Press Releases for the 2021 AAA Award Recipients


Each glass award is a one-of-a-kind, kiln formed, fused glass artwork.
Each piece has been custom designed and hand crafted by Hungarian artist Csaba Osvath.


Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett to receive the 2021 American Accounting Association/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 22, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett as recipients of the AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize. Cindy Durtschi is the recipient of the graduate award, George O. Gamble is the recipient of the undergraduate award, and Robyn Barrett is the recipient of the two-year college award. The awards will be presented to each recipient in the form of a solid silver medal and a monetary prize of $27,500 at the 2021 Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd at 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Cindy Durtschi is the EY Professor of Accounting, and Director of the MS in Audit and Advisory Services at DePaul University. She earned her Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Arizona, and has held teaching positions at Florida State University, Utah State University and DePaul University. She has received numerous teaching awards including the Gus Economos Distinguished Teaching Award from the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, and the American Accounting Association Innovation in Audit Education Award for her published case in forensic accounting, “The Tallahassee BeanCounters: A ProblemBased Learning Case in Forensic Auditing.” Her research interest in studying how to help auditors become better at detecting fraud has resulted in her writing and publishing numerous original audit, forensic accounting and data analytics cases.

George O. Gamble is the KPMG Professor of Accountancy & Taxation at the University of Houston. He received his Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University in 1980. He is the recipient of a number of teaching, research, and service awards. Among his teaching awards, he has been awarded the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Teaching Excellence Award (2013), University of Houston Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award (2009), George O. Gamble Endowed Scholarship established by Alumni (2010), and the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Houston Chapter Educator of the Year (2015, 2005, 1995). He has also mentored countless students as faculty advisor for Beta Alpha Psi (BAP), NABA, and Omicro.

Robyn Barrett is a Professor of Accounting at St. Louis Community College. Prior to joining academia, she worked for 15 years in the business industry, including 8 years of Information Systems work and 7 years in Public Accounting. Robyn has received several teaching awards including the Rouche Excellence Award for Teaching from the League for Innovation, the 2020-2021 League for Innovation Excellence Award, and the 2017-2018 Two-Year College Educator of the Year from the AAA. Robyn is an active volunteer and has served as co-chair of AAA’s Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA) and is a past two-time President of the Missouri Association of Accounting Educators.

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize serves to recognize, inspire, and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher. For 2021, up to three awards of $27,500 each can be made in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the AAA is honored to bestow this award to Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett.




Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church 
to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Accounting Horizons
Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church as the recipients of the 2021 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award for their article “Investigating Accountants' Resistance to Move beyond Excel and Adopt New Data Analytics Technology,” published in the December 2020 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.


Dr. Pamela Jeanné Schmidt is an associate professor in the Washburn University School of Business and holds the William Lyman Dibble Professorship and ISACA’s CRISC certification. She earned her Ph.D. in Information Systems with an emphasis in Accounting from the University of Arkansas, an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and an MS in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. She chairs the HICSS conference Enterprise Ecosystem track, chaired the Journal of Information Systems (JIS) 2018 Research Conference, and edited the JIS’s special Issue on AIS and Cloud Computing. Research interests include Enterprise Systems, data analytics, AIS, controls and blockchain. Her co-authored “A Review of ERP Research: A Future Agenda for Accounting Information Systems” (2011) was the top cited paper in AAA’s Journal of Information Systems (2005 Report). Prior business experience includes systems architect, OS developer, and project manager at AT&T Bell Labs, and Broadband Internet product manager at SBC/Ameritech/AT&T.

Dr. Jennifer Riley is the William C. Hockett Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Professor Riley's primary teaching focus is accounting information systems. As the Director of the Master of Accounting Program, she offers undergraduate and graduate courses that examine how accounting information informs decisions, analytics, and auditing. Professor Riley’s research interests include judgment and decision-making, how technology affects the behavior and decisions of accountants, and how accountants make decisions about technology. Her research has been published in Accounting Horizons, the Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Management Accounting Research, and The CPA Journal. Dr. Riley is a CPA in Colorado, a CIA, and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Dr. Kimberly Swanson Church is the BKD Professor of Leadership & Director for the School of Accountancy at Missouri State University.  Dr. Church teaches in the area of managerial and accounting information systems with an emphasis in data analytics and emerging technologies. She has two decades of entrepreneurial and higher education experiences, including more than ten years in academic leadership roles within the American Accounting Association, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA Evolution BAR Taskforce Co-Chair) and the Institute of Management Accountants. Her teaching and research interests include information systems, management accounting and disruptive technology implications for theory and practice. She has published many academic and practitioner articles, won several educator and best paper awards and her articles have appeared in Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Journal of Accounting Education, AIS Educator Journal, BizEd and Strategic Finance.

The Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. Editors of the journal select the top five papers published in the calendar year and the award winner is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to bestow this award to Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church.


Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Competitive Manuscript Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh as recipients of the 2021 Competitive Manuscript Award. Professor Zheng's manuscript is “A Tale of Two Enforcement Venues: Determinants and Consequences of the SEC’s Choice of Enforcement Venue After the Dodd-Frank Act.”  Professor Noh’s manuscript is “The Effect of Financial Reporting on Strategic Investments: Evidence from Purchase Obligations.” This AAA award will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Xin Zheng is an Assistant Professor at The University of British Columbia. He earned his Ph.D. in accounting from Emory University, his M.S. from Cornell University, and B.S. and B.S.B.A from The Ohio State University. His research focuses on the regulation and enforcement, both public and private, of securities laws in U.S. capital markets. Additionally, he conducts research on market efficiency and financial reporting quality. Professor Zheng’s research has been published in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review and Review of Accounting Studies, and is frequently cited in popular press. In his free time, he enjoys hip-hop dancing, painting, yoga, golfing, and snowboarding. 

Suzie Noh is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. Her research focuses on exploring the determinants and consequences of corporate disclosures, such as how financial reporting regulations affect firms' economic decisions or disclosure decisions, and how firms' disclosures affect the behavior of financial intermediaries and the information content of stock prices. She holds a bachelor’s degree (summa cum laude) in Economics & Mathematics from Emory University, and a master’s degree in Finance and a Ph.D. in Management both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. 

The Competitive Manuscript Award was created to encourage research among members of the AAA who have earned their Ph.D. within the past five years. The winner is chosen annually in a blind review by the Competitive Manuscript Award Committee.  More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh for their exceptional work.


Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim to receive the 2021 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim as the recipients of the 2021 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award for their paper, “The Expected Rate of Credit Losses on Banks’ Loan Portfolios,” published in the September 2018 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Deloitte Foundation, will be presented to Professors Harris, Khan, and Nissim in the form of a medal and monetary prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Trevor S. Harris joined Columbia Business School’s faculty in 1983 and held two chaired professorships prior to joining Morgan Stanley as Managing Director in Equity Research in 2000. He was appointed as Vice Chairman and Director of Special Projects in 2006. He rejoined the faculty of Columbia Business School in mid-2008 and became The Arthur J. Samberg Professor of Professional Practice. He was the founder and co-Director of Columbia's Center for Excellence in Accounting and Security Analysis. In 2002 he was named to the Institutional Investor All American Research Team and in 2003 to The Wall Street Journal SmartMoney Power 30. He was a member of the Investors Advisory Committee and Users' Advisory Council to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Standards Advisory Council to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). He has won numerous teaching awards and has published widely on valuation and accounting issues, in both academic and practitioner journals.

Urooj Khan is an associate professor in the accounting division at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and a fellow at the Institute of Corporate Governance and Finance at the New York University School of Law. Previously, he was the Class of 1967 Associate Professor of Business at Columbia Business School. Between 2014 and 2015, he was a part-time researcher with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Financial Research. Professor Khan’s research examines issues related to financial institutions, financial crises, debt contracting, regulatory enforcement and accounting standard setting. His research has been published in leading accounting and economics journals and he is the recipient of American Accounting Association’s 2012 Competitive Manuscript Award, 2018 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award, 2018 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Best Paper Award, and 2020 FARS Special Contribution Award.   

Doron Nissim’s research is primarily in the areas of earnings quality, fundamental analysis, equity valuation, financial institutions, and corporate finance. His studies have been published in journals such as Journal of Finance, The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Financial Analysts Journal. Professor Nissim served as an editor of the Review of Accounting Studies from 2006 to 2013. He has taught various courses in financial reporting, fundamental analysis, and valuation, and directed four executive education programs in these areas. Professor Nissim consults extensively, primarily to buy- and sell-side firms. He has received several honors and awards, including a prize from the Financial Executives Research Foundation for the 2004 Article of the Year in The Accounting Review, and two teaching excellence awards. Professor Nissim earned his Ph.D. in 1998 from the University of California, Berkley and has since served on the faculty of Columbia Business School.

The Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award was founded in 1978 to commemorate John Wildman and to encourage research relevant to the professional practice of accounting to which much of Mr. Wildman's life was devoted. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the AAA and the Deloitte Foundation are honored to be able to present this award to Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim.


Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and
Nathan Y. Sharp 
to receive the American Accounting Association
2021 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2021 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award will be presented to Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp for their work entitled, “Inside the ‘Black Box’ of Sell-Side Financial Analysts,” published in the March 2015 issue of the Journal of Accounting Research. This AAA award will be presented to Professors Brown, Call, Clement, and Sharp in the form of unique glass art pieces and a monetary prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Lawrence D. Brown, Seymour Wolfbein Distinguished Professor of Accounting in the Fox School of Business at Temple University, has made nearly 200 presentations at universities and professional conferences and published a total of 36 articles in Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Accounting Studies, Accounting, Organizations and Society, and Journal of Finance. Professor Brown’s research papers have been downloaded by over 87,000 times, putting him in the top 3/100th of one percent of all downloaded authors. He has been cited by such media outlets as Barron’s, Business Week, CNBC, CFO Magazine, Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Institutional Investor, The New York Times, Reuters, and The Wall Street Journal. He has received numerous awards including the AAA Outstanding Accounting Educator Award and the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Best Paper Award. He is a former Editor of The Accounting Review and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting.

