The Section shall serve the following purposes:
- To encourage, support, and promote interest in all aspects of international accounting through the American Accounting Association, both in the United States and throughout the rest of the world;
- To provide means of communication among AAA members, other academicians, and professional accountants interested in international accounting through:
- Regional and national Section meetings (held concurrently with meetings of the AAA or other organizations) as well as international meetings;
- An annual Section Midyear Conference;
- Publication of a newsletter (International Accounting Forum);
- Preparation of publications relevant to international accounting, particularly the Section journal (Journal of International Accounting Research);
- Collection and dissemination of information about international accounting courses taught throughout the world;
- Publication of a Section membership list (with indication of special interest areas); and
- Support of international liaison activities conducted by the AAA administrative office or other AAA committees, and the encouragement of international faculty exchanges;
- To encourage international accounting research by Section members and to provide a forum for exchange of research findings through:
- Appropriate programs at annual Section Meetings and Regional Meetings;
- Assisting AAA research committees and providing advisory groups for international accounting projects; and
- Monitoring of important international accounting events and foreign research;
- To facilitate, as far as feasible, special research, teaching, or information needs of Section members as they arise-
Officer Archives
Journal Editor (Journal of International Accounting Research) Joanna L. Ho University of California, Irvine Phone:(949)824-4041 Email: jlho@uci.edu | AAACommons Editorial Board Members Helen Kang University of New South Wales Phone: 61 2 9385 5824 Email:helen.kang@unsw.edu.au |
Committee Chairpersons
Advisory Board Chair Helen Kang University of New South Wales Phone: 61 2 9385 5824 Email:helen.kang@unsw.edu.au | Annual Program Co-Chair Minna Yu Monmouth University Phone: 732-263-5543 Email: miyu@monmouth.edu |
Annual Program Co-Chair Siva Nathan Georgia State University Phone: 404-413-7225 Email: snathan@gsu.edu | CPE Committee Co-Chair Eva Jermakowicz Tennesse State University Phone: 615-963-7052 Email: ejermakowicz@tnstate.edu |
Membership Committee Chair Helen Kang University of New South Wales Phone: 61 2 9385 5824 Email: helen.kang@unsw.edu.au | JIAR Conference Chair Agnes Cheng Hong Kong Polytechnic University Phone: +88227667772 Email: afagnes@polyu.edu.hk |
2018 Midyear Conference Co-Chair Stephani Mason DePaul University Ph: 718-772-1745 Email: smason18@depaul.edu | 2018 Midyear Conference Co-Chair Gia Chevis Baylor University Phone: (254) 710-1328 Email: Gia_Chevis@baylor.edu |
Midyear Conference Doctoral Consortium Betsy Gordon Temple University office: (215) 204.6422 email: egordon@temple.edu
| Nominations Committee Chair Giorgio Gotti University of Texas at El Paso Phone: 915-747-7762 Email: ggotti@utep.edu |
Outstanding Dissertation Award Committee Tony Kang University of Nebraska Phone: 402-472-4506 Email: tkang2@unl.edu | Outstanding Educator Award Committee Grace Pownall Emory University Phone: 404-727-0775 Email: grace.pownall@emory.edu |
Outstanding Section Service Award Committee Chair Teresa Conover University of South Florida – St Petersburg Phone: (727) 873-4085 Email: tconover@mail.usf.edu | 2018 Mid-Year Conference Doctoral Consortium Coordinator Betsy Gordon Temple University Ph: 215-470-8915 Email: egordon@temple.edu
Practice Issues Committee Co-Chair Susan Hughes University of Vermont Ph: (802) 656-0504 Email: shughes@uvm.edu | Practice Issues Committee Co-Chair Paul Munter KPMG LLP Phone: (212) 909-5567 Email: pmunter@kpmg.com |
Publications Committee Chair Agnes Cheng Hong Kong Polytechnic University Phone: +88227667772 Email: afagnes@polyu.edu.hk | Research Committee Chair Gerlando Lima University of Illinois Phone: (217)300-6235 Email: gerlando@illinois.edu |
Strategic Planning Committee Wolfgang Schultze University of Augsburg Phone: 498215984130 Email: wolfgang.schultze@wiwi.uni-augsburg.de | Section Historian Robert Larson University of Dayton Phone: 937-229-2497 Email: rlarson1@udayton.edu |
PhD Student Travel Grant Committee Chair Tami Dinh University of St. Gallen Phone: +41 (0)71 224 74 24 Email: tami.dinh@unisg.ch | |
Regional Coordinators
Regional Coordinator Chair Gary Braun California State University- Chico Phone: 530-898-6289 Email: gbraun@csuchico.edu | Midwest Region Regional Coordinator Chair Mark Myring Ball State University Phone: 765-285-5100 Email: mmyring@bsu.edu |
Mid-Atlantic Region Minna Yu Monmouth University Phone: 732-263-5543 Email: miyu@monmouth.edu | Ohio Region Mark Holtzblatt Cleveland State University Phone: 224-392-7030 Email: m.holtzblatt@csuohio.edu |
Northeast Region Norbert Tschakert Salem State University Phone: 619-200-9852 Email: ntschakert@salemstate.edu | Southwest Region Co-Coordinator Kean Wu University of Houston-Clear Lake Phone: 281-283-3108 Email: wukean@uhcl.edu |
Southeast Region Murphy Smith Murray State University Phone: 270-809-4297 Email: Msmith93@murraystate.edu | Western Region Gary Braun California State University - Chico Email: gbraun@csuchico.edu |
International Coordinators
International Relations Ajay Adhikari American University Phone: (202) 885-1993 Email: aadhika@american.edu |