The Two-Year College
Lifetime Achievement in Accounting Education Award

The Lifetime Achievement in Accounting Education Award of the Two-Year Section of the American Accounting Association is designed to recognize full-time college accounting educators who have distinguished themselves for excellence in teaching and for involvement in the accounting profession. The award extends profession-wide recognition to the recipient and promotes role models in academe.

A committee of the Two-Year Section of the American Accounting Association will review the nominations and select the recipient. The award will be presented at the annual meeting of the American Accounting Association.

The committee will assess each nominee considering the following qualifications. The criteria listed under each qualification will be used as guidelines by the committee in determining the nominee's eligibility for the award.

  1. Length of Teaching Career. A past or current full-time accounting educator at a two-year college having a teaching career of at least 20 years. Ten of the twenty years of teaching must have been at a two-year college.
  2. Excellence in Classroom Teaching and Motivating Students:
    1. Demonstration of Innovative Teaching Methods: documented by the nominee's administration, chair, or the nominee.
    2. Curriculum Development: documented by the nominee's administration, chair, or the nominee.
    3. Student/Faculty Relations: serving as a mentor, advisor to the Accounting Club, advising students, etc.
    4. Recommendations from the nominee's colleagues, former students, etc.
    5. Service to the Department and /or College: serving on department and/or college committees, i.e. curriculum committee, etc.
  3. Contribution to the Accounting Profession and Participation in Scholarly Activities:
    1. Participation in professional accounting organizations, i.e. AICPA, AAA, State CPA societies.
    2. Participation and attendance at seminars, symposia, short courses, and workshops.
    3. Scholarly and professional publications.
    4. Involvement in civic activities.

Nomination Process and Application Procedure
Nominations can be made by anyone who has knowledge of the nominee's background relevant to the eligibility requirements. Self-nominations will not be accepted. The deadline for nominations is April 18, 2015.

Each nomination must consist of the following:

(1) the nominator’s name and address and the name and college/university affiliation of the nominee,
(2) a statement by the nominator supporting his/her nomination detailing how the nominee meets the eligibility requirements, 
(3) the nominee's curriculum vitae, and 
(4) other submissions to support the eligibility requirements of the award as outlined above.

A nominee who is currently involved in administration or research is still eligible for the award as long as he/she has met the 20 year teaching requirement.

The nominee need not be a CPA or hold a doctoral degree.

Nominees who are not selected for the award can remain eligible for selection in the future, provided that they still meet the selection criteria and updated biographical data is submitted. In any given year there may be no recipient, one recipient, or more than one recipient.

The Deadline for Submissions is April 18, 2015.

Submissions must be made electronically. Attach a Microsoft® Word file to an email and send to with "TYC Lifetime Achievement Award" in the subject line.