Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award

Previous Winners

The Research Committee is currently accepting nominations for the Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award.

Award Intent

  • The Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award is intended to recognize works that have stood the test of time and have contributed in a fundamental way to later research. Seminal is defined as "having the character of an originative power, principle or source; containing or contribution to the seed of later development."

Award Criteria

  • Eligible works must have been published at least 15 years prior to the year in which the award is bestowed.
  • The award is given no more frequently than once every three years and no more than one work is honored in any given year.
  • The next time the award may be presented will be in 2016.
  • Nominations for the next Seminal Contribution to Accounting Literature Award may be made in the fall of 2015.

Award Presentation

  • The name of the award winner will be announced in Accounting Education News and the winner will be recognized and presented with a citation at the AAA Annual Meeting.

Instructions for Submitting Nominations

  • Nominations for the Seminal Contribution to Accounting Literature Award may be made by any member of the Association.
  • Each nomination must be accompanied by a brief supporting statement summarizing the reasons why the nominated work constitutes a seminal contribution in the view of the nominator.
  • Nominations should be sent to the AAA Vice President-Research and Publications.
  • The Vice President-Research and Publications collects nominations until 11:59 pm on January 31st in years in which they are solicited and involves the Research Advisory Committee to screen them.
  • Further, the Committee will consider works worthy of the Award and add them to other nominations considered.
  • With the counsel of the Research Advisory Committee, the Vice President-Research and Publications will recommend a candidate for the Award, when appropriate, with the final decision made at the Spring Board of Directors meeting.
  • If other committees receive nominations for the Seminal Contributions to Accounting Literature Award, they are requested to forward them to the Vice President-Research and Publications. The chairs of all committees that deal with AAA awards will be informed about this process.
  • The Vice President-Research and Publications and the Research Advisory Committee take into consideration that the Award is not given too frequently to avoid diluting its original purpose.
  • Nominations for the award should be submitted to the Vice President–Research and Publications, Steven J. Kachelmeier by 11:59 pm on January 31st, 2016, either by email or regular mail to:

Steven J. Kachelmeier
Vice President–Research and Publications
University of Texas-Austin
Dept of Accounting/CBA 4M.202,
1 University Station B6400
Austin, TX 78712-0803
