The following awards were presented to the recipients at the various Section meetings at the AAA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, which was held August 4-8, 2018. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Academy of Accounting Historians Section

2018 Thomas J. Burns Biographical Research Award
Nohora Garcia, National University of Colombia

2017 Best Paper Award for Outstanding Contribution to The Accounting Historians Journal
Frances Miley and Andrew Read, University of Sussex

2018 Barbara D. Merino Award for Excellence in Accounting History Publication
Gary Giroux, Texas A&M University

2018 Margit F. Shoenfeld and Hanns Martin W. Shoenfeld Scholarship in Accounting History
Adriana Silva, University of Minho

2018 Alfred R. Roberts Memorial Research Award
Kendall Bowlin, Jeremy Griffin, Rachna Prakash, University of Mississippi

2018 Innovation in Accounting History Education Award
John Keyser, The Ohio State University

Accounting Information Systems Section

AIS Notable Contributions to the Literature Award
Karthik N. Kannan, Jackie Rees Ulmer, and Tawei (David) Wang
“The Association Between the Disclosure and the Realization of Information Security Risk Factors”

AIS Outstanding Dissertation Award
He Li
“Three Essays on Cybersecurity - Related Issues”

AIS Best Paper Award for the Journal of Information Systems

Andrea S. Kelton, Uday Murthy
"The Effects of Information Disaggregation and Financial Statement Interactivity on Judgments and Decisions of Nonprofessional Investors"

AIS Outstanding Service Award – President

Robin Pennington

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Journal of Information Systems Conference Chair 2018
Pamela J. Schmidt

AIS Outstanding Service Award - AIS Section's Education Committee Chair 2016-2018
Diane Janvrin

AIS Distinguished Service Award - Council Representative 2015-2018
Gregory Gerard

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Reviewer for the Journal of Information Systems
Tawei (David) Wang

Accounting Program Leadership Group Section

APLG Leadership, Initiative and Service Award
Sandra Richtermeyer, President

American Taxation Association Section

ATA/PricewatershouseCoopers Outstanding Tax Dissertation Award
Benjamin P. Yost
“Locked-in: The Effect of CEOs' Capital Gains Taxes on Corporate Rick-Taking”

ATA/Deloitte Teaching Innovation Award

Susan P. Convery, Severin Grabski, and Edmund Outslay, Michigan State University
“Visualizing the Forest for the Trees: Arbor Corporation's Country-by-Country Reporting”

ATA Service Award – President

Benjamin C. Ayers

ATA Outstanding Service Award

Nancy B. Nichols

ATA Outstanding Manuscript Award

Bradley Blaylock
“Is Tax Avoidance Associated with Economically Significant Rent Extraction among US Firms?”

ATA Marty Escoffier Hospitality Award

Lynn Jones
Vice President
2018 ATA Midyear Meeting Chair

Journal of the American Taxation Association  – 2018 Best Discussant Award

Jacob R. Thornock

Journal of the American Taxation Association (2017 - Volume 39) Outstanding Paper Award
Chelsea Rae Austin and Ryan Wilson
“An Examination fo Reputational Costs and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Firms with Valuable Consumer Brands”

Journal of Legal Tax Research – 2018 Outstanding Paper Award
Kerri L. Tassin
“Tax Liability Issues Associated with United States Income Tax Filling Statuses for Married Taxpayers and Proposals for Enhanced Equity”

Auditing Section

Auditing Section Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Karla M. Johnstone, President

Auditing Section Section Annual Meeting Luncheon Keynote Speaker 
Wayne Berson

Auditing  Section Outstanding Service – Secretary
Susan Scholz

Auditing Section Outstanding Service - Historian
Mark H. Taylor

Auditing Section Outstanding Service - Vice President-Practice
Daniel Sunderland

Auditing Section Outstanding Service - Council Representative 2015-2018
Urton Anderson

