her Ph.D., she was a financial systems consultant. Dr. Watson served as Newsletter Editor from 2005 through 2021 for the American Accounting Association Accounting Information Systems (AAA AIS) Section. She was recognized for outstanding service to the AAA AIS Section in 2008 and 2019. She served as guest co-editor of a 2017 Special Issue of Journal of Accounting Education on Big Data. Dr. Watson has published over thirty articles in a variety of accounting and systems research journals. She is also co-author of a forthcoming book, Introduction to Business Analytics (with Vernon J. Richardson and Katie Terrell).

The Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. The award recipient is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to bestow this award to Vernon J. Richardson and Marcia Weidenmier Watson.


Patrick J. Ferguson and Venkat R. Peddireddy to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Competitive Manuscript Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – May 26, 2022- The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Patrick J. Ferguson and Venkat R. Peddireddy as the recipients of the 2022 Competitive Manuscript Award. Professor Ferguson's manuscript is “Do Managers Distinguish Between Effects of Luck and Effort on Employees' Performance Outcomes? Evidence of Outcome Bias in a High-Stakes Field Setting.” Professor Peddireddy's manuscript is entitled “Estimating Maintenance CapEx.” This AAA award will be presented to them in the form of a unique glass art pieces at the Wednesday, August 3 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Dr. Patrick J. Ferguson is tenure-track faculty at The University of Melbourne, where he teaches undergraduate- and graduate-level management accounting. He uses field experiments and observational data to research how firms measure, report on, evaluate and reward employees' performance. Professor Ferguson's dissertation exploits data from professional sports to study how organizations design and administer contests for control and contests for consumption. His work has been published in leading academic journals including the Journal of Accounting Research. Professor Ferguson holds a Ph.D. from Harvard University, as well as bachelor's degrees in Arts (English and history) and Commerce (economics and finance) from The University of Melbourne.

Venkat R. Peddireddy is an assistant professor at China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), Shanghai. He received his Ph.D. in accounting from Columbia University and M.S. in finance from London Business School. Prior to his academic career, he worked in the banking industry in India and the United Kingdom. His research interests include financial reporting and regulations, financial institutions, earnings management, and debt contracting. His recent work examines measurement issues in earnings quality, systemic risk in financial institutions, and excess executive compensation.

The Competitive Manuscript Award was created to encourage research among members of the AAA who have earned their Ph.D. within the past five years. The recipient is chosen annually in a blind review by the Competitive Manuscript Award Committee. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to Patrick J. Ferguson and Venkat R. Peddireddy for their exceptional work.


Jeffrey Cohen, Greg Trompeter, and Kim Westermann to receive the 2022 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Jeffrey Cohen, Greg Trompeter, and Kim Westermann as the recipients of the 2022 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award (“AAA award”) for their paper, “PCAOB Inspections: Public Accounting Firms on Trial" published in the Summer 2019 issue of Contemporary Accounting Research. The AAA award will be presented to Professors Cohen, Trompeter, and Westermann in the form of a medal and monetary prize at the Monday, August 1 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Jeffrey Cohen, PhD, CMA is a professor at Boston College where he has been for over 35 years, ever since earning the PhD. His major research streams are in the areas of corporate governance, auditor independence, and corporate social responsibility. His work focuses primarily on behavioral and qualitative approaches and just since 2010, he has had over 20 LFT (London Financial Times) ranked publications. He has twice been a recipient of the Notable Contributions to Auditing Literature Award as well as twice receiving the Innovations in Auditing and Assurance Education Award. In 2017, he was recognized as the outstanding auditing educator by the American Accounting Association's Auditing Section. He was the Senior Editor of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory (AJPT) and served as an Associate Editor at Accounting Horizons and Issues in Accounting Education. He is currently an Editor at Contemporary Accounting Research (CAR).

Greg Trompeter is the C.G. Avery Professor of Accounting in the University of Central Florida's Kenneth G. Dixon School of Accounting. Prior to entering academia, he was an auditor for Price Waterhouse & Co. His research interests focus on analytical review and internal controls as well as issues related to multi-national group audits and the regulation and economics of the auditing profession. He has published his work in a variety of outlets including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research and Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. He earned his doctorate and MBA degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and his undergraduate degree in accounting from Illinois State University.

