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Learn more about Native American Heritage Month National Native American Heritage Month


This month, we celebrate National Native American Heritage month. Because Native Americans were in America long before other race/ethnicities, you might be surprised that we have only celebrated Native American Heritage month since 1990. For a quick review of how the Native American Heritage month was recognized, see this short video: The Origins of Native American Heritage Month | NowThis

Spotlight on Native American Heritage Month

Dr. William Rudolf Kinney, Jr.

Dr. William Rudolf Kinney, Jr.

Born August 13, 1942, Dr. Kinney is Professor Emeritus at the University of Texas Austin, renowned researcher and revered educator. In 2018, he was inducted into the Chickasaw Hall of Fame as a champion of diversity in scholarship for his outstanding contributions to the Chickasaw Nation (William R. Kinney, Jr. | Hall of Fame ( Dr. Kinney was inducted in the Accounting Hall of Fame in 2014.

Click Here to experience "a four-part PBS series that challenges everything we thought we knew about the Americas before and since contact with Europe… The series reveals some of the most advanced cultures in human history and the Native American people who created it and whose legacy continues, unbroken, to this day."

Academic Research and Literature

Native Americans in Higher Education: An Ecological Systems Perspective. Jillian Fish and Moin Syed. 2018 (Journal of College Student Development 59 (4): 387-403.)

Native Americans continue as the most underrepresented minority in higher education constituting less than one percent of students. The authors critique the historical perspective of assimilation through education that tends to result in a deficit perspective where the root of the problem lies with the individual. Building on research that demonstrates Native American college students’ success depends on their ability to sustain their cultural values and traditions at college, the authors develop a framework for how institutions of higher education can reconceptualize their approach to supporting Native American students with practical examples.

Dreaming In Indian: Contemporary American Voices

2014, Annick Press, By Lisa Charleyboy (Editor). A powerful and visually stunning anthology from some of the most groundbreaking Native artists working in North America today.

Enabling, enacting and maintaining action at a distance: An historical case study of the role of accounts in the reduction of the Navajo herds. Alistair M. Preston, 2006 (Accounting, Organizations and Society 31 (6): 559-578.)

The study examines how, in the 1930s, accounts created by agents in Washington, DC had disastrous consequences for the Navajo thousands of miles away in the Southwest. These accounts contended that the land was overgrazed, and were used to justify the killing of Navajo livestock despite contemporaneous starvation on the tribal lands. The paper provides an example of the dire human consequences that can result from purportedly neutral accounting techniques.

Reconciling conflict: The role of accounting in the American Indian Trust Fund debacle. Leslie S. Oakes and Joni J. Young, 2010 (Critical Perspectives on Accounting 21 (1): 63-75.)

In 1887, the US Congress split American Indian Tribal lands into allotments, controlled by trust funds. Over a century later, the funds were dogged by allegations of mismanagement and worse, and after a 10-year attempt to reconcile the funds, the Department of the Interior defended its trustee role and narrow definition of “historical” accounting, arguing that this was acceptable in light of the high cost of a more complete accounting approach. This paper explores how framing accounting definitions and process can be a powerful tool to control allocations and political advantage, either deepening or resolving centuries long conflicts.

"Incorporating" American Colonialism: Accounting and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act. Steven W. Thornburg and Robin W. Roberts. 2012 (Behavioral Research in Accounting 24 (1): 203-214.)

The authors analyze how the creation of corporations, with Alaska natives as shareholders, that was perceived as an improvement over the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs, ultimately contributed to poverty and conflict among Alaska native tribes.