AUD Section Outstanding Service – 2018 Annual Meeting Program Committee Co-Directors
Sarah Rice, Adi Masli, Monkia Causholli, Chad Stafaniak

Diversity Section

DIV Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Nicole McCoy, President

DIV Section Excellence in Service Aawrd - 2018 Newsletter Editor
Melvin A. Lamboy-Ruiz

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – 2017 Midyear Meeting Co-Chairs
Norma R. Montague and Aisha G. Meeks

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section

FARS Distinguished Service Award
Mark Bradshaw - President-Elect, President, and Past President (2015-2018)

FARS Section Service Award
Alan Jagolinzer, Vice President-Practice

FARS Best Dissertation Award 2018
Ethan Rouen 
“Rethinking Measurement of Pay Disparity and its Relation to Firm Performance”

FARS Best Dissertation Supervision Award 2018
Fabrizio Ferri and Trevor Harris (for co-supervising Ethan Rouen)

FARS Best Paper Award - Journal of Accounting Research
Lawrence Brown, Andrew Call, Michael Clement, and Nathan Sharp
“Inside the Black Box of Sell-Side Financial Analysts”

FARS Best Paper Award - The Accounting Review
Urooj Khan, Bin Li, Shivaram Rajgopal, and Mohan Venkatachalam
"Do the FASB's Standards Add Sharholder Value?"

FARS Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award 2018
Eddy Cardinaels, Stephan Hollander, and Brian White
“Automatic Summarization of Corporate Disclosures”

FARS Outstanding Service – 2018 National Meeting Co-Coordinators
Lian Fen Lee and George Serafeim

FARS Outstanding Service – 2016-2018 FARS Steering Board
Nick Seybert and Sarah Zechman

FARS Lifetime Achievement Award - 2018
Richard Sloan

FARS Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award - 2018
Mahendra Gujarathi

FARS Outstanding Service Award – Webmaster
Richard Price

Forensic Accounting Section

FA Dissertation Award 2018
Ashley A. Austin
“Investigating Auditors' Attention to Fraud during Evidence Evaluation to Improve Auditors' Responses to Fraud Risks”

FA Teaching Innovation Award 2018
Mahendra R. Gujarathi and Amitabh Dugar
“Toshiba's Creative Accounting for Construction Contracts”

FA Research Paper Award 2018
Marcus Dean Odom and Joseph C. Urgrin
“Does Viewing Sacrificed Integrity as a Negotiable Cost Promote Acceptance of Fraud?”

Gender Issues/Worklife Balance Section

GIWB 2018 KPMG Mentoring Award
Dr. Arundhati Rao
Dr. Anita Reed

GIWB 2018 KPMG Outstanding Dissertation Award
Dr. Gwendolyn Parrish Meador
“Ethical Decision-Making Accounting Competencies: Practitioners' Perspectives”

GIWB 2018 KPMG Best Paper Award
Wei-Chuan Lao and Yun-Shen Chen
“The Relation between Female Board Directors and Readability of Corporate Social Responsibility Report: An Empirical Analysis of Listed Firms in United Kingdom ”

GIWB 2018 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award
Dr. Wayne Tervo
Dr. L. Murphy Smith
Jennifer Axtell

GIWB Outstanding Service Award – President
Dr. Marsha Huber

Government and Nonprofit Section

GNP Distinguished Service Award
Kathryn Jervis, President 2017-2018

GNP 2018 Enduring Lifetime Contribution Award
Marc Rubin 

GNP 2018 Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
Huilan Zhang, Hassan Hassab Elnaby, and Amal Said
“Analyzing the Simultaneous Relationship between Lean Implementation and Managerial Ability - Evidence from the Healthcare Industry”

GNP 2018 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Yulianti Abbas
“Municipalities Disclosure: Current Practices and Value Relevance in the Municipal Market”

International Accounting Section

IAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service
Christopher J. Skousen, President 2017-2018

IAS 2018 Ian Hague Award for Outstanding Service to the Section
Ajay Adhikari

IAS 2018 Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award
Jenelle K. Conaway
“Has Global Financial Reporting Comparability Improved?”