Andrew C. Call is a professor of accounting and the Director of the School of Accountancy in the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He graduated with a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Washington, earned his MAcc and B.S. degrees in accounting at Brigham Young University, and was previously on the faculty at The University of Georgia. Professor Call’s research on Wall Street analysts and employee whistleblowers has been published in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, and Review of Accounting Studies, and has been featured in media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, CFO Magazine, The Motley Fool, and CNBC. Professor Call has taught financial reporting topics to both undergraduate and graduate students and has received numerous teaching awards.

Michael B. Clement is the KPMG Centennial Professor of Accounting at The University of Texas at Austin where he is the Chairman of the Department of Accounting.  Professor Clement’s primary research stream focuses on the activities and performance of financial analysts. His research has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research, and the Journal of Finance; and has been mentioned in the Wall Street JournalBarron’s, the Financial Times, the Economist, the USA Today and other press outlets. He serves on the editorial board for The Accounting Review and serves as an editor for Accounting Horizons. Professor Clement’s primary teaching interest is in financial statement analysis. He previously held positions at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. He earned a Ph.D. in accounting from Stanford University, an MBA in finance from The University of Chicago and a BBA in accounting from Baruch CollegeCUNY.

Nathan Y. Sharp received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in accounting from The University of Texas at Austin. He joined the accounting department in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University as an assistant professor in 2007. Dr. Sharp has taught undergraduate and graduate courses related to corporate financial reporting, and he has received multiple awards that recognize teaching excellence. His research focuses on the role of information intermediaries in capital markets, including financial analysts and financial journalists. His research has earned multiple Best Paper awards, and his work is well cited in academia and in business media outlets. He served as the Ph.D. Program Coordinator in his department from 2016-2020. In 2020, Dr. Sharp became the Nelson D. Durst Endowed Chair in Accounting and the Head of the James Benjamin Department of Accounting at Texas A&M University.

The Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is presented annually to that work or related works published more than five years but not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award and recognizes accounting research based on uniqueness and magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the AAA is honored to be able to bestow this award to Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp.


Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza to receive the
Ernst & Young Foundation-sponsored 2021 Innovation in Accounting
Education Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the  2021 Innovation in Accounting Education Award will be presented to Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza for their innovation, "The University of Illinois Data Analytics Course."  This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Ernst & Young Foundation, will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces and monetary prizes at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Vic Anand has been a member of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gies College of Business accounting faculty since 2017. In 2020, he was named an Arthur Andersen Fellow and has also been honored by the College with recognition as an RC Evans Data Analytics Fellow and a John Deere Analytics Teaching Fellow. His responsibilities include developing and delivering innovative curriculum that provides students with the data science knowledge and skills to become leaders in business analytics. After earning a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT, Vic worked as an engineer at Ford Motor Company. He earned an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.S. and PhD in accounting from Cornell University. Vic’s research focuses on the use of machine learning to predict changes in company profits, and on the intersection of cost accounting and operations management.


Joshua Herbold, Ph.D., CPA, is a teaching associate professor of accounting in the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research is primarily psychology-related and examines the judgments and decisions of accountants and users of accounting information. He currently teaches courses in data analytics, managerial accounting, and financial accounting. Josh is a past-president of the Montana Society of CPAs, and frequently leads continuing education courses for CPAs and other accounting practitioners. Josh is also the drummer for the best blues band in a three-block radius around his house, Raw Sugar.

Jessen Hobson is a Professor of Accountancy, the Director of the University of Illinois-Deloitte Foundation Center for Business Analytics, the Co-Director of the Gies Behavioral Research Lab and the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Faculty Fellow at the University of Illinois. He received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Texas at Austin. Jessen has B.S. and M.S. degrees in accounting from Brigham Young University and was an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He teaches graduate-level audit and data analytics. Jessen’s research examines how and why managers over-report their performance, how investors and auditors can detect that deception, and how investors use and misuse information. Jessen’s research is routinely published in the top journals in his field, including The Accounting Review and the Journal of Accounting Research.

Kim I. Mendoza is an Assistant Professor of Accountancy and RC Evans Innovation Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kim has always been interested in the intersection of technology and accounting. She brings her expertise to her class, Data Analytics Foundations in Accountancy, where students develop the skills to bridge the gap between data science and accounting. Kim earned a B.S. in accounting from Loyola Marymount University and an M.S. and PhD in accounting from the University of Washington. Her research interests include how technology, in the form of computer algorithms, artificial intelligence, analytic software, and automated bots (e.g., robo advisors), impact investors’ and auditors’ judgments and decisions in a variety of settings. She also examines financial and auditing regulation and its impact on key players’ decision-making processes.

The annual Innovation in Accounting Education Award is intended to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education. It recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials. Submissions are judged by their innovation, demonstrated educational benefits, and adaptability by other academic institutions or to other situations. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the Ernst & Young Foundation are very pleased to give this award to Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza.


Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to congratulate Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe as the recipients of the 2020 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award for their paper “Research Initiatives in Accounting Education: Toward a More Inclusive Accounting Academy," that was published in the September 2020 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.

Helen Brown-Liburd is an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Continuous Auditing and Reporting Lab at Rutgers Business School. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After over 16 years in Corporate America, Helen decided to spend the next phase of her career doing work that was meaningful and rewarding. When The PhD Project presented her with the opportunity to learn about becoming a college professor, she took advantage of the opportunity. Being a professor allows Helen to help fulfill the Project’s mission “to increase workplace diversity by increasing the diversity of business school faculty who encourage, mentor, support, and enhance the preparation of tomorrow’s leaders.” Helen is a KPMG Doctoral Scholar and a member of The PhD Project Accounting Faculty Alumni Association, the National Association of Black Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the American Accounting Association. Helen is also a Lead Mentor for the McNair Business Scholars Network.

Jennifer R. Joe, Ph.D., CPA, is the Whitney Family Endowed Professor of Accounting and the Cohen Family Diversity Officer for Lerner College of Business at the University of Delaware. She is an award-winning researcher who studies the role of auditors, audit litigation, regulations, and data analytics on the quality of corporate internal controls and financial reporting. Jennifer’s research is published in leading journals including Accounting Organizations and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and The Accounting Review. She is a member of The Accounting Review editorial board and The Accounting Review Steering Committee and served as an Editor at Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Jennifer is a frequent presenter at corporate and academic events on accounting and diversity issues. She teaches accounting and the role of race in business. Jennifer is a dedicated advocate for diversity and inclusive excellence in higher education.

The Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year.  Editors of the journal select the top five papers published in the calendar year and the award winner is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to present this award to Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe.

Ken Bouyer to receive the American Accounting Association
2021 Lifetime Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Ken Bouyer as the recipient of the 2021 Lifetime Service Award. This AAA award will be presented in the form of a unique glass art piece at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd, from 11:30 am-12:30 pm Eastern.

As EY Americas Director of Inclusiveness Recruiting, Ken Bouyer develops and implements the recruiting strategy to build and attract diverse and inclusive talent pools for EY Americas member firms. Ken frequently serves as a spokesperson on diversity and recruiting trends. Ken has served in a variety of roles since joining the Assurance practice of Ernst & Young LLP in 1990. Prior to his current role, Ken was a leader in the US firm’s Consulting Services practice, supporting various global internal audit clients. He is the past Chair and current member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) National Commission on Diversity & Inclusion. Previously, Ken was a Board Member and International President of Beta Alpha Psi and a board member and Chair of the Audit Committee for the American Accounting Association. Ken earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Manhattan College. He is a Certified Internal Auditor and member of the AICPA.

The Lifetime Service Award recognizes service contributions to accounting education over a sustained period through service to the AAA, service with the education efforts in the profession through involvement with the AICPA, IMA, and other accounting professional organizations, and service with the education efforts of public accounting firms, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to honor Ken Bouyer for his dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.


Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi to receive the AICPA-sponsored
2021 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi as the recipients of the 2021 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their work entitled, “Toward Blockchain-Based Accounting and Assurance,” that was published in the Fall 2017 issue of the Journal of Information Systems.  This AAA award, which is sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), will be presented in the form of unique glass art pieces, plaques, and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Jun Dai is an assistant professor at Michigan Technological University. She received her Ph.D. in 2017 from Rutgers Business School. Her research interests lie in applying emerging technologies such as blockchain, industry 4.0, and data analytics to the auditing profession. Dr. Dai now serves as an associate editor of Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. She has published in prestigious academic journals and professional journals. These include Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, and the CPA Journal. Her paper "Imagineering Audit 4.0" received New Jersey “Bright Idea Award” in 2017, which is selected as one of the top 10 manuscripts among all publications of New Jersey State business faculty in 2016.

Miklos A. Vasarhelyi earned his Ph.D. in MIS from the University of California, Los Angeles, his MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and BS in Economics and Electrical Engineering from the State University of Guanabara and Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor Vasarhelyi is currently the KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems and Director of the Rutgers Accounting Research Center (RARC) & Continuous Auditing and Reporting Laboratory (CARLAB) at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He has published more than 200 journal articles, 20 books, and directed over 45 Ph.D. theses. He is the editor of the Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing series and the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. Professor Vasarhelyi is credited with the original continuous audit application and as the leading researcher in this field. The CAR Lab’s projects include among others AICPA’s Radar, Siemens, KPMG, P&G, AICPA, CA Technologies, and Itaú Unibanco. Professor Vasarhelyi has been awarded the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award by the AAA in 2013, AICPA distinguished scholar in 2018, and the Wasserman award by ISACA in 2013.

The Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is given annually to that work published within five years of the year of the award which has withstood a rigorous process of screening and scrutiny based on certain criteria, such as uniqueness and potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants are very pleased to give this award to Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi.

A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar to receive the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation-sponsored 2021 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very pleased to congratulate A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar as recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation, consists of unique glass art pieces, citations, and a $5,000 prize. There is also an additional $5,000 donation given to the AAA on behalf of the recipients which will be used according to Professor Abdel-khalik’s and Professor Datar’s wishes. This award will be presented at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.

A. Rashad Abdel-khalik is the V. K. Zimmerman Professor of International Accounting at the University of Illinois. He studied accounting and economics at Cairo University, Indiana University, and the University of Illinois. He taught at Columbia University, Duke University, and the University of Florida before returning to the University of Illinois in 2000. His research appeared in the major accounting journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, and Contemporary Accounting Research. His current interest is reflected in his recently published books: Accounting for Risk, Hedging and Complex Contracts (Routledge, 2013) and BRAZEN: Big Banks, Swap Mania and the Fallout (World Scientific, 2019). He was the founding editor of the Journal of Accounting Literature, and the senior Editor of The Accounting Review (1990-1994). Starting 2001, he became the senior Editor of the International Journal of Accounting (2001-present) and its companion The Illinois Accounting Research Symposia. He made presentations at more than 120 universities worldwide.

Srikant Datar is the George F. Baker Professor of Administration and is the eleventh dean of Harvard Business School. He has also taught and received teaching awards at Carnegie Mellon University and Stanford University. A graduate of Bombay University, he received gold medals from IIM Ahmedabad, and the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India. A Chartered Accountant, he holds two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. His research and course development is in cost management, performance evaluation, productivity, quality, governance, and artificial intelligence. He has published his research in leading journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Accounting Research. He is a co-author of the leading cost accounting textbook, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis and of Rethinking the MBA. Datar has served on the Boards of Directors of ICF International, Novartis, Stryker Corporation, and T-Mobile and was recognized as the Public Company Director of the Year in 2020.

The Outstanding Accounting Educator Award is presented to educators with sustained and substantive contributions from a wide variety of academic institutions and whose career contributions include educational innovation, excellence in teaching, publications, research guidance to graduate students and significant involvement in professional and academic societies and activities. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation are very pleased to give this award to A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar.

Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin to receive the
2021 Outstanding Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin as the recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Service Award. This AAA award, which may be awarded at any time by the Board of Directors, will be presented to Professors Bushee and Rubin in the form of unique glass art pieces at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Brian J. Bushee is the Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor and Vice Dean of Teaching and Learning at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and A.B. from Duke University.  His research focuses on the impact of information intermediaries on corporate disclosure decisions and on the stock market pricing of information.  His dissertation won the AAA’s Competitive Manuscript Award. He currently serves as a Department Editor for the Accounting Track at Management Science and has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Accounting and EconomicsThe Accounting Review, and Review of Accounting Studies.  He served as the president of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the AAA (2015-2016) and currently serves on the AAA Council, on the AAA Finance Committee, and as the chair of the AAA Meetings Model Task Force.

Marc A. Rubin recently retired as Professor of Accounting and Dean of the Farmer School of Business at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He has published in a number of journals as well as research reports for the Financial Accounting Foundation and Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Professor Rubin has served on a number of other editorial boards and as a reviewer for many journals and conferences. Professor Rubin has engaged in many service activities while on the faculty at Miami. He is active in the American Accounting Association including being an officer in two sections, Annual Meeting chair, chair of various committees and task forces, member of the board of directors and recently served as president of the organization. He has also served on various committees of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In addition, he served as a member of Accounting Accreditation Committee of the AACSB.

The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding services to the Association other than educational and research contributions. The prestigious award is intended only for rare events or milestones achieved. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to be able to present this award to Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin in honor of their dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.

The Accounting Review Outstanding Reviewer Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate four editorial board members of The Accounting Review and one non-board member as recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award for The Accounting Review. This TAR award will be presented to the reviewers in the form of a unique wood and glass plaque at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes truly outstanding reviewers who provided many high quality and timely reviews to The Accounting Review during the first year of W. Robert Knechel’s term as Senior Editor. Award recipients were selected by a consideration of three key TAR reviewer performance metrics—number of completed reviews, average editor-rating of the quality of the reviews, and review timeliness as well as nominations from editors. The recipients are a select group of individuals, who represent the very highest quality of TAR reviewers.

The award recipients are, in alphabetical order:

Francois Brochet*, Boston University
John L. Campbell*, The University of Georgia
Paul E. Madsen*, University of Florida
Michelle L. Nessa, Michigan State University
Andrew Van Buskirk*, The Ohio State University

* editorial board member


Last year's winners





Each glass award is a one-of-a-kind, kiln formed, fused glass artwork.
Each piece has been custom designed and hand crafted by Hungarian artist Csaba Osvath.




Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett to receive the 2021 American Accounting Association/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 22, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett as recipients of the AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize. Cindy Durtschi is the recipient of the graduate award, George O. Gamble is the recipient of the undergraduate award, and Robyn Barrett is the recipient of the two-year college award. The awards will be presented to each recipient in the form of a solid silver medal and a monetary prize of $27,500 at the 2021 Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd at 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Cindy Durtschi is the EY Professor of Accounting, and Director of the MS in Audit and Advisory Services at DePaul University. She earned her Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Arizona, and has held teaching positions at Florida State University, Utah State University and DePaul University. She has received numerous teaching awards including the Gus Economos Distinguished Teaching Award from the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, and the American Accounting Association Innovation in Audit Education Award for her published case in forensic accounting, “The Tallahassee BeanCounters: A ProblemBased Learning Case in Forensic Auditing.” Her research interest in studying how to help auditors become better at detecting fraud has resulted in her writing and publishing numerous original audit, forensic accounting and data analytics cases.

George O. Gamble is the KPMG Professor of Accountancy & Taxation at the University of Houston. He received his Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University in 1980. He is the recipient of a number of teaching, research, and service awards. Among his teaching awards, he has been awarded the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Teaching Excellence Award (2013), University of Houston Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award (2009), George O. Gamble Endowed Scholarship established by Alumni (2010), and the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Houston Chapter Educator of the Year (2015, 2005, 1995). He has also mentored countless students as faculty advisor for Beta Alpha Psi (BAP), NABA, and Omicro.

Robyn Barrett is a Professor of Accounting at St. Louis Community College. Prior to joining academia, she worked for 15 years in the business industry, including 8 years of Information Systems work and 7 years in Public Accounting. Robyn has received several teaching awards including the Rouche Excellence Award for Teaching from the League for Innovation, the 2020-2021 League for Innovation Excellence Award, and the 2017-2018 Two-Year College Educator of the Year from the AAA. Robyn is an active volunteer and has served as co-chair of AAA’s Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA) and is a past two-time President of the Missouri Association of Accounting Educators.

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize serves to recognize, inspire, and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher. For 2021, up to three awards of $27,500 each can be made in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the AAA is honored to bestow this award to Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett.




Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church 
to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Accounting Horizons
Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church as the recipients of the 2021 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award for their article “Investigating Accountants' Resistance to Move beyond Excel and Adopt New Data Analytics Technology,” published in the December 2020 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.


Dr. Pamela Jeanné Schmidt is an associate professor in the Washburn University School of Business and holds the William Lyman Dibble Professorship and ISACA’s CRISC certification. She earned her Ph.D. in Information Systems with an emphasis in Accounting from the University of Arkansas, an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and an MS in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. She chairs the HICSS conference Enterprise Ecosystem track, chaired the Journal of Information Systems (JIS) 2018 Research Conference, and edited the JIS’s special Issue on AIS and Cloud Computing. Research interests include Enterprise Systems, data analytics, AIS, controls and blockchain. Her co-authored “A Review of ERP Research: A Future Agenda for Accounting Information Systems” (2011) was the top cited paper in AAA’s Journal of Information Systems (2005 Report). Prior business experience includes systems architect, OS developer, and project manager at AT&T Bell Labs, and Broadband Internet product manager at SBC/Ameritech/AT&T.

Dr. Jennifer Riley is the William C. Hockett Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Professor Riley's primary teaching focus is accounting information systems. As the Director of the Master of Accounting Program, she offers undergraduate and graduate courses that examine how accounting information informs decisions, analytics, and auditing. Professor Riley’s research interests include judgment and decision-making, how technology affects the behavior and decisions of accountants, and how accountants make decisions about technology. Her research has been published in Accounting Horizons, the Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Management Accounting Research, and The CPA Journal. Dr. Riley is a CPA in Colorado, a CIA, and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Dr. Kimberly Swanson Church is the BKD Professor of Leadership & Director for the School of Accountancy at Missouri State University.  Dr. Church teaches in the area of managerial and accounting information systems with an emphasis in data analytics and emerging technologies. She has two decades of entrepreneurial and higher education experiences, including more than ten years in academic leadership roles within the American Accounting Association, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA Evolution BAR Taskforce Co-Chair) and the Institute of Management Accountants. Her teaching and research interests include information systems, management accounting and disruptive technology implications for theory and practice. She has published many academic and practitioner articles, won several educator and best paper awards and her articles have appeared in Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Journal of Accounting Education, AIS Educator Journal, BizEd and Strategic Finance.

The Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. Editors of the journal select the top five papers published in the calendar year and the award winner is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to bestow this award to Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church.


Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Competitive Manuscript Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh as recipients of the 2021 Competitive Manuscript Award. Professor Zheng's manuscript is “A Tale of Two Enforcement Venues: Determinants and Consequences of the SEC’s Choice of Enforcement Venue After the Dodd-Frank Act.”  Professor Noh’s manuscript is “The Effect of Financial Reporting on Strategic Investments: Evidence from Purchase Obligations.” This AAA award will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Xin Zheng is an Assistant Professor at The University of British Columbia. He earned his Ph.D. in accounting from Emory University, his M.S. from Cornell University, and B.S. and B.S.B.A from The Ohio State University. His research focuses on the regulation and enforcement, both public and private, of securities laws in U.S. capital markets. Additionally, he conducts research on market efficiency and financial reporting quality. Professor Zheng’s research has been published in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review and Review of Accounting Studies, and is frequently cited in popular press. In his free time, he enjoys hip-hop dancing, painting, yoga, golfing, and snowboarding. 

Suzie Noh is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. Her research focuses on exploring the determinants and consequences of corporate disclosures, such as how financial reporting regulations affect firms' economic decisions or disclosure decisions, and how firms' disclosures affect the behavior of financial intermediaries and the information content of stock prices. She holds a bachelor’s degree (summa cum laude) in Economics & Mathematics from Emory University, and a master’s degree in Finance and a Ph.D. in Management both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. 

The Competitive Manuscript Award was created to encourage research among members of the AAA who have earned their Ph.D. within the past five years. The winner is chosen annually in a blind review by the Competitive Manuscript Award Committee.  More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh for their exceptional work.


Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim to receive the 2021 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim as the recipients of the 2021 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award for their paper, “The Expected Rate of Credit Losses on Banks’ Loan Portfolios,” published in the September 2018 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Deloitte Foundation, will be presented to Professors Harris, Khan, and Nissim in the form of a medal and monetary prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Trevor S. Harris joined Columbia Business School’s faculty in 1983 and held two chaired professorships prior to joining Morgan Stanley as Managing Director in Equity Research in 2000. He was appointed as Vice Chairman and Director of Special Projects in 2006. He rejoined the faculty of Columbia Business School in mid-2008 and became The Arthur J. Samberg Professor of Professional Practice. He was the founder and co-Director of Columbia's Center for Excellence in Accounting and Security Analysis. In 2002 he was named to the Institutional Investor All American Research Team and in 2003 to The Wall Street Journal SmartMoney Power 30. He was a member of the Investors Advisory Committee and Users' Advisory Council to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Standards Advisory Council to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). He has won numerous teaching awards and has published widely on valuation and accounting issues, in both academic and practitioner journals.

Urooj Khan is an associate professor in the accounting division at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and a fellow at the Institute of Corporate Governance and Finance at the New York University School of Law. Previously, he was the Class of 1967 Associate Professor of Business at Columbia Business School. Between 2014 and 2015, he was a part-time researcher with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Financial Research. Professor Khan’s research examines issues related to financial institutions, financial crises, debt contracting, regulatory enforcement and accounting standard setting. His research has been published in leading accounting and economics journals and he is the recipient of American Accounting Association’s 2012 Competitive Manuscript Award, 2018 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award, 2018 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Best Paper Award, and 2020 FARS Special Contribution Award.   

Doron Nissim’s research is primarily in the areas of earnings quality, fundamental analysis, equity valuation, financial institutions, and corporate finance. His studies have been published in journals such as Journal of Finance, The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Financial Analysts Journal. Professor Nissim served as an editor of the Review of Accounting Studies from 2006 to 2013. He has taught various courses in financial reporting, fundamental analysis, and valuation, and directed four executive education programs in these areas. Professor Nissim consults extensively, primarily to buy- and sell-side firms. He has received several honors and awards, including a prize from the Financial Executives Research Foundation for the 2004 Article of the Year in The Accounting Review, and two teaching excellence awards. Professor Nissim earned his Ph.D. in 1998 from the University of California, Berkley and has since served on the faculty of Columbia Business School.

The Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award was founded in 1978 to commemorate John Wildman and to encourage research relevant to the professional practice of accounting to which much of Mr. Wildman's life was devoted. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the AAA and the Deloitte Foundation are honored to be able to present this award to Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim.


Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and
Nathan Y. Sharp 
to receive the American Accounting Association
2021 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2021 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award will be presented to Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp for their work entitled, “Inside the ‘Black Box’ of Sell-Side Financial Analysts,” published in the March 2015 issue of the Journal of Accounting Research. This AAA award will be presented to Professors Brown, Call, Clement, and Sharp in the form of unique glass art pieces and a monetary prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Lawrence D. Brown, Seymour Wolfbein Distinguished Professor of Accounting in the Fox School of Business at Temple University, has made nearly 200 presentations at universities and professional conferences and published a total of 36 articles in Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Accounting Studies, Accounting, Organizations and Society, and Journal of Finance. Professor Brown’s research papers have been downloaded by over 87,000 times, putting him in the top 3/100th of one percent of all downloaded authors. He has been cited by such media outlets as Barron’s, Business Week, CNBC, CFO Magazine, Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Institutional Investor, The New York Times, Reuters, and The Wall Street Journal. He has received numerous awards including the AAA Outstanding Accounting Educator Award and the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Best Paper Award. He is a former Editor of The Accounting Review and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting.

Andrew C. Call is a professor of accounting and the Director of the School of Accountancy in the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He graduated with a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Washington, earned his MAcc and B.S. degrees in accounting at Brigham Young University, and was previously on the faculty at The University of Georgia. Professor Call’s research on Wall Street analysts and employee whistleblowers has been published in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, and Review of Accounting Studies, and has been featured in media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, CFO Magazine, The Motley Fool, and CNBC. Professor Call has taught financial reporting topics to both undergraduate and graduate students and has received numerous teaching awards.

Michael B. Clement is the KPMG Centennial Professor of Accounting at The University of Texas at Austin where he is the Chairman of the Department of Accounting.  Professor Clement’s primary research stream focuses on the activities and performance of financial analysts. His research has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research, and the Journal of Finance; and has been mentioned in the Wall Street JournalBarron’s, the Financial Times, the Economist, the USA Today and other press outlets. He serves on the editorial board for The Accounting Review and serves as an editor for Accounting Horizons. Professor Clement’s primary teaching interest is in financial statement analysis. He previously held positions at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. He earned a Ph.D. in accounting from Stanford University, an MBA in finance from The University of Chicago and a BBA in accounting from Baruch CollegeCUNY.

Nathan Y. Sharp received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in accounting from The University of Texas at Austin. He joined the accounting department in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University as an assistant professor in 2007. Dr. Sharp has taught undergraduate and graduate courses related to corporate financial reporting, and he has received multiple awards that recognize teaching excellence. His research focuses on the role of information intermediaries in capital markets, including financial analysts and financial journalists. His research has earned multiple Best Paper awards, and his work is well cited in academia and in business media outlets. He served as the Ph.D. Program Coordinator in his department from 2016-2020. In 2020, Dr. Sharp became the Nelson D. Durst Endowed Chair in Accounting and the Head of the James Benjamin Department of Accounting at Texas A&M University.

The Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is presented annually to that work or related works published more than five years but not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award and recognizes accounting research based on uniqueness and magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the AAA is honored to be able to bestow this award to Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp.


Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza to receive the
Ernst & Young Foundation-sponsored 2021 Innovation in Accounting
Education Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the  2021 Innovation in Accounting Education Award will be presented to Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza for their innovation, "The University of Illinois Data Analytics Course."  This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Ernst & Young Foundation, will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces and monetary prizes at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Vic Anand has been a member of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gies College of Business accounting faculty since 2017. In 2020, he was named an Arthur Andersen Fellow and has also been honored by the College with recognition as an RC Evans Data Analytics Fellow and a John Deere Analytics Teaching Fellow. His responsibilities include developing and delivering innovative curriculum that provides students with the data science knowledge and skills to become leaders in business analytics. After earning a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT, Vic worked as an engineer at Ford Motor Company. He earned an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.S. and PhD in accounting from Cornell University. Vic’s research focuses on the use of machine learning to predict changes in company profits, and on the intersection of cost accounting and operations management.


Joshua Herbold, Ph.D., CPA, is a teaching associate professor of accounting in the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research is primarily psychology-related and examines the judgments and decisions of accountants and users of accounting information. He currently teaches courses in data analytics, managerial accounting, and financial accounting. Josh is a past-president of the Montana Society of CPAs, and frequently leads continuing education courses for CPAs and other accounting practitioners. Josh is also the drummer for the best blues band in a three-block radius around his house, Raw Sugar.

Jessen Hobson is a Professor of Accountancy, the Director of the University of Illinois-Deloitte Foundation Center for Business Analytics, the Co-Director of the Gies Behavioral Research Lab and the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Faculty Fellow at the University of Illinois. He received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Texas at Austin. Jessen has B.S. and M.S. degrees in accounting from Brigham Young University and was an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He teaches graduate-level audit and data analytics. Jessen’s research examines how and why managers over-report their performance, how investors and auditors can detect that deception, and how investors use and misuse information. Jessen’s research is routinely published in the top journals in his field, including The Accounting Review and the Journal of Accounting Research.

