Carry out all activities to select recipients of the Competitive Manuscript Award. Specifically:
- Select the recipient(s) of the Competitive Manuscript Award which is presented at the AAA Annual Meeting.
- Select up to three recipient(s) of the award, observing subject matter interest, depth of research, contribution to knowledge, and organization of subject matter.
- Five or six members plus a voting Chair are appointed annually by the Council Committee on Awards Committee.
- Care should be taken to be sure the committee includes one member knowledgeable in the field of quantitative analysis and another knowledgeable in behavioral science.
- The committee meets as needed.
- AAA Staff (Barbara Gutierrez) will ensure the Call for Nominations web page is updated in conjunction with the Committee Directory.
- Beginning in September, Stephanie Glaser, AAA Awards Coordinator, will arrange for the Call for Nominations announcement to be included:
- In the Fall edition of the Accounting Education News
- On the AAA website and in multi-topic mass emails.
- The AAA Awards Coordinator will contact the committee chair with the dates that the award's Call for Nominations will be included on the AAA website and in multi-topic mass emails.
- Members of the committee are encouraged to submit nominations. Current Committee members who are nominated for the award will be asked to either recuse themselves from the committee or remove their nomination from consideration.
- Nominations are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 31.
- Submissions for this award are collected electronically in Word format.
- The nominator will receive an acknowledgement message from the AAA Awards Coordinator upon receipt of the nomination.
- All personal information from the submission is removed by the AAA Awards Coordinator prior to sending the viewing information to the Chair.
- By the end of the second week of February the AAA Awards Coordinator will send to the Chair a link to the nominations that have been submitted.
- The committee will select award recipients based on award criteria.
- The Chair will notify the AAA Awards Coordinator at of the winner(s) by April 15th.
- The AAA Awards Coordinator will reply back to the Chair with the name and affiliation of the winner(s).
- The Awards Coordinator will notify the AAA President, Executive Director, and Board of Directors Liaison of the winner(s).
- The AAA President will send a congratulatory email/letter to the winner(s), copying the Executive Director, Chair, and AAA Awards Coordinator.
- After the winner(s) has been notified, the AAA Awards Coordinator will send a thank you email to each nominator thanking them for their submission.
- The Awards Coordinator will notify the non-winners by email letting them know their paper was not chosen but they are welcome to submit it for consideration in The Accounting Review.
- If there are more than three outstanding papers submitted, the Chair should advise the AAA Awards Coordinator of the authors and paper topics for possible inclusion in the Annual Meeting program. The Awards Coordinator will be in contact with the Annual Meeting Program Chair to make the arrangements.
- The AAA Awards Coordinator will make the arrangements for ordering and shipping the award(s).
- The Chair will present the award at the Annual Meeting.
- A member of the AAA Staff will notify the Chair and Awardee(s) with Annual Meeting onsite presentation instructions.
- If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee's Board of Directors Liaison.
- The Chair will have the opportunity three times every term-year to prepare and send a progress report which will be available for the Board of Directors to review at their next meeting. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the committee's Board of Directors Liaison, and staff liaison, Barbara Gutierrez (