IAS 2018 Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award
Elizabeth Gordon

IAS 2018 Annual Meeting Program Co-Chairs
Siva Nathan and Minna Yu

IAS 2018 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Paper Award
Hong K. Duong, Helen Kang, Stephen B. Salter
"National Culture and Corporate Governance"  Volume 15, No. 3

IAS 2018 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Reviewer Award
Theresa Libby, Dechun Wang, Mark (Shuai) Ma

Management Accounting Section

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018
Eunhee Kim
“The Market for Reputation: Repeated Matching and Career Concerns”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018 – Supervision
Jonathan Glover and Carlos Corona for supervising Eunhee Kim

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018 – Runner Up
Henry Eyring
“Disclosing Physician Ratings: Performance Effects and the Difficulty of Altering Ratings Consensus”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018 – Supervision (Runner Up)
Dennis Campbell for supervising Henry Eyring

MAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award

Shane S. Dikolli, President 2017-2018

MAS 2018 AAA Annual Meeting Outstanding Management Accounting Paper Award
Arthur Morris
“The Relationships Between Risky Projects, Convex Compensation, and Project Selection: Evidence form the War on Terror”

MAS 2018 Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award
Shane S. Dikolli, William J. Mayhew, and Dhananjay Nanda
“CEO tenure and the performance-turnover relation”

MAS and IMA Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education 2018
Gail Hoover King, Kimberly Swanson Church, and Kelvie Crabb

MAS with CGMA, AICPA and CIMA – 2018 Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting
Henry Friedman

Public Interest Section

Distinguished Service Award - 2018
Amy Hageman
Michael Kraten

Accounting Exemplar Award - 2018
Robin W. Roberts 

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 23rd Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Research Award
Hong Kim Duong, Marco Fasan, Giorgio Gotti
“Living Up to Your Codes? Corporate Codes of Ethics and the Implied Cost of Capital”

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 23rd Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Contribution to Teaching Award
John E. Simms
“Teaching Accounting Ethics Using Ex Corde Ecclesiae” 

Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section

SET Distinguished Service Award 2018
Rob Nehmer, President 2017-2018

SET Outstanding Researcher Award 2018
Srinivasan Ragothaman

SET Outstanding Dissertation Award 2018
Deniz Appelbaum
“Public Auditing, Analytics, and Big Data in the Modern Economy”

SET Outstanding Educator Award 2018
Brigitte Muehlmann

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Natalie Churyk - President (2016-2018)

TLC Leadership and Service Award 2018
Cassy Budd - Vice President-Academic

TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award 2018
Raef Lawson, Karen Pincus, James Sorensen, Kevin Stocks, and David Stout
“Forces for change in higher education and implications for the accounting academy”

TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2018
Gary Pan and Poh-Sun Seow
“Using Online Tutorial to Teach REA Data Modeling in Accounting Information Systems Courses”

Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2018
Melissa P. Larson, Troy K. Lewis, and Brian C. Spilker
“A Case Integrating Financial and Tax Accounting Using the Balance Sheet Approach to Account for Income Taxes"

TLC Hall of Honor Award 2018
Tim Fogarty

Two Year College Section

TYC Lifetime Achievement Award 2018
Sheila Ammons

TYC Two-Year College Educator of the Year Award 2017-2018
Robyn Barrett 

TYC Section Leadership Award
Sidney Askew - President (2016-2018)

The following awards were presented to the recipients at the various Section meetings at the AAA Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, which was held August 4-8, 2018. Congratulations to all of the winners!