Kim Westermann, Ph.D., CPA (inactive) is an associate professor at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. She holds a Ph.D. in Accountancy from Bentley University. Prior to her doctoral studies, she was a senior auditor at EY in San Jose, California and subsequently worked at PwC in New York, ending her career in public accounting as a manager in the firm's Learning and Education division. She is interested in qualitative methods and conducts research rooted within sociology and organizational behavior literatures, examining both audit practitioners and clients about their perspectives on current global issues (e.g., group audits, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) inspections, international licensure) in auditing. She has published in Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, and Issues in Accounting Education. She serves as an editor for Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory and serves on the editorial board of Contemporary Accounting Research.

The Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award was founded in 1978 to commemorate John Wildman and to encourage research relevant to the professional practice of accounting to which much of Mr. Wildman's life was devoted. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the AAA is honored to be able to present this award to Jeffrey Cohen, Greg Trompeter, and Kim Westermann.


Daniel A. Cohen, Aiyesha Dey, and Thomas Z. Lys and Dan S. Dhaliwal, Oliver Zhen Li, Albert Tsang, and Yong George Yang to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2022 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award will be presented to Daniel A. Cohen, Aiyesha Dey, and Thomas Z. Lys for their work “Real and Accrual-Based Earnings Management in the Pre-and Post-Sarbanes-Oxley Periods,” published in the May 2008 issue of The Accounting Review, and to Dan S. Dhaliwal (1945-2016), Oliver Zhen Li, Albert Tsang, and Yong George Yang for their work “Voluntary Nonfinancial Disclosure and the Cost of Equity Capital: The Initiation of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting,” published in the January 2011 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a monetary prize at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Daniel A. Cohen is a professor of accounting in the Owen School of Management at Vanderbilt University. He previously taught at Texas A&M University, The University of Texas at Dallas, New York University and USC. He received a B.A. in economics and statistics as well as an M.B.A. from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, and a Ph.D. in accounting from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Professor Cohen's research focuses on the relation between corporate governance mechanisms and financial reporting & disclosure decisions. He has published in leading accounting journals, including Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, Review of Accounting Studies, and Contemporary Accounting Research. He currently serves as an Editor for Contemporary Accounting Research and has served in the past on the editorial boards of Journal of Accounting and Economics, and The Accounting Review. He teaches various courses in cost accounting and financial statement analysis.

Aiyesha Dey is an associate professor at Harvard Business School. She started her academic career at University of Chicago and moved to University of Minnesota in 2010. In 2017, just prior to joining Harvard University, she visited the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission where she was involved in several policy initiatives. Her educational background includes a bachelor's degree in mathematics, for which she received the National Scholar Award from the government of India. She continued her graduate studies by pursuing an MBA specializing in Accounting and Finance, followed by a Ph.D. in accounting from Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University. She conducts research in the areas of corporate governance, behavioral finance, and financial reporting and disclosures. She serves on the Editorial Advisory and Review Boards of The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, and the Review of Accounting Studies and is a reviewer for several leading journals.

Thomas Z. Lys is the Eric L. Kohler Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Rochester in Accounting and Finance and an undergraduate degree in economics (summa cum laude) from the University of Berne, Switzerland. He joined the Northwestern University Kellogg School of Management in 1981, rising from assistant professor to the Eric L. Kohler Chair in Accounting, and transitioning to emeritus in 2018. He won their Outstanding Professor of the Year Award six times and the Sidney J. Levy Teaching Award twice. For his contributions to Kellogg's Ph.D. program (he served on 36 Ph.D. dissertation committees, chaired 22 of them, and coauthored 31 of his 57 academic publications with his students) Kellogg established the Thomas Z. Lys Ph.D. Fellowship, with an endowment of $500,000. Finally, Professor Lys served as one of the editors of the Journal of Accounting and Economics for eleven years.

Dan S. Dhaliwal was the Frances McClelland Endowed Professor of Accounting, and head of the Department of Accounting at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona until his death in 1996. He went to the University of Arizona from California State University to complete his master's and doctoral degrees in accounting. After his graduation in 1977, he served as an assistant professor of accounting at the University of Iowa; in 1979, he joined the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as a visiting research fellow. He returned to Arizona in 1980 as an associate professor of accounting. He served as acting head of the accounting department in 1984-1985 and was promoted to full professor in 1986. He was appointed department head in 1996. Dhaliwal was a frequent contributor of articles to top accounting journals and served on numerous editorial boards, including The Accounting Review and Journal of Accounting Research, the former of which he also edited from 2005-2008. He was ranked first in the nation among authors contributing to accounting literature in the areas of tax and archival tax, and he ranked No. 2 for archival financial and No. 6 for financial. In 2004, he was named the AAA's Outstanding Accounting Educator Award.

