
Carry out all necessary activities to precede the Association's annual election. Specifically:

  • Nominate candidates for elective offices of the Association
  • Select a list of nominees to the applicable AAA offices for election by the membership in Spring 2017
  • Carry out other duties specified in the Bylaws and Policy and Procedures Manual


  • The Nominations Committee shall consist of the two most recent Past Presidents willing and able to serve and five members elected by the Council.
  • The five elected members cannot be current members of either the Council or the Board of Directors.
  • The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the most senior, in service, of the Past Presidents serving.
  • Members of the Nominations Committee are not eligible for nomination.
  • Rank-and-file may nominate persons to the Nominations Committee.


  • The Committee's work begins in June for discussion in anticipation of the opening of the Call For Nominations and the Committee's meeting in the Fall.
  • Two to three conference calls will be held between June and November.
  • The Committee meets in person once a year in late October or early November prior to the Fall Council Meeting (Saturday, November 5, 2016).
  • The 2016-2017 Committee will meet on Sunday, October 23, 2016.


  • AAA Professional Staff assists the AAA Nominations Committee Chair with coordination of the committee meeting, scheduling, and location.
  • AAA Professional Staff ensures that a Call For Nominations will be included in mass emails to AAA members and on the AAA website.
  • Prior to the meeting of the committee, members of the AAA Nominations Committee should become knowledgeable about the current strategic planning efforts of the Board of Directors and the defined roles of each position in the selection of the slate of nominees.
  • AAA Professional Staff contacts all nominees to reaffirm their willingness to be nominated and to serve if elected.
  • Committee will share Vision Statement and the strategic planning documents outlining current initiatives with potential nominees and ascertain that candidates are comfortable leading and supporting the strategic planning process of the Association if elected to serve.
  • In the event that there are candidates for positions to be chosen by the Nominations Committee who are also candidates for positions to be chosen by Council, the AAA Nominations Committee Chair will coordinate with the Chair of the Council Ballot Committee.
  • The AAA Nominations Committee will review all nominations, identifying the perceived strengths and weaknesses of each.
  • The slate shall include at least two names for each position.
  • Once voting is complete, the AAA Nominations Committee Chair contacts those nominated to make them aware of their nomination and to confirm their ability and willingness to accept the position if elected. In the case that an individual is unable or unwilling to be a nominee or accept the position if elected, the committee will move to the highest ranked alternate.
  • The AAA Nominations Committee Chair will notify the Executive Director of the slate of nominees as soon as it is confirmed.
  • The Slate of Officers announcement must be published/distributed approximately ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the election. This will include details of the provision for additions to the slate of nominees by petition.
  • Additional nominations may be made by a petition signed by not less than one hundred (100) members of the Association submitted to the Executive Director at least forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of the election.
  • The membership of the Association shall be notified prior to the election of the nominations made by petition.
  • Election shall take place by mail, facsimile, or electronic vote of the members.
  • The AAA website and a future issue of Accounting Education News will contain a short bio and photo of each nominee, including any nominated by petition.  No other "campaign" efforts are permitted.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee's Board of Directors Liaison.
  • The AAA Nominations Committee Chair will send a final report to the Board of Directors no later than June. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the committee's Board of Director Liaison, and Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (

Positions up for nomination during 2016-2017

  • President-Elect - Serves a three-year term: President-Elect during 2017-2018, as President during 2018-2019, and as Past President during 2019-2020. 

  • Vice President-Education - Serves a three-year term: 2017-2020. 

  • Vice President-Finance-Elect - 

    Serves a three-year term: Vice President-Finance-Elect during 2017–2018 and Vice President-Finance during 2018–2020. 

  • Director - Focusing on Membership - Serves a three-year term: 2017-2020. 

  • Director - Focusing on International - Serves a three-year term: 2017-2020. 


