Announcement of the Slate of Officers for the
2022–2023 AAA Board of Directors Election

The 2022-2023 slate of officers includes these positions: President-Elect, Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction, and Director-Focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Members are Selected for the Slate of Officers in Three Ways

  1. Council Ballot Committee (CBC)
    Responsible for Director-Focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
    • CBC is a "committee of the whole." Those representing Sections and Regions are members.
      • Council is made up of one representative selected or elected by each Section and Region, serving 3-year terms, plus two international members at-large, and the Board of Directors.
      • Exception: while Board members are also members of Council, they are not members of CBC.
    • It populates the slate for one position each year, from nominations submitted from across the membership.
    • By this process, 3 members of the Board at any given time have been elected after being chosen for the ballot by the CBC.
  2. AAA Nominations Committee
    Responsible for President-Elect and Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction
    • The committee identifies candidates from nominations submitted from across the membership.
    • It is a standing committee with 7 members:
      • 5 elected by Council, from members nominated from across the membership
      • 2 most recent past-presidents of the AAA (the senior one serving as Chair)
  3. Petition by Members
    Responsible for Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction
    • In any year, additional nominations can be made by a member petition.
    • By gathering 100 signatures and submitting them 45 days prior to the election, a member can nominate a member to be included on the slate as a candidate in the Board election.

Slate of Candidates

Candidates for the 2022–2023 Board of Directors election are listed below. The election will take place in Spring 2022, with the ballot opening in the first week of March.



Added to the slate by

Stephen R. Moehrle

University of Missouri-St. Louis

AAA Nominations Committee

Mark H. Taylor

University of South Florida

AAA Nominations Committee

Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction


Added to the slate by

Ingrid E. Fisher

University at Albany, SUNY


Bette M. Kozlowski

KPMG LLP AAA Nominations Committee

Thomas J. Linsmeier

University of Wisconsin-Madison

AAA Nominations Committee

Director-Focusing on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion


Added to the slate by

Henock Louis

The Pennsylvania State University

Council Ballot Committee

Norma R. Montague

Wake Forest University

Council Ballot Committee



  • New officers will serve on the Board of Directors for three years beginning at the Annual Meeting in August 2022.

Voting Process

  • In January, a "Get to Know the Candidates" page will be posted on the AAA website with candidate photos and brief overviews, for members to view until online voting begins.
  • Online voting begins on or about March 1, 2022.
  • According to the AAA Bylaws, the election takes place by mail, facsimile, or electronic vote of the members. (Detailed voting instructions will be provided later via the AAA website and multi-topic emails.)
  • Regular and Life members of the Association are eligible to vote in elections conducted by the Association; student members are not eligible to participate in the Board of Directors election process.

Details Specified in the AAA Bylaws

Nominations Committee
The AAA Nominations Committee shall consist of the two most recent Past Presidents willing and able to serve and five members elected by Council. The five elected members cannot be current members of either Council or the Board of Directors. The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the most senior, in service, of the Past Presidents serving. Members of the Nominations Committee are not eligible for nomination. Members of the 2021-2022 Nominations Committee are: Terry Shevlin, University of California-Irvine, AAA Past President; Elaine Mauldin, University of Missouri, AAA Past President; Elizabeth Gordon, Temple University; Dawn Matsumoto, University of Washington; Tracie Miller-Nobles, Austin Community College; Pat Poli, Fairfield University; Scott Showalter, North Carolina State University, and Yvonne Hinson, AAA Chief Executive Officer, (ex-officio).

Council Ballot Committee
In 2011, Council established the policy that the Council Ballot Committee (CBC) would function as a "committee of the whole." Each year the CBC will choose at least two names to appear on the ballot for one position on the Board of Directors ballot. The standing Council Ballot Committee, established with the Bylaws revision, comprises all Council members with the exception of the Board of Directors. Jason Stanfield, Ball State University, chaired the 2021-2022 CBC.

Nominations by Petition
"Additional nominations may be made by a petition signed by not less than one hundred (100) members of the Association submitted to the Chief Executive Officer at least forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of the election. Persons so nominated must previously have agreed to serve if elected. The membership of the Association shall be notified prior to the election of the nominations made by petition." (Section X).  The AAA has received 100 signatures in order for a third candidate to be added to the ballot for the positions of Director-Focusing on Academic/Practitioner Interaction, and the petition process has now concluded.

Questions?  Please contact Barbara Gutierrez, Governance Manager, at or 941-556-4117.