26th Audit & Assurance Conference, May 5-6, 2016, Oxford, UK
Paper submission date: January 29th, 2016
The 26th Audit & Assurance Conference, organised annually by the Auditing Special Interest Group (ASIG) of the British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA), will be held at the Said Business School, University of Oxford, in central Oxford, on May 5-6, 2016.
The conference is sponsored by ICAEW and ICAS. The conference organisation is also supported by Aston University Business School.
The conference offers a unique mix of distinguished expert speakers in the areas of auditing and assurance (incl. audit education) and it provides highlights of the latest unpublished academic research on auditing and assurance. The conference also addresses critical auditing issues arising from the recent discussions and developments by various regulatory bodies.
Please consider submitting a paper or attending the conference (especially if you are planning to attend the European Accounting Association conference in Maastricht that is held on 11-13 May 2016).
For more details about the call for papers, please access the following website: http://static.aston.ac.uk/asig/firtspage.html