on Accounting Research and Education
We are pleased to announce this is being offered – with free CPE – as an exclusive benefit to AAA Members.
Upcoming webinars and recordings of prior webinars are described below. Come join in a chance to be together, and work together, when it’s hard to get together.
Feb. 25, 2022 11:30 am Eastern
Opening Accounting: Expanding Topics, Methods, and Perspectives
Moderator: Kirsten Cook, Texas Tech University
Presenter: Diane-Laure Arjaliès, Western University
Presenter: Charles Cho, York University
Presenter: Stewart Smyth, University of Birmingham
Presenter: Andrea Romi, Texas Tech University
CPE Information (click here)
AAA members are eligible to receive CPE credit for this event. To receive the Certificate of Completion for CPE credit for this meeting, please follow these important steps:
1. Verify your attendance by responding to the poll
questions posted periodically during the event.
2. Complete the interactive CPE
Verification Online Form and save it to your
3. Email the completed form to cpe@aaahq.org.
If you prefer, you can
print the form, complete it manually, and mail
American Accounting Association
9009 Town Center Parkway, Lakewood Ranch, FL
Fax to 941-923-4093
Please allow 4-6 weeks for verification and
processing of your credit hours.
Once complete, you will receive your Certificate of
Completion via email.
If you are having trouble with the online interactive
form, please note:
- Mac users will need to open the document in Acrobat Reader (not Mac's Preview).
- You may need to upgrade your version of Acrobat Reader. Click Here to upgrade.
Questions can be directed to Stephanie Glaser, stephanie@aaahq.org or 941-556-4114.
NOTE: State boards of accountancy and
other credentialing organizations maintain specific CPE
policies and have final authority on the acceptance of
individual courses for CPE credit. Each meeting
attendee is responsible for staying current on the CPE
policies of his/her credentialing bodies.
Opening Accounting: Expanding Topics, Methods, and Perspectives
We gratefully acknowledge the Diversity, Gender Issues and Worklife Balance, and Public Interest sections for their sponsorship of this webinar.
This weARE webinar will communicate “open accounting” to AAA members and promote research topics and methods that rarely appear in US journals. Many AAA members have a wealth of lived experiences and professional and personal connections that could inform rich scholarship on a variety of topics, but many of us have not been exposed to these topics and methods in our doctoral programs or in reading the journals that typically “count” for tenure and promotion in the US. Presenters will share opportunities to not only engage in these types of research, but also to publish this work in outlets that AAA members previously may not have considered (or even known exist!).
Prior to the webinar, we encourage attendees to read the Opening Accounting Manifesto and/or watch the associated video. This Manifesto emanates from our collective desire to speak out and stand up for those voices our scholarship system has systematically silenced. We wish to highlight and honor all who have been marginalized and sidelined, who are often ignored or overlooked. We implore the accounting academic community to expand its focus to issues of significant importance, recognizing inequities and our complacency, or worse, our perpetuation of said oppression. We want to support, co-struggle with, develop community accountability for, and create a prominent space for the voices of those individuals who do not identify with the White, middle-class, able-bodied, Westernized-educated, heteronormative hegemony saturating academic publications. We hope our academic activism will facilitate the publication and active listening for viewpoints that the dominant forms of power have methodically subjugated. We do not suggest that this Manifesto is exhaustive, nor that we discussed each area thoroughly. We can only hope that those reading this Manifesto will contribute in ways that we have not directly imagined or described. What we offer is only an initial starting point for a much deeper, representative, ambitious, and reflective path forward.
Learning Objectives:
To learn about new research topics, methods, and perspectives for accounting academics.
CPE Information: Regulatory Ethics, 1.2CH
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: Prior to the webinar, we encourage attendees to read the Opening Accounting Manifesto and/or watch the associated video.
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
Refunds and Cancellations: This is a no cost event; refunds and cancellations are not necessary.
Log In to view this webinar
To be awarded the full credit hours, you must register your attendance by responding to the polling questions posted periodically during the event. Full instructions on applying for CPE credit can be found to the left under "CPE Information."
For comments and concerns, please contact the AAA Office at (941) 921-7747 or email us at info@aaahq.org
American Accounting Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org
Opening Accounting: Expanding Topics, Methods, and Perspectives
We gratefully acknowledge the Diversity, Gender Issues and Worklife Balance, and Public Interest sections for their sponsorship of this webinar.
This weARE webinar will communicate “open accounting” to AAA members and promote research topics and methods that rarely appear in US journals. Many AAA members have a wealth of lived experiences and professional and personal connections that could inform rich scholarship on a variety of topics, but many of us have not been exposed to these topics and methods in our doctoral programs or in reading the journals that typically “count” for tenure and promotion in the US. Presenters will share opportunities to not only engage in these types of research, but also to publish this work in outlets that AAA members previously may not have considered (or even known exist!).
Prior to the webinar, we encourage attendees to read the Opening Accounting Manifesto and/or watch the associated video. This Manifesto emanates from our collective desire to speak out and stand up for those voices our scholarship system has systematically silenced. We wish to highlight and honor all who have been marginalized and sidelined, who are often ignored or overlooked. We implore the accounting academic community to expand its focus to issues of significant importance, recognizing inequities and our complacency, or worse, our perpetuation of said oppression. We want to support, co-struggle with, develop community accountability for, and create a prominent space for the voices of those individuals who do not identify with the White, middle-class, able-bodied, Westernized-educated, heteronormative hegemony saturating academic publications. We hope our academic activism will facilitate the publication and active listening for viewpoints that the dominant forms of power have methodically subjugated. We do not suggest that this Manifesto is exhaustive, nor that we discussed each area thoroughly. We can only hope that those reading this Manifesto will contribute in ways that we have not directly imagined or described. What we offer is only an initial starting point for a much deeper, representative, ambitious, and reflective path forward.
Learning Objectives:
To learn about new research topics, methods, and perspectives for accounting academics.
CPE Information: Regulatory Ethics, 1.2CH
Program Level: Basic
Prerequisites: None
Advance Preparation: Prior to the webinar, we encourage attendees to read the Opening Accounting Manifesto and/or watch the associated video.
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
Refunds and Cancellations: This is a no cost event; refunds and cancellations are not necessary.
Click here to view resources shared in the chat during this webinar
Note: You will be asked for your AAA member number when registering. Click here if you need to look up your login information.
To be awarded the full credit hours, you must register your attendance by responding to the polling questions posted periodically during the event. Full instructions on applying for CPE credit can be found to the left under "CPE Information."
For comments and concerns, please contact the AAA Office at (941) 921-7747 or email us at info@aaahq.org
American Accounting Association is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org