Special Topic of the Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting: Accounting Information System Research in China
The Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting (JETA) is the academic journal of the Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section of the American Accounting Association (http://aaajournals.org/loi/jeta). JETA’s Mission is to encourage, support and disseminate the production of a stream of high-quality research focused on emerging technologies and artificial intelligence applied or applicable to a wide set of accounting related problems. JETA will publish a special section about Accounting Information System (AIS) Research in China.
Accounting Information System fundamentally affects every area of accounting and drives changes in audit processes. With the rapid growth of AIS application in China, AIS research in China has been drawing attention of JETA. The goal of this special section is to present original AIS research in China (written in English). We will consider research papers of high quality that address any AIS related issue in China, regardless of research methods. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- AIS modeling and design
- IT governance, COSO, COBIT
- Relationships between AIS and internal control systems/risk assessment/risk management systems
- IS assurance, audit, continuous auditing, internal audit
- Data analysis for auditing in the AIS environment
- IS evaluation, IT business value, IT/IS costs and benefit
- IT audit and compliance
Special Section Editor
Miklos A. Vasarhelyi, Professor of Accounting, Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, USA. miklosv@andromeda.rutgers.edu.
Juan Zhang, Associate Professor of Accounting, Nanjing University, China. zjtider@nju.edu.cn.
Submission Guidelines and Important Dates
- To submit your paper, use the JETA online submission system at http://jeta.allentrack.net/cgi-bin/main.plex.
- Follow the JETA author guidelines.
- The submission deadline for the special section is September 1, 2015, but earlier submissions are encouraged.
- Papers will be subjected to a double-blind review process.