To volunteer for this committee, please click HERE.
Assist the Board of Directors in developing one or more meeting models that, when combined, maximizes the value of meetings to our members while minimizing financial risk.
Core principles:
- Blended model: risks and decisions are shared by segments and AAA-wide
- Every meeting is planned to run at 5% profit (eventually)
- Profit = Total Meeting Revenue – Total Direct Expenses
- Direct expenses include outside vendors, professional staff, and traceable HQ expenses
- General Fund gets a share of revenue to cover staff costs related to meetings
- Segment Funds get a share of revenue to fund future activities
- Consider methods for cost management, through both outside contracts and more efficient use of professional staff time
- Members and the Chair are appointed by the AAA Management Team.
- The Task Force size varies according to its projects and purposes.
Estimated Time Commitment
- The Task Force meets as needed at the discretion of the Chair.
- Fulfill the Task Force charge as above.
- If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this Task Force, s/he should contact the Chief Executive Officer, the President, or the Task Force’s Board of Directors Liaison.
- The Chair will have the opportunity two times every term-year to prepare and send a progress report which will be available for the Board of Directors to review at their next meeting. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the Task Force’s Board of Directors Liaison, and Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (