Lessons Learned from Teaching Graduate Auditing Courses

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Day & Time of Webinar
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 2:00 pm EDT (11:00 am PDT)

Webinar Description
The content and format of graduate auditing courses vary widely from instructor to instructor. This latitude provides individual instructors the freedom to incorporate new and creative approaches into their courses. Just in time for the upcoming academic year, tune in to learn how these instructors engage, educate, and assess their graduate auditing students.

Presenter: Pennie Bagley, Appalachian State University
Presenter: Anindita Roy Bardhan, University of Texas, Dallas
Chad Stefaniak, University of South Carolina

CPE Information
Field of Study: Auditing
Credit: 1.2 Credit Hours
Instructional Delivery Method: Group Internet Based Program
Program Level: Overview

Learning Objectives
•Hear examples of student engagement techniques
•Learn how these colleagues structure a typical graduate auditing class
•Receive ideas on student projects

Prerequisites/Additional Information


No fee for the webinar. For more information regarding refunds, complaints and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at                             (941)-921-7747 

For more information regarding this webinar, please contact Marsha Keune at mkeune1@udayton.edu

Register Here!

Bio of the Presenters:

Pennie Bagley is an Associate Professor in Accounting at Appalachian State University. Her primary teaching interests are in the audit field, Pennie has taught both undergraduate and graduate auditing for many years at both Texas Tech University and Appalachian State University.  She is interested primarily in auditing research, with a particular interest in accountability, affect, and audit education. Pennie's research has been published in journals such as Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting Horizons, and Issues in Accounting Education. When not at work, Pennie enjoys spending time with her husband and her two children. 



Anindita Roy Bardhan is a Senior Lecturer in the Accounting Department at University of Texas at Dallas, where she currently teaches Advanced External Audit as a core course to graduate students in MS (A) program and Healthcare Accounting as a core course to undergraduate students in the Healthcare Management program. She recently developed an exercise for Physical Count of Inventory for her graduate course, which she will be presenting in the “Effective Learning Strategies” part of the Annual Conference of AAA, in August 2018. Prior to her academic career, her experience includes Public Accounting with PwC (India and US), Internal Audit Consulting and Corporate accounting in the Healthcare industry. She has a MBA with a major in Accounting from Bentley University, MA and a CPA license in the State of Texas.  Anindita currently lives in Plano, TX with her husband and their teenage daughter and son. 



Chad Stefaniak is an associate professor and Cramer Research Fellow at the University of South Carolina. His teaching interests and experience include both auditing and accounting information systems. He currently teaches solely in the MACC program at the University of South Carolina (an IT audit course and a research and communications class). His research focuses on examining the judgments and decisions made by auditors; specifically, improving audit quality, auditor ethics, and auditor-client negotiations. He has published research manuscripts in various journals, including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting Horizons, and Behavioral Research in Accounting. Dr. Stefaniak received his B.S.B.A. from Central Michigan University (2002), and his MACC (2003) and Ph.D. (2009) from the University of Alabama. He is also a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the state of Michigan.



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Registration Coming Soon!

Lessons Learned from Teaching Graduate Auditing Courses

Register Here!

Day & Time of Webinar
Tuesday, June 19, 2018 at 2:00 pm EDT (11:00 am PDT)

Webinar Description
The content and format of graduate auditing courses vary widely from instructor to instructor. This latitude provides individual instructors the freedom to incorporate new and creative approaches into their courses. Just in time for the upcoming academic year, tune in to learn how these instructors engage, educate, and assess their graduate auditing students.

Presenter: Pennie Bagley, Appalachian State University
Presenter: Anindita Roy Bardhan, University of Texas, Dallas
Chad Stefaniak, University of South Carolina

CPE Information
Field of Study: Auditing
Credit: 1.2 Credit Hours
Instructional Delivery Method: Group Internet Based Program
Program Level: Overview

Learning Objectives
•Hear examples of student engagement techniques
•Learn how these colleagues structure a typical graduate auditing class
•Receive ideas on student projects

Prerequisites/Additional Information


No fee for the webinar. For more information regarding refunds, complaints and program cancellation policies, please contact our offices at                             (941)-921-7747 

For more information regarding this webinar, please contact Marsha Keune at mkeune1@udayton.edu

Register Here!

Bio of the Presenters:

Pennie Bagley is an Associate Professor in Accounting at Appalachian State University. Her primary teaching interests are in the audit field, Pennie has taught both undergraduate and graduate auditing for many years at both Texas Tech University and Appalachian State University.  She is interested primarily in auditing research, with a particular interest in accountability, affect, and audit education. Pennie's research has been published in journals such as Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting Horizons, and Issues in Accounting Education. When not at work, Pennie enjoys spending time with her husband and her two children. 



Anindita Roy Bardhan is a Senior Lecturer in the Accounting Department at University of Texas at Dallas, where she currently teaches Advanced External Audit as a core course to graduate students in MS (A) program and Healthcare Accounting as a core course to undergraduate students in the Healthcare Management program. She recently developed an exercise for Physical Count of Inventory for her graduate course, which she will be presenting in the “Effective Learning Strategies” part of the Annual Conference of AAA, in August 2018. Prior to her academic career, her experience includes Public Accounting with PwC (India and US), Internal Audit Consulting and Corporate accounting in the Healthcare industry. She has a MBA with a major in Accounting from Bentley University, MA and a CPA license in the State of Texas.  Anindita currently lives in Plano, TX with her husband and their teenage daughter and son. 



Chad Stefaniak is an associate professor and Cramer Research Fellow at the University of South Carolina. His teaching interests and experience include both auditing and accounting information systems. He currently teaches solely in the MACC program at the University of South Carolina (an IT audit course and a research and communications class). His research focuses on examining the judgments and decisions made by auditors; specifically, improving audit quality, auditor ethics, and auditor-client negotiations. He has published research manuscripts in various journals, including The Accounting Review, Contemporary Accounting Research, Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory, Accounting Horizons, and Behavioral Research in Accounting. Dr. Stefaniak received his B.S.B.A. from Central Michigan University (2002), and his MACC (2003) and Ph.D. (2009) from the University of Alabama. He is also a licensed Certified Public Accountant (CPA) in the state of Michigan.



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