AAA In the News
The Journal of Management Accounting Research (JMAR) is pleased to announce the forthcoming SPECIAL INTEREST FORUM ON SURVEY RESEARCH, co-edited by Professors Sally K. Widener, Clemson University, and Roland F. Speklé, Nyenrode University, The Netherlands. The Special Interest Forum explores how rigorous and innovative survey-based research extends our understanding of important questions and provides a valuable method for the testing of theory. Such research will help steer the future direction of management accounting research and facilitate the development of new theories, providing interesting insights that either shed thought-provoking new light on inferences of prior research, or that reveal real-world phenomenon in need of additional research. Articles are available now in the Online Early section of the Digital Library and will publish in Summer 2018 (Volume 30, Issue 2).
To help our scholars increase and track the impact of their work, the American Accounting Association has partnered with Kudos, the award-winning service for maximizing the reach of research publications, to conduct a 1-year pilot with the following journals: Accounting Horizons, Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory, Behavioral Research in Accounting, Journal of Information Systems, Journal of International Accounting Research, Journal of Governmental & Nonprofit Accounting, Journal of Management Accounting Research, and The Journal of the American Taxation Association. Authors submitting to those journals or with papers accepted during the pilot period will be asked to enter a plain-language summary of their abstracts at manuscript submission and to register with Kudos to claim their publication upon acceptance. For more information about Kudos, visit “15 Minutes to Impact”.
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