Academy of Accounting Historians Section

2018 Thomas J. Burns Biographical Research Award
Nohora Garcia, National University of Colombia

2017 Best Paper Award for Outstanding Contribution to The Accounting Historians Journal
Frances Miley and Andrew Read, University of Sussex

2018 Barbara D. Merino Award for Excellence in Accounting History Publication
Gary Giroux, Texas A&M University

2018 Margit F. Shoenfeld and Hanns Martin W. Shoenfeld Scholarship in Accounting History
Adriana Silva, University of Minho

2018 Alfred R. Roberts Memorial Research Award
Kendall Bowlin, Jeremy Griffin, Rachna Prakash, University of Mississippi

2018 Innovation in Accounting History Education Award
John Keyser, The Ohio State University

Accounting Information Systems Section

AIS Notable Contributions to the Literature Award
Karthik N. Kannan, Jackie Rees Ulmer, and Tawei (David) Wang
“The Association Between the Disclosure and the Realization of Information Security Risk Factors”

AIS Outstanding Dissertation Award
He Li
“Three Essays on Cybersecurity - Related Issues”

AIS Best Paper Award for the Journal of Information Systems

Andrea S. Kelton, Uday Murthy
"The Effects of Information Disaggregation and Financial Statement Interactivity on Judgments and Decisions of Nonprofessional Investors"

AIS Outstanding Service Award – President

Robin Pennington

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Journal of Information Systems Conference Chair 2018
Pamela J. Schmidt

AIS Outstanding Service Award - AIS Section's Education Committee Chair 2016-2018
Diane Janvrin

AIS Distinguished Service Award - Council Representative 2015-2018
Gregory Gerard

AIS Outstanding Service Award – Reviewer for the Journal of Information Systems
Tawei (David) Wang

Accounting Program Leadership Group Section

APLG Leadership, Initiative and Service Award
Sandra Richtermeyer, President

American Taxation Association Section

ATA/PricewatershouseCoopers Outstanding Tax Dissertation Award
Benjamin P. Yost
“Locked-in: The Effect of CEOs' Capital Gains Taxes on Corporate Rick-Taking”

ATA/Deloitte Teaching Innovation Award

Susan P. Convery, Severin Grabski, and Edmund Outslay, Michigan State University
“Visualizing the Forest for the Trees: Arbor Corporation's Country-by-Country Reporting”

ATA Service Award – President

Benjamin C. Ayers

ATA Outstanding Service Award

Nancy B. Nichols

ATA Outstanding Manuscript Award

Bradley Blaylock
“Is Tax Avoidance Associated with Economically Significant Rent Extraction among US Firms?”

ATA Marty Escoffier Hospitality Award

Lynn Jones
Vice President
2018 ATA Midyear Meeting Chair

Journal of the American Taxation Association  – 2018 Best Discussant Award

Jacob R. Thornock

Journal of the American Taxation Association (2017 - Volume 39) Outstanding Paper Award
Chelsea Rae Austin and Ryan Wilson
“An Examination fo Reputational Costs and Tax Avoidance: Evidence from Firms with Valuable Consumer Brands”

Journal of Legal Tax Research – 2018 Outstanding Paper Award
Kerri L. Tassin
“Tax Liability Issues Associated with United States Income Tax Filling Statuses for Married Taxpayers and Proposals for Enhanced Equity”

Auditing Section

Auditing Section Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Karla M. Johnstone, President

Auditing Section Section Annual Meeting Luncheon Keynote Speaker 
Wayne Berson

Auditing  Section Outstanding Service – Secretary
Susan Scholz

Auditing Section Outstanding Service - Historian
Mark H. Taylor

Auditing Section Outstanding Service - Vice President-Practice
Daniel Sunderland

Auditing Section Outstanding Service - Council Representative 2015-2018
Urton Anderson

AUD Section Outstanding Service – 2018 Annual Meeting Program Committee Co-Directors
Sarah Rice, Adi Masli, Monkia Causholli, Chad Stafaniak

Diversity Section

DIV Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award
Nicole McCoy, President

DIV Section Excellence in Service Aawrd - 2018 Newsletter Editor
Melvin A. Lamboy-Ruiz

