The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the Association's financial condition and financial strategy and for assisting in achieving the Strategic Plan as directed by the Bylaws.
- The Finance Committee shall consist of nine members, including the Chair, with staggered three year terms.
- The Vice President-Finance Chairs the Finance Committee.
- The Association's President, President-Elect, and Past President serve on the Finance Committee.
- The Vice President-Finance-Elect (in years when there is an elect position) serves on the Finance Committee.
- In 2019-2020, the incoming President-elect will appoint the Vice President-Finance-Elect to serve on this Committee.
- The Finance Committee meets at the Annual Meeting and in the winter (generally February) to review the financial condition of the Association, to discuss important related issues, and to approve the Association's budget.
- Other meetings of the Committee or its sub-committees or task forces may be scheduled in person or by teleconference at the discretion of the Chair.
- A quorum shall consist of six (6) members.
- To provide a communication link with Council, the Council Chair, Council Past Chair, and Council Chair-Elect are invited to attend the meetings.
- The Committee approves the budget for the following fiscal year as well as any proposed revisions to the current year's budget for recommendation to the Board.
- The Committee oversees and assists with planning the Association's financial strategies.
- The Committee monitors the investment of Association funds in accordance with established policies and procedures.
- The Committee periodically reviews Association revenues and expenditures and recommends changes, as appropriate.
- The Committee undertakes special initiatives related to Association financial goals and strategies requested by the President or the Board.
- The Committee reviews Association membership dues amounts annually, and recommends for Board consideration dues increases or alterations of the dues structure.
- The Committee Reviews Association Annual Meeting fees annually and recommends changes to the Board.
Other Matters
- The Chair will have the opportunity three times every term-year to prepare and submit a progress report to the Board for review. This report should summarize the Committee’s work and include any suggested changes/modifications related to the Committee’s charge. This report is to be sent to the AAA President, and the Association’s Governance Manager, Barbara Gutierrez (
- If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Executive Director, the President, or the committee’s Board of Directors Liaison.
- Barbara Gutierrez, ( Governance Manager, assists with providing logistical support for committee and task force meetings and conference calls.