Oliver Zhen Li graduated from the University of Arizona in 2003 with a Ph.D. in Management. He has worked for the University of Notre Dame and the University of Arizona and is currently affiliated with National University of Singapore and Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance. His research interests include financial accounting, corporate finance, taxation, and various China related issues.

Albert Tsang is a chair professor of the SUSTech Business School of Southern University of Science & Technology. Before joining SUSTech, he worked in Canada and Hong Kong. He is passionate about capital market implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices of global corporations. He earned his Ph.D. at The University of Texas at Dallas. Professor Tsang’s research interests include CSR, ESG, disclosure, and financial analysts. He has published more than 20 CSR-related articles and has received numerous best paper awards for his works on CSR. In his spare time, he enjoys travelling with his wife and two daughters.

Yong George Yang is currently a full professor in accounting (with tenure) at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in financial management and master’s degree in macroeconomics from Peking University and Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University. Professor Yang’s research interest covers information disclosure, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility, and financial intermediaries. His research is published in various top journals including The Accounting Review, Management Science, and Review of Accounting Studies.

The Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is presented annually to that work or related works published more than five years but not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award and recognizes accounting research based on uniqueness and magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the AAA is honored to be able to bestow this award to Daniel A. Cohen, Aiyesha Dey, and Thomas Z. Lys, and to Dan S. Dhaliwal (posthumously), Oliver Zhen Li, Albert Tsang, and Yong George Yang.


Vernon J. Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie Lynette Terrell to receive the Ernst & Young Foundation-sponsored 2022 Innovation in Accounting Education Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2022 Innovation in Accounting Education Award will be presented to Vernon J. Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie L. Terrell for their innovation, Data Analytics for Accounting (DAA) and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting (IDAA). This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Ernst & Young Foundation, will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces and monetary prizes at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

Vernon J. Richardson is the Distinguished Professor of Accounting and the W. Glezen Chair in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. He received his B.A., MAcc, and MBA from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. He is also a visiting professor at Baruch College-CUNY. He has served as an editor at The Accounting Review and is currently an editor at Accounting Horizons and associate editor at MIS Quarterly. He has published in a wide range of premier accounting and systems research journals and is widely cited. Dr. Richardson has authored the very first two textbooks in accounting data analytics with McGraw Hill titled, Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting (with Katie Terrell and Ryan Teeter) and has also published Accounting Information Systems textbook (with Janie Chang and Rod Smith).

Ryan Teeter is a Clinical Associate Professor at the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. He has worked with internal auditors at Siemens and Procter & Gamble and conducts research in audit automation and data analytics. He is a co-author (with Vernon J. Richardson and Katie Terrell) of the textbooks Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, published by McGraw-Hill.

Katie Lynette Terrell is an instructor in the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas. In addition to teaching at the University of Arkansas, she has taught students around the world, including at Soochow University in China, University College Dublin in Ireland, and Duoc UC, a branch of the Catholic University of Chile. Named the 2019 Business Professional of the Year (Education) by the national Beta Alpha Psi organization, she was also the recipient of the Mark Chain/FSA Teaching Award for innovative graduate-level accounting teaching practices in 2016. She has worked with Tyson Foods, where she held various information system roles, focusing on business analysis, project management for ERP implementations and upgrades, and organizational change management. She is a co-author (with Vernon J. Richardson and Ryan Teeter) of the McGraw Hill textbooks Data Analytics for Accounting and Introduction to Data Analytics for Accounting, and a forthcoming textbook, Introduction to Business Analytics.

The annual Innovation in Accounting Education Award is intended to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education. It recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials. Submissions are judged by their innovation, demonstrated educational benefits, and adaptability by other academic institutions or to other situations. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association and the Ernst & Young Foundation are very pleased to give this award to Vernon J. Richardson, Ryan Teeter, and Katie L. Terrell.


