Diversity Section Research


Survey on Faculty Diversity Results

A White-Collar Profession: African American Certified Public Accountants since 1921 - By Theresa A. Hammond

Research Initiatives in Accounting Education: Toward a More Inclusive Accounting Academy" by Helen Brown-Liburd Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark and New Brunswick Jennifer R. Joe, University of Delaware.
Issues in Accounting Education (2020) 35 (4): 87–110.

Abstracts/Working Papers - Coming Soon

Survey Results

Faculty Diversity and Initiatives Section
Objectives/Program Draft

Please indicate your agreement as to the importance of the Section objectives by checking either Very Important (1), Mildly Important (2), or Not Important (3). Please feel free to revise wording or add to each objective. You may enter additional objectives on the back of this page.

The American Accounting Association (AAA) Faculty Diversity and Initiatives Section should identify issues related to diversity and diversity initiatives. In this respect, the Section's objectives could include:

  1. Encourage and promote interest in the diversity of the accounting profession.
    Average: 1.067308
  2. Publish research that associates accounting with diversity issues and policies.
    Average: 1.553398
  3. Facilitate research that focuses on the economic impact of diversity policies and multicultural and/or ethnic institutions.
    Average: 1.451923
  4. Improve quality of research focusing on diversity policies and issues, particularly research that impacts faculty, students, and public and private institutions.
    Average: 1.461538
  5. Stimulate research on institutional policies and issues that impact faculty, doctoral candidates and undergraduate students.
    Average: 1.378641
  6. Assessment of Section members needs including presentation forums, research and publication assistance and mentoring relationships.
    Average: 1.346154
  7. Recruitment of faculty members, particularly underrepresented ethnic and cultural populations.
    Average: 1.190476 Retention of faculty members, particularly underrepresented ethnic and cultural populations.
    Average: 1.182692
  8. Assessment of Section members needs including equitable treatment in career pursuits and career development.
    Average: 1.394231
  9. Creation of partnerships with public and private organizations interested in diversity initiatives.
    Average: 1.342857
  10. Develop programs, as necessary, including interdisciplinary exchanges, which will mutually benefit Section members and other members of the American Accounting Association.
    Average: 1.451923

Total Surveys Mailed 430;
Response Rate=24.42%

Selected COMMENTS on the SURVEY:

  • "Having been a minority in another country, I hope the committee looks beyond just the American perspective."

  • "Create/develop programs to share diversity initiatives with other multicultural societies internationally."
  • "For Q.11, Yes! Other Sections of the AAA can help in avoiding pitfalls & becoming effective within AAA quickly."

  • "Promote partnership with professional organizations, i.e., State CPA Societies Institute of Management Accountants, Association of Government Accountants, accounting firms (small, medium & large), and appropriate associations to support diversity, etc."

  • "For Q.7 Doctoral students, I suggest that the lack of diversity is at least as much a problem of supply as it is demand."

  • "For Q.9 Emphasis should be broader than focus on section members."

A White-Collar Profession: African American Certified Public Accountants since 1921, by Theresa A. Hammond, may now be ordered.

The reviews of the book and order information are located at http://uncpress.unc.edu/books/T-5463.html. Copies were released shortly before 6/10/2002.

Veena L. Brown, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Dear Members of the Diversity Section,

It is with great pleasure and enthusiasm that I address you as the newly elected President of the Diversity Section of the American Accounting Association. I am deeply honored (and pleasantly surprised) to have been entrusted with this esteemed position.

First and foremost, I would like to extend a warm welcome to all our members, both longstanding and newly joined as we begin this new year. The Diversity Section is a community that thrives on the diverse perspectives, experiences, and backgrounds of its members. Our collective mission is to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of accounting education, research, and practice. As the incoming President, I am committed to amplifying underrepresented voices, driving meaningful change, and creating opportunities for our members to succeed. I firmly believe that diversity is not just a buzzword; it is the key to unlocking our full potential as a profession.

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