2022-2023 Competitive Manuscript Award Selection Committee

Nominations Deadline: January 31 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time


Carry out all activities to necessary to select recipients of the Competitive Manuscript Award which is presented at the AAA Annual Meeting. Specifically:

  • Actively seek and submit nominations to the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee
  • Review and evaluate nominations from those manuscripts identified by the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee.
  • Select the recipient(s) of the award based on award criteria
  • The Chair of the Screening Committee also serves as the Chair of the Competitive Manuscript Award Selection Committee. The Selection Committee is comprised of the current Senior Editor of The Accounting Review who serves as an ex-officio member and a subset of editors from The Accounting Review chosen by the current Senior Editor of The Accounting Review.
  • All conflict-of-interest rules applicable to The Accounting Review also apply to both the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening and Competitive Manuscript Award Selection Committee members. Conflicts are managed at the discretion of the Chair (either by replacing the committee member or recusing the committee member from voting on the paper for which they have a conflict).
  • Authors of submitted papers that are not selected for the award may res-submit their paper in subsequent years if all other criteria are met.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, they should contact the Chief Executive Officer, the President, or the Committee's Board of Directors Liaison.


Name / Affiliation Contact Term Length Term Expires

Feng Chen
University of Toronto





Shane Dikolli
University of Virginia
Editor, The Accounting Review




Joseph Gerakos
Dartmouth University
Editor, The Accounting Review




Robert Knechel
University of Florida
Senior Editor, The Accounting Review
Ex-Officio Member




Bill Mayew
Duke University
Editor, The Accounting Review




David Veenman 
University of Amsterdam
Editor, The Accounting Review

dveenman@uva.nl 1 08/2023
Board of Directors Liaison

Sarah McVay
University of Washington
Vice President–Research & Publications




Estimated Time Commitment

  • September 1 – January 31 – Actively seek and submit nominations
    • Approx. 3 hours 
  • March – April 15 – review nominations, participate on virtual calls and email discussions at the discretion of the Chair, and select up to three award recipient(s)
    • Approx. 5 hours reviewing nominations; varies based on number of nominations 
  • By April 15 – Chair notifies the Professional Staff Liaison of the recipient(s)
    • Approx. 1 hour
  • August – Chair presents the award(s) at the AAA Annual Meeting
    • Preparation for presentation could take approximately 1–4 hours 

Roles & Responsibilities Timeline

Chair and Committee Members Responsibilities

September - January 31 March - April 15 June August
  • Actively seek and submit nominations
  • Review nominations identified by the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee, participate on virtual calls and email discussions, at the discretion of the Chair
  • Chair is allowed to vote in the award committee's deliberations.
  • Select up to three award recipients based on award criteria
  • Chair notifies the Professional Staff Liaison of the recipient(s) by April 15th at barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org 
  • The Chair must submit at least one report per year to the Board of Directors. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the Committee's Board of Directors Liaison, and Professional Staff Liaison, Barbara Gutierrez. (barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org)
  • Chair presents the award(s) at the AAA Annual Meeting

AAA Professional Staff Responsibilities

Committee Composition/Required Knowledge and Expertise

  • The Chair of the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee is the Chair of the committee.
  • Five other committee members will be selected from a subset of editors from The Accounting Review by the current Senior Editor of The Accounting Review, based in part on the topic areas of the finalist papers and with an eye toward the general guidelines for the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee.

2022-2023 Competitive Manuscript Award Selection Committee

Nominations Deadline: January 31 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time


Carry out all activities to necessary to select recipients of the Competitive Manuscript Award which is presented at the AAA Annual Meeting. Specifically:

  • Actively seek and submit nominations to the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee
  • Review and evaluate nominations from those manuscripts identified by the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee.
  • Select the recipient(s) of the award based on award criteria
  • The Chair of the Screening Committee also serves as the Chair of the Competitive Manuscript Award Selection Committee. The Selection Committee is comprised of the current Senior Editor of The Accounting Review who serves as an ex-officio member and a subset of editors from The Accounting Review chosen by the current Senior Editor of The Accounting Review.
  • All conflict-of-interest rules applicable to The Accounting Review also apply to both the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening and Competitive Manuscript Award Selection Committee members. Conflicts are managed at the discretion of the Chair (either by replacing the committee member or recusing the committee member from voting on the paper for which they have a conflict).
  • Authors of submitted papers that are not selected for the award may res-submit their paper in subsequent years if all other criteria are met.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, they should contact the Chief Executive Officer, the President, or the Committee's Board of Directors Liaison.


Name / Affiliation Contact Term Length Term Expires

Feng Chen
University of Toronto





Shane Dikolli
University of Virginia
Editor, The Accounting Review




Joseph Gerakos
Dartmouth University
Editor, The Accounting Review




Robert Knechel
University of Florida
Senior Editor, The Accounting Review
Ex-Officio Member




Bill Mayew
Duke University
Editor, The Accounting Review




David Veenman 
University of Amsterdam
Editor, The Accounting Review

dveenman@uva.nl 1 08/2023
Board of Directors Liaison

Sarah McVay
University of Washington
Vice President–Research & Publications




Estimated Time Commitment

  • September 1 – January 31 – Actively seek and submit nominations
    • Approx. 3 hours 
  • March – April 15 – review nominations, participate on virtual calls and email discussions at the discretion of the Chair, and select up to three award recipient(s)
    • Approx. 5 hours reviewing nominations; varies based on number of nominations 
  • By April 15 – Chair notifies the Professional Staff Liaison of the recipient(s)
    • Approx. 1 hour
  • August – Chair presents the award(s) at the AAA Annual Meeting
    • Preparation for presentation could take approximately 1–4 hours 

Roles & Responsibilities Timeline

Chair and Committee Members Responsibilities

September - January 31 March - April 15 June August
  • Actively seek and submit nominations
  • Review nominations identified by the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee, participate on virtual calls and email discussions, at the discretion of the Chair
  • Chair is allowed to vote in the award committee's deliberations.
  • Select up to three award recipients based on award criteria
  • Chair notifies the Professional Staff Liaison of the recipient(s) by April 15th at barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org 
  • The Chair must submit at least one report per year to the Board of Directors. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the Committee's Board of Directors Liaison, and Professional Staff Liaison, Barbara Gutierrez. (barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org)
  • Chair presents the award(s) at the AAA Annual Meeting

AAA Professional Staff Responsibilities

Committee Composition/Required Knowledge and Expertise

  • The Chair of the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee is the Chair of the committee.
  • Five other committee members will be selected from a subset of editors from The Accounting Review by the current Senior Editor of The Accounting Review, based in part on the topic areas of the finalist papers and with an eye toward the general guidelines for the Competitive Manuscript Award Screening Committee.