F. Greg Burton, Scott L. Summers, T. Jeffrey Wilks, and David A. Wood to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to congratulate F. Greg Burton, Scott L. Summers, T. Jeffrey Wilks, and David A. Wood as the recipients of the 2022 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award for their paper “Do We Matter? Attention the General Public, Policymakers, and Academics Give to Accounting Research,” that was published in the February 2021 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the Tuesday, August 2 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

F. Greg Burton is the KPMG Professor of Accounting at Brigham Young University. His research spans fraud, audit, ethics, market behavior, accounting information systems (AIS), and international accounting. He received a B.A. and MAcc in accounting from Utah State University and his Ph.D. from the University of South Carolina. He teaches auditing, financial accounting, international accounting, and AIS. He has been honored with several teaching awards. He is the past president of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association. In 2008-2009, he was appointed the Academic Fellow in the Division of Corporation Finance at the Securities and Exchange Commission. Prior to receiving his Ph.D., he was a senior manager with KPMG and spent two years on an international rotation living and working in Southeast Asia. He is the founder of, an organization designed to provide students with mentored research and scholarship opportunities.

Scott L. Summers is the Andersen Foundation Professor at Brigham Young University having joined the faculty in 1999. He is active in the accounting information systems (AIS) and the strategic and emerging technologies (SET) communities, having served as the AAA AIS Section, as well as the AAA SET Section presidents among other roles. He focuses on accounting information systems processing and controls, with specific expertise in database and internal control. He received his Ph.D. from Texas A&M University. His research has been published in many journals including: The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Information Systems, Information Science, IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics, Communications of the ACM, Decision Support Systems, Issues in Accounting Education and Behavioral Research in Accounting. Scott and his wife Kelly have eight children and sixteen grandchildren.

T. Jeffrey Wilks is the EY Professor at Brigham Young University's School of Accountancy. He previously served as a Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) academic fellow and a consultant to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB), co-authoring the 2008 FASB/IASB Discussion Paper on Revenue Recognition. He has served as a consultant to Connor Group, providing GAAP/SEC reporting guidance to IPO firms. He has served as a consulting expert for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, as a member of the Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Council (FASAC), and as a member of the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants' (AICPA) Revenue Recognition Task Force. He is currently a member of Deloitte’s Center for Controllership and serves on the audit committee of Deseret Management Corporation. He has served as co-Senior Editor at Accounting Horizons and published in various journals. He is also the founder of RevenueHub®, which has published over 100 articles on ASC Topic 606, Revenue Recognition, and has had over a million unique readers. Jeff and his wife Melinda have five children and one grandson.

David A. Wood is passionate about understanding new technologies and implementing them into the curriculum of Brigham Young University, where he works as the Glenn D. Ardis professor of accounting. He received his Ph.D. at Indiana University and his B.S. and MAcc degrees at Brigham Young University (BYU). At BYU, David teaches accounting data analytics and accounting information systems. He has published over 100 articles in a combination of respected academic and practitioner journals, monographs, books, and cases. His research has won multiple best paper awards. He is an editor at four journals and on the editorial board for six journals. He works with the EY ARC to develop curriculum that is provided for free to academics throughout the world. He is also a coauthor on the market-leading AIS textbook, Accounting Information Systems by Romney, Steinbart, Summers, and Wood and co-developer of materials published on the website.

The Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. The award recipient is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to present this award to F. Greg Burton, Scott L. Summers, T. Jeffrey Wilks, and David A. Wood.

Bruce K. Behn to receive the American Accounting Association 2022 Lifetime Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Bruce K. Behn as the recipient of the 2022 Lifetime Service Award. This AAA award will be presented in the form of a unique glass art piece at the Tuesday, August 2 luncheon at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Bruce K. Behn Ph.D., CPA is the Associate Dean for Graduate and Executive Education and Deloitte LLP Professor at The University of Tennessee (UTK) Haslam College of Business. He joined the faculty in 1994 after completing his doctorate at Arizona State University. Dr. Behn has an MBA from Arizona State University and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Behn is currently the chair of The Accounting Hall of Fame Committee, Vice-Chair of the AACSB Accounting Accreditation Policy Committee and is a Council Member for the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants. He was recently on the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants Board (AICPA), AICPA Foundation Board, International Accounting Education Standards Board and chaired the Pathways Commission (AAA/AICPA). He is a past president of the American Accounting Association (AAA), the International Accounting Section (AAA) and the Federation of Schools of Accountancy (FSA).

The Lifetime Service Award recognizes service contributions to accounting education over a sustained period of time through service to the AAA, service with the education efforts in the profession through involvement with the AICPA, IMA, and other accounting professional organizations, and service with the education efforts of public accounting firms, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations. More information about this award is available at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to honor Bruce K. Behn for his dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.


Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel, and Partha Sarathy Mohanram to receive the AICPA-sponsored 2022 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 20221 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel, and Partha Sarathy Mohanram as the recipients of the 2022 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their work entitled, “Can Twitter Help Predict Firm-Level Earnings and Stock Returns?,” that was published in the May 2018 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), will be presented in the form of unique glass art pieces, plaques, and a $2,500 prize at the Wednesday, August 3 plenary session at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Eli Bartov is a professor of accounting at New York University's Stern School of Business (Ph.D. from the University of California, Berkeley in 1989). He teaches courses at the graduate and doctoral levels and served as the accounting department's doctoral program coordinator from 2001 to 2010. A popular professor with students, Professor Bartov is the recipient of numerous teaching awards. His research focuses on the role of social media in the capital market, executive compensation, earnings management, mergers and acquisitions, and various aspects of equity valuation and trading strategies. He has published extensively in leading accounting and finance academic journals on both theoretical and empirical subjects. Professor Bartov has been invited to lecture before academic and professional audiences across the U.S. and around the globe. He has also testified on issues related to financial reporting, executive compensation, insider trading and equity valuation in securities fraud cases, contract disputes, and other litigation.

Lucile Faurel earned her bachelor's degree in international economics. After working in transfer pricing for Deloitte & Touche Paris, she earned her doctorate from New York University. She is currently an associate professor at Arizona State University. Prior to joining Arizona State University, she served on the faculty of the University of California, Irvine. Within capital markets research, her research interests include the role of social media in capital markets, the (mis)pricing of accounting information, voluntary disclosure choices, corporate innovation, and insider trading. Her research has been published in top accounting journals, including the Journal of Accounting and Economics, the Journal of Accounting Research, and The Accounting Review. She teaches MBA-level courses in financial accounting and financial statement analysis and was recently selected as Poets & Quants' Best 40 Under 40 Business Professors.

Partha Sarathy Mohanram is the John H. Watson Chair in Value Investing at the Rotman School of Management - University of Toronto. He obtained his Ph.D. from Harvard University, MBA from the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad, and B. Tech in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology-Madras. Professor Mohanram has published extensively in fundamental analysis, valuation of growth firms, cost of capital and corporate governance. His numerous awards include the Haim Falk award from the CAAA (2017) and the Rotman research impact award (2018). He is the incoming Editor-in-chief of Contemporary Accounting Research and serves on the editorial boards of The Accounting Review and Review of Accounting Studies. His research has been featured extensively in The New York Times, Forbes, Business Week, CBC News and CNBC. His research has made a significant impact on practice, especially his work on growth investing and cost of capital. Professor Mohanram is an award-winning teacher who teaches advanced electives on financial statement analysis, business valuation and other areas at the undergraduate, MBA, Ph.D., and executive levels.

The Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is given annually to that work published within five years of the year of the award which has withstood a rigorous process of screening and scrutiny based on certain criteria, such as uniqueness and potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants are very pleased to give this award to Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel, and Partha Sarathy Mohanram.

Alan Sangster and Anne Wu to receive the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation-sponsored 2022 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very pleased to congratulate Alan Sangster and Anne Wu as the recipients of the 2022 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation, consists of a unique glass art piece, citation, and a $5,000 prize. There is also an additional $5,000 donation given to the AAA on behalf of the recipients which will be used according to Professor Sangster's and Professor Wu's wishes. This award will be presented at the Tuesday, August 2 plenary at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting to be held in San Diego, CA.

Alan Sangster is Professor of Accounting History at the University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom (UK). A chartered accountant (Institute of Chartered Accountants - ICAS) with a Ph.D. from the University of Glamorgan and MSc from the University of Strathclyde, he is Editor-in-chief of Accounting Education, deputy chair of the British Accounting and Finance Association (BAFA) Accounting History Special Interest Group (SIG), which he founded, and past chair of the BAFA Accounting Education SIG and the Expert Systems/Emerging Technologies section of the AAA. He was chair for Scotland, Ireland, and Northern England of the UK Board of Accreditation of Accounting Education Courses. Since 1983, he has taught in Australia, Brazil, England, Northern Ireland, and Scotland; and published 8 textbooks, 4 research books, 20 book chapters, and 80 refereed articles in journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Abacus, British Accounting Review, Journal of Business Finance & Accounting, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, Journal of Information Technology, Accounting History, Accounting Historians Journal, Accounting Business and Financial History, Business History, Accounting Education, Issues in Accounting Education, and Journal of Accounting Education.