Kim I. Mendoza is an Assistant Professor of Accountancy and RC Evans Innovation Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kim has always been interested in the intersection of technology and accounting. She brings her expertise to her class, Data Analytics Foundations in Accountancy, where students develop the skills to bridge the gap between data science and accounting. Kim earned a B.S. in accounting from Loyola Marymount University and an M.S. and PhD in accounting from the University of Washington. Her research interests include how technology, in the form of computer algorithms, artificial intelligence, analytic software, and automated bots (e.g., robo advisors), impact investors’ and auditors’ judgments and decisions in a variety of settings. She also examines financial and auditing regulation and its impact on key players’ decision-making processes.

The annual Innovation in Accounting Education Award is intended to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education. It recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials. Submissions are judged by their innovation, demonstrated educational benefits, and adaptability by other academic institutions or to other situations. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the Ernst & Young Foundation are very pleased to give this award to Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza.


Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to congratulate Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe as the recipients of the 2020 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award for their paper “Research Initiatives in Accounting Education: Toward a More Inclusive Accounting Academy," that was published in the September 2020 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.

Helen Brown-Liburd is an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Continuous Auditing and Reporting Lab at Rutgers Business School. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After over 16 years in Corporate America, Helen decided to spend the next phase of her career doing work that was meaningful and rewarding. When The PhD Project presented her with the opportunity to learn about becoming a college professor, she took advantage of the opportunity. Being a professor allows Helen to help fulfill the Project’s mission “to increase workplace diversity by increasing the diversity of business school faculty who encourage, mentor, support, and enhance the preparation of tomorrow’s leaders.” Helen is a KPMG Doctoral Scholar and a member of The PhD Project Accounting Faculty Alumni Association, the National Association of Black Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the American Accounting Association. Helen is also a Lead Mentor for the McNair Business Scholars Network.

Jennifer R. Joe, Ph.D., CPA, is the Whitney Family Endowed Professor of Accounting and the Cohen Family Diversity Officer for Lerner College of Business at the University of Delaware. She is an award-winning researcher who studies the role of auditors, audit litigation, regulations, and data analytics on the quality of corporate internal controls and financial reporting. Jennifer’s research is published in leading journals including Accounting Organizations and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and The Accounting Review. She is a member of The Accounting Review editorial board and The Accounting Review Steering Committee and served as an Editor at Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Jennifer is a frequent presenter at corporate and academic events on accounting and diversity issues. She teaches accounting and the role of race in business. Jennifer is a dedicated advocate for diversity and inclusive excellence in higher education.

The Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year.  Editors of the journal select the top five papers published in the calendar year and the award winner is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to present this award to Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe.

Ken Bouyer to receive the American Accounting Association
2021 Lifetime Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Ken Bouyer as the recipient of the 2021 Lifetime Service Award. This AAA award will be presented in the form of a unique glass art piece at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd, from 11:30 am-12:30 pm Eastern.

As EY Americas Director of Inclusiveness Recruiting, Ken Bouyer develops and implements the recruiting strategy to build and attract diverse and inclusive talent pools for EY Americas member firms. Ken frequently serves as a spokesperson on diversity and recruiting trends. Ken has served in a variety of roles since joining the Assurance practice of Ernst & Young LLP in 1990. Prior to his current role, Ken was a leader in the US firm’s Consulting Services practice, supporting various global internal audit clients. He is the past Chair and current member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) National Commission on Diversity & Inclusion. Previously, Ken was a Board Member and International President of Beta Alpha Psi and a board member and Chair of the Audit Committee for the American Accounting Association. Ken earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Manhattan College. He is a Certified Internal Auditor and member of the AICPA.

The Lifetime Service Award recognizes service contributions to accounting education over a sustained period through service to the AAA, service with the education efforts in the profession through involvement with the AICPA, IMA, and other accounting professional organizations, and service with the education efforts of public accounting firms, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to honor Ken Bouyer for his dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.


Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi to receive the AICPA-sponsored
2021 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi as the recipients of the 2021 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their work entitled, “Toward Blockchain-Based Accounting and Assurance,” that was published in the Fall 2017 issue of the Journal of Information Systems.  This AAA award, which is sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), will be presented in the form of unique glass art pieces, plaques, and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Jun Dai is an assistant professor at Michigan Technological University. She received her Ph.D. in 2017 from Rutgers Business School. Her research interests lie in applying emerging technologies such as blockchain, industry 4.0, and data analytics to the auditing profession. Dr. Dai now serves as an associate editor of Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. She has published in prestigious academic journals and professional journals. These include Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, and the CPA Journal. Her paper "Imagineering Audit 4.0" received New Jersey “Bright Idea Award” in 2017, which is selected as one of the top 10 manuscripts among all publications of New Jersey State business faculty in 2016.

Miklos A. Vasarhelyi earned his Ph.D. in MIS from the University of California, Los Angeles, his MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and BS in Economics and Electrical Engineering from the State University of Guanabara and Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor Vasarhelyi is currently the KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems and Director of the Rutgers Accounting Research Center (RARC) & Continuous Auditing and Reporting Laboratory (CARLAB) at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He has published more than 200 journal articles, 20 books, and directed over 45 Ph.D. theses. He is the editor of the Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing series and the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. Professor Vasarhelyi is credited with the original continuous audit application and as the leading researcher in this field. The CAR Lab’s projects include among others AICPA’s Radar, Siemens, KPMG, P&G, AICPA, CA Technologies, and Itaú Unibanco. Professor Vasarhelyi has been awarded the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award by the AAA in 2013, AICPA distinguished scholar in 2018, and the Wasserman award by ISACA in 2013.

The Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is given annually to that work published within five years of the year of the award which has withstood a rigorous process of screening and scrutiny based on certain criteria, such as uniqueness and potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants are very pleased to give this award to Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi.

A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar to receive the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation-sponsored 2021 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very pleased to congratulate A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar as recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation, consists of unique glass art pieces, citations, and a $5,000 prize. There is also an additional $5,000 donation given to the AAA on behalf of the recipients which will be used according to Professor Abdel-khalik’s and Professor Datar’s wishes. This award will be presented at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.

A. Rashad Abdel-khalik is the V. K. Zimmerman Professor of International Accounting at the University of Illinois. He studied accounting and economics at Cairo University, Indiana University, and the University of Illinois. He taught at Columbia University, Duke University, and the University of Florida before returning to the University of Illinois in 2000. His research appeared in the major accounting journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, and Contemporary Accounting Research. His current interest is reflected in his recently published books: Accounting for Risk, Hedging and Complex Contracts (Routledge, 2013) and BRAZEN: Big Banks, Swap Mania and the Fallout (World Scientific, 2019). He was the founding editor of the Journal of Accounting Literature, and the senior Editor of The Accounting Review (1990-1994). Starting 2001, he became the senior Editor of the International Journal of Accounting (2001-present) and its companion The Illinois Accounting Research Symposia. He made presentations at more than 120 universities worldwide.

Srikant Datar is the George F. Baker Professor of Administration and is the eleventh dean of Harvard Business School. He has also taught and received teaching awards at Carnegie Mellon University and Stanford University. A graduate of Bombay University, he received gold medals from IIM Ahmedabad, and the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India. A Chartered Accountant, he holds two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. His research and course development is in cost management, performance evaluation, productivity, quality, governance, and artificial intelligence. He has published his research in leading journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Accounting Research. He is a co-author of the leading cost accounting textbook, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis and of Rethinking the MBA. Datar has served on the Boards of Directors of ICF International, Novartis, Stryker Corporation, and T-Mobile and was recognized as the Public Company Director of the Year in 2020.

The Outstanding Accounting Educator Award is presented to educators with sustained and substantive contributions from a wide variety of academic institutions and whose career contributions include educational innovation, excellence in teaching, publications, research guidance to graduate students and significant involvement in professional and academic societies and activities. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation are very pleased to give this award to A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar.

Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin to receive the
2021 Outstanding Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin as the recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Service Award. This AAA award, which may be awarded at any time by the Board of Directors, will be presented to Professors Bushee and Rubin in the form of unique glass art pieces at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Brian J. Bushee is the Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor and Vice Dean of Teaching and Learning at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and A.B. from Duke University.  His research focuses on the impact of information intermediaries on corporate disclosure decisions and on the stock market pricing of information.  His dissertation won the AAA’s Competitive Manuscript Award. He currently serves as a Department Editor for the Accounting Track at Management Science and has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Accounting and EconomicsThe Accounting Review, and Review of Accounting Studies.  He served as the president of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the AAA (2015-2016) and currently serves on the AAA Council, on the AAA Finance Committee, and as the chair of the AAA Meetings Model Task Force.

Marc A. Rubin recently retired as Professor of Accounting and Dean of the Farmer School of Business at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He has published in a number of journals as well as research reports for the Financial Accounting Foundation and Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Professor Rubin has served on a number of other editorial boards and as a reviewer for many journals and conferences. Professor Rubin has engaged in many service activities while on the faculty at Miami. He is active in the American Accounting Association including being an officer in two sections, Annual Meeting chair, chair of various committees and task forces, member of the board of directors and recently served as president of the organization. He has also served on various committees of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In addition, he served as a member of Accounting Accreditation Committee of the AACSB.

The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding services to the Association other than educational and research contributions. The prestigious award is intended only for rare events or milestones achieved. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to be able to present this award to Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin in honor of their dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.

