2024-2025 AAA-AICPA-Bea Sanders EDGE in Teaching Award Committee

Thank you to the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants for generously supporting this award!


Nominations Deadline: January 31 at 11:59 pm Eastern Time

To volunteer for this committee, please click HERE.


Carry out all activities to select recipients of the AAA-AICPA-Bea Sanders EDGE in Teaching Award which is presented at the AAA Annual Meeting. Specifically:

  • Actively seek and submit nominations.
  • Chair holds a short meeting before nominations are read/considered by the committee to discuss the criteria and how the process will work; perhaps include discussion of use of ratings, rankings and inherent tradeoffs across the criteria.
  • Review and evaluate nominations and select award recipient(s) based on the award criteria.
  • The Board of Directors Liaison may attend committee meetings but may not vote in the committee's deliberations.
  • The Chair writes a thank you email to the award sponsor representative for their support of the award.
  • The Chair must submit at least one report per year to the Board of Directors. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the Committee's Board of Directors Liaison, and Professional Staff Liaison, Barbara Gutierrez at barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org.
  • The Chair and award sponsor representative present the award(s) at the AAA Annual Meeting.
  • Recipients of the award are invited to present their innovation during a joint session with the recipients of the AAA-AICPA-Bea Sanders EDGE in Teaching Award and the Mark Chain/Deloitte Innovation In Graduate Teaching Award at the AAA Annual Meeting.
  • If the Chair has any questions about the charge or responsibilities of this committee, s/he should contact the Chief Executive Officer, the President, or the Committee's Board of Directors Liaison.

Committee Composition/Required Knowledge and Expertise/Conflict of Interest Rules

  • Committee members are appointed annually prior to the Annual Meeting by the Council Committee on Awards Committee.
  • The Committee consists of five members, including a voting Chair.
  • Beginning in 2025-2026, for continuity, two AAA-Bea Sanders-AICPA EDGE in Teaching Award Committee members (one as chair and one as a member) should serve consecutive years.
  • Care should be taken that the Committee include members with knowledge about unique approaches and innovations.
  • Current Committee members who are nominated for the award will be asked to either recuse themselves from the Committee or remove their nomination from consideration.



Name / Affiliation Contact Term Length Term Expires

Lorraine Lee
University of North Carolina-Wilmington





Kelley Ellis
Drake University




Mark Kohlbeck
Florida Atlantic University-Boca




Jason Matthews
University of Georgia




Qiuhong Zhao
Texas A&M- Corpus Christi




Board of Directors Liaison

Natalie T. Churyk
Northern Illinois University
Vice President–Education (2023-2026)





Committee Roles & Responsibilities Timeline

September - January 31 February - April 15 June August
  • Actively seek and submit nominations.
  • Review nominations, participate on virtual calls and email discussions, at the discretion of the Chair.
  • Chair is allowed to vote in the award committee's deliberations.
  • The Board of Directors Liaison may attend committee meetings but may not vote in the committee's deliberations.
  • Select award recipient(s) based on award criteria
  • Chair notifies the Professional Staff Liaison, Barbara Gutierrez, of the recipient(s) by April 15th at barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org.
  • Chair writes a thank you email note to the award sponsor representative for their support of the award.
  • By June 30, Chair must submit report to the Board of  Directors. This report should include accomplishments and suggested modifications and should be sent to the AAA President, the Committee's Board of Directors Liaison, and Professional Staff Liaison, Barbara Gutierrez at barbara.gutierrez@aaahq.org.
  • Chair and award sponsor representative present the award(s) at the AAA Annual Meeting.
  • Recipients of the award are invited to present their innovation during a joint session with the recipients of the AAA-Grant Thornton-George Krull EDGE in Teaching Award and the Mark Chain/Deloitte Innovation In Graduate Teaching Award at the AAA Annual Meeting.