AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education

Previous Winners

Grant Thornton LogoThank you to Grant Thornton for generously supporting the AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Award for Innovation in Accounting Education!

The AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education Committee is currently accepting nominations for the 2015 AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education.

Up to five (5) AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education will be awarded to third or fourth year PhD students conducting innovative research in any area of accounting using the criteria described below.

Award Criteria

Selection criteria include:

  • The student's research must clearly demonstrate a substantial degree of innovation relative to the current state of research.
  • The student shall be a member of the American Accounting Association at the time an application is submitted, have the intention of taking an academic job when the research is complete, and currently be in residence at their doctoral granting institution.
  • The candidate shall have passed their proposal defense at the time that the award is granted.

Award Presentation

  • Each winner will receive $5,000 to be presented at the AAA Annual Meeting.
  • The winners will be publicized in a full-page ad in the September issue of The Accounting Review for that given year.

Instructions for Submitting Nominations

  • Nominations are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 31.
  • Each nomination must include:
    • A letter from the doctoral student's advisor, which states the basis for the innovation inherent in granting the award.
    • A statement from the student describing the research's purpose along with a summary of the current status of the dissertation work.
  • Please attach the nomination and materials to an e-mail and send to Stephanie Glaser, AAA Awards Coordinator, at with "2015 AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education Award" in the subject line of your email.
  • Upon receipt of your nomination you will receive an acknowledgment message from the AAA Awards Coordinator.

AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education

Previous Winners

Grant Thornton LogoThank you to Grant Thornton for generously supporting the AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Award for Innovation in Accounting Education!

The AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education Committee is currently accepting nominations for the 2015 AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education.

Up to five (5) AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education will be awarded to third or fourth year PhD students conducting innovative research in any area of accounting using the criteria described below.

Award Criteria

Selection criteria include:

  • The student's research must clearly demonstrate a substantial degree of innovation relative to the current state of research.
  • The student shall be a member of the American Accounting Association at the time an application is submitted, have the intention of taking an academic job when the research is complete, and currently be in residence at their doctoral granting institution.
  • The candidate shall have passed their proposal defense at the time that the award is granted.

Award Presentation

  • Each winner will receive $5,000 to be presented at the AAA Annual Meeting.
  • The winners will be publicized in a full-page ad in the September issue of The Accounting Review for that given year.

Instructions for Submitting Nominations

  • Nominations are due by 11:59 pm Eastern Time on January 31.
  • Each nomination must include:
    • A letter from the doctoral student's advisor, which states the basis for the innovation inherent in granting the award.
    • A statement from the student describing the research's purpose along with a summary of the current status of the dissertation work.
  • Please attach the nomination and materials to an e-mail and send to Stephanie Glaser, AAA Awards Coordinator, at with "2015 AAA/Grant Thornton Doctoral Dissertation Awards for Innovation in Accounting Education Award" in the subject line of your email.
  • Upon receipt of your nomination you will receive an acknowledgment message from the AAA Awards Coordinator.