Anne Wu is a chair professor at National Chengchi University in Taiwan and is the director of Integrative Strategic Value Management (ISVMS) Research Center. She received her Ph.D. from George Washington University. She has published articles in many journals including The Accounting Review, Accounting, Organization, and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Strategic Management Journal, Information Systems Research, Journal of International Business Studies, and Leadership Quarterly. She has been the editorial board member of several international journals and won several best paper awards from international conferences. In 2021, she received the "Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award” from the International Accounting Section of the AAA and the “Lifetime Contribution to Management Accounting Award” from the Management Accounting Section of the AAA. She has also received Academic Award from the Ministry of Education and Outstanding Research Awards thrice from the National Science Council (NSC) in Taiwan.

The Outstanding Accounting Educator Award is presented to educators with sustained and substantive contributions from a wide variety of academic institutions and whose career contributions include educational innovation, excellence in teaching, publications, research guidance to graduate students and significant involvement in professional and academic societies and activities. More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation are very pleased to give this award to Alan Sangster and Anne Wu.

David Burgstahler and Ilia D. Dichev to receive the American Accounting Association's 2022 Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate David Burgstahler and Ilia D. Dichev as recipients of the 2022 Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their paper, “Earnings Management to Avoid Earnings Decreases and Losses,” published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics in December 1997. This AAA award will be presented to Professors Burgstahler and Dichev in the form of unique glass art pieces at the Tuesday, August 2 plenary session at the 2022 Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

David Burgstahler is the Julius A. Roller Professor of Accounting at the University of Washington Foster School of Business where he has previously served as Acting Dean and as Associate Dean for Masters Programs and is currently Chair of the Department of Accounting. He graduated from the University of Iowa with a Ph.D. in accounting and econometrics. He has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Journal of Management Accounting Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, and Journal of Accounting and Economics. He has been Editor of The Accounting Review, Associate Editor of Accounting Horizons, and on the Editorial Boards of The Accounting Review, Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, and several other peer-reviewed journals. He has served as member or chair of multiple AAA committees, as Vice-President for Publications (2007-2009), and as President of the AAA (2016-2017).

Ilia D. Dichev is the Goizueta Foundation Chair in Financial Reporting and professor of accounting at the Goizueta Business School, Emory University. A native of Bulgaria, Professor Dichev received a B.S. in finance from Santa Clara University in 1991, and a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Washington, Seattle, in 1995. Professor Dichev's research includes issues in earnings management, earnings quality, dollar-weighted returns, and market efficiency. His research has been published in all top accounting journals, and in several leading journals in finance and economics. Professor Dichev is the recipient of several prominent research awards, including Notable Contributions to the Accounting Literature (twice), and Distinguished Contributions to the Accounting Literature. Professor Dichev teaches mostly financial accounting, and financial statement analysis and valuation at the undergraduate, MBA, and Ph.D. level. He has been the director of the Ph.D. program in Accounting at University of Michigan and Emory University.

The Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is intended to recognize works that have stood the test of time and have contributed in a fundamental way to later research. Seminal is defined as "having the character of an originative power, principle or source; containing or contribution to the seed of later development." More information about this award is available online at For 2022, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to David Burgstahler and Ilia D. Dichev for their exceptional work.

The Accounting Review Outstanding Reviewer Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - May 26, 2022 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate ten editorial board members and ad hoc reviewers of The Accounting Review (TAR) as recipients of the 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Award for The Accounting Review. This TAR award will be presented to the recipients in the form of a unique wood and glass plaque at the Wednesday, August 3 plenary at the 2022 AAA Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA.

The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes truly outstanding reviewers who provided many high-quality and timely reviews to The Accounting Review during the second year of W. Robert Knechel's term as Senior Editor. Award recipients were nominated by journal editors and selected based on consideration of three key TAR reviewer performance metrics—number of completed reviews, average editor-rating of the quality of the reviews, and review timeliness. The recipients are a select group of individuals, who represent the very highest quality of TAR reviewers.

Editorial Board Members:
Dirk E. Black, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Brant Christensen, The University of Oklahoma
Henry Friedman, University of California, Los Angeles
Stephen A. Glaeser, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Rebecca Lester, Stanford University
Brady J. Twedt, University of Oregon

Ad Hoc Reviewers:
Benjamin P. Commerford, University of Kentucky
Melissa Martin, University of Illinois at Chicago
Kevin Smith, Stanford University
Christina Zhu, University of Pennsylvania


Last year's recipients