DIV Section Excellence in Service Award – 2017 Midyear Meeting Co-Chairs
Norma R. Montague and Aisha G. Meeks

Financial Accounting and Reporting Section

FARS Distinguished Service Award
Mark Bradshaw - President-Elect, President, and Past President (2015-2018)

FARS Section Service Award
Alan Jagolinzer, Vice President-Practice

FARS Best Dissertation Award 2018
Ethan Rouen 
“Rethinking Measurement of Pay Disparity and its Relation to Firm Performance”

FARS Best Dissertation Supervision Award 2018
Fabrizio Ferri and Trevor Harris (for co-supervising Ethan Rouen)

FARS Best Paper Award - Journal of Accounting Research
Lawrence Brown, Andrew Call, Michael Clement, and Nathan Sharp
“Inside the Black Box of Sell-Side Financial Analysts”

FARS Best Paper Award - The Accounting Review
Urooj Khan, Bin Li, Shivaram Rajgopal, and Mohan Venkatachalam
"Do the FASB's Standards Add Sharholder Value?"

FARS Midyear Meeting Best Paper Award 2018
Eddy Cardinaels, Stephan Hollander, and Brian White
“Automatic Summarization of Corporate Disclosures”

FARS Outstanding Service – 2018 National Meeting Co-Coordinators
Lian Fen Lee and George Serafeim

FARS Outstanding Service – 2016-2018 FARS Steering Board
Nick Seybert and Sarah Zechman

FARS Lifetime Achievement Award - 2018
Richard Sloan

FARS Innovation in Financial Accounting Education Award - 2018
Mahendra Gujarathi

FARS Outstanding Service Award – Webmaster
Richard Price

Forensic Accounting Section

FA Dissertation Award 2018
Ashley A. Austin
“Investigating Auditors' Attention to Fraud during Evidence Evaluation to Improve Auditors' Responses to Fraud Risks”

FA Teaching Innovation Award 2018
Mahendra R. Gujarathi and Amitabh Dugar
“Toshiba's Creative Accounting for Construction Contracts”

FA Research Paper Award 2018
Marcus Dean Odom and Joseph C. Urgrin
“Does Viewing Sacrificed Integrity as a Negotiable Cost Promote Acceptance of Fraud?”

Gender Issues/Worklife Balance Section

GIWB 2018 KPMG Mentoring Award
Dr. Arundhati Rao
Dr. Anita Reed

GIWB 2018 KPMG Outstanding Dissertation Award
Dr. Gwendolyn Parrish Meador
“Ethical Decision-Making Accounting Competencies: Practitioners' Perspectives”

GIWB 2018 KPMG Best Paper Award
Wei-Chuan Lao and Yun-Shen Chen
“The Relation between Female Board Directors and Readability of Corporate Social Responsibility Report: An Empirical Analysis of Listed Firms in United Kingdom ”

GIWB 2018 KPMG Outstanding Published Manuscript Award
Dr. Wayne Tervo
Dr. L. Murphy Smith
Jennifer Axtell

GIWB Outstanding Service Award – President
Dr. Marsha Huber

Government and Nonprofit Section

GNP Distinguished Service Award
Kathryn Jervis, President 2017-2018

GNP 2018 Enduring Lifetime Contribution Award
Marc Rubin 

GNP 2018 Annual Meeting Best Paper Award
Huilan Zhang, Hassan Hassab Elnaby, and Amal Said
“Analyzing the Simultaneous Relationship between Lean Implementation and Managerial Ability - Evidence from the Healthcare Industry”

GNP 2018 Outstanding Dissertation Award
Yulianti Abbas
“Municipalities Disclosure: Current Practices and Value Relevance in the Municipal Market”

International Accounting Section

IAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service
Christopher J. Skousen, President 2017-2018

IAS 2018 Ian Hague Award for Outstanding Service to the Section
Ajay Adhikari

IAS 2018 Outstanding International Accounting Dissertation Award
Jenelle K. Conaway
“Has Global Financial Reporting Comparability Improved?”

