The Board of Directors invites Members of the Association to nominate multiple qualified AAA Members and/or themselves as candidates for the 2017-2018 AAA Nominations Committee.

It is the responsibility of the AAA Nominations Committee to nominate and select candidates for the Board of Director officers and present a slate of qualified, acceptable candidates to the membership for a vote in Spring 2018.

Five nominees for the 2017-2018 AAA Nominations Committee will be voted on during the March 2017 Council Meeting and will serve for a one-year term beginning August 2017. The five elected members may not be current members of either the Council or the Board of Directors.

Key Leadership Roles and Responsibilities of the AAA Nominations Committee:

  • Nominate and select candidates for Board of Directors positions for election by the membership in Spring 2018.
  • Members of the Nominations Committee are not eligible for nomination to the Board of Directors during their term on the Nominations Committee.
  • The committee consists of the two most recent Past Presidents and five members elected by Council for a one-year term beginning August 2017.
  • The Committee meets in-person once a year in late October or early November; and holds 2-3 conference calls between June and November.

Resources related to the AAA Nominations Committee:

Nominations Deadline is Noon EST on Friday, March 3, 2017.

Instructions for Submitting Nominations

NEW THIS YEAR:  Nominations are being accepted using the new online Nomination Submission System.

1.  PLEASE NOTE: The online Nomination Submission System allows you to submit the Nominations Form only one time, so be sure to complete all of your nominees' data all at once.

If you need to add Nominees to your form or re-submit information, please contact Barbara Gutierrez at or 941-556-4117.

2.  The following information is required for each nominee: full name, affiliation, email, up to five reasons for nominating, and that they are willing to be nominated. 

3.  Prior to submitting nominees’ names, each nominee must have been contacted and agreed to be nominated and to serve if elected. Each nominee will be contacted by AAA Professional Staff in order to confirm their knowledge of their nomination, agreement to be nominated, and willingness to serve if elected.

4.  In order to access the Nomination Form, you must log into your Member Dashboard on the AAA Website using your AAA Username and Password and follow the steps below.
a.  Once you are logged in, you will see a heading called “Survey/Voting Name” and a list of open surveys.
b.  Click on the green “Call for Nominations for AAA Board of Directors” link to access the Nomination Form where you can complete all of your nominations.

NOTE: If you are already logged into the AAA website, click on your name in the top right-hand corner to access your Membership Dashboard.  Then click "View All" in the Surveys/Voting section.

5.  When you are ready to Nominate, please log in on the Member Dashboard

If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Gutierrez, Governance Manager, at or 941-556-4117.