
The objective of this Section is to give greater attention to financial accounting and reporting, and to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of education, research, and professional practice by: (1) disseminating and evaluating teaching methods and materials; (2) encouraging, facilitating, and publicizing research interests and projects; and (3) creating opportunities for interchange and cooperation between academics and practitioners.


AAA Commons Editorial Board

Webmaster, AAA Commons Editorial Board Member, On-line Outreach
Richard A Price
University of Oklahoma


Journal of Financial Reporting
Richard A Lambert
University of Pennsylvania

The Journal of Financial Reporting
Robert J Bloomfield
Cornell University


Webmaster/AAA Commons Editorial Board Member
Bryan Brockbank
Oklahoma State University


Officer Archives

Journal of Financial Reporting Editors

Anne Beatty
Ohio State University
Phone: 614-292-5418
Email: beatty.86@osu.edu

Rick Lambert
University of Pennsylvania
Phone: (215) 898-7782
Email: lambertr@wharton.upenn.edu

Rob Bloomfield
Cornell University
Phone: (607) 255-9407
Email: rjb9@cornell.edu



On-line Outreach

Webmaster, AAACommons 
Editorial Board Member

Richard A. Price
University of Oklahoma
Phone: 405-325-5759
Email: richard.price@ou.edu



Committee Chairpersons

Jen Winchel
University of Virginia
Phone: (434) 924-3668
Email: jennifer.winchel@virginia.edu

Best Paper Award
Gwen Yu
University of Michigan
Phone:(737) 763-5934
Email: gwyu@umich.edu

Best Dissertation Award
Dawn Matsumoto
University of Washington
Phone: (206) 543-4454
Email: damatsu@uw.edu

Lifetime Achievement Award & PhD Mentoring Award
Sarah McVay
University of Washington
Phone: (206) 616-2196
Email: smcvay@uw.edu

Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award
Steve Moehrle
University of Missouri- St. Louis
Phone: (314) 516-6142
Email: moehrle@umsl.edu

Best Mid-Year Meeting Paper
Michael Kimbrough
University of Maryland- College Park
Phone: (301) 405- 8522
Email: mkimbrough@rhsmith.umd.edu

Midyear Meeting Program Coordinator
Mark Bradshaw
Boston College
Phone: (617)552-3831
Email:  mark.bradshaw@bc.edu

Midyear Meeting Planning Coordinator
Christine Petrovits
College of William & Mary
Phone:(757) 221-7434
Email: christine.petrovits@mason.wm.edu

Midyear Meeting Planning Coordinators Elect
Marlene Plumlee
University of Utah
Phone: (801) 581-3397
Email: marlene.plumlee@utah.edu


Mary Ellen Carter
Boston College
Phone:(617) 552-2144
Email: maryellen.carter.1@bc.edu


Midyear Meeting- Scholarships
Victoria Dickinson
The University of Mississippi
Phone: (662)915-5448
Email: vdickins@olemiss.edu


Midyear Meeting - Research Sessions 
Alastair Lawrence
University of California-Berkeley
Phone:(510) 643-1408
Email: lawrence@haas.berkeley.edu


Midyear Meeting - Research Sessions - Elect
Rick Mergenthaler
University of Arizona
Phone: (520) 621-2929
Email: rmergenthaler@email.arizona.edu

Financial Reporting Policy Committee (FRPC)
Teri Lombardi Yohn
Indiana University
Phone: (812) 835-0430
Email: tyohn@indiana.edu

National Meeting Co-Coordinator 
George Serafeim
Harvard University Business School
Phone: (617) 495-6548
Email: gserafeim@hbs.edu

National Meeting Co-Coordinator  
Lian Fen Lee
Boston College
Phone:(617) 552-3780
Email: lianfen.lee@bc.edu

National Meeting Co-Coordinators- Elect 
Marcus Kirk
University of Florida
Phone: (352) 273-0222
Email: marcuskirk@ufl.edu


National Meeting Co-Coordinators- Elect
Rebecca Files
University of Texas at Dallas
Phone: (972) 883-5818
Email: rfiles@utdallas.edu


Regional Coordinators

Hanna Lee
University of Maryland
Phone: (301) 405-2229
Email: hannalee1@gmail.com

Zach Kaplan
Washington Univeristy
Phone: (314) 935-8865
Email: zrkaplan@wustl.edu

Emily Xu
University of New Hampshire
Phone: (603) 862-3318
Email: emily.xu@unh.edu

Yan Zhang
New Mexico State University
Phone: (575) 646-7443
Email: yz@nmsu.edu

Bob Resutek
University of Georgia
Phone: (706) 542-3617
Email: rresutek@uga.edu

Phillipp Schaberl
University of Denver
Phone:(513) 307-5879
Email: philipp.schaberl@du.edu

Matthew Wieland
Miami University
Phone: (513) 529-3915
Email: wielanmm@miamioh.edu



Publications Committee

David Veenman
University of Amsterdam

Darren Roulstone
The Ohio State University

Patrick Hopkins 
Indiana University - Bloomington

Jennifer Wu Tucker
University of Florida

Anne Beyer
Stanford University

Cathy Schrand
University of Pennsylvania


Steering Board (At-Large Members)

Brad Badertscher 
University of Notre Dame

Linda Myers 
University of Arkansas-Fayetteville

Ed Owens
Emory University

Eddie Reidl
Boston University

Nick Seybert
University of Maryland-College Park

Jake Thornock
Brigham Young University

Sarah Zechman
University of Colorado- Boulder

Frank Zhang
Yale University


FRPC Members 2017-18


Teri Lombardi Yohn, Indiana University- Bloomington


Clare Wang, Northwestern University


Jayanthi Sunder, The University of Arizona


Brian White. The University of Texas- Austin


Holly Skaife, University of California- Davis


Jeff Burks, University of Notre Dame


John Campbell, The University of Georgia


Ken Merkley, Cornell University


Mahendra Gujarathi, Bentley University