IAS 2018 Outstanding International Accounting Educator Award
Elizabeth Gordon

IAS 2018 Annual Meeting Program Co-Chairs
Siva Nathan and Minna Yu

IAS 2018 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Paper Award
Hong K. Duong, Helen Kang, Stephen B. Salter
"National Culture and Corporate Governance"  Volume 15, No. 3

IAS 2018 Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) Best Reviewer Award
Theresa Libby, Dechun Wang, Mark (Shuai) Ma

Management Accounting Section

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018
Eunhee Kim
“The Market for Reputation: Repeated Matching and Career Concerns”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018 – Supervision
Jonathan Glover and Carlos Corona for supervising Eunhee Kim

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018 – Runner Up
Henry Eyring
“Disclosing Physician Ratings: Performance Effects and the Difficulty of Altering Ratings Consensus”

MAS and IMA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award 2018 – Supervision (Runner Up)
Dennis Campbell for supervising Henry Eyring

MAS Leadership, Initiative, and Service Award

Shane S. Dikolli, President 2017-2018

MAS 2018 AAA Annual Meeting Outstanding Management Accounting Paper Award
Arthur Morris
“The Relationships Between Risky Projects, Convex Compensation, and Project Selection: Evidence form the War on Terror”

MAS 2018 Notable Contribution to Management Accounting Literature Award
Shane S. Dikolli, William J. Mayhew, and Dhananjay Nanda
“CEO tenure and the performance-turnover relation”

MAS and IMA Jim Bulloch Award for Innovations in Management Accounting Education 2018
Gail Hoover King, Kimberly Swanson Church, and Kelvie Crabb

MAS with CGMA, AICPA and CIMA – 2018 Best Early Career Researcher in Management Accounting
Henry Friedman

Public Interest Section

Distinguished Service Award - 2018
Amy Hageman
Michael Kraten

Accounting Exemplar Award - 2018
Robin W. Roberts 

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 23rd Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Research Award
Hong Kim Duong, Marco Fasan, Giorgio Gotti
“Living Up to Your Codes? Corporate Codes of Ethics and the Implied Cost of Capital”

Professionalism and Ethics Committee and PI Section – 23rd Annual Ethics Research Symposium: Best Contribution to Teaching Award
John E. Simms
“Teaching Accounting Ethics Using Ex Corde Ecclesiae” 

Strategic and Emerging Technologies Section

SET Distinguished Service Award 2018
Rob Nehmer, President 2017-2018

SET Outstanding Researcher Award 2018
Srinivasan Ragothaman

SET Outstanding Dissertation Award 2018
Deniz Appelbaum
“Public Auditing, Analytics, and Big Data in the Modern Economy”

SET Outstanding Educator Award 2018
Brigitte Muehlmann

Teaching, Learning and Curriculum Section

TLC Leadership and Service Award
Natalie Churyk - President (2016-2018)

TLC Leadership and Service Award 2018
Cassy Budd - Vice President-Academic

TLC Outstanding Accounting Education Research Award 2018
Raef Lawson, Karen Pincus, James Sorensen, Kevin Stocks, and David Stout
“Forces for change in higher education and implications for the accounting academy”

TLC Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2018
Gary Pan and Poh-Sun Seow
“Using Online Tutorial to Teach REA Data Modeling in Accounting Information Systems Courses”

Honorable Mention for the Outstanding Instructional Contribution in Accounting 2018
Melissa P. Larson, Troy K. Lewis, and Brian C. Spilker
“A Case Integrating Financial and Tax Accounting Using the Balance Sheet Approach to Account for Income Taxes"

TLC Hall of Honor Award 2018
Tim Fogarty

Two Year College Section

TYC Lifetime Achievement Award 2018
Sheila Ammons

TYC Two-Year College Educator of the Year Award 2017-2018
Robyn Barrett 

TYC Section Leadership Award
Sidney Askew - President (2016-2018)