Arthur Bevins Foye

Arthur FoyeThe son of Frank Melvin and Susan Bevins Foye was born June 20, 1893, in Brooklyn, New York. He attended Commercial High School in Brooklyn, graduating in 1909. He graduated magna cum laude from New York University in 1914. He was an instructor at the University from 1915 to 1918, when he resigned to join Haskins & Sells. He became a partner in 1923, the same year he was certified as a CPA (New York). During World War II he served as acting managing partner (1942-47) and as managing partner from 1947 until retirement in 1956. He continued a close association with the firm after retirement, serving as vice president (1956-76) of Haskins & Sells Foundation. He was instrumental in the researching and the writing of Haskins & Sells: Our First Seventy-Five Years (1970).

He was active in professional organizations, serving as president (1953-54) and vice president (1951-52) of the AICPA. He was a member of the AICPA's Council (1949-53), Executive Committee (1950-54; chairman 1954-56), Trial Board (1951-56, 1958-61, 1964-67), and chairman of its Committees on Publications (1953-54), Nominations (1954-55), and Membership Participation (1957-59). He also served as a member of the Project Advisory Committee for the AICPA's accounting research study on reporting foreign operations. He was president (1956-57), vice president (1955), and a director of the New York State Society of CPAs. He was chairman of its Committees on Commercial Arbitration (1949-50), Public Relations (1952), Investment of Society Funds (1958-60), and Awards (1957). He was a member of the AICPA committee and a contributing editor of the CPA Handbook published by the AICPA in 1953. In addition to the above, he held professional membership in AAA; NAA; Pennsylvania Institute of CPAS; and California, Louisiana, and New Jersey Societies of CPAs. From 1957 to 1962 he was president of the Eighth International Congress of Accountants which met in New York. He was awarded the AICPA's Gold Medal Award (1957), and a Distinguished Service Award by the New York State Society of CPAs.

He had a chief interest in international affairs, serving in post-World War II years as a member of four Committees of U. S. government foreign aid agencies--Public Advisory Committee, China Program of the Economic Cooperation Administration (1948-49); Advisory Committee on Underdeveloped Areas for the Mutual Security Agency (1951-53), and the Agency's Survey Group for Britain (1953); and member, Task Force on Overseas Economic Operations of the Hoover Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government (1954-56). He was a member of the United States National Commission for the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and in 1959 he was chairman of the Council's eighth annual conference held in Now York.

His association with civic organizations continued to have a dimension of international interest and purpose. He was vice chairman, International Economic Affairs Committees, National Association of Manufacturers; chairman, Executive Committee, International Board; and vice chairman, International Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association. He served as treasurer and a director of American Colony Charities. He also served as trustee, U. S. Council, International Chamber of Commerce; president, Far East-American Council of Commerce and Industry; and director, Asia Society. During World War II he was treasurer for the Relief of the Philippines. He was a founder of the African Affairs Society and the American Turkish Society. He also was chairman, International Committee, YMCA; and a member, Finance Committee, National Girl Scouts of America. He served as president and director of the YMCA, and a member of the Board of Education, both in Ridgewood, New Jersey.

He was active in the affairs of New York University, serving as a trustee from 1952 to 1964. He was president of the Men in Finance Club (1947-48), the School of Commerce Alumni Association (1949-51), and the General Alumni Federation (1952-54). He served as chairman of the University's Alumni Fund (1956-59), and he was instrumental in establishing the Albert Gallatin Associates of the University of which he was the first chairman (1957-61) and later honorary chairman. The University honored him with its Arch and Square Award (1951), Meritorious Service Medal (1952), Alumni Federation Certificate of Honor (1954), and Madden Memorial Award (1956).

He married Emma Graham on October 7, 1914; they had one child. In his leisure time he enjoyed an occasional game of golf, music and, in particular, opera. He died June 18, 1976 at the age of 82.

