- To encourage the exchange of ideas among its members related to accounting research, education, and environmental forces facing the profession.
- To hold regional meetings for presenting and discussing the recent issues and allied fields of interest to its members.
- To support the national Association to accomplish its objectives and encourage its members to participate in its activities.
The Northeast Region of the American Accounting Association consists of Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
President Yvette Lazdowski Plymouth State University P O Box 456, 33 Moose Walk Moultonborough, NH 03254 Phone: 603-535-2524 yjlazdowski@plymouth.edu | President-Elect Timothy J. Rupert Northeastern University Phone: 617-373-5165 t.rupert@neu.edu |
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Past President Eric Lewis Siena College Siena Hall 431 515 Louden Road Loudenville, NY 12211 Phone: 518-782-6976 elewis@siena.edu | Council Representative Susan Hughes University of Vermont 55 Colchester Avenue 317 Kalkin Hall Burlington, VT 05405 Phone: 802-656-0504 shughes@uvm.edu |
2015 Northeast Region Meeting Program Committee
2015 Program Chair Timothy J. Rupert Northeastern University Phone: 617-373-5165 t.rupert@neu.edu | 2015 Assistant Paper Chair Cynthia Blanthorne University of Rhode Island Phone: 401-874-4363 blanthorne@mail.uri.edu |
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2015 Paper Chair Mary Kay Copeland St John Fisher College Phone: 585-615-9003 mcopeland@sjfc.edu | CTLA/TLC Subcommittee Eric Lewis Siena College Phone: 518-782-6976 elewis@siena.edu |
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CTLA/TLC Subcommittee Carol Hartley Providence College Phone: 401-865-2154 chartley@providence.edu | Outreach to Under-Engaged Community Subcommittee Carolyn Christensen SUNY Westchester Community College Phone: 914-606-6876 |
Northeast Region Steering Committee