• New to teaching with cases?
    Want to expand your case teaching portfolio?

    Get in-depth experience and teaching notes for four management accounting cases, which span a variety of levels, courses and topics. Attendees will return to campus fully prepared to integrate these new cases into their classroom discussions and activities.

    When: September 23-24, 2016
    Where: The Emily Morgan Hotel in San Antonio, Texas

    Jointly sponsored with the Institute of Management Accountants.


Register now for this teaching case-focused conference (with 90-minute sessions per case) to explore the richness of four new cases as well as to learn ways to use them in your classes and to hear each case authors' teaching tips.  Plenary sessions will introduce and recommend a number of other cases in management accounting. Attendees also have the opportunity to participate in an optional case-writers' roundtable on Friday afternoon.  Our goal is for participants to return to their campuses fully prepared to teach new cases across all levels of management accounting courses for undergraduate, graduate and MBA students.

The jointly sponsored MAS/IMA 2016 Teaching Case Conference will be held September 23-24, 2016 at the Emily Morgan Hotel in San Antonio, Texas. The conference hotel overlooks the Alamo and is within walking distance of excellent dining, shopping, and entertainment activities along the San Antonio River Walk.   A limited number of rooms have been reserved at the conference rate of $169. PLEASE make your reservations as early as possible to take advantage of this special room rate.

Space at the conference is limited, so register today.

Come join us in San Antonio!  Click here for more information.

Case conference committee:

Tom Albright Naval Postgraduate School
Pete Brewer Wake Forest University
Paul Juras Babson College
Tom Klammer Professor Emeritus - Accounting University of North Texas
Raef Lawson Institute of Management Accountants