The objectives of the Government and Nonprofit Section are:
- To foster basic and applied research in financial and managerial accounting, as well as auditing, for government and nonprofit organizations; and
- To improve the quality of accounting, financial reporting, and auditing in these organizations through advances in teaching, research, and service.
President Royce Burnett Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Accountancy-SIUC Mailcode: 4625 Carbondale, IL 62901 Phone: 618-453-1828 broyce@cba.siu.edu | President-Elect Andrew J. McLelland Auburn University School of Accountancy 301 Lowder Hall Auburn, AL 36849-5247 Phone: 334-844-6217 mclelaj@auburn.edu |
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Past President Terry Patton Midwestern State University Dillard College of Business Administration 3410 Taft Blvd. Wichita Falls, TX 76308 Phone: 940-397-4542 terry.patton@mwsu.edu | Secretary/Treasurer Alan Styles California State University - San Marcos Col of Bus Admn, Markstein Hall 333 S. Twin Oaks Valley Road San Marcos, CA 92096-0001 Phone: 760-750-4251 astyles@csusm.edu |
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Vice President and Director of Education & Research Dr. Donald R Deis Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi Accounting & Business Law College Of Business 6300 Ocean Drive, Unit 5808 Corpus Christi, TX 78412-5808 Phone: 361-825-2826 donald.deis@tamucc.edu | Council Representative Thomas E Vermeer University of Delaware 224 Purnell Hall Newark, DE 19716 Phone: 302-831-1765 vermeer@udel.edu |
Journal of Government and NonProfit Accounting William Baber Georgetown University Phone: 202-687-5293 wrb7@georgetown.edu | Newsletter (Government and Nonprofit News) Karen Kitching George Mason University Phone: 703-993-9038 kkitchin@gmu.edu |
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AAACommons Editorial Board Member Dwayne McSwain Sam Houston State University Phone: 936-294-1284 mcswain@shsu.edu | Webmaster Dwayne McSwain Sam Houston State University Phone: 936-294-1284 mcswain@shsu.edu |
Committee Chairpersons
Doctoral Program Liaison Daniel Neely University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Phone: 832-671-6358 neely@uwm.edu | Education Pam Strickland Methodist University Phone: 910-322-0376 pstrickland19@nc.rr.com |
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GNP Accounting Standards Tammy Waymire Northern Illinois University Phone: 815-753-6471 twaymire@niu.edu | Historian Barry Marks University of Houston-Clear Lake Phone: 281-283-3214 marks@cl.uh.edu |
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Membership Mary Fischer University of Texas at Tyler Phone: 903-566-7433 mfischer@uttyler.edu | Nominating Terry Patton Midwestern State University Phone: (940) 397-4542 Terry.patton@mwsu.edu |
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Regional Director Andrew J. McLelland Auburn University Phone: 334-844-6217 mclelaj@auburn.edu | International Denise Juvenal Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro Phone: 552125033277 rio1042370@terra.com.br |
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Research Program Representative and AAA Annual Program Committee Representative Kathryn Jervis University of Rhode Island Phone: 401-874-4196 jervisk@mail.uri.edu | 2015 GNP Midyear Meeting Program Chair Royce Burnett Southern Illinois University - Carbondale Phone: 618-453-1490 broyce@cba.siu.edu |
Regional Coordinators