AAA Innovation in Accounting Education Award
Previous Winners

Thank you to the Ernst & Young Foundation for generously supporting the Innovation in Accounting Education Award!
The Innovation in Accounting Education Award Committee is currently accepting nominations for the 2017 Innovation in Accounting Education Award.
Award Intent
- The award is intended to encourage innovation and improvement in accounting education.
- Further, it recognizes significant programmatic changes or a significant activity, concept, or set of educational materials.
- The winner may be an individual, a group of individuals, or an institution.
- Normally, this award is given in recognition of a single-item initiative, which could have been developed and implemented over a several-year period.
Award Criteria
The primary criteria used to judge nominations include:
- Innovation (for purposes of this award, an educational innovation is something new or different that will spur interest in the study of accounting or that will improve the effectiveness of accounting education. The innovation aspect must be something that allows for instruction and learning to take a path different from the usual/traditional.)
- Demonstrated educational benefits or value (i.e., evidence of the educational merit of the innovation); and
- Adaptability by other educational institutions or to other situations (thus, the quality of a nomination is enhanced to the extent that the innovation has been adopted elsewhere)
Award Presentation
- The winner(s) will receive an award and $5,000 at the AAA Annual Meeting.
- The winner(s) will be announced in the Fall Accounting Education News.
- The award-winning innovation will be eligible for publication in Issues in Accounting Education as a scholarly article, subject to the normal manuscript review process and acceptance of a suitable manuscript by the editor of the journal.
Instructions for Submitting Nominations
- Nominations are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 31.
- Members of the committee are encouraged to submit nominations. Current committee members who are nominated for the award will be asked to either recuse themselves from the committee or remove their nomination from consideration.
- Adequate materials must be submitted so that the Innovation in Accounting Education Award Committee can make an assessment on the three dimensions listed above in "Award Criteria."
- Each nomination must include:
- A 200-word summary of the activity, concept, or materials, and
- A detailed statement, not to exceed six (6) pages (double-spaced), in Word or PDF format, which responds to the three dimensions listed above in "Award Criteria".
- Each nomination can be accompanied by:
- No more than five (5) attachments (tables of data/implementation results, DVDs, CDs, letters of support, results of adaptations at other institutions or settings, books, monographs, PowerPoint slides, etc.).
- Please attach the nomination and material to an email and send to Stephanie Glaser, AAA Awards Coordinator, at with "2017 Innovation in Accounting Education Award" in the subject line of your email.
- Upon receipt of your nomination you will receive an acknowledgment message from the AAA Awards Coordinator.