Arthur Bevins Foye

Arthur FoyeThe son of Frank Melvin and Susan Bevins Foye was born June 20, 1893, in Brooklyn, New York. He attended Commercial High School in Brooklyn, graduating in 1909. He graduated magna cum laude from New York University in 1914. He was an instructor at the University from 1915 to 1918, when he resigned to join Haskins & Sells. He became a partner in 1923, the same year he was certified as a CPA (New York). During World War II he served as acting managing partner (1942-47) and as managing partner from 1947 until retirement in 1956. He continued a close association with the firm after retirement, serving as vice president (1956-76) of Haskins & Sells Foundation. He was instrumental in the researching and the writing of Haskins & Sells: Our First Seventy-Five Years (1970).

He was active in professional organizations, serving as president (1953-54) and vice president (1951-52) of the AICPA. He was a member of the AICPA's Council (1949-53), Executive Committee (1950-54; chairman 1954-56), Trial Board (1951-56, 1958-61, 1964-67), and chairman of its Committees on Publications (1953-54), Nominations (1954-55), and Membership Participation (1957-59). He also served as a member of the Project Advisory Committee for the AICPA's accounting research study on reporting foreign operations. He was president (1956-57), vice president (1955), and a director of the New York State Society of CPAs. He was chairman of its Committees on Commercial Arbitration (1949-50), Public Relations (1952), Investment of Society Funds (1958-60), and Awards (1957). He was a member of the AICPA committee and a contributing editor of the CPA Handbook published by the AICPA in 1953. In addition to the above, he held professional membership in AAA; NAA; Pennsylvania Institute of CPAS; and California, Louisiana, and New Jersey Societies of CPAs. From 1957 to 1962 he was president of the Eighth International Congress of Accountants which met in New York. He was awarded the AICPA's Gold Medal Award (1957), and a Distinguished Service Award by the New York State Society of CPAs.

He had a chief interest in international affairs, serving in post-World War II years as a member of four Committees of U. S. government foreign aid agencies--Public Advisory Committee, China Program of the Economic Cooperation Administration (1948-49); Advisory Committee on Underdeveloped Areas for the Mutual Security Agency (1951-53), and the Agency's Survey Group for Britain (1953); and member, Task Force on Overseas Economic Operations of the Hoover Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of Government (1954-56). He was a member of the United States National Commission for the United Nations Economic and Social Council, and in 1959 he was chairman of the Council's eighth annual conference held in Now York.

His association with civic organizations continued to have a dimension of international interest and purpose. He was vice chairman, International Economic Affairs Committees, National Association of Manufacturers; chairman, Executive Committee, International Board; and vice chairman, International Committee of the Young Men's Christian Association. He served as treasurer and a director of American Colony Charities. He also served as trustee, U. S. Council, International Chamber of Commerce; president, Far East-American Council of Commerce and Industry; and director, Asia Society. During World War II he was treasurer for the Relief of the Philippines. He was a founder of the African Affairs Society and the American Turkish Society. He also was chairman, International Committee, YMCA; and a member, Finance Committee, National Girl Scouts of America. He served as president and director of the YMCA, and a member of the Board of Education, both in Ridgewood, New Jersey.

He was active in the affairs of New York University, serving as a trustee from 1952 to 1964. He was president of the Men in Finance Club (1947-48), the School of Commerce Alumni Association (1949-51), and the General Alumni Federation (1952-54). He served as chairman of the University's Alumni Fund (1956-59), and he was instrumental in establishing the Albert Gallatin Associates of the University of which he was the first chairman (1957-61) and later honorary chairman. The University honored him with its Arch and Square Award (1951), Meritorious Service Medal (1952), Alumni Federation Certificate of Honor (1954), and Madden Memorial Award (1956).

He married Emma Graham on October 7, 1914; they had one child. In his leisure time he enjoyed an occasional game of golf, music and, in particular, opera. He died June 18, 1976 at the age of 82.