The Accounting Review Outstanding Reviewer Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate four editorial board members of The Accounting Review and one non-board member as recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award for The Accounting Review. This TAR award will be presented to the reviewers in the form of a unique wood and glass plaque at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes truly outstanding reviewers who provided many high quality and timely reviews to The Accounting Review during the first year of W. Robert Knechel’s term as Senior Editor. Award recipients were selected by a consideration of three key TAR reviewer performance metrics—number of completed reviews, average editor-rating of the quality of the reviews, and review timeliness as well as nominations from editors. The recipients are a select group of individuals, who represent the very highest quality of TAR reviewers.

The award recipients are, in alphabetical order:

Francois Brochet*, Boston University
John L. Campbell*, The University of Georgia
Paul E. Madsen*, University of Florida
Michelle L. Nessa, Michigan State University
Andrew Van Buskirk*, The Ohio State University

* editorial board member


Last year's winners





Each glass award is a one-of-a-kind, kiln formed, fused glass artwork.
Each piece has been custom designed and hand crafted by Hungarian artist Csaba Osvath.




Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett to receive the 2021 American Accounting Association/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 22, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett as recipients of the AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize. Cindy Durtschi is the recipient of the graduate award, George O. Gamble is the recipient of the undergraduate award, and Robyn Barrett is the recipient of the two-year college award. The awards will be presented to each recipient in the form of a solid silver medal and a monetary prize of $27,500 at the 2021 Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd at 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Cindy Durtschi is the EY Professor of Accounting, and Director of the MS in Audit and Advisory Services at DePaul University. She earned her Ph.D. in Accounting from the University of Arizona, and has held teaching positions at Florida State University, Utah State University and DePaul University. She has received numerous teaching awards including the Gus Economos Distinguished Teaching Award from the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business, and the American Accounting Association Innovation in Audit Education Award for her published case in forensic accounting, “The Tallahassee BeanCounters: A ProblemBased Learning Case in Forensic Auditing.” Her research interest in studying how to help auditors become better at detecting fraud has resulted in her writing and publishing numerous original audit, forensic accounting and data analytics cases.

George O. Gamble is the KPMG Professor of Accountancy & Taxation at the University of Houston. He received his Ph.D. from The Pennsylvania State University in 1980. He is the recipient of a number of teaching, research, and service awards. Among his teaching awards, he has been awarded the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Teaching Excellence Award (2013), University of Houston Alumni Association Outstanding Faculty Award (2009), George O. Gamble Endowed Scholarship established by Alumni (2010), and the National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Houston Chapter Educator of the Year (2015, 2005, 1995). He has also mentored countless students as faculty advisor for Beta Alpha Psi (BAP), NABA, and Omicro.

Robyn Barrett is a Professor of Accounting at St. Louis Community College. Prior to joining academia, she worked for 15 years in the business industry, including 8 years of Information Systems work and 7 years in Public Accounting. Robyn has received several teaching awards including the Rouche Excellence Award for Teaching from the League for Innovation, the 2020-2021 League for Innovation Excellence Award, and the 2017-2018 Two-Year College Educator of the Year from the AAA. Robyn is an active volunteer and has served as co-chair of AAA’s Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting (CTLA) and is a past two-time President of the Missouri Association of Accounting Educators.

The AAA/J. Michael and Mary Anne Cook/Deloitte Foundation Prize is the foremost recognition of an individual who consistently demonstrates the attributes of a superior teacher in the discipline of accounting. The Prize serves to recognize, inspire, and motivate members to achieve the status of a superior teacher. For 2021, up to three awards of $27,500 each can be made in the categories of graduate, undergraduate, and two-year accounting degree programs. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the AAA is honored to bestow this award to Cindy Durtschi, George O. Gamble, and Robyn Barrett.




Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church 
to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Accounting Horizons
Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church as the recipients of the 2021 Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award for their article “Investigating Accountants' Resistance to Move beyond Excel and Adopt New Data Analytics Technology,” published in the December 2020 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.


Dr. Pamela Jeanné Schmidt is an associate professor in the Washburn University School of Business and holds the William Lyman Dibble Professorship and ISACA’s CRISC certification. She earned her Ph.D. in Information Systems with an emphasis in Accounting from the University of Arkansas, an MBA from the Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and an MS in Computer Science from the University of Southern California. She chairs the HICSS conference Enterprise Ecosystem track, chaired the Journal of Information Systems (JIS) 2018 Research Conference, and edited the JIS’s special Issue on AIS and Cloud Computing. Research interests include Enterprise Systems, data analytics, AIS, controls and blockchain. Her co-authored “A Review of ERP Research: A Future Agenda for Accounting Information Systems” (2011) was the top cited paper in AAA’s Journal of Information Systems (2005 Report). Prior business experience includes systems architect, OS developer, and project manager at AT&T Bell Labs, and Broadband Internet product manager at SBC/Ameritech/AT&T.

Dr. Jennifer Riley is the William C. Hockett Associate Professor of Accounting at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Professor Riley's primary teaching focus is accounting information systems. As the Director of the Master of Accounting Program, she offers undergraduate and graduate courses that examine how accounting information informs decisions, analytics, and auditing. Professor Riley’s research interests include judgment and decision-making, how technology affects the behavior and decisions of accountants, and how accountants make decisions about technology. Her research has been published in Accounting Horizons, the Journal of Information Systems, Journal of Information Technology, Journal of Management Accounting Research, and The CPA Journal. Dr. Riley is a CPA in Colorado, a CIA, and holds a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln.

Dr. Kimberly Swanson Church is the BKD Professor of Leadership & Director for the School of Accountancy at Missouri State University.  Dr. Church teaches in the area of managerial and accounting information systems with an emphasis in data analytics and emerging technologies. She has two decades of entrepreneurial and higher education experiences, including more than ten years in academic leadership roles within the American Accounting Association, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CPA Evolution BAR Taskforce Co-Chair) and the Institute of Management Accountants. Her teaching and research interests include information systems, management accounting and disruptive technology implications for theory and practice. She has published many academic and practitioner articles, won several educator and best paper awards and her articles have appeared in Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, Issues in Accounting Education, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Journal of Accounting Education, AIS Educator Journal, BizEd and Strategic Finance.

The Accounting Horizons Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year. Editors of the journal select the top five papers published in the calendar year and the award winner is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to bestow this award to Pamela Jeanné Schmidt, Jennifer Riley, and Kimberly Swanson Church.


Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Competitive Manuscript Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh as recipients of the 2021 Competitive Manuscript Award. Professor Zheng's manuscript is “A Tale of Two Enforcement Venues: Determinants and Consequences of the SEC’s Choice of Enforcement Venue After the Dodd-Frank Act.”  Professor Noh’s manuscript is “The Effect of Financial Reporting on Strategic Investments: Evidence from Purchase Obligations.” This AAA award will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Xin Zheng is an Assistant Professor at The University of British Columbia. He earned his Ph.D. in accounting from Emory University, his M.S. from Cornell University, and B.S. and B.S.B.A from The Ohio State University. His research focuses on the regulation and enforcement, both public and private, of securities laws in U.S. capital markets. Additionally, he conducts research on market efficiency and financial reporting quality. Professor Zheng’s research has been published in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review and Review of Accounting Studies, and is frequently cited in popular press. In his free time, he enjoys hip-hop dancing, painting, yoga, golfing, and snowboarding. 

Suzie Noh is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Stanford University's Graduate School of Business. Her research focuses on exploring the determinants and consequences of corporate disclosures, such as how financial reporting regulations affect firms' economic decisions or disclosure decisions, and how firms' disclosures affect the behavior of financial intermediaries and the information content of stock prices. She holds a bachelor’s degree (summa cum laude) in Economics & Mathematics from Emory University, and a master’s degree in Finance and a Ph.D. in Management both from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School of Management. 

The Competitive Manuscript Award was created to encourage research among members of the AAA who have earned their Ph.D. within the past five years. The winner is chosen annually in a blind review by the Competitive Manuscript Award Committee.  More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association is very proud to give this award to Xin Zheng and Suzie Noh for their exceptional work.


Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim to receive the 2021 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim as the recipients of the 2021 Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award for their paper, “The Expected Rate of Credit Losses on Banks’ Loan Portfolios,” published in the September 2018 issue of The Accounting Review. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Deloitte Foundation, will be presented to Professors Harris, Khan, and Nissim in the form of a medal and monetary prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Trevor S. Harris joined Columbia Business School’s faculty in 1983 and held two chaired professorships prior to joining Morgan Stanley as Managing Director in Equity Research in 2000. He was appointed as Vice Chairman and Director of Special Projects in 2006. He rejoined the faculty of Columbia Business School in mid-2008 and became The Arthur J. Samberg Professor of Professional Practice. He was the founder and co-Director of Columbia's Center for Excellence in Accounting and Security Analysis. In 2002 he was named to the Institutional Investor All American Research Team and in 2003 to The Wall Street Journal SmartMoney Power 30. He was a member of the Investors Advisory Committee and Users' Advisory Council to the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) and the Standards Advisory Council to the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). He has won numerous teaching awards and has published widely on valuation and accounting issues, in both academic and practitioner journals.

Urooj Khan is an associate professor in the accounting division at the McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin and a fellow at the Institute of Corporate Governance and Finance at the New York University School of Law. Previously, he was the Class of 1967 Associate Professor of Business at Columbia Business School. Between 2014 and 2015, he was a part-time researcher with the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Financial Research. Professor Khan’s research examines issues related to financial institutions, financial crises, debt contracting, regulatory enforcement and accounting standard setting. His research has been published in leading accounting and economics journals and he is the recipient of American Accounting Association’s 2012 Competitive Manuscript Award, 2018 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award, 2018 Financial Accounting and Reporting Section (FARS) Best Paper Award, and 2020 FARS Special Contribution Award.   

Doron Nissim’s research is primarily in the areas of earnings quality, fundamental analysis, equity valuation, financial institutions, and corporate finance. His studies have been published in journals such as Journal of Finance, The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Contemporary Accounting Research, and Financial Analysts Journal. Professor Nissim served as an editor of the Review of Accounting Studies from 2006 to 2013. He has taught various courses in financial reporting, fundamental analysis, and valuation, and directed four executive education programs in these areas. Professor Nissim consults extensively, primarily to buy- and sell-side firms. He has received several honors and awards, including a prize from the Financial Executives Research Foundation for the 2004 Article of the Year in The Accounting Review, and two teaching excellence awards. Professor Nissim earned his Ph.D. in 1998 from the University of California, Berkley and has since served on the faculty of Columbia Business School.

The Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award was founded in 1978 to commemorate John Wildman and to encourage research relevant to the professional practice of accounting to which much of Mr. Wildman's life was devoted. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the AAA and the Deloitte Foundation are honored to be able to present this award to Trevor S. Harris, Urooj Khan, and Doron Nissim.


Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and
Nathan Y. Sharp 
to receive the American Accounting Association
2021 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the 2021 Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award will be presented to Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp for their work entitled, “Inside the ‘Black Box’ of Sell-Side Financial Analysts,” published in the March 2015 issue of the Journal of Accounting Research. This AAA award will be presented to Professors Brown, Call, Clement, and Sharp in the form of unique glass art pieces and a monetary prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.


Lawrence D. Brown, Seymour Wolfbein Distinguished Professor of Accounting in the Fox School of Business at Temple University, has made nearly 200 presentations at universities and professional conferences and published a total of 36 articles in Journal of Accounting Research, The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Review of Accounting Studies, Accounting, Organizations and Society, and Journal of Finance. Professor Brown’s research papers have been downloaded by over 87,000 times, putting him in the top 3/100th of one percent of all downloaded authors. He has been cited by such media outlets as Barron’s, Business Week, CNBC, CFO Magazine, Economist, Forbes, Fortune, Institutional Investor, The New York Times, Reuters, and The Wall Street Journal. He has received numerous awards including the AAA Outstanding Accounting Educator Award and the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section Best Paper Award. He is a former Editor of The Accounting Review and is a member of the Executive Committee of the Conference on Financial Economics and Accounting.

Andrew C. Call is a professor of accounting and the Director of the School of Accountancy in the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He graduated with a Ph.D. in accounting from the University of Washington, earned his MAcc and B.S. degrees in accounting at Brigham Young University, and was previously on the faculty at The University of Georgia. Professor Call’s research on Wall Street analysts and employee whistleblowers has been published in leading academic journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, Journal of Accounting Research, and Review of Accounting Studies, and has been featured in media outlets such as The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Bloomberg, CFO Magazine, The Motley Fool, and CNBC. Professor Call has taught financial reporting topics to both undergraduate and graduate students and has received numerous teaching awards.

Michael B. Clement is the KPMG Centennial Professor of Accounting at The University of Texas at Austin where he is the Chairman of the Department of Accounting.  Professor Clement’s primary research stream focuses on the activities and performance of financial analysts. His research has been published in the Journal of Accounting and Economics, The Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research, and the Journal of Finance; and has been mentioned in the Wall Street JournalBarron’s, the Financial Times, the Economist, the USA Today and other press outlets. He serves on the editorial board for The Accounting Review and serves as an editor for Accounting Horizons. Professor Clement’s primary teaching interest is in financial statement analysis. He previously held positions at Goldman Sachs and Citigroup. He earned a Ph.D. in accounting from Stanford University, an MBA in finance from The University of Chicago and a BBA in accounting from Baruch CollegeCUNY.

Nathan Y. Sharp received bachelor’s and master’s degrees in accounting from Brigham Young University and a Ph.D. in accounting from The University of Texas at Austin. He joined the accounting department in the Mays Business School at Texas A&M University as an assistant professor in 2007. Dr. Sharp has taught undergraduate and graduate courses related to corporate financial reporting, and he has received multiple awards that recognize teaching excellence. His research focuses on the role of information intermediaries in capital markets, including financial analysts and financial journalists. His research has earned multiple Best Paper awards, and his work is well cited in academia and in business media outlets. He served as the Ph.D. Program Coordinator in his department from 2016-2020. In 2020, Dr. Sharp became the Nelson D. Durst Endowed Chair in Accounting and the Head of the James Benjamin Department of Accounting at Texas A&M University.

The Distinguished Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is presented annually to that work or related works published more than five years but not more than 15 years prior to the year of the award and recognizes accounting research based on uniqueness and magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the AAA is honored to be able to bestow this award to Lawrence D. Brown, Andrew C. Call, Michael B. Clement, and Nathan Y. Sharp.


Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza to receive the
Ernst & Young Foundation-sponsored 2021 Innovation in Accounting
Education Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to announce that the  2021 Innovation in Accounting Education Award will be presented to Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza for their innovation, "The University of Illinois Data Analytics Course."  This AAA award, which is sponsored by the Ernst & Young Foundation, will be presented to them in the form of unique glass art pieces and monetary prizes at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Vic Anand has been a member of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Gies College of Business accounting faculty since 2017. In 2020, he was named an Arthur Andersen Fellow and has also been honored by the College with recognition as an RC Evans Data Analytics Fellow and a John Deere Analytics Teaching Fellow. His responsibilities include developing and delivering innovative curriculum that provides students with the data science knowledge and skills to become leaders in business analytics. After earning a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from MIT, Vic worked as an engineer at Ford Motor Company. He earned an MBA from Carnegie Mellon University and an M.S. and PhD in accounting from Cornell University. Vic’s research focuses on the use of machine learning to predict changes in company profits, and on the intersection of cost accounting and operations management.


Joshua Herbold, Ph.D., CPA, is a teaching associate professor of accounting in the Gies College of Business at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research is primarily psychology-related and examines the judgments and decisions of accountants and users of accounting information. He currently teaches courses in data analytics, managerial accounting, and financial accounting. Josh is a past-president of the Montana Society of CPAs, and frequently leads continuing education courses for CPAs and other accounting practitioners. Josh is also the drummer for the best blues band in a three-block radius around his house, Raw Sugar.

Jessen Hobson is a Professor of Accountancy, the Director of the University of Illinois-Deloitte Foundation Center for Business Analytics, the Co-Director of the Gies Behavioral Research Lab and the PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Faculty Fellow at the University of Illinois. He received his Ph.D. degree from The University of Texas at Austin. Jessen has B.S. and M.S. degrees in accounting from Brigham Young University and was an auditor at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He teaches graduate-level audit and data analytics. Jessen’s research examines how and why managers over-report their performance, how investors and auditors can detect that deception, and how investors use and misuse information. Jessen’s research is routinely published in the top journals in his field, including The Accounting Review and the Journal of Accounting Research.

Kim I. Mendoza is an Assistant Professor of Accountancy and RC Evans Innovation Fellow at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Kim has always been interested in the intersection of technology and accounting. She brings her expertise to her class, Data Analytics Foundations in Accountancy, where students develop the skills to bridge the gap between data science and accounting. Kim earned a B.S. in accounting from Loyola Marymount University and an M.S. and PhD in accounting from the University of Washington. Her research interests include how technology, in the form of computer algorithms, artificial intelligence, analytic software, and automated bots (e.g., robo advisors), impact investors’ and auditors’ judgments and decisions in a variety of settings. She also examines financial and auditing regulation and its impact on key players’ decision-making processes.

The annual Innovation in Accounting Education Award is intended to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education. It recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials. Submissions are judged by their innovation, demonstrated educational benefits, and adaptability by other academic institutions or to other situations. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the Ernst & Young Foundation are very pleased to give this award to Vic Anand, Josh Herbold, Jessen Hobson, and Kim I. Mendoza.


Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe to receive the American Accounting Association 2021 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) is pleased to congratulate Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe as the recipients of the 2020 Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award for their paper “Research Initiatives in Accounting Education: Toward a More Inclusive Accounting Academy," that was published in the September 2020 issue. This AAA award will be presented to the authors in the form of unique glass art pieces and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.

Helen Brown-Liburd is an Associate Professor and Associate Director of the Continuous Auditing and Reporting Lab at Rutgers Business School. She earned her Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. After over 16 years in Corporate America, Helen decided to spend the next phase of her career doing work that was meaningful and rewarding. When The PhD Project presented her with the opportunity to learn about becoming a college professor, she took advantage of the opportunity. Being a professor allows Helen to help fulfill the Project’s mission “to increase workplace diversity by increasing the diversity of business school faculty who encourage, mentor, support, and enhance the preparation of tomorrow’s leaders.” Helen is a KPMG Doctoral Scholar and a member of The PhD Project Accounting Faculty Alumni Association, the National Association of Black Accountants, the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), and the American Accounting Association. Helen is also a Lead Mentor for the McNair Business Scholars Network.

Jennifer R. Joe, Ph.D., CPA, is the Whitney Family Endowed Professor of Accounting and the Cohen Family Diversity Officer for Lerner College of Business at the University of Delaware. She is an award-winning researcher who studies the role of auditors, audit litigation, regulations, and data analytics on the quality of corporate internal controls and financial reporting. Jennifer’s research is published in leading journals including Accounting Organizations and Society, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Research, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, and The Accounting Review. She is a member of The Accounting Review editorial board and The Accounting Review Steering Committee and served as an Editor at Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. Jennifer is a frequent presenter at corporate and academic events on accounting and diversity issues. She teaches accounting and the role of race in business. Jennifer is a dedicated advocate for diversity and inclusive excellence in higher education.

The Issues in Accounting Education Best Paper Award is presented to the best paper published each calendar year.  Editors of the journal select the top five papers published in the calendar year and the award winner is selected by online voting open to all members of the American Accounting Association. More information about this award is available online at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is honored to be able to present this award to Helen Brown-Liburd and Jennifer R. Joe.

Ken Bouyer to receive the American Accounting Association
2021 Lifetime Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Ken Bouyer as the recipient of the 2021 Lifetime Service Award. This AAA award will be presented in the form of a unique glass art piece at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Monday, August 2nd, from 11:30 am-12:30 pm Eastern.

As EY Americas Director of Inclusiveness Recruiting, Ken Bouyer develops and implements the recruiting strategy to build and attract diverse and inclusive talent pools for EY Americas member firms. Ken frequently serves as a spokesperson on diversity and recruiting trends. Ken has served in a variety of roles since joining the Assurance practice of Ernst & Young LLP in 1990. Prior to his current role, Ken was a leader in the US firm’s Consulting Services practice, supporting various global internal audit clients. He is the past Chair and current member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) National Commission on Diversity & Inclusion. Previously, Ken was a Board Member and International President of Beta Alpha Psi and a board member and Chair of the Audit Committee for the American Accounting Association. Ken earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting from Manhattan College. He is a Certified Internal Auditor and member of the AICPA.

The Lifetime Service Award recognizes service contributions to accounting education over a sustained period through service to the AAA, service with the education efforts in the profession through involvement with the AICPA, IMA, and other accounting professional organizations, and service with the education efforts of public accounting firms, corporations, and not-for-profit organizations. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to honor Ken Bouyer for his dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.


Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi to receive the AICPA-sponsored
2021 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi as the recipients of the 2021 Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award for their work entitled, “Toward Blockchain-Based Accounting and Assurance,” that was published in the Fall 2017 issue of the Journal of Information Systems.  This AAA award, which is sponsored by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), will be presented in the form of unique glass art pieces, plaques, and a $2,500 prize at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Jun Dai is an assistant professor at Michigan Technological University. She received her Ph.D. in 2017 from Rutgers Business School. Her research interests lie in applying emerging technologies such as blockchain, industry 4.0, and data analytics to the auditing profession. Dr. Dai now serves as an associate editor of Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. She has published in prestigious academic journals and professional journals. These include Accounting Horizons, Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting, and the CPA Journal. Her paper "Imagineering Audit 4.0" received New Jersey “Bright Idea Award” in 2017, which is selected as one of the top 10 manuscripts among all publications of New Jersey State business faculty in 2016.

Miklos A. Vasarhelyi earned his Ph.D. in MIS from the University of California, Los Angeles, his MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and BS in Economics and Electrical Engineering from the State University of Guanabara and Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro. Professor Vasarhelyi is currently the KPMG Distinguished Professor of Accounting Information Systems and Director of the Rutgers Accounting Research Center (RARC) & Continuous Auditing and Reporting Laboratory (CARLAB) at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. He has published more than 200 journal articles, 20 books, and directed over 45 Ph.D. theses. He is the editor of the Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing series and the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting. Professor Vasarhelyi is credited with the original continuous audit application and as the leading researcher in this field. The CAR Lab’s projects include among others AICPA’s Radar, Siemens, KPMG, P&G, AICPA, CA Technologies, and Itaú Unibanco. Professor Vasarhelyi has been awarded the Outstanding Accounting Educator Award by the AAA in 2013, AICPA distinguished scholar in 2018, and the Wasserman award by ISACA in 2013.

The Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is given annually to that work published within five years of the year of the award which has withstood a rigorous process of screening and scrutiny based on certain criteria, such as uniqueness and potential magnitude of contribution to accounting education, practice and/or future accounting research, breadth of potential interest, originality and innovative content, clarity and organization of exposition and soundness and appropriateness of methodology. More information about this award is available online at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants are very pleased to give this award to Jun Dai and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi.

A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar to receive the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation-sponsored 2021 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very pleased to congratulate A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar as recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Accounting Educator Award. This AAA award, which is sponsored by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation, consists of unique glass art pieces, citations, and a $5,000 prize. There is also an additional $5,000 donation given to the AAA on behalf of the recipients which will be used according to Professor Abdel-khalik’s and Professor Datar’s wishes. This award will be presented at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Wednesday, August 4th from 1:15 pm-1:45 pm Eastern.

A. Rashad Abdel-khalik is the V. K. Zimmerman Professor of International Accounting at the University of Illinois. He studied accounting and economics at Cairo University, Indiana University, and the University of Illinois. He taught at Columbia University, Duke University, and the University of Florida before returning to the University of Illinois in 2000. His research appeared in the major accounting journals, including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting Research, and Contemporary Accounting Research. His current interest is reflected in his recently published books: Accounting for Risk, Hedging and Complex Contracts (Routledge, 2013) and BRAZEN: Big Banks, Swap Mania and the Fallout (World Scientific, 2019). He was the founding editor of the Journal of Accounting Literature, and the senior Editor of The Accounting Review (1990-1994). Starting 2001, he became the senior Editor of the International Journal of Accounting (2001-present) and its companion The Illinois Accounting Research Symposia. He made presentations at more than 120 universities worldwide.

Srikant Datar is the George F. Baker Professor of Administration and is the eleventh dean of Harvard Business School. He has also taught and received teaching awards at Carnegie Mellon University and Stanford University. A graduate of Bombay University, he received gold medals from IIM Ahmedabad, and the Institute of Cost and Works Accountants of India. A Chartered Accountant, he holds two master’s degrees and a Ph.D. from Stanford University. His research and course development is in cost management, performance evaluation, productivity, quality, governance, and artificial intelligence. He has published his research in leading journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Journal of Accounting Research. He is a co-author of the leading cost accounting textbook, Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis and of Rethinking the MBA. Datar has served on the Boards of Directors of ICF International, Novartis, Stryker Corporation, and T-Mobile and was recognized as the Public Company Director of the Year in 2020.

The Outstanding Accounting Educator Award is presented to educators with sustained and substantive contributions from a wide variety of academic institutions and whose career contributions include educational innovation, excellence in teaching, publications, research guidance to graduate students and significant involvement in professional and academic societies and activities. More information about this award is available online at For 2021, the American Accounting Association and the PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation are very pleased to give this award to A. Rashad Abdel-khalik and Srikant Datar.

Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin to receive the
2021 Outstanding Service Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL – June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) is very proud to congratulate Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin as the recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Service Award. This AAA award, which may be awarded at any time by the Board of Directors, will be presented to Professors Bushee and Rubin in the form of unique glass art pieces at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Tuesday, August 3rd from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

Brian J. Bushee is the Geoffrey T. Boisi Professor and Vice Dean of Teaching and Learning at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and A.B. from Duke University.  His research focuses on the impact of information intermediaries on corporate disclosure decisions and on the stock market pricing of information.  His dissertation won the AAA’s Competitive Manuscript Award. He currently serves as a Department Editor for the Accounting Track at Management Science and has served on the editorial boards of the Journal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Accounting and EconomicsThe Accounting Review, and Review of Accounting Studies.  He served as the president of the Financial Accounting and Reporting Section of the AAA (2015-2016) and currently serves on the AAA Council, on the AAA Finance Committee, and as the chair of the AAA Meetings Model Task Force.

Marc A. Rubin recently retired as Professor of Accounting and Dean of the Farmer School of Business at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He has published in a number of journals as well as research reports for the Financial Accounting Foundation and Governmental Accounting Standards Board. Professor Rubin has served on a number of other editorial boards and as a reviewer for many journals and conferences. Professor Rubin has engaged in many service activities while on the faculty at Miami. He is active in the American Accounting Association including being an officer in two sections, Annual Meeting chair, chair of various committees and task forces, member of the board of directors and recently served as president of the organization. He has also served on various committees of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. In addition, he served as a member of Accounting Accreditation Committee of the AACSB.

The Outstanding Service Award recognizes outstanding services to the Association other than educational and research contributions. The prestigious award is intended only for rare events or milestones achieved. More information about this award is available at  For 2021, the American Accounting Association is extremely pleased to be able to present this award to Brian J. Bushee and Marc A. Rubin in honor of their dedicated service to the education and practice of accounting.

The Accounting Review Outstanding Reviewer Award

Lakewood Ranch, FL - June 15, 2021 - The American Accounting Association (AAA) would like to congratulate four editorial board members of The Accounting Review and one non-board member as recipients of the 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Award for The Accounting Review. This TAR award will be presented to the reviewers in the form of a unique wood and glass plaque at the 2021 AAA Annual Meeting during the awards presentation on Thursday, August 5th from 11:30 am-12:00 pm Eastern.

The Outstanding Reviewer Award recognizes truly outstanding reviewers who provided many high quality and timely reviews to The Accounting Review during the first year of W. Robert Knechel’s term as Senior Editor. Award recipients were selected by a consideration of three key TAR reviewer performance metrics—number of completed reviews, average editor-rating of the quality of the reviews, and review timeliness as well as nominations from editors. The recipients are a select group of individuals, who represent the very highest quality of TAR reviewers.

The award recipients are, in alphabetical order:

Francois Brochet*, Boston University
John L. Campbell*, The University of Georgia
Paul E. Madsen*, University of Florida
Michelle L. Nessa, Michigan State University
Andrew Van Buskirk*, The Ohio State University

* editorial board member


Last year's winners