COSO Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
Management exercises judgment to assess the severity of an internal control deficiency, or combination of deficiencies, in determining whether components and relevant principles are present and functioning, and components are operating together, and ultimately in determining on the effectiveness of the entity's system of internal control. Further, these judgments may vary depending on the category of objectives.
Regulators, standard-setting bodies, and other relevant third parties may establish criteria for defining the severity of, evaluating, and reporting internal control deficiencies. The Framework recognizes and accommodates their authority and responsibility as established through laws, rules, regulations, and external standards.
In those instances where an entity is applying a law, rule, regulation, or external standard, management should use only the relevant criteria contained in those documents to classify the severity of internal control deficiencies, rather than relying on the classifications set forth in the Framework. The Framework recognizes that any internal control deficiency that results in a system of internal control not being effective pursuant to such criteria would also preclude management from concluding that the entity has met the requirements for effective internal control in accordance with the Framework (e.g., a major non-conformity relating to operations or compliance objectives or a material weakness relating to compliance or external reporting objectives).
Generated November 10, 2014 20:30:53 |