• National Pilot Region Speaker

    Who is Accountable for the National Debt?

    The USA's National Debt has long been a matter of growing concern, but we will soon reach a point where government must stop playing political football with the issue, and take action to save our future.

    Paul Stebbins, former Chairman and CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and the Campaign to Fix the Debt, are working to inform and mobilize citizens to help effect change in Washington. Join Paul for a discussion about who is accountable for the National Debt...and how accounting can help us fix it.

  • Speakers

    Mary Barth AAA Past President
    Building a Bridge to Our Future

    Gail Hoover King, Purdue University Calumet
    Building an Accounting Curriculum, an Examination of Knowledge, Pedagogy and Technology: An Update from Pathways

    Peter Hughes, Director of Internal Audit, Orange County CA
    The Future of Government Auditing and Accounting

  • Sharpen Your Teaching Skills

    How Master Teachers uses research tools in their classes

    Bridging the Gap between Two-Year Colleges and the University

    Teaching with Technology

    Writing and Grading Assessment Materials

    Practical Ethics

  • CTLA Sessions

    Accounting for the National Debt in the Classroom

    Taking Control of Online Education

    Raising the Bar on Student Learning

    What Firms that Hire Our Students Want

    How IT Fits? Information Technology in the Accounting Curriculum

  • Celebrating Our Past and Shaping Our Future:
    The Next 50 Years


Call for Volunteers

Please consider volunteering to support the 2015 Western Region Meeting in one or more of the following capacities:

Paper/Case Submission Reviewer (for Paper and Dialogue Sessions)
The first and most important decision that the Paper/Case Submission Reviewer must make is whether or not the work is sufficiently advanced to be accepted for the meeting. Additionally, the reviewer is encouraged to provide supplemental comments explaining that choice, and indicating the state of advancement of the paper - whether it is a near-completed work, or if it is in a state of needed development. This information will help the submitting author with his/her development of the work, and, if it is to be accepted, it will assist the Paper Chair in deciding the best possible session in which to include the submission for presentation.

Paper Session Moderator
The Moderator will have logistical responsibilities during the Paper Session, keeping the agreed upon time schedule for each paper presentation and discussion, as well as ensuring the session starts and ends punctually.

Paper Session Discussant
The Discussant will be responsible for preparing paper feedback and presenting the feedback immediately following the presentation made by the paper's author. The discussant will have approximately 10-15 minutes.

Dialogue Facilitator for Dialogues Session
The Dialogue Facilitator has both logistical and facilitator responsibilities. Logistics include communicating with all of the session's presenters before the meeting to make sure that all presenters share developmental questions about their own works with each other, read each others' papers, and make notes on each others' work for discussion. The Dialogue Facilitator uses the author-submitted questions, as well as his/her own notes regarding each paper, to promote discussion. Also the Dialogue Facilitator must keep the agreed upon time schedule for each paper and ensure the session starts and ends punctually.