Before the election starts, please take a few minutes to get to know the candidates on the 2018 ballot who have been nominated for the following Board of Director offices:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President-Research & Publications
  • Director-Focusing on Segments


For each position on the ballot, the Board of Directors has provided guidance on the roles and responsibilities and key interests and capabilities for the position based on the Board's analysis of current projects, including ongoing Board positions and mission-related initiatives.

New officers will serve on the Board of Directors for three years beginning at the Annual Meeting in August 2018 in Washington, DC.


Patricia M. Poli is Associate Professor of Accounting at the Dolan School of Business, Fairfield University having served on its faculty since 1996, where she serves as Beta Gamma Sigma Advisor. She previously taught at Sacred Heart University and Western Connecticut State University.  Pat served as Co-Chair of the University’s Water Steering Committee –an interdisciplinary campus-wide initiative focusing on water’s significance in the environment, society, and our health (2014-16). She is a co-author of the audit simulation, Proli Footwear, Inc. and has received research awards for articles published in the Transportation Research Forum. She has published in The Journal of Global Business Management, Advances in International Accounting, International Accounting Forum, Journal of the Transportation Research Forum, and Southern Business and Economic Journal. Pat
earned her Ph.D. from New York University.

Pat currently serves AAA on the Board of Directors and Council as Director-Focusing on Segments (2015-2018). She served on AAA Council as Chair (2013-14), and as a Council member for seven years (2001-02, 2003-04, and 2010-15). Pat is a member of AAA’s AIS, FIA, and IAS Sections and Chair of the AAA Strategic Region Leader Committee (2015-18). She served the International Accounting Section (IAS) as President (2010-11), Nominations Committee Chair (2012-13), Co-Chair of Mid-Year Meeting (2009-10), and Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee (2008-09) that developed the IAS’s 2009 Strategic Plan, and as Teaching and Curriculum (Education) Chair (2004-05).  Pat served as President (2003-04) and Program Chair (2002-03) for the Northeast Region. She has served as a member of the AAA Global Summit Task Force (2011-12) and on the AAA Membership Advisory Committee (2004-05).

Pat has more than twenty-five years of teaching experience and is a Faculty Fellow of the Jesuit Universities Humanitarian Action Network. She has served on the Board of Directors of Beta Alpha Psi (2007-11), having chaired its 2011 Annual Meeting. Pat is a member of the Connecticut Society of CPAs and serves on its Board of Governors and has served as Chair of its Educational Trust Fund (2015-16), as President (2005-06) and as member and Chair of many of its committees.




Terry J. Shevlin is Professor of Accounting, Paul Merage Chair in Business Growth, Associate Dean of Research and Doctoral Programs at the University of California, Irvine Paul Merage School of Business. He previously taught at the University of Washington for twenty-six years. Terry served as Senior Editor of The Accounting Review (2002-05), Co-Editor of Accounting Horizons
(2009-12), and Editor of Journal of the American Taxation Association (1996-99). He has published extensively in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting Review, Journal of the American Taxation Association, Accounting Horizons, Contemporary Accounting Research, Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of Accounting & Economics, and Journal of Accounting Research. Terry is co-author of the 5th Edition of Taxes and Business Strategy: A Planning Approach. He earned his Ph.D. from Stanford University.

Terry currently serves AAA on the Board of Directors and Council as Vice President-Research & Publications (2015-18), is Chair of the AAA Research Committee (2015-18) and is a member of the AAA Publications Committee (2015-18), and AAA’s ATA and FARS Sections. He has served as Chair of the Publications Committee (2013-16), as a member of the Publication Ethics Task Force (2012-15),  Recommendation Leader for the Pathways Commission Task Force focusing on Future Demand for Faculty, on AAA Council (2007-09), as President (2007-08) of ATA, as Chair of the AAA Deloitte Wildman Medal Award Committee (1997-98), AAA Competitive Manuscript Award Committee (2004-05), and AAA Financial Reporting Issues Conference Committee (2006-07), and as member of the AAA Annual Meeting Committee (1999-2000), AAA New Faculty Consortium Committee (2001-02), and AAA Nominations
Committee (2009-10). Terry has served as AAA Doctoral Consortium Distinguished Visiting Faculty five times.

Terry has thirty-two years’ experience as a faculty member and has
received a number of awards including the ATA Tax Manuscript Award (2017, 2004, 1995, 1992), AAA’s Outstanding Accounting Educator Award (2012), the ATA Ray M. Sommerfeld Outstanding Tax Educator Award (2005), and the AAA’s Competitive Manuscript Award (1990 and 1987). He has received the University of Washington’s Business School Dean’s Faculty Research Award four times.















Vice President–Research & Publications

Mark L. DeFond is Associate Dean of Faculty Affairs and A.N. Mosich Chair and Professor of Accounting in the Leventhal School of Accounting at the University of Southern California (USC) having served on its faculty since 1987, where he serves on the Leventhal School Recruiting Committee. He served at The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology as Associate Professor while on sabbatical from USC.  Mark has thirty-one years’ experience as a faculty member.  He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Washington.  

Mark has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including The Accounting ReviewJournal of Accounting ResearchJournal of Accounting and Economics, Contemporary Accounting ResearchManagement Science, Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Decision Support Systems,

Douglas F. Prawitt is the LeRay McAllister/Deloitte Foundation Professor of Accountancy in the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University (BYU) having served on its faculty since 1993, where he serves as BYU's Accounting Ph.D. Prep Program Founder/Leader. He earned his Ph.D. from The University of Arizona and has twenty-five years' experience as a faculty member.

Doug is a CPA, a Governing Board member of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) (2011-present), and served a three-year term on the AICPA Auditing Standards Board (ASB) (2006-08).

Doug has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including 

Director-Focusing on Segments


Audrey A. Gramling is Chair and Professor of the Department of Accounting in the College of Business at Colorado State University where she serves on the Administrative
and Executive Committees and the International Advisory Board and previously as
an EKS&H Faculty Fellow. Before CSU, she served on the faculty at Bellarmine
University, Kennesaw State University, Georgia State University, Wake Forest
University, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Audrey earned her Ph.D.
from The University of Arizona.

Audrey has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including Issues in Accounting Education, Accounting Horizons, Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Forensic & Investigative Accounting, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Current Issues in Auditing, International Journal of Auditing, and The CPA Journal. She is co-author of two auditing textbooks and several monographs and other publications. Audrey serves on the Editorial Review Boards of Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Current Issues in Auditing, and Journal of Accounting Education. 

Audrey served AAA on the Board of Directors and Council as Council Chair (2015-16), as a member of the AAA Recruiting Advisory Board (2015-17) and the AAA Strengthening Our Vision (SOV) Strategic Operations Task Force (2014), and on AAA Council (2008-13).  She is a member of AAA’s ABO, APLG, AUD, and TLC Sections.  She served APLG on the Nominations Committee (2016-17), and Auditing Section (AUD) as Nominations Committee-Chairperson (2010-11), Outstanding Educator Award Selection Committee-Chairperson (2009-10), Past-President (2009-10), President (2008-09), Vice President-Academic (2007-08), and Secretary (2000-02). Audrey serves on the AAA COSO Committee (2010-present) and AAA Governance Committee (2017-20) and has served on the AAA Council Advocacy Review Committee (2014-15), AAA Council Committee on Awards Committee (2011-13), AAA Nominations Committee (2010-11), and numerous AAA award and other committees.

Audrey has twenty-three years’ experience as a faculty member and served a one-year term as Academic Accounting Fellow in the Office of the Chief Accountant at the SEC.  She is a member of the Center for Audit Quality’s Accounting Academic Sounding Board and served as a COSO Advisory Council Member for the Internal Control-Integrated Framework Update Project.  Audrey has received a number of academic awards for excellence including the Kennesaw University Coles College Distinguished T.P. Hall Service Award (2012) and Distinguished Professor Award (2010).


Nancy B. Nichols is the Journal of Accounting Education Research Professor, Associate Director and MSA Program Director of the School of Accounting in the College of Business at James Madison University having served on its faculty since 1997.  She also serves as a member of the R&D Board of Directors in the College of Business. Nancy earned her Ph.D. from the University of North Texas.  

Nancy has published widely in peer-reviewed journals including Journal of Corporate Accounting and Finance, The American Tax Association Journal of Legal Tax Research, Research in Accounting Regulation, Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation, Journal of Accountancy, Journal of Education for Business, Practical Tax Strategies, Tax Notes, Tax Adviser, and Taxes – The Tax Magazine. She is co-author of the 4th Edition of Contemporary Tax Practice: Research, Planning and Strategies.  Nancy serves on the Editorial Review Boards of The American Tax Association Journal of Legal Tax Research and Journal of International Accounting, Auditing & Taxation.

Nancy serves the AAA as a member of AAA Council (2016-19), is a member of AAA’s ATA Section, and serves on the AAA Education Committee (2015-18).  She has served ATA as Nominations Committee Chairperson (2016-17), Past President (2015-16), President (2014-15), Mid-Year Meeting Program Chairperson (2011-12), Vice President (2011-12), and Treasurer (2005-07), and as a member of the AAA Accounting IS Big Data Conference Advisory Board (2016-17), AAA Council Committee on Awards Committee (2016-17), AAA Deloitte Foundation Wildman Medal Award Committee (2015-16), AAA Nominations Committee (2015-16), AAA Annual Meeting Committee (2012-13), and AAA Financial Literacy Task Force (2008-09).

Nancy has twenty-one years’ experience as a faculty member,
is a CPA, and has thirteen years’ experience in public accounting with Deloitte, serving the last four years as a tax partner. She has served Beta Alpha Psi as President of its International Board of Directors (2008-09) and has received a number of academic awards for excellence including The American Taxation Association Outstanding Service Award (2014), Beta Alpha Psi President’s Award (2005), and the James Madison University Distinguished Teacher (2014) and
Professional Service Award (2012 and 2005).

Voting Process

The ballot will be open Wednesday, February 14 through Thursday, March 15 at 11:59 pm EDT.

  • Regular and Life members of the Association are eligible to vote in this election.

  • Student members of the Association may not vote for AAA Board of Directors positions.

  • The election will be conducted by online ballot, and paper ballots will be mailed to members 1) without a valid email address, and 2) who have requested to be on the AAA "do not email" list.

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Gutierrez, Governance Manager, at or 941-556-4117.