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

Mary Barth
Stanford University
Past President



Bruce Behn 
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Immediate Past President



Mark Higgins

Saint Louis University



Sarah McVay

University of Washington-Seattle



Karen Pincus

University of Arkansas-Fayetteville



Scott Showalter

North Carolina State University



Jim Young
Northern Illinois University

 1  08/2017

Tracey Sutherland
American Accounting Association
Executive Director




Board of Directors Liaison
Bruce Behn 
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Immediate Past President




Carry out all necessary activities to precede the Association's annual election. Specifically:

  • Nominate candidates for elective offices of the Association
  • Select a list of nominees to the applicable AAA offices for election by the membership in Spring 2017
  • Carry out other duties specified in the Bylaws and Policy and Procedures Manual


  • The Nominations Committee shall consist of the two most recent Past Presidents willing and able to serve and five members elected by the Council.
  • The five elected members cannot be current members of either the Council or the Board of Directors.
  • The Nominations Committee shall be chaired by the most senior, in service, of the Past Presidents serving.
  • Members of the Nominations Committee are not eligible for nomination.
  • Rank-and-file may nominate persons to the Nominations Committee.


  • The Committee's work begins in June for discussion in anticipation of the opening of the Call For Nominations and the Committee's meeting in the Fall.
  • Two to three conference calls will be held between June and November.
  • The Committee meets in person once a year in late October or early November prior to the Fall Council Meeting (Saturday, November 5, 2016).
  • The 2016-2017 Committee will meet on Sunday, October 23, 2016.


  • AAA Professional Staff assists the AAA Nominations Committee Chair with coordination of the committee meeting, scheduling, and location.
  • AAA Professional Staff ensures that a Call For Nominations will be included in mass emails to AAA members and on the AAA website.
  • Prior to the meeting of the committee, members of the AAA Nominations Committee should become knowledgeable about the current strategic planning efforts of the Board of Directors and the defined roles of each position in the selection of the slate of nominees.
  • AAA Professional Staff contacts all nominees to reaffirm their willingness to be nominated and to serve if elected.
  • Committee will share Vision Statement and the strategic planning documents outlining current initiatives with potential nominees and ascertain that candidates are comfortable leading and supporting the strategic planning process of the Association if elected to serve.
  • In the event that there are candidates for positions to be chosen by the Nominations Committee who are also candidates for positions to be chosen by Council, the AAA Nominations Committee Chair will coordinate with the Chair of the Council Ballot Committee.
  • The AAA Nominations Committee will review all nominations, identifying the perceived strengths and weaknesses of each.
  • The slate shall include at least two names for each position.
  • Once voting is complete, the AAA Nominations Committee Chair contacts those nominated to make them aware of their nomination and to confirm their ability and willingness to accept the position if elected. In the case that an individual is unable or unwilling to be a nominee or accept the position if elected, the committee will move to the highest ranked alternate.
  • The AAA Nominations Committee Chair will notify the Executive Director of the slate of nominees as soon as it is confirmed.
  • The Slate of Officers announcement must be published/distributed approximately ninety (90) days prior to the beginning of the election. This will include details of the provision for additions to the slate of nominees by petition.
  • Additional nominations may be made by a petition signed by not less than one hundred (100) members of the Association submitted to the Executive Director at least forty-five (45) days prior to the beginning of the election.
  • The membership of the Association shall be notified prior to the election of the nominations made by petition.
  • Election shall take place by mail, facsimile, or electronic vote of the members.
  • The AAA website and a future issue of Accounting Education News will contain a short bio and photo of each nominee, including any nominated by petition.  No other "campaign" efforts are permitted.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee's Board of Directors Liaison.
  • The AAA Nominations Committee Chair will send a final report to the Board of Directors no later than June. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the committee's Board of Director Liaison, and Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (

Positions up for nomination during 2016-2017

  • President-Elect - Serves a three-year term: President-Elect during 2017-2018, as President during 2018-2019, and as Past President during 2019-2020. 

  • Vice President-Education - Serves a three-year term: 2017-2020. 

  • Vice President-Finance-Elect - 

    Serves a three-year term: Vice President-Finance-Elect during 2017–2018 and Vice President-Finance during 2018–2020. 

  • Director - Focusing on Membership - Serves a three-year term: 2017-2020. 

  • Director - Focusing on International - Serves a three-year term: 2017-2020. 


Name / Affiliation


Term Length

Term Expires

Mary Barth
Stanford University
Past President



Bruce Behn 
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Immediate Past President



Mark Higgins

Saint Louis University



Sarah McVay

University of Washington-Seattle



Karen Pincus

University of Arkansas-Fayetteville



Scott Showalter

North Carolina State University



Jim Young
Northern Illinois University

 1  08/2017

Tracey Sutherland
American Accounting Association
Executive Director




Board of Directors Liaison
Bruce Behn